Burning American Flag....

What Are Your Thoughts On Burning the American Flag?

  • Unacceptable

    Votes: 30 43.5%
  • Acceptable as a form of Freedom of Speech (Expression)

    Votes: 39 56.5%

  • Total voters
Question for all you patriots......................

Which is more disrespectful, burning an American flag to demonstrate your protest, or, wearing American flag boxer shorts that you leave skid marks and pee stains in?

How about the American flag floor mats that you step on every day when you get into your car? In many Islamic nations, one of their ways of demonstrating against America is to step or walk on the flag.

I agree..............the commercialization of our national symbol has made us lose focus as to what is really important.

I do not wear starspangled banner undies----but I don't care if someone else does
so long as the does not parade them around. The starspangled floor mat is NOT
NICE-------at all HOWEVER ----a teddy bear holding a flag does not bother
me at all------nor does a mug with the flag imprinted on it. The issue in burning a
flag or STEPPING on it ----for me PUBLIC DISDAIN-----not nice. I do not like to
see hippies wearing it-----it is not done for the sake of patriotism----but for disdain---
public disdain of the flag is not nice--------- So saying is not WORSHIP OF THE FLAG-------spitting on a grave headstone is also not nice-----it is not worship of
headstones. Mooning the statue of liberty would not be nice----- but also not
worship of the lady liberty statue.

This brings up an interesting question.... the tree in the forest:

If somebody "desecrates" a flag (interesting... "desecration" is normally reserved for 'sacred' objects) -- if somebody burns, tears, stomps on dares to fold it in a creative origami shape.... and there's no other person around to witness it.... did such "desecration" happen at all?

Is there some kind of Flag God watching who will mark a sin on their flag-soul that will condemn them to Flag Hell if they don't go to Flag Confession?

Sure, I already did: Idolatry

I happen to like fetish because it sounds kinkier. And that's the whole point.

And for that matter, from Merriam-Webster:

Full Definition of FETISH
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence

b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
: a rite or cult of fetish worshipers​

You'll notice that 1 (a) and (b) directly apply to the flag as I have described it, while (c) carries the kinky baggage. You might say (a) and (b) are the lyrics, (c) the music.

Knowing that the Flag is a symbol of America and that a flag burner is expressing extreme disrespect for the flag AND FOR THE NATION FOR WHICH IT STANDS, a Patriot responding with violence does not seem irrational or obsessive to me.

Sometimes assholes run into someone who isn't prepared to put up with their shit.

Tell me, how long have you muddled through life unaware that assault is a crime?

NOt if I'm on the jury.

You'd be excused waaaaay before trial, truss me. And that's a good thing -- we can't have a legal system, or a country, run by emotion-based wackoffs that see nothing wrong with thought control at the end of a truncheon.

---- which is exactly why I posted that "Bellamy salute" yesterday. Think about it, Heinrich.

From what I hear from Juries today, that's what we do have. MIght as well have some "emotion" in support of civilization as opposed to it.

Sorry, your shock imagery with photos taken before Nazism ruined that salute are not convincing. I did think about it. I get your point. I disagree with your point.

Apparently you've never been part of a jury selection then.
Or if you were it went by so fast you don't even remember it.
Question for all you patriots......................

Which is more disrespectful, burning an American flag to demonstrate your protest, or, wearing American flag boxer shorts that you leave skid marks and pee stains in?

How about the American flag floor mats that you step on every day when you get into your car? In many Islamic nations, one of their ways of demonstrating against America is to step or walk on the flag.

I agree..............the commercialization of our national symbol has made us lose focus as to what is really important.

I do not wear starspangled banner undies----but I don't care if someone else does
so long as the does not parade them around. The starspangled floor mat is NOT
NICE-------at all HOWEVER ----a teddy bear holding a flag does not bother
me at all------nor does a mug with the flag imprinted on it. The issue in burning a
flag or STEPPING on it ----for me PUBLIC DISDAIN-----not nice. I do not like to
see hippies wearing it-----it is not done for the sake of patriotism----but for disdain---
public disdain of the flag is not nice--------- So saying is not WORSHIP OF THE FLAG-------spitting on a grave headstone is also not nice-----it is not worship of
headstones. Mooning the statue of liberty would not be nice----- but also not
worship of the lady liberty statue.

