‘Burden Is on the FBI to Justify’ Mar-a-Lago Raid, Prove It Wasn’t ‘Politically Motivated Witch Hunt’

How many times have you been told the President is not above the law? If the law specifies the process required to declassify a document does the President have to follow that law? He has the authority to implement the process but not to bypass it.
How many times have you been told Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper and Fauci are above the law. They seem to be.
What was the threat to the US that Trump had these documents?

I want to know what documents he had and why it was dangerous and illegal for him to have them.
So it is ok for Trump to break the law then?
Kool Aid!
Get yer Kool Aid!
You are drinking too much of it

The warrant was based on information that Trump was illegally storing secrets
That information was proven to be accurate.

Stop whining Skippy
No it was not you pathetic troll. You desperately WANT it to be true. But it isn’t.
Easy, Peasy, Japanesey

The warrant was based on information that Trump was illegally storing classified information

They found Top Secret information

And we have been over this many times.
It is perfectly legal for an ex-president to have any classified information they want, as long as it was given to them when they were president.
When they are president, they have the authority to do what they want with it, including retain it for things like memoirs, proof, warnings, etc.
You do not want to destroy it, and you can't let it be public, so there is no alternative to ex-presidents retaining certain classified documents.
So far, there is no evidence at all that Trump did anything remotely illegal.
The FBI has all the power of the federal government but wait, it seems that the Bureau is on the defensive and claiming that it is the victim of unkind Twitter posts.
Do you have Need to Know classified information?

Yes, we all do.
For example, our medical records, which HIPAA has classified as restricted.
But that is silly because a president has "need to know" about everything, and does not lose that after their term in office, for the documents they handled during their term in office.
AGAIN, in the face of FACT, none of which you idiots knew, as you have proven, you get humiliated, get pissed, and start desperately, emotionally ranting and raving, spewing complete and utter bullshit, attacking the person who just schooled your ignorant ass because they knew more than you.

Just STFU and crawl back in your hole.

The FACT is Hillary no longer had legal access to the info she had in her possession, knew it because she signed the official document acknowledging she understood it when she was read out of the programs.

She knew she f*ed up which is why she tried to wipe her server using Bleach Bit and illegally destroyed the other server and devices with hammers. You don't try to wipe your server, lie about how many devices you used, then try to get rid of them by smashing them with hammers unless you know you f*ed up and are trying to get rid of evidence.

WTF do you think she was doing illegally trying to wipe and smash classified systems?!

Are you really that f*ing stupid or just that much of a blind, devoted sheep that you continue to lie in an attempt to protect her?

Your constant lies and bullshit may impress other ignorant dupes who also have no cue what TS/SCI programs and info are, who have never handled classified info, but it doesn't work with someone who has 20 years of experience dealing with / handling classified.

So just STOP - you are humiliating yourself. Go find some orher inexperienced, ignorant dupe to try to impress / sway with your ignorant lies and BS.
They forget that the NY office was so disturbed by what they found on Weiner’s laptop (not just his inappropriate pictures) that they were going to go public with all of it if nothing was done.
Just his businesses and lawyers, thousands of times.... Like the head of his Business Today got found guilty but wouldn't testify against the orange mafioso. Trump has bragged about how he assessed his business at two different levels trying to get loans and having to pay loans or whatever. Illegal -and he stiffed thousands of vendors and small businesses and contractors. Always a disgrace
Tell me about Trump's convictions. What? None? Gee, just like Hillary.

Then tell me about all the successful 'we got him this time' victories. What? None? Gee, just like Hilkary.

If you judge Trump by the same 'ruler' you judge Hillary by all yiu snowflakes have is irrational hatred against and obsession with Trump....though you will deny it because of your irrational hatred.
Rand Paul is right about a lot of things. This is one of them.
“You know, I think the burden is on the FBI to justify this raid. This is extraordinary,” Paul outlined. “This is also the same FBI that used a foreign intelligence warrant to snoop on and spy on the Trump campaign, to investigate them for over two years. So, I think the burden really is on the FBI. They’ve been wrong in the past. They’ve broken the law in using these foreign intelligence warrants; now, they use a domestic warrant. But I do think they need to release the justification for this because this is extraordinary.”

Rand Paul is right about a lot of things. This is one of them.
“You know, I think the burden is on the FBI to justify this raid. This is extraordinary,” Paul outlined. “This is also the same FBI that used a foreign intelligence warrant to snoop on and spy on the Trump campaign, to investigate them for over two years. So, I think the burden really is on the FBI. They’ve been wrong in the past. They’ve broken the law in using these foreign intelligence warrants; now, they use a domestic warrant. But I do think they need to release the justification for this because this is extraordinary.”

There is no such burden on the FBI. That case was already made in front of the issuing judge.
Tell me about Trump's convictions. What? None? Gee, just like Hillary.

Then tell me about all the successful 'we got him this time' victories. What? None? Gee, just like Hilkary.

If you judge Trump by the same 'ruler' you judge Hillary by all yiu snowflakes have is irrational hatred against and obsession with Trump....though you will deny it because of your irrational hatred.
Trump is the left's Hillary. :dunno:
Did you say the same about Hillary's emails?

The points about Hillary's emails were that she was using her own email server, so it was not necessarily secure enough, and that by using her own server and cellphones instead of State Department email and cellphones, that nothing was being retained for public disclosure, as required by the Freedom of Information Act.

Retaining classified documents did not violate either of these restrictions.

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