Burning American Flag....

What Are Your Thoughts On Burning the American Flag?

  • Unacceptable

    Votes: 30 43.5%
  • Acceptable as a form of Freedom of Speech (Expression)

    Votes: 39 56.5%

  • Total voters
What you're mistaken about is thinking the SCOTUS job is to write legislation and invent reasons to add people of other groups to a lawsuit. The people that filed the grievance were gays... not bigamists. You can't force the gays to invite bigamists into their grievance ... nor can you force bigamists to join the homosexuals.

View attachment 50134

The argument used in court by the SSM crowd was that mature willing adults should be allowed to marry as they choose.....

Are you now saying that bigamists are not mature willing companions?



No i said the opposite. Accusing me of saying the opposite of what I said makes you look like a moron.


Isn't that the argument that they used to justify the ruling that they are mature willing adults in this thread and during the court ruling?

Yes I do believe it was.

So instead of calling me a moron just answer the question instead of displaying your discrimination for all to see.



I answered the question twice. I have no idea why you feel you need to keep asking me the same question. Short term memory loss?


Then you agree that the bigamists and any other mature willing companions should be able to pick up their marriage licenses without bother because if they can't then the 14th Amendment is being violated.

Otherwise any minority group that isn't black has received minority benefits when they shouldn't have since the 14th Amendment and Civil Rights Act was only enacted for the blacks and their court cases.



There have been multiple civil rights acts. It's not just for blacks.. Look it up. Are you used to being wrong all the time?
I tend to agree with Pogo that reverence for the flag often seems to go much further than makes sense. It is a symbol, but not the country; what need to harm someone who burns it? I understand that the flag will have more meaning for some people than others, particularly someone like the family of fallen veterans. Still, the whole concept of "I'm going to beat you up if you burn the flag!" seems pretty childish.

I think that those who burn the flag in protest are actually showing more respect for the flag, in a way, than many other uses of the symbol. The flag burners at least recognize the flag as a powerful symbol. With the kind of crass commercialism we often see displaying the flag (sorry for stealing the phrase, Pogo, but I actually was using it in my head for this post before I read your use of it in this thread :p) the power of the symbol is cheapened of almost entirely ignored. Flags as bumper stickers, bikinis, beer koozies; these are using the symbol which some hold in such reverence as nothing but a cheap marketing tool. I've seen flag car mats and flag toilet seats. There probably isn't anything sold that someone hasn't tried to slap an American flag on hoping to sell more. These seem more offensive than burning to me; they minimize the power of the symbol in a way burning it in protest cannot do.
I tend to agree with Pogo that reverence for the flag often seems to go much further than makes sense. It is a symbol, but not the country; what need to harm someone who burns it? I understand that the flag will have more meaning for some people than others, particularly someone like the family of fallen veterans. Still, the whole concept of "I'm going to beat you up if you burn the flag!" seems pretty childish.

I think that those who burn the flag in protest are actually showing more respect for the flag, in a way, than many other uses of the symbol. The flag burners at least recognize the flag as a powerful symbol. With the kind of crass commercialism we often see displaying the flag (sorry for stealing the phrase, Pogo, but I actually was using it in my head for this post before I read your use of it in this thread :p) the power of the symbol is cheapened of almost entirely ignored. Flags as bumper stickers, bikinis, beer koozies; these are using the symbol which some hold in such reverence as nothing but a cheap marketing tool. I've seen flag car mats and flag toilet seats. There probably isn't anything sold that someone hasn't tried to slap an American flag on hoping to sell more. These seem more offensive than burning to me; they minimize the power of the symbol in a way burning it in protest cannot do.

:clap2: Hear hear. There are still a couple of us that get the meanings of aesthetics versus crass commercialism. And it's understandable you'd want that phrase Montro -- it just fits, even if it is a redundancy.

I'm hearing Sirius XM advertise their upcoming Pope coverage lately. It sounds exactly -- literally exactly -- like an ad for one of those gay box-wrestling matches. Substitute a sports name for the Pope and there's literally no difference at all.
1. A lot of word salad trying

--- which definition I've already posted supporting my usage, so you're welcome. Now take your own advice.

