Our country was founded in part on tax revolts. Love to see that happen again and everyone refuse to file their taxes. What are they gonna do? Arrest everybody? :)
Our country was founded in part on tax revolts. Love to see that happen again and everyone refuse to file their taxes. What are they gonna do? Arrest everybody? :)
No, back then they killed or imprisoned you.....Just ask George Washington....
Our country was founded in part on tax revolts. Love to see that happen again and everyone refuse to file their taxes. What are they gonna do? Arrest everybody? :)

Not everyone is stupid, so only the stupid will suffer the consequences. Of course honest men and women will follow in the foot steps of Thoreau but I can't imagine stupid people will reject all the amenities paid for by taxes and live near a pond in the woods.
The denial of access to mineral rights as mentioned in the link is interesting.

If true, I'll be curious to see how this plays out.
I just want to comment so I can come back and see all the authoritarians encourage the police to shoot people down. I'm sure this is the type of thread that will happen in a lot.
The miners should all show up at the nearest BLM office and tell the bureucrats they must vacate the office.

Nice source, so ... well, let it speak for itself:

There has to be more to this story.


Link to quote below:

Gold miner Cliff Tracy wants to dig in again on critical salmon stream in southwest Oregon OregonLive.com

"Tracy, 39, has tried since 1996 to mine on the 5-acre site next to Sucker Creek, and says his right to mine on public lands is guaranteed by the law that helped settle the West: the federal General Mining Act of 1872.

With the price of gold at all-time highs, about $1,500 an ounce, Tracy says the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management can get today's miners to restore old-timer mining sites like the ones that line Sucker Creek. If the agencies continue stalling permits, he says, they risk more miners taking matters into their own hands.

"The cause I'm promoting here is not anarchy," Tracy says. "I have been trying to work with them for 14 years, and I'm still willing to cooperate."

Conservation groups have a different take. Sucker Creek is one of Oregon's top streams for chinook, steelhead, cutthroat trout and wild coastal coho, listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act."

And here:

Summary of Criminal Prosecutions Enforcement US EPA

I haven't done much research on this but from what I've found the government is doing the right thing.

Galice Creek is where some coho salmon spawn. The coho salmon are an endangered species. Which means that their habitat must be preserved. Especially the reproductive habitat.

The people who want to mine gold from that creek are destroying salmon spawning areas of that creek.

They're destroying the part of the creek they say they own but while they do that they're destroying large areas of the creek.

Salmon eggs need clean pristine water to grow and hatch. Stilt and other dirt will kill the eggs.

The people who are dredging one area of the creek are destroying spawning areas in the area they're dredging and down river from them. They're also destroying the part of the river that the salmon have to swim through to get to and from the areas they spawn. Which means they're breaking the law.

When you destroy salmon spawning areas and kill salmon eggs, you're taking jobs from fishermen and all the businesses that support that industry. On top of destroying sport fishing.

They're destroying a species of salmon too.
There has to be more to this story.


Link to quote below:

Gold miner Cliff Tracy wants to dig in again on critical salmon stream in southwest Oregon OregonLive.com

"Tracy, 39, has tried since 1996 to mine on the 5-acre site next to Sucker Creek, and says his right to mine on public lands is guaranteed by the law that helped settle the West: the federal General Mining Act of 1872.

With the price of gold at all-time highs, about $1,500 an ounce, Tracy says the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management can get today's miners to restore old-timer mining sites like the ones that line Sucker Creek. If the agencies continue stalling permits, he says, they risk more miners taking matters into their own hands.

"The cause I'm promoting here is not anarchy," Tracy says. "I have been trying to work with them for 14 years, and I'm still willing to cooperate."

Conservation groups have a different take. Sucker Creek is one of Oregon's top streams for chinook, steelhead, cutthroat trout and wild coastal coho, listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act."

And here:

Summary of Criminal Prosecutions Enforcement US EPA

I know.

I went to the OP link. It's far right wing site and there's not much truth to what they're saying.

They don't mention any word about what they're doing and why the government is involved. All they talk about is that a mine has been there since the 1870s and existed before the endangered species act. That doesn't excuse or make it right to violate the law.

I went and did my own research on what's going on there and found what you found.

It's all about salmon and the endangered species act.

Coho salmon are endangered. In fact many streams at one time had only as much as a dozen salmon return each year and only a few of those were female. On one run only one female returned and she's considered the "Eve" of that run now. Her eggs were used to help rebuild that run of coho salmon. All salmon in that spawning ground are from her eggs that were taken a decade or so ago.

No one has the right to destroy the fishing industry and sport. No one has the right to destroy salmon spawning areas and kill salmon eggs.

They're breaking the law and I hope they are stopped.

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