‘Burden Is on the FBI to Justify’ Mar-a-Lago Raid, Prove It Wasn’t ‘Politically Motivated Witch Hunt’

You are one ignorant fool; Because it belongs to us. It doesn't belong to him. Everything in the archives is government property. So no, recovering government property is not a witch hunt.
Yes it is when they use a warrant to search the man's house and take documents subject to attorney-client privilege.

It's pathetic and disgusting the way all you progs defend this police state behavior.
Our military and intel have a tendency to "classify" a lot of items and documents, many of which are not always critical to National Security.

Some wonder if what was found was still "Top Secret" or if had been declassified.
May have found a partial answer. EXCERPT:


Federal law makes it illegal to intentionally take classified documents to an unauthorized location, but that law was not among the three cited in the search warrant. That means whether or not the documents were classified has no bearing on those charges.

Trump in 2018 signed a change in the law which increased the maximum prison term for individuals convicted of mishandling classified information from one to five years.

The president has broad powers to declassify documents, raising the possibility that Trump could have done so before taking the records to Mar-a-Lago.

"It was all declassified," Trump said on Friday on his startup social media platform, Truth Social.
Yes it is when they use a warrant to search the man's house and take documents subject to attorney-client privilege.

It's pathetic and disgusting the way all you progs defend this police state behavior.
No such thing exists. Show us where that is true. Guess what, you can't. All you do is lie piss ant.
Yes it is when they use a warrant to search the man's house and take documents subject to attorney-client privilege.

It's pathetic and disgusting the way all you progs defend this police state behavior.
well said!!! :clap:
oh cool, you too, so post that link that says that.

You're listening to MSNBC right? hahahahahahahahahaha
You're listening to some garbage website that tells you that Trump is above the law. All these facts have been offered in rebuttal on this very website numerous times but you chose to disregard them and still would under any circumstances. Wallow in your ignorance Trumpbot. Not my job to educate your retarded ass.
Prove who lied....Trump's lawyer or the FBI. You know the FBI would never ever falsify info to get a warrant, don't you?
No one said they were all returned in June.
Shhhhh..... Don't tell them how The DemNazi FBI lied in the Unconstitutional FISA Court to commit Illegal surveillance on President Trump's Campaign.

They might get mad, wear pussy hats and chant "what do we want? DEAD COPS" Or "Pigs in a blanket, Fryem like Bacon" or they just might try to burn America down.
Rand Paul is right about a lot of things. This is one of them.
“You know, I think the burden is on the FBI to justify this raid. This is extraordinary,” Paul outlined. “This is also the same FBI that used a foreign intelligence warrant to snoop on and spy on the Trump campaign, to investigate them for over two years. So, I think the burden really is on the FBI. They’ve been wrong in the past. They’ve broken the law in using these foreign intelligence warrants; now, they use a domestic warrant. But I do think they need to release the justification for this because this is extraordinary.”

This is simple Trump took something not belonging to him.

The asked for it back, he gave some of it.

He then said he gave it all back.

They went in and foud more of their stuff....


Are you allowed to steal stuff from work?
You're listening to some garbage website that tells you that Trump is above the law. All these facts have been offered in rebuttal on this very website numerous times but you chose to disregard them and still would under any circumstances. Wallow in your ignorance Trumpbot. Not my job to educate your retarded ass.
Better than listening to progs tell us for 5 years, that Hillary and a bunch of other Dims are above the law.
The documents Trump had were not on a server that was connected to the internet and accessible by every intelligence agency in the world, dumbass.
So the docs were securely reviewed, transported, and stored? How many uncleared people had access to them? Did everyone with access have proper clearances and need-to-know? How secure was Trump's house and were any foreign nationals allowed there? Did any of Hillary's emails have a classification banner or was she just writing the facts from memory? Did any of Trump's docs? Hillary was using her emails to do gov't business, what was Trump going to do with them?

I don't know, do you? The difference is that I want to know and you already decided Trump, like Caesar's wife, is above suspicion.
You're listening to some garbage website that tells you that Trump is above the law. All these facts have been offered in rebuttal on this very website numerous times but you chose to disregard them and still would under any circumstances. Wallow in your ignorance Trumpbot. Not my job to educate your retarded ass.
oh so now CNN is a demofk's garbage network

garland tried like hell to keep the while investigation under wraps - but donny turned it into a circus.

now he's in deep deep poo.
Everything the DOJ & FBI do is a circus. Trump just let everyone know it was back in town.


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