4. Try again, with less spin and more data.
Coming right up.

The Cliff's notes on fetishism/idolatry:
-- When we put our thinking caps on, sit down, ruminate and write down and "we the people" declare that "all men are created equal" and "the state shall not infringe the right of free expression" we're doing what's sometimes called "God's work", or more correctly the work of We the People. And that's outstanding, commendable and worthy of patriotism.

.... When we then degrade to having hissyfits over "oh dear, don't let the flag touch the ground" and "oh no, it has to be folded just so" -- we are flat-out blasted off into the world of Kinky. It's bad enough to mire ourselves in the quicksand of idolatry values, but when that starts translating into government enforcement, we have a problem. A big one, an authoritarian one, and one that directly contradicts our own stated principles.

That a thug like Where_R_My_Cojones would willingly enforce that Kinky at the end of a truncheon is the beginning of that problem. Here's where it leads when government takes it on -- Earnest Starr.
More here.

Mob mentality. Hence the reference to Nazism. Does the parallel shock you? Good. It's there to make an impression.

1. No it doesn't.

2. Fetishism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A fetish (derived from the Frenchfétiche; which comes from the Portuguesefeitiço; and this in turn fromLatinfacticius, "artificial" and facere, "to make") is an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular, a man-made object that has power over others. Essentially, fetishism is the emic attribution of inherent value or powers to an object"

no one here is claiming anything like that. We patriots on this are well away that the Flag is only a symbol, not a magical artifact.

Do you have another definition you would like to use?

Sure, I already did: Idolatry

I happen to like fetish because it sounds kinkier. And that's the whole point.

And for that matter, from Merriam-Webster:

Full Definition of FETISH
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence

b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
: a rite or cult of fetish worshipers​

You'll notice that 1 (a) and (b) directly apply to the flag as I have described it, while (c) carries the kinky baggage. You might say (a) and (b) are the lyrics, (c) the music.

Knowing that the Flag is a symbol of America and that a flag burner is expressing extreme disrespect for the flag AND FOR THE NATION FOR WHICH IT STANDS, a Patriot responding with violence does not seem irrational or obsessive to me.

Sometimes assholes run into someone who isn't prepared to put up with their shit.
1. A lot of word salad trying

--- which definition I've already posted supporting my usage, so you're welcome. Now take your own advice.

4. Try again, with less spin and more data.
Coming right up.

The Cliff's notes on fetishism/idolatry:
-- When we put our thinking caps on, sit down, ruminate and write down and "we the people" declare that "all men are created equal" and "the state shall not infringe the right of free expression" we're doing what's sometimes called "God's work", or more correctly the work of We the People. And that's outstanding, commendable and worthy of patriotism.

.... When we then degrade to having hissyfits over "oh dear, don't let the flag touch the ground" and "oh no, it has to be folded just so" -- we are flat-out blasted off into the world of Kinky. It's bad enough to mire ourselves in the quicksand of idolatry values, but when that starts translating into government enforcement, we have a problem. A big one, an authoritarian one, and one that directly contradicts our own stated principles.

That a thug like Where_R_My_Cojones would willingly enforce that Kinky at the end of a truncheon is the beginning of that problem. Here's where it leads when government takes it on -- Earnest Starr.
More here.

Mob mentality. Hence the reference to Nazism. Does the parallel shock you? Good. It's there to make an impression.

1. No it doesn't.

2. Fetishism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A fetish (derived from the Frenchfétiche; which comes from the Portuguesefeitiço; and this in turn fromLatinfacticius, "artificial" and facere, "to make") is an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular, a man-made object that has power over others. Essentially, fetishism is the emic attribution of inherent value or powers to an object"

no one here is claiming anything like that. We patriots on this are well away that the Flag is only a symbol, not a magical artifact.

Do you have another definition you would like to use?

Sure, I already did: Idolatry

I happen to like fetish because it sounds kinkier. And that's the whole point.

