Bullies: Obama Administration Summons NRA to White House

Wait you want Obama to hang his hat on the 14th? :lol:

Pretty prickly point when you are trying to open the door to what a citizen is.

It would seem that a state attempting to restrict guns is more at risk of running afoul.

saveliberty, slow down. I agree with you that a state trying to restrict is in the same leaky boat as a state trying to expand regarding firearms.

This will be decided on the federal level because of Miller and Heller.

The Heller opinion goes on forever and a day, but what I got out of it was SCOTUS was going stright down the line on verbage and common meanings. It was pretty restrictive on any interpretation which banned a gun. It also wasn't the question in front of the court, so who knows for sure.
That's the whole point. If the regulators can push through a bill in Congress, the only two people in America who will have the final say will be Roberts and Scalia.
That's the whole point. If the regulators can push through a bill in Congress, the only two people in America who will have the final say will be Roberts and Scalia.

Congress will not pass anything remotely like that. Just Obama tilitng at windmills.
That's the whole point. If the regulators can push through a bill in Congress, the only two people in America who will have the final say will be Roberts and Scalia.

Congress will not pass anything remotely like that. Just Obama tilitng at windmills.

Perhaps. Let another New Town happen, and the great majority of the country will rise up for regulation of certain firermas and accessories and for suppression of the "gun nuts". It will be McCarthyism in reverse.
by Ben Shapiro
8 Jan 2013

Vice President Joe Biden, who is heading up the President’s task force on gun control proposals, announced Tuesday that he would be meeting this week with the National Rifle Association, among other groups.

And his timing is just a bit suspect; the day before meeting with the NRA, Biden will be meeting with gun control organizations and shooting victims. Presumably, his welcome for the NRA will be somewhat less hearty.

The NRA, under heavy public pressure thanks to the White House’s bully tactics after the Sandy Hook massacre, said it would visit the White House to “hear what they have to say.”

This is all a dog and pony show, of course. The Washington Post has already reported that the administration wants a broad swath of gun legislation; Democratic Congresspeople proposed eight separate gun bills on the first day of the term; and Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston, who co-chairs Mayors Against Illegal Guns with nanny Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said that Biden promised him action before the end of January.

So why is the NRA visiting? Because the White House has given them no other public relations choice. President Obama has singled the group out for criticism. The White House’s media lackeys, including David Gregory of NBC News, have grilled the NRA, asking them to back off their organization’s stated mission.

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Bullies: Obama Administration Summons NRA to White House

It's a win, win situation for them. They get free publicity and a chance to gain more revenue in the form of memberships and they also get to get their message out to the American people. If the message and purpose is good maybe it will turn out good for the NRA.

Here's another issue; the crappy biased and misleading title on this thread. It seems so adversarial and definitely NOT the whole story.

Here's a sane article on the subject:
"The Obama administration is sitting down with gun owners groups -- including the National Rifle Association -- as officials look at ways to curb gun violence.

Vice President Biden, who is leading an administration-wide review of gun safety laws, has vowed urgent action in the wake of last month's massacre at a Connecticut elementary school.

The meeting with the NRA is one of three Biden has scheduled for Thursday, as he prepares to make recommendations on gun policy by the end of the month. Besides the NRA, Biden and other officials are meeting with sportsmen and wildlife interest groups, as well as people from the entertainment industry.

The NRA, the nation's largest gun-rights group, has blocked gun control efforts in the past and is opposing any new ones."
Biden, NRA set to meet - CBS News
Several states fail to regularly update the FBI 'don't sell' lists with mental health patients and domestic abusers.

The military doesn't regularly update the list of dishonorable discharges, preventing them from purchasing weapons.

Any person who illegally possesses a weapon via a private sale is violating state and federal law. If a domestic abuser buys a gun from a friend, he is violating federal law as he should be on a 'don't sell' list. If a dishonorable discharge has a gun in his possession, he is violating federal law.

Illegal possession is a crime, shit for brains.


Licensed gun dealers are required to check.

Are you not aware of how this works? You go into a gun store, you fill out a form. Your name is checked against a database.

Are you worried that you have flown under the radar?

Your stupidity and obvious ignorance is dangerous.
Incredible... you make some of the most outrageously ignorant and FALSE statements I've ever seen, and then have the BALLS to call saveliberty stupid?

And you wonder why people believe you're here because you're paid to be here to spread leftist propaganda and lies.


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Fucking LIAR.

This idiot obviously has no idea to the fact that different states have differing laws and requirements.

