Bundy terrorists getting ready for round two

The terrorist could have found redress by voting or civil disobedience, instead white trash showed up at the bundy ranch waving guns and threatening law enforcement and civilians

Look at this gaggle of mutants at the bundy ranch

Cliven Bundy Announces Plans To Annex Arizona And Parts Of Northern Mexico | The Cretonia Times-Picayune

The terrorist could have found redress by voting or civil disobedience, instead white trash showed up at the bundy ranch waving guns and threatening law enforcement and civilians

Did you say the same about OWS, and the Black Panthers in Philly?

We did civil disobedience last summer in NC, 940 of us were arrested over an 11 week period, people saw how peaceful it was an we gained the majority to our side, even the police were polite because we were non threatening , we are now in the process of court. all respectful on both sides, the majority NC citizens, no guns waving around. Republican Democrats an independent, lawyers doctos works Black white Latino Asians.


I now your politics isn't in agreement with this, but this is how it should be done,,peacefully to as for redress from the government. 100 thousand people an no violence or waving gun around or threatening or tones of racism
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The terrorist could have found redress by voting or civil disobedience, instead white trash showed up at the bundy ranch waving guns and threatening law enforcement and civilians

Did you say the same about OWS, and the Black Panthers in Philly?

Neither pointed firearms at federal agents.

But the Minute Men did! You remember them don't you, the ones who fought the British for our Freedom?
The terrorist could have found redress by voting or civil disobedience, instead white trash showed up at the bundy ranch waving guns and threatening law enforcement and civilians

Did you say the same about OWS, and the Black Panthers in Philly?

We did civil disobedience last summer in NC, 940 of us were arrested over an 11 week period, people saw how peaceful it was an we gained the majority to our side, even the police were polite because we were non threatening , we are now in the process of court. all respectful on both sides, the majority NC citizens, no guns waving around. Republican Democrats an independent, lawyers doctos works Black white Latino Asians.

Were the Federal gov't stealing your cattle? Were they killing over 130 of the mans cattle instead of taking them and selling them?
But the Minute Men did! You remember them don't you, the ones who fought the British for our Freedom?

Do you know what a non sequitur is?

Because you just engaged in one.

No, I simply expanded it to cover your question! Sorry if you don't have a refute of the Minute Men taking up arms against the LEGAL GOVERNMENT.

You didn't expand shit.

The Oath Keepers are a bunch of lying racist cowardly pussies.

They put their wives and kids in front of federal agents while taking cover on the bridge, hoping that they would be shot, so they could "shoot back".


Many went back to hotels or their homes in the comfort of knowing that the Federal Government still provides them security, shelter, roads and many other goodies that allow them to live in comfort.

The Minute Men? They fought against the British and lived as outlaws. They risked life and limb while no longer being able to enjoy the benefits of the British empire.

Those are completely different and unrelated situations.
Do you know what a non sequitur is?

Because you just engaged in one.

No, I simply expanded it to cover your question! Sorry if you don't have a refute of the Minute Men taking up arms against the LEGAL GOVERNMENT.

You didn't expand shit.

The Oath Keepers are a bunch of lying racist cowardly pussies.

They put their wives and kids in front of federal agents while taking cover on the bridge, hoping that they would be shot, so they could "shoot back".


Many went back to hotels or their homes in the comfort of knowing that the Federal Government still provides them security, shelter, roads and many other goodies that allow them to live in comfort.

The Minute Men? They fought against the British and lived as outlaws. They risked life and limb while no longer being able to enjoy the benefits of the British empire.

Those are completely different and unrelated situations.

Seems many of the militia are still LIVING out by Bundy, and what benefits did the Minute Men give up that the Militias haven't? They both fought tyrannical governments, and as you pointed out, the current militia men have been identified and will be punished as the Minute Men would have!
No, I simply expanded it to cover your question! Sorry if you don't have a refute of the Minute Men taking up arms against the LEGAL GOVERNMENT.

You didn't expand shit.

The Oath Keepers are a bunch of lying racist cowardly pussies.

They put their wives and kids in front of federal agents while taking cover on the bridge, hoping that they would be shot, so they could "shoot back".


Many went back to hotels or their homes in the comfort of knowing that the Federal Government still provides them security, shelter, roads and many other goodies that allow them to live in comfort.

The Minute Men? They fought against the British and lived as outlaws. They risked life and limb while no longer being able to enjoy the benefits of the British empire.

Those are completely different and unrelated situations.

Seems many of the militia are still LIVING out by Bundy, and what benefits did the Minute Men give up that the Militias haven't? They both fought tyrannical governments, and as you pointed out, the current militia men have been identified and will be punished as the Minute Men would have!

I just told you.


And none of these Oath Keepers will be hanged. They will either be fined or spend a couple of weeks in the pokey.

The Minute Men? If they were caught by the Brits?

It would be a hangin'
You didn't expand shit.

The Oath Keepers are a bunch of lying racist cowardly pussies.

They put their wives and kids in front of federal agents while taking cover on the bridge, hoping that they would be shot, so they could "shoot back".


Many went back to hotels or their homes in the comfort of knowing that the Federal Government still provides them security, shelter, roads and many other goodies that allow them to live in comfort.

The Minute Men? They fought against the British and lived as outlaws. They risked life and limb while no longer being able to enjoy the benefits of the British empire.

Those are completely different and unrelated situations.

