Bunch of knockout attacks in Cincinatti, libs call them "random attacks"

The cockslupring libfag mayor said it's not that bad because thousands and thousands of people weren't attacked....

Imagine if he said someting like that about rape.
If some random dude gets knocked out for amusement, why should I care? A better question is, why shouldn't I laugh? :)
I'm guessing when liberals stick their head in the sand, it's not just to blind themselves to reality, but probably hoping someone will ass fuck them while passing by?
I'm guessing when liberals stick their head in the sand, it's not just to blind themselves to reality, but probably hoping someone will ass fuck them while passing by?

If one of these attacks targetted a black by whites = months of cries of hate on every media channel in this nation. We'd have a 5,000 post thread here on USMB by one of these leftist assholes crying about how evil whites are.

Yet, when it is done to whites by blacks = radom and not a problem. These people are dishonest liars that love to live within their world of hatred of whites.
I'm guessing when liberals stick their head in the sand, it's not just to blind themselves to reality, but probably hoping someone will ass fuck them while passing by?

How the heck did sodomy become a part of this story, steve? Wishful thinking on your part?

I certainly don't see anything in the link about it.

Odd. Just sayin'.

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