Burning American Flag....

What Are Your Thoughts On Burning the American Flag?

  • Unacceptable

    Votes: 30 43.5%
  • Acceptable as a form of Freedom of Speech (Expression)

    Votes: 39 56.5%

  • Total voters
PS a person should be allowed to FLUSH anything that is flushable-----(ie ---safe to flush) which he legally OWNS

Even his little dog?

is there something about the word INANIMATE that confuses you?

Your existence.

your response makes no sense-----the issue is the term INANIMATE-----I suggested that it is legal to burn anything which one OWNS---
which is INANIMATE---(meaning not a living thing-----more specifically not a living animal)
what does "YOUR EXISTENCE" have to do with the assertion?
I vote unacceptable. Just because that would mean getting rid of most of society's refuse. 99.99% of the time its a commie doing it. But if a couple libertarians get caught in the crossfire, so be it.
PS a person should be allowed to FLUSH anything that is flushable-----(ie ---safe to flush) which he legally OWNS

Even his little dog?

is there something about the word INANIMATE that confuses you?

Your existence.

your response makes no sense-----the issue is the term INANIMATE-----I suggested that it is legal to burn anything which one OWNS---
which is INANIMATE---(meaning not a living thing-----more specifically not a living animal)
what does "YOUR EXISTENCE" have to do with the assertion?

Your post which I responded to did not include the description of INANIMATE.
While it could be deemed unacceptable, it bothers me not what you do in your own backyard. So if I were to burn a flag on !my private property nobody HSAs a right to do one thing about it. You may look for a fight...I welcome it. At 78 I can more than hold my own. You flag wavers only like it when free speech fits inside your little brains. No I haven't ever nor will I burn the flag. But the law says its OK and scalia cast the deciding vote. When patriotism overtakes the law we fold as a nation.
PS a person should be allowed to FLUSH anything that is flushable-----(ie ---safe to flush) which he legally OWNS

Even his little dog?

is there something about the word INANIMATE that confuses you?

Your existence.

your response makes no sense-----the issue is the term INANIMATE-----I suggested that it is legal to burn anything which one OWNS---
which is INANIMATE---(meaning not a living thing-----more specifically not a living animal)
what does "YOUR EXISTENCE" have to do with the assertion?

Your post which I responded to did not include the description of INANIMATE.

oh---that's the danger of jumping into a conversation in the middle
Even his little dog?

is there something about the word INANIMATE that confuses you?

Your existence.

your response makes no sense-----the issue is the term INANIMATE-----I suggested that it is legal to burn anything which one OWNS---
which is INANIMATE---(meaning not a living thing-----more specifically not a living animal)
what does "YOUR EXISTENCE" have to do with the assertion?

Your post which I responded to did not include the description of INANIMATE.

oh---that's the danger of jumping into a conversation in the middle

I responded to your post. If you don't know how to communicate properly, do not blame others for your problem.
A quick question for you guys.....................which is more offensive................

Someone who burns a flag, OR, someone with flatulence problems who doesn't know how to wipe properly wearing American flag themed underwear?

Me? I'd be more pissed if I knew you were crapping on the flag.
As long as the person is burning a flag they own, I don't like it, but it's acceptable as a form of freedom of speech.
As long as the person is burning a flag they own, I don't like it, but it's acceptable as a form of freedom of speech.

So how do you feel about someone wearing American flag underwear and leaving skid marks in them? They're literally crapping on the American flag.
It is not wise to burn the national flag of any country anywhere in the world. It is a provocation likely to lead to violence.
It's a stupid thing to do.
I consider it to be similar to yelling fire in a crowded theater.
"Burning [the] American Flag...."

...is a form of speech entitled to First Amendment protections.

SCOTUS declared that burning the flag is form of speech, and we have to accept that it is? So is yelling "fire" in the theater, but is not allowed.

It was 5-4 decision, one vote away from changing the position, and I hope someday they'll overturn it.

If someone wants to protest the government, it can be done without burning the flag. Is protest somehow stronger if flag is burning? Uhm, no? Only people who hate this country are burning our flag, real American never does it.
"Burning [the] American Flag...."

...is a form of speech entitled to First Amendment protections.

SCOTUS declared that burning the flag is form of speech, and we have to accept that it is? So is yelling "fire" in the theater, but is not allowed.

It was 5-4 decision, one vote away from changing the position, and I hope someday they'll overturn it.

If someone wants to protest the government, it can be done without burning the flag. Is protest somehow stronger if flag is burning? Uhm, no? Only people who hate this country are burning our flag, real American never does it.

Actually, their point is that America, and it's flag, have been hijacked by a government that no longer represents the ideals for which this country and it's flag stood for. For example, there was one hell of a big difference between America going to war in 1941 against fascism, and America entering the "Vietnam Era" in support of a corrupt, and unpopular puppet government, that even we agreed had to have it's president Diem assassinated.
Colin Kaepernick protesting the System

Right Wing Shit Head Protesting the System

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