This brings up an interesting question.... the tree in the forest:

If somebody "desecrates" a flag (interesting... "desecration" is normally reserved for 'sacred' objects) -- if somebody burns, tears, stomps on dares to fold it in a creative origami shape.... and there's no other person around to witness it.... did such "desecration" happen at all?

Is there some kind of Flag God watching who will mark a sin on their flag-soul that will condemn them to Flag Hell if they don't go to Flag Confession?


yes------if no one sees it------it did not happen. There is no FLAG GOD.
Question for all you patriots......................

Which is more disrespectful, burning an American flag to demonstrate your protest, or, wearing American flag boxer shorts that you leave skid marks and pee stains in?

How about the American flag floor mats that you step on every day when you get into your car? In many Islamic nations, one of their ways of demonstrating against America is to step or walk on the flag.

I agree..............the commercialization of our national symbol has made us lose focus as to what is really important.

I do not wear starspangled banner undies----but I don't care if someone else does
so long as the does not parade them around. The starspangled floor mat is NOT
NICE-------at all HOWEVER ----a teddy bear holding a flag does not bother
me at all------nor does a mug with the flag imprinted on it. The issue in burning a
flag or STEPPING on it ----for me PUBLIC DISDAIN-----not nice. I do not like to
see hippies wearing it-----it is not done for the sake of patriotism----but for disdain---
public disdain of the flag is not nice--------- So saying is not WORSHIP OF THE FLAG-------spitting on a grave headstone is also not nice-----it is not worship of
headstones. Mooning the statue of liberty would not be nice----- but also not
worship of the lady liberty statue.

How do you know that when you see someone with a ponytail and sandals, wearing a tie dye American flag shirt isn't being patriotic?

Me? I have a ponytail, I wear sandals, and one of my favorite shirts is a peace sign that is done is the pattern and colors of the American flag, and it's a tie dye.

By the way.....................I also served over 20 years in the United States Navy, in no less than 4 war zones, beginning with Beruit and ending with Kosovo, with Desert Storm (pts 1 and 2) thrown in for good measure. I promised myself that when I retired from the Navy, I was going to grow a ponytail, wear sandals and become a hippie.

I'm a hippie, and I wear American flag t-shirts. I also spent all of my adult life in service to this country. Am I being disdainful when I wear my American flag shirts?

Think carefully before you answer.......................................

I served in the NAVY----not so long------but -----I am not a hippie-----I never used
mary-jane------I chewed KHAT once for half an hour and then spit it out----never
want to try it again----it does not do anything-------I no longer wear sandals-----
old women in sandals look silly (well ----it is ok for girls who get professional pedicures----but have neither the patience nor the purse). I wore a pony tail when I was 10 years old-----and bangs ----cute as a button was I-------back then-----
aged 10 ------with a ribbon bow to cover the elastic band------Men should have
short hair in the back of their heads-----it is sexy------pony tails look like-----pony tails.-----not the UNIFORM OF THE DAY ----not at all sexy------the little swirl at the neck is SO CUTE on a man-----that little swirl-----of short cut hair
Which is more important? The principles the country was built upon, including freedom of speech, or the flag, the symbol of such principles?
Which is more important? The principles the country was built upon, including freedom of speech, or the flag, the symbol of such principles?

which is more important------------- wiping your your greasy fingers
and ketchup besmeared face on a paper napkin or on the lace blouse
of the lady next sitting next to you-------as compared to the discomfort
of--------greasy fingers?-------and your crystal champagne flute
crashing to the floor-----thus wasting the champagne and messing
up the Persian rug?
Which is more important? The principles the country was built upon, including freedom of speech, or the flag, the symbol of such principles?

which is more important------------- wiping your your greasy fingers
and ketchup besmeared face on a paper napkin or on the lace blouse
of the lady next sitting next to you-------as compared to the discomfort
of--------greasy fingers?-------and your crystal champagne flute
crashing to the floor-----thus wasting the champagne and messing
up the Persian rug?


PS-------when he burns the American flag-----do I get to burn a koran?
Careful there. You might offend someone saying that.....................Burning the Koran would hurt the feelings of the Muslims..............so just burn the Bible.........as they say that's ok.................

The ones usually defending this shit, are the same ones who fly off the handle when someone burns the Koran........never done it...........but for this thread it serves it's purpose.

you want one-------I have lots-----there are loads and loads of korans floating around---
muslims imagine that if they hand them out-----people will become inspired to
worship the pig of mecca. I had a much HIGHER opinion of islam before I
read that book than after
Never had one............does it make good fire starter paper for the Fire Place? Or does it stink up the house?