And for that matter, from Merriam-Webster:

Full Definition of FETISH
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence

b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
: a rite or cult of fetish worshipers​

You'll notice that 1 (a) and (b) directly apply to the flag as I have described it, while (c) carries the kinky baggage. You might say (a) and (b) are the lyrics, (c) the music.

Knowing that the Flag is a symbol of America and that a flag burner is expressing extreme disrespect for the flag AND FOR THE NATION FOR WHICH IT STANDS, a Patriot responding with violence does not seem irrational or obsessive to me.

Sometimes assholes run into someone who isn't prepared to put up with their shit.

Tell me, how long have you muddled through life unaware that assault is a crime?

unacceptable or acceptable as "freedom of speech"?

I would find the burning of our flag unacceptable for any reason..Including freedom of speech..But I wouldn't go so far as passing a law to limit or prevent something like that from happening..And if I were a witness to that, you would find me asking them why..
1. A lot of word salad trying

--- which definition I've already posted supporting my usage, so you're welcome. Now take your own advice.

4. Try again, with less spin and more data.
Coming right up.

The Cliff's notes on fetishism/idolatry:
-- When we put our thinking caps on, sit down, ruminate and write down and "we the people" declare that "all men are created equal" and "the state shall not infringe the right of free expression" we're doing what's sometimes called "God's work", or more correctly the work of We the People. And that's outstanding, commendable and worthy of patriotism.

.... When we then degrade to having hissyfits over "oh dear, don't let the flag touch the ground" and "oh no, it has to be folded just so" -- we are flat-out blasted off into the world of Kinky. It's bad enough to mire ourselves in the quicksand of idolatry values, but when that starts translating into government enforcement, we have a problem. A big one, an authoritarian one, and one that directly contradicts our own stated principles.

That a thug like Where_R_My_Cojones would willingly enforce that Kinky at the end of a truncheon is the beginning of that problem. Here's where it leads when government takes it on -- Earnest Starr.
More here.

Mob mentality. Hence the reference to Nazism. Does the parallel shock you? Good. It's there to make an impression.

1. No it doesn't.

2. Fetishism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A fetish (derived from the Frenchfétiche; which comes from the Portuguesefeitiço; and this in turn fromLatinfacticius, "artificial" and facere, "to make") is an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular, a man-made object that has power over others. Essentially, fetishism is the emic attribution of inherent value or powers to an object"

no one here is claiming anything like that. We patriots on this are well away that the Flag is only a symbol, not a magical artifact.

Do you have another definition you would like to use?

Sure, I already did: Idolatry

I happen to like fetish because it sounds kinkier. And that's the whole point.

And for that matter, from Merriam-Webster:

Full Definition of FETISH
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence

b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
: a rite or cult of fetish worshipers​

You'll notice that 1 (a) and (b) directly apply to the flag as I have described it, while (c) carries the kinky baggage. You might say (a) and (b) are the lyrics, (c) the music.

Knowing that the Flag is a symbol of America and that a flag burner is expressing extreme disrespect for the flag AND FOR THE NATION FOR WHICH IT STANDS, a Patriot responding with violence does not seem irrational or obsessive to me.

Sometimes assholes run into someone who isn't prepared to put up with their shit.

Tell me, how long have you muddled through life unaware that assault is a crime?

NOt if I'm on the jury.
who said that they penalty should be "beat up"-----I simple misdemeanor charge would be fine with me
Question for all you patriots......................

Which is more disrespectful, burning an American flag to demonstrate your protest, or, wearing American flag boxer shorts that you leave skid marks and pee stains in?

How about the American flag floor mats that you step on every day when you get into your car? In many Islamic nations, one of their ways of demonstrating against America is to step or walk on the flag.

I agree..............the commercialization of our national symbol has made us lose focus as to what is really important.
--- which definition I've already posted supporting my usage, so you're welcome. Now take your own advice.

Coming right up.