Seems many of the militia are still LIVING out by Bundy, and what benefits did the Minute Men give up that the Militias haven't? They both fought tyrannical governments, and as you pointed out, the current militia men have been identified and will be punished as the Minute Men would have!

I just told you.


And none of these Oath Keepers will be hanged. They will either be fined or spend a couple of weeks in the pokey.

The Minute Men? If they were caught by the Brits?

It would be a hangin'

But even YOU said they pointed guns at Federal officers, isn't that menacing, and perhaps, with the creative use of the law, AG Holder could charge them with attempted murder! After all we have evolved slightly over the last 200++ years!
Seems many of the militia are still LIVING out by Bundy, and what benefits did the Minute Men give up that the Militias haven't? They both fought tyrannical governments, and as you pointed out, the current militia men have been identified and will be punished as the Minute Men would have!

I just told you.


And none of these Oath Keepers will be hanged. They will either be fined or spend a couple of weeks in the pokey.

The Minute Men? If they were caught by the Brits?

It would be a hangin'

But even YOU said they pointed guns at Federal officers, isn't that menacing, and perhaps, with the creative use of the law, AG Holder could charge them with attempted murder! After all we have evolved slightly over the last 200++ years!


And if you like..we can bet.

None of these folks will be in prison for more than a couple of months.

That's my position.

Wanna bet?
I just told you.


And none of these Oath Keepers will be hanged. They will either be fined or spend a couple of weeks in the pokey.

The Minute Men? If they were caught by the Brits?

It would be a hangin'

But even YOU said they pointed guns at Federal officers, isn't that menacing, and perhaps, with the creative use of the law, AG Holder could charge them with attempted murder! After all we have evolved slightly over the last 200++ years!


And if you like..we can bet.

None of these folks will be in prison for more than a couple of months.

That's my position.

Wanna bet?

Isn't that against USMB rules? BUT I do hope you are correct on them only being incarcerated for no more than a couple of months, if at all!
But even YOU said they pointed guns at Federal officers, isn't that menacing, and perhaps, with the creative use of the law, AG Holder could charge them with attempted murder! After all we have evolved slightly over the last 200++ years!


And if you like..we can bet.

None of these folks will be in prison for more than a couple of months.

That's my position.

Wanna bet?

Isn't that against USMB rules? BUT I do hope you are correct on them only being incarcerated for no more than a couple of months, if at all!

Many will just get fines.

I highly doubt there will be more than a very few folks seeing prison time. And that time will be measured in weeks..if not days.
Did you say the same about OWS, and the Black Panthers in Philly?

We did civil disobedience last summer in NC, 940 of us were arrested over an 11 week period, people saw how peaceful it was an we gained the majority to our side, even the police were polite because we were non threatening , we are now in the process of court. all respectful on both sides, the majority NC citizens, no guns waving around. Republican Democrats an independent, lawyers doctos works Black white Latino Asians.

Were the Federal gov't stealing your cattle? Were they killing over 130 of the mans cattle instead of taking them and selling them?

Budny has his day in court many times, he refused to come to any agreement, instead he refuse to pay the fees which he agree upon originally , and now says he doesn't recognize the federal government , this a land of laws not men this goes beyond the cattle thing for him.That's why he invited all kinds of racists from allover the county as a rallying point. Now he is encouraging the same thing in Utah which has nothing to do with grazing rights, so now a bunch of rightwing gun waving nuts are headed up to Utah

And if you like..we can bet.

None of these folks will be in prison for more than a couple of months.

That's my position.

Wanna bet?

Isn't that against USMB rules? BUT I do hope you are correct on them only being incarcerated for no more than a couple of months, if at all!

Many will just get fines.

I highly doubt there will be more than a very few folks seeing prison time. And that time will be measured in weeks..if not days.

On that, I hope your right. The gov't can't afford to look like the Jack Booted Thugs that they are! Politically NOT a positive for the regime!
Isn't that against USMB rules? BUT I do hope you are correct on them only being incarcerated for no more than a couple of months, if at all!

Many will just get fines.

I highly doubt there will be more than a very few folks seeing prison time. And that time will be measured in weeks..if not days.

On that, I hope your right. The gov't can't afford to look like the Jack Booted Thugs that they are! Politically NOT a positive for the regime!


Look at the way this thing ended.

And actually? The Federal agents were VERY restrained. They didn't ever get past the tazer thing. I watched the entire video of one of the confrontations. They were calling the agents every name in the book and were very aggressive. Finally the agents backed off and the Bundy clan dialed 911! :lol:

In any case..they were extremely restrained when the guns came out.

Ultimately? It worked out well for the feds. Even FOX had to step all over themselves to distance itself from Bundy after his rant about blacks and cotton.
Many will just get fines.

I highly doubt there will be more than a very few folks seeing prison time. And that time will be measured in weeks..if not days.

On that, I hope your right. The gov't can't afford to look like the Jack Booted Thugs that they are! Politically NOT a positive for the regime!


Look at the way this thing ended.

And actually? The Federal agents were VERY restrained. They didn't ever get past the tazer thing. I watched the entire video of one of the confrontations. They were calling the agents every name in the book and were very aggressive. Finally the agents backed off and the Bundy clan dialed 911! :lol:

In any case..they were extremely restrained when the guns came out.

Ultimately? It worked out well for the feds. Even FOX had to step all over themselves to distance itself from Bundy after his rant about blacks and cotton.

You think the Jack Booted Thugs, had learned a lesson from Waco, and Ruby Ridge, sniper KILLING an unarmed WOMAN, not in the front line?


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