Bundy terrorists getting ready for round two

You think the Jack Booted Thugs, had learned a lesson from Waco, and Ruby Ridge, sniper KILLING an unarmed WOMAN, not in the front line?

That subhuman POS Koresh held children in his compound like a little coward, and that's your hero? a child abuser who ran a cult, You must think Jim Jones in Guyana was great not having the pesky government interfere with his mass murder an suicides

Those people who idolizes Koresh or Jones lose the right to be given a serious hearing.

Let em post and yell to skies, while no one is answering.

None of us idolize the guy. We just don't approve of murder over gun or property ownership....or religious beliefs....

Look at the way this thing ended.

And actually? The Federal agents were VERY restrained. They didn't ever get past the tazer thing. I watched the entire video of one of the confrontations. They were calling the agents every name in the book and were very aggressive. Finally the agents backed off and the Bundy clan dialed 911! :lol:

In any case..they were extremely restrained when the guns came out.

Ultimately? It worked out well for the feds. Even FOX had to step all over themselves to distance itself from Bundy after his rant about blacks and cotton.

You think the Jack Booted Thugs, had learned a lesson from Waco, and Ruby Ridge, sniper KILLING an unarmed WOMAN, not in the front line?

That subhuman POS Koresh held children in his compound like a little coward, and that's your hero? a child abuser who ran a cult, You must think Jim Jones in Guyana was great not having the pesky government interfere with his mass murder an suicides

Yet not a word about the sniper shooting a Ruby Ridge....I thought not! 2 digit IQ's only divert. And those children were FNE until Janet Reno had them BURNT TO DEATH!
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which did nothing that the OWS didn't DO,
Post those pictures of the OWS's massive armed presence

They are AFRAID of guns but they did use.....


NO, you leftist scum, aren't better than this!
"A band of angry citizens (White trash terrorists) plans to ride all-terrain vehicles onto closed-off, federally managed public land Saturday in protest against the federal Bureau of Land Management, which many say has unfairly closed off a prized area, cheating residents of outdoor recreation".

Cliven Bundy II? Utah protesters prepare for new face-off with feds*-*Los Angeles Times

I'd argue that federal land is public land and we as the public should have unfettered access to it.

You can argue that point all you want. It's much better to prove your point. I suggest you hop the fence around the White House, and do bring a gun strapped to your back in another effort to exercise your Constitutional Rights.

Provocation isn't a protest, it's stupid.
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You think the Jack Booted Thugs, had learned a lesson from Waco, and Ruby Ridge

That subhuman POS Koresh held children in his compound like a little coward, and that's your hero? a child abuser who ran a cult, You must think Jim Jones in Guyana was great not having the pesky government interfere with his mass murder an suicides

Yet not a word about the sniper shooting a Ruby Ridge....I thought not! 2 digit IQ's only divert. And those children were FNE until Janet Reno had them BURNT TO DEATH!

A thread about federal land, public land, BLM, how citizens are currently protesting and demonstrating over the issue and you accuse others of diverting while you post about an event that happened over 20 years ago and an issue totally not related like OWS.
Obviously you can't figure out how to defend the current demonstration tactics of the protesters in Utah, so you are the one diverting attention away from the actual thread issue.
Why not do some basic study on the issue before you go crazy and form your uninformed opinions that show your lack of knowledge.
BLM - The Bureau of Land Management
"A band of angry citizens (White trash terrorists) plans to ride all-terrain vehicles onto closed-off, federally managed public land Saturday in protest against the federal Bureau of Land Management, which many say has unfairly closed off a prized area, cheating residents of outdoor recreation".

Cliven Bundy II? Utah protesters prepare for new face-off with feds*-*Los Angeles Times

I'd argue that federal land is public land and we as the public should have unfettered access to it.

You can argue that point all you want. It's much better to prove your point. I suggest you hop the fence around the White House, and do bring a gun strapped to your back in another effort to exercise your Constitutional Rights.

Who paid for the Louisiana Purchase?

Who paid for Alaska?

Who paid for the land after the Mexican-American War?

Who paid for the defense of the Oregon Territory after it was claimed?

The answer is, the people of the United States.
I'd argue that federal land is public land and we as the public should have unfettered access to it.

You can argue that point all you want. It's much better to prove your point. I suggest you hop the fence around the White House, and do bring a gun strapped to your back in another effort to exercise your Constitutional Rights.

Who paid for the Louisiana Purchase?

Who paid for Alaska?

Who paid for the land after the Mexican-American War?

Who paid for the defense of the Oregon Territory after it was claimed?

The answer is, the people of the United States.

Yep, and Congress, not militia yahoos, speak for We the People.
You can argue that point all you want. It's much better to prove your point. I suggest you hop the fence around the White House, and do bring a gun strapped to your back in another effort to exercise your Constitutional Rights.

Who paid for the Louisiana Purchase?

Who paid for Alaska?

Who paid for the land after the Mexican-American War?

Who paid for the defense of the Oregon Territory after it was claimed?

The answer is, the people of the United States.

Yep, and Congress, not militia yahoos, speak for We the People.

Sheep like yourself need others to speak for you, I speak for myself.
You can argue that point all you want. It's much better to prove your point. I suggest you hop the fence around the White House, and do bring a gun strapped to your back in another effort to exercise your Constitutional Rights.

Who paid for the Louisiana Purchase?

Who paid for Alaska?

Who paid for the land after the Mexican-American War?

Who paid for the defense of the Oregon Territory after it was claimed?

The answer is, the people of the United States.

Yep, and Congress, not militia yahoos, speak for We the People.

What did CONGRESS do at the Bundy ranch...or was it Harry Reid, and his corruption in action?
Let's see how the white man likes it when I drive my 4 wheeler through their church during Sunday services...

What church services? Is "white man" a religion now? Or were you just being an idiot?
Special interest have been trying to wrest control of public lands since there was public lands. It began before we were even a nation and has continued to this day. There is money in the land and it is far easier to get to when it is controlled you locals and states. States and local governments want to collect on the profitable lands, but they don't want to maintain the lands that don't make fast cash. Nor do they want to worry about the effect irresponsible management may have on neighboring states and regions such as the use of water sources. The incidents we are seeing recently are just representations of the suckers who are being used to promote those same old profit driven interest.
"A band of angry citizens (White trash terrorists) plans to ride all-terrain vehicles onto closed-off, federally managed public land Saturday in protest against the federal Bureau of Land Management, which many say has unfairly closed off a prized area, cheating residents of outdoor recreation".

Cliven Bundy II? Utah protesters prepare for new face-off with feds*-*Los Angeles Times

"He said he was a member of a Utah militia group known as the People’s United Mobile Armed Services. “Cliven told me there was another cause up here,” he said. “I’m from Utah, so this is important to me.”

On the militia group’s Facebook page, Dean posted a message that said, “This could be the next big story as the ATV loving locals team with Militia groups to recapture Recapture Canyon.”

Utah militia
Gee what a surprise!! another white terrorist loon coming out of the woodwork!! To take america back to.... to 1914 when those pesky minorities and uppity women knew their place!

neo-confederate insurrectionist wackos
How would the Bundy family and the militia helping him out react if several dozen folks showed up riding ATV's on the public land his cattle graze on causing the cattle to flee in panic and stampede?

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