The Cliff's notes on fetishism/idolatry:
-- When we put our thinking caps on, sit down, ruminate and write down and "we the people" declare that "all men are created equal" and "the state shall not infringe the right of free expression" we're doing what's sometimes called "God's work", or more correctly the work of We the People. And that's outstanding, commendable and worthy of patriotism.

.... When we then degrade to having hissyfits over "oh dear, don't let the flag touch the ground" and "oh no, it has to be folded just so" -- we are flat-out blasted off into the world of Kinky. It's bad enough to mire ourselves in the quicksand of idolatry values, but when that starts translating into government enforcement, we have a problem. A big one, an authoritarian one, and one that directly contradicts our own stated principles.

That a thug like Where_R_My_Cojones would willingly enforce that Kinky at the end of a truncheon is the beginning of that problem. Here's where it leads when government takes it on -- Earnest Starr.
More here.

Mob mentality. Hence the reference to Nazism. Does the parallel shock you? Good. It's there to make an impression.

1. No it doesn't.

2. Fetishism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A fetish (derived from the Frenchfétiche; which comes from the Portuguesefeitiço; and this in turn fromLatinfacticius, "artificial" and facere, "to make") is an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular, a man-made object that has power over others. Essentially, fetishism is the emic attribution of inherent value or powers to an object"

no one here is claiming anything like that. We patriots on this are well away that the Flag is only a symbol, not a magical artifact.

Do you have another definition you would like to use?

Sure, I already did: Idolatry

I happen to like fetish because it sounds kinkier. And that's the whole point.

And for that matter, from Merriam-Webster:

Full Definition of FETISH
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence

b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
: a rite or cult of fetish worshipers​

You'll notice that 1 (a) and (b) directly apply to the flag as I have described it, while (c) carries the kinky baggage. You might say (a) and (b) are the lyrics, (c) the music.

Knowing that the Flag is a symbol of America and that a flag burner is expressing extreme disrespect for the flag AND FOR THE NATION FOR WHICH IT STANDS, a Patriot responding with violence does not seem irrational or obsessive to me.

Sometimes assholes run into someone who isn't prepared to put up with their shit.

Tell me, how long have you muddled through life unaware that assault is a crime?

NOt if I'm on the jury.

You'd be excused waaaaay before trial, truss me. And that's a good thing -- we can't have a legal system, or a country, run by emotion-based wackoffs that see nothing wrong with thought control at the end of a truncheon.

---- which is exactly why I posted that "Bellamy salute" yesterday. Think about it, Heinrich.
who said that they penalty should be "beat up"-----I simple misdemeanor charge would be fine with me

Several posters at the beginning of the thread did, starting with ol' Where_R_My_Clues, and then supported by proxy goons.
Question for all you patriots......................

Which is more disrespectful, burning an American flag to demonstrate your protest, or, wearing American flag boxer shorts that you leave skid marks and pee stains in?

How about the American flag floor mats that you step on every day when you get into your car? In many Islamic nations, one of their ways of demonstrating against America is to step or walk on the flag.

I agree..............the commercialization of our national symbol has made us lose focus as to what is really important.

I do not wear starspangled banner undies----but I don't care if someone else does
so long as the does not parade them around. The starspangled floor mat is NOT
NICE-------at all HOWEVER ----a teddy bear holding a flag does not bother
me at all------nor does a mug with the flag imprinted on it. The issue in burning a
flag or STEPPING on it ----for me PUBLIC DISDAIN-----not nice. I do not like to
see hippies wearing it-----it is not done for the sake of patriotism----but for disdain---
public disdain of the flag is not nice--------- So saying is not WORSHIP OF THE FLAG-------spitting on a grave headstone is also not nice-----it is not worship of
headstones. Mooning the statue of liberty would not be nice----- but also not
worship of the lady liberty statue.
who said that they penalty should be "beat up"-----I simple misdemeanor charge would be fine with me

Several posters at the beginning of the thread did, starting with ol' Where_R_My_Clues, and then supported by proxy goons.

oh-----they were just expressing an EMOTIONAL RESPONSE-------kinda like saying----"I'd break his neck" ---------an expression of anger-----not actual plan
Question for all you patriots......................

