Bundy Cattle Battle: What SHOULD the BLM officers had worn, since thats the outrage?

CaféAuLait;8957492 said:
200 SWAT team members against a 67 year old rancher while our borders are porous.

Go figure.

Good point. Kinda like 4 Navy warships for a lifeboat of 4 Somali fisherman and 1 dumb shipping captain in the Indian Ocean.......while drugs flow freely from the Carribean into our country.

And we spend tens of billions to secure borders in the Middle East.

But cant do the same here.

We spend billions to protect South Korea from violent North Koreans.

But we cant even put half that effort to protect peaceful Chicagoans from violent ones.

We'll spend enough to send an aircraft carrier, destroyer, cruiser and battleship to rescue 1 boat captain from 4 poorly trained pirates in the middle of the Indian Ocean. But we bitch about helping hungry people in American cities get food on their table.

You're right. Priorities are screwed.

If you want us to start with drugs flow freely from the Caribbean, we need to focus on closing the borders from drugs from Mexico and South America first. Holder was on TV the other day speaking of all the Heroin coming from down there. Don't you think our open borders are a large problem allowing the issue to get worse?

I 100% agree, and we spend billions to secure borders in Korea, Germany, Iraq, Afghanistan, and a long list of other nations we are in and have put resources in.

Cut all that shit, and secure our borders. I agree.
I find your complaint about people mooching of the government highly amusing and as you pointed out this has been going on for years so it's not like the government was really pushing to get the money put a lien on the property when he passes away the government gets all the money it's owed and they would not have come off looking like a bunch of idiots just one more example of the governments inability to grasp common sense solutions.

Yeah, hes mooching. Hes been getting a sweetheart deal to graze his cows on federal property, and did it for decades; And for 21 years, didn't pay the rent. And now he wants them to ignore it and guess what, the government now wants that land clear. Hes pissed that his free ride is over!

They are dealing with a whackjob who has said, literally, that he does not recognize the existence of the federal government, and then he requested all these militia morons to come to his aid.

When dealing with a nut like that, common sense is long gone.
With the lien you get everything your owed when he kicks the bucket the man is probably in his late 70s early 80s slap the lien on the property wait and you don't have to deal with him at all instead they turn him into a living martyr brilliant display of government idiocy.

You're right.......in that he has become the heroic martyr of the radical right.
Well, left wingers, the BLM are your heros. What would YOU all like them to wear?

Maybe a cape, and some cool skin tight super hero costumes?
Why not just issue an arrest warrant?
Doesn't matter what they should have worn. They simply should have knocked on his door with the local sheriff present and discussed things person to person. No need to overdo things with a show of bravado and overbearance. All they're wearing now is shame (or they should be).

Well....they have tried the "talking" way for 21 years; Bundy didn't want to go that route. Eventually, a person with big guns who does not want to "talk" to the government has to be brought to his justice.

Its ugly; And I agree it was a really stupid fucking law they got tasked with enforcing.

But if you HAVE to enforce it, do it the way that will be safest for EVERYONE.
And they would have saved us the couple of million they wasted carrying out this
unsuccessful operation.
The BLM weren't originally outnumbered. I remember the lefties laughing at all the militia that didn't show up. Graham vs Conner didn't set a standard, it is the examination of the totality of the circumstances. In other words, when it isn't a clear cut case of justifiable use of force.

There's no relevance here though. If the shit hit the fan and bullets started flying it wouldn't be a matter of the agents legal use of force, clearly they were there in an official capacity legally. I haven't heard anyone say the government acted illegally, just too heavy handed and had been for quite a while leading up to this.

Welfare Bundy has shown the world that, when you can't win in court, the legal way, you just whine and cry and finally get a bunch of knuckle draggers to bring their guns. That will get you national attention and, of course a bunch of FOX devotees to carry your banner.

So over night, he is transformed from a criminal into some kind of hero to the far right and the TP loons. But it is not over. Just keep watching.
Suddenly liberals are against welfare. They label this welfare and now want to attack welfare. Where's the consistency? There is none! You people say what you want, when you want, for any reason you want. You have jello for backbones and are only interested in getting your way, one way or the other.
I think that the BLM had the right to order him to take the cattle off of the government land that he was not authorized to use for his cattle. I also think that they have the right to forcible remove the cattle off of the government land that he was not authorized to use, when he didn't comply with a COURT ORDER to do so. What about the other farmer's who were and are paying for grazing rights on government land? Why should they have to pay when he refuses to pay and utilizes that land in an unauthorized manner?
Doesn't matter what they should have worn. They simply should have knocked on his door with the local sheriff present and discussed things person to person. No need to overdo things with a show of bravado and overbearance. All they're wearing now is shame (or they should be).

So...two court orders over several years didn't really happen.
I think that the BLM had the right to order him to take the cattle off of the government land that he was not authorized to use for his cattle. I also think that they have the right to forcible remove the cattle off of the government land that he was not authorized to use, when he didn't comply with a COURT ORDER to do so. What about the other farmer's who were and are paying for grazing rights on government land? Why should they have to pay when he refuses to pay and utilizes that land in an unauthorized manner?

Yeah...if I were them, I'd be mighty pissed of at the favortism towards him right now.
Doesn't matter what they should have worn. They simply should have knocked on his door with the local sheriff present and discussed things person to person. No need to overdo things with a show of bravado and overbearance. All they're wearing now is shame (or they should be).

So...two court orders over several years didn't really happen.

Guess not.

But they're supposedly only pissed about the presence BLM had. You know....cops showing up- in uniforms, with guns. Cops aren't supposed to do that.:cuckoo:

If Clive Bundy was "Pedro Bundy" and the 500 protestors were armed Hispanics, they'd demand ICE and BLM raid the ranch and deport them all.
Yes they are right to show up armed. Especially when the guy they are going to see says he will start a range war.
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Doesn't matter what they should have worn. They simply should have knocked on his door with the local sheriff present and discussed things person to person. No need to overdo things with a show of bravado and overbearance. All they're wearing now is shame (or they should be).

So...two court orders over several years didn't really happen.

Guess not.

But they're supposedly only pissed about the presence BLM had. You know....cops showing up- in uniforms, with guns. Cops aren't supposed to do that.:cuckoo:

If Clive Bundy was "Pedro Bundy" and the 500 protestors were armed Hispanics, they'd demand ICE and BLM raid the ranch and deport them all.

Who would send ICE and BLM to raid and deport them?? Much more like the illegals would be handed application for food stamps, welfare, obamacare and a vote democrat bumper sticker. It's rather difficult to get deported these days. Border patrol agents have orders to Run from illegals crossing the border.
Doesn't matter what they should have worn. They simply should have knocked on his door with the local sheriff present and discussed things person to person. No need to overdo things with a show of bravado and overbearance. All they're wearing now is shame (or they should be).

So...two court orders over several years didn't really happen.

Two court orders over several years warrants an armed gang? Really? Two BLM goons and the local Sheriff against and 80 year old man probably would have been sufficient. No?

There are federal laws against illegal aliens sneaking over the border but here in Denver the cops aren't allowed to ask if illegals are here illegally. I'm curious to see if your sense of "justice" is the same where these two, different circumstances are concerned. The illegals are "grazing" on American land -- right? or wrong?

This ought to be interesting. :dance:

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