Don't burn it in the fireplace the ink and glue makes it so you have to clean the chimney more often.


If you want to burn an American flag, do it the right way.

I saw it on one of those learning channels and they showed how to do it properly.

First.............cut the stripes off one by one, and burn them each before you cut off the next one.

Next, burn the whole blue part of the flag, that has all 50 stars at one time.

That is how you burn a flag.
If you want to burn an American flag, do it the right way.

I saw it on one of those learning channels and they showed how to do it properly.

First.............cut the stripes off one by one, and burn them each before you cut off the next one.

Next, burn the whole blue part of the flag, that has all 50 stars at one time.

That is how you burn a flag.

thanks-----long ago I read the directions for folding it into the little triangle----
the burnng recipe is not quite as COMPLEX
Which is more important? The principles the country was built upon, including freedom of speech, or the flag, the symbol of such principles?

which is more important------------- wiping your your greasy fingers
and ketchup besmeared face on a paper napkin or on the lace blouse
of the lady next sitting next to you-------as compared to the discomfort
of--------greasy fingers?-------and your crystal champagne flute
crashing to the floor-----thus wasting the champagne and messing
up the Persian rug?

What's more important, being understood or....... you get the point, right?
Which is more important? The principles the country was built upon, including freedom of speech, or the flag, the symbol of such principles?

which is more important------------- wiping your your greasy fingers
and ketchup besmeared face on a paper napkin or on the lace blouse
of the lady next sitting next to you-------as compared to the discomfort
of--------greasy fingers?-------and your crystal champagne flute
crashing to the floor-----thus wasting the champagne and messing
up the Persian rug?

What's more important, being understood or....... you get the point, right?

Yes----I got it-----you are dimwitted
Which is more important? The principles the country was built upon, including freedom of speech, or the flag, the symbol of such principles?

which is more important------------- wiping your your greasy fingers
and ketchup besmeared face on a paper napkin or on the lace blouse
of the lady next sitting next to you-------as compared to the discomfort
of--------greasy fingers?-------and your crystal champagne flute
crashing to the floor-----thus wasting the champagne and messing
up the Persian rug?

What's more important, being understood or....... you get the point, right?

Yes----I got it-----you are dimwitted

You're the one resorting to insults......
I'm not into burning American's no matter what their lifestyle.

Ohhhhh, you said "flag" ! Okay, well, I hate people who do it, but it's their right even though I would love to kick their ass.
unacceptable or acceptable as "freedom of speech"?

It is allowed but people must follow laws in order to do it. It is illegal to burn just anywhere. To legally burn a flag or anything else in protest, it must take place in an area designated as safe for burning. That might require a permit or at least burning a flag over a fire pit or grill. You cannot stand outside of buildings and burn flags on public sidewalks or streets.

And people must bring their own flags to burn. Stealing flags from other people is a whole other crime.

People should be charged anytime they break a law or pose any kind of threat to the public. I've seen idiots actually pour lighter fluid on flags and end up setting themselves on fire. They are incredibly stupid and I don't feel sorry for them suffering the consequences of their actions.

Whenever rioters burn anything in the streets, they should be arrested.

When people riot and burn flags, buildings, police cars and attack people, they should go to jail for a long time. That is reckless disregard for people's safety, property, and very close to terrorism.

The way the current protesters are burning flags, it's intimidating to anyone wanting to get past them. Even Hillary sponsored a bill in 2005 that would make it a serious crime to intimidate, incite violence or terrorism by flag burning. What we are seeing now would have qualified under that bill. Hefty fines and a few years in jail seemed fair for those actions.

Flag Protection Act of 2005 - Wikipedia
Trump is just flapping yap and getting his minions on their high horse so they are not going to notice that their taxes will go up, and those of the very rich will go way down. Trump 'fairness'.
"Burning [the] American Flag...."

...is a form of speech entitled to First Amendment protections.

As is the right to beat the living hell out of those one finds burning the American Flag.

Except you don't have that right. If the person owns the flag, they can burn it. Assault is still a crime.

a person should be allowed to burn any INANIMATE object that he owns----ANY INANIMATE object that does not give off
toxic fumes-------therefore ---do not burn a Koran-----drop it in a vat of acid or FLUSH it
PS a person should be allowed to FLUSH anything that is flushable-----(ie ---safe to flush) which he legally OWNS

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