Burisma Admits in Court That It Bribed The Bidens

Fake news. No one but brain dead Trumpistas put any stock in these kinds of sites and stories.
Yes. It’s best to only believe state run media.
When the subject line says someone "admits" something contrary to their own interest, my bullshit meter goes on high alert.
This is no different than Clinton having sex with Monica. He only admitted it after the blue dress showed up. But Biden is a little dumber. He is still in denial even though he has already confessed on tape, The noose is tightening.
Sure, any day now.
You want more sources?
So, a thousand more versions of the same thing is supposed to be an answer? Give it up. There's no proof of anything and never has been. It's just another in the line of the Vince Foster, Pizzagate, Seth Rich conspiracy theories that have gone nowhere, because of lack of real evidence.
That's not called a lack of evidence, that's called a coverup.
That's not called a lack of evidence, that's called a coverup.
Just so y'all know, your source on this story is Andrii Derkach who is literally sanctioned by the Trump administration for interference in the US election as an agent of Russia.
Fake news. No one but brain dead Trumpistas put any stock in these kinds of sites and stories.
Yes. It’s best to only believe state run media.
When the subject line says someone "admits" something contrary to their own interest, my bullshit meter goes on high alert.
This is no different than Clinton having sex with Monica. He only admitted it after the blue dress showed up. But Biden is a little dumber. He is still in denial even though he has already confessed on tape, The noose is tightening.
Sure, any day now.
You want more sources?
So, a thousand more versions of the same thing is supposed to be an answer? Give it up. There's no proof of anything and never has been. It's just another in the line of the Vince Foster, Pizzagate, Seth Rich conspiracy theories that have gone nowhere, because of lack of real evidence.

Well, not exactly a lot of those links debunk the type of shit the OP is pushing.
Daria Kaleniuk, executive director and co-founder of the Anti-Corruption Action Centre, a leading anti-corruption voice in Ukraine, told PolitiFact in July that the complaint to which the OAN story refers was registered because it had been rejected by prosecutors.

"It doesn’t mean that Joe or Hunter Biden are suspects,” she said. “It means that, according to Ukrainian criminal procedure code, all formal criminal complaints have to be registered by law enforcement agencies, and if they don’t do so, the claimant can force prosecutors to start formal investigation through court.”

Under Ukrainian law, anyone can request an investigation if the State Investigative Bureau declines to open one, and courts often order law enforcement to launch criminal cases even if there is no evidence, NBC News reported regarding the Biden probe. The Kyiv Post, the newspaper in Ukraine’s capital, reported that the judge who issued the ruling has a “toxic reputation” and is one of the country’s most controversial judges.

Steven Pifer, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, told USA TODAY that despite the court’s charge, there was no investigation of Biden so far as he knows.

“Ukrainian courts do some pretty bizarre things, and probably if you asked a lot of people, they would say the single most important thing Ukraine could do now would be to root out corruption in the judicial branch, and that’s from the constitutional court all the way down to the local courts,” he said.

The probe into Joe Biden was closed Nov. 10 after finding no evidence of wrongdoing, according to NBC News. USA TODAY found no evidence Biden is “wanted” in Ukraine, nor facing criminal charges for bribery.

I hate fucking hate fake news idiots like you...

This is your author... The fucker doesn't even exist... This is meant to take stupid idiots like you and repost...
Go and learn something and educate yourself on how fucking stupid you are being...

Watch something like this:

So you are a Russian bollix or you are one of those duped idiots.. Either your opinion is now less than worthless...

You hate fake news sites then link the Daily Kook.
Are you retarded?

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