Which is more disrespectful, burning an American flag to demonstrate your protest, or, wearing American flag boxer shorts that you leave skid marks and pee stains in?

How about the American flag floor mats that you step on every day when you get into your car? In many Islamic nations, one of their ways of demonstrating against America is to step or walk on the flag.

I agree..............the commercialization of our national symbol has made us lose focus as to what is really important.

I do not wear starspangled banner undies----but I don't care if someone else does
so long as the does not parade them around. The starspangled floor mat is NOT
NICE-------at all HOWEVER ----a teddy bear holding a flag does not bother
me at all------nor does a mug with the flag imprinted on it. The issue in burning a
flag or STEPPING on it ----for me PUBLIC DISDAIN-----not nice. I do not like to
see hippies wearing it-----it is not done for the sake of patriotism----but for disdain---
public disdain of the flag is not nice--------- So saying is not WORSHIP OF THE FLAG-------spitting on a grave headstone is also not nice-----it is not worship of
headstones. Mooning the statue of liberty would not be nice----- but also not
worship of the lady liberty statue.

How do you know that when you see someone with a ponytail and sandals, wearing a tie dye American flag shirt isn't being patriotic?

Me? I have a ponytail, I wear sandals, and one of my favorite shirts is a peace sign that is done is the pattern and colors of the American flag, and it's a tie dye.

By the way.....................I also served over 20 years in the United States Navy, in no less than 4 war zones, beginning with Beruit and ending with Kosovo, with Desert Storm (pts 1 and 2) thrown in for good measure. I promised myself that when I retired from the Navy, I was going to grow a ponytail, wear sandals and become a hippie.

I'm a hippie, and I wear American flag t-shirts. I also spent all of my adult life in service to this country. Am I being disdainful when I wear my American flag shirts?

Think carefully before you answer.......................................
who said that they penalty should be "beat up"-----I simple misdemeanor charge would be fine with me

Several posters at the beginning of the thread did, starting with ol' Where_R_My_Clues, and then supported by proxy goons.

oh-----they were just expressing an EMOTIONAL RESPONSE-------kinda like saying----"I'd break his neck" ---------an expression of anger-----not actual plan

oooooh no, they were very specific, and when challenged, doubled down. Actual plan.
1. No it doesn't.

2. Fetishism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A fetish (derived from the Frenchfétiche; which comes from the Portuguesefeitiço; and this in turn fromLatinfacticius, "artificial" and facere, "to make") is an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular, a man-made object that has power over others. Essentially, fetishism is the emic attribution of inherent value or powers to an object"

no one here is claiming anything like that. We patriots on this are well away that the Flag is only a symbol, not a magical artifact.

Do you have another definition you would like to use?

Sure, I already did: Idolatry

I happen to like fetish because it sounds kinkier. And that's the whole point.

And for that matter, from Merriam-Webster:

Full Definition of FETISH
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence

b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession

c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
: a rite or cult of fetish worshipers​

You'll notice that 1 (a) and (b) directly apply to the flag as I have described it, while (c) carries the kinky baggage. You might say (a) and (b) are the lyrics, (c) the music.

Knowing that the Flag is a symbol of America and that a flag burner is expressing extreme disrespect for the flag AND FOR THE NATION FOR WHICH IT STANDS, a Patriot responding with violence does not seem irrational or obsessive to me.

Sometimes assholes run into someone who isn't prepared to put up with their shit.

Tell me, how long have you muddled through life unaware that assault is a crime?

NOt if I'm on the jury.

You'd be excused waaaaay before trial, truss me. And that's a good thing -- we can't have a legal system, or a country, run by emotion-based wackoffs that see nothing wrong with thought control at the end of a truncheon.

---- which is exactly why I posted that "Bellamy salute" yesterday. Think about it, Heinrich.

From what I hear from Juries today, that's what we do have. MIght as well have some "emotion" in support of civilization as opposed to it.

Sorry, your shock imagery with photos taken before Nazism ruined that salute are not convincing. I did think about it. I get your point. I disagree with your point.

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