In New York State, Proof of residency and Identification is required before you are even given the ATF form for the Federal check, that if you are purchasing a firearm.
by Jim Hoft
January 10, 2013

In 2008 unions tried to assure Americans that Barack Obama would not take their guns. Great meeting, Joe. After sitting down for a meeting at the White House with Vice President Joe Biden, the NRA blasted the Obama Administration for …


Continue reading →

After White House Meeting – NRA Blasts Biden For Assault on Second Amendment | The Gateway Pundit
To an ultra-wack libertarian, I would look like a far leftist to you.

And you lie: I criticized Obama for not being a leader when he had majorities. Go ahead and post the link so that we can all see your lie. :lol:

No lie.

See, I got ya. You are so stupid. I got on Obama about not pushing through a single payer health care, got on him about not bringing the Iraq troops home more quickly, plus a few other things. I knew you would lie. :lol:

Obama isn't far enough left for you. You're angry he didn't do things that the far left wanted.

See, I told you I condemned BHO about not providing decisive leadership.

I am angry that you fuck ups continued your stupidity to the point he was re-elected.

We could have had run Daffy Duck and won, except for the the hollowness of the hate rhetoric and lying of types like you.

No one here buys your lies. :lol:
Oh, look: Fakey is yet again insisting he didn't say what he said.

There are more than 20,000 gun laws nationwide right now. 20,000 more isn't going to help.

unless they're the right laws.

seems the central database should be more effective, the gun show loophole closed and clips that hold more than 10 rounds done away with for private use.

but that would require thought on your part, so no one expects you to arrive at those conclusions.
Why? You didn't use any thought for your solution. You're just parroting what you've been told to parrot.
A fetus is not spooge.


A fetus is not a person... which is the point that is lost on you.

Also, a practical matter, as long as a fetus is IN a woman, she's going to ultimately decide if it stays or not.
Like I said: People can make themselves believe anything to justify murder.

YOu work on the assumption I care one way or the other. I really don't at this point.

I used to. Back when I was Catholic and Right Wing, I used to care a lot about those poor little fetuses.

As a practical matter, until the Right Wing supports paid family and medical leave, universal health care, and universal family planning education, they are being disingenous.

They don't want to ban abortions. They've always had enough votes on the Supreme Court to ban overturn Roe. There has never been a moment between 1973 and today when Republican Appointees weren't the majority.

They just want to keep stupid people like you mad about it.
No, I just don't think Spooge is a person.
A fetus is not spooge.


A fetus is not a person... which is the point that is lost on you.

Also, a practical matter, as long as a fetus is IN a woman, she's going to ultimately decide if it stays or not.

So how can someone be sued for child-support if all they provide is sperm? Is sperm a person and not a fetus?
A fetus is not spooge.


A fetus is not a person... which is the point that is lost on you.

Also, a practical matter, as long as a fetus is IN a woman, she's going to ultimately decide if it stays or not.

So how can someone be sued for child-support if all they provide is sperm? Is sperm a person and not a fetus?

He can't be sued until the child is actually born. Argument fail.
No lie.

Obama isn't far enough left for you. You're angry he didn't do things that the far left wanted.

See, I told you I condemned BHO about not providing decisive leadership.

I am angry that you fuck ups continued your stupidity to the point he was re-elected.

We could have had run Daffy Duck and won, except for the the hollowness of the hate rhetoric and lying of types like you.

No one here buys your lies. :lol:
Oh, look: Fakey is yet again insisting he didn't say what he said.


Oh, look, daveman lying about whiat I said. daveman is simply davying on.
A fetus is not a person... which is the point that is lost on you.

Also, a practical matter, as long as a fetus is IN a woman, she's going to ultimately decide if it stays or not.
Like I said: People can make themselves believe anything to justify murder.

YOu work on the assumption I care one way or the other. I really don't at this point.

I used to. Back when I was Catholic and Right Wing, I used to care a lot about those poor little fetuses.

As a practical matter, until the Right Wing supports paid family and medical leave, universal health care, and universal family planning education, they are being disingenous.

They don't want to ban abortions. They've always had enough votes on the Supreme Court to ban overturn Roe. There has never been a moment between 1973 and today when Republican Appointees weren't the majority.

They just want to keep stupid people like you mad about it.
Of course you don't care. You've been programmed not to.
See, I told you I condemned BHO about not providing decisive leadership.

I am angry that you fuck ups continued your stupidity to the point he was re-elected.

We could have had run Daffy Duck and won, except for the the hollowness of the hate rhetoric and lying of types like you.

No one here buys your lies. :lol:
Oh, look: Fakey is yet again insisting he didn't say what he said.


Oh, look, daveman lying about whiat I said. daveman is simply davying on.
I repeat, boy: I don't have to lie. Your words speak for themselves, and your desperate re-interpretations of what you said shows I'm right.

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