Burning prisoners to death, a punishment sanctioned in Islam

Inshallah is an Arabic construct-----Pakistanis speak
Urdu-----and or some other lingo of that area of the
of the indian subcontinent------but they throw an
INSHALLAH into just about every verbal interchange, too----'
It is not unlikely that the pigs and dogs which
attacked the Hebdo office and the kosher grocery
spoke French-------arabs from different arab countries
speaks Arabic so UNIQUELY that they have trouble
understanding each other------so they probably spoke
in FRENCH Pakistanis from different parts of
Pakistan--------(bangla desh was once called
east Pakistan---often communicate in English..
Roudy can answer this one------somehow Arabic speaking
JOOOS from different parts of the middle east seem to
be able to talk to each other in Arabic (?????)
In any case----whilst planning the murders
B'SMILLAH (in the name of allah)-----no doubt there
were lots of inshallahs flying around I wonder if the
mujahad who lit the Jordanian pilot on fire mumbled
b'smillah before he did the noble deed
Certainly allahu akbar would have been the slogan of choice. That droning intonation accompanies the acts of violence and the degradation of humanity so popular among moslems.

I'm sure when the bomb went off in OKC somebody in the area went "Jesus Christ what was that!?" but that doesn't mean they were praying. Just sayin'.

Alternately they might have said, "Holy shit" but that doesn't make us... well, never mind.

You realize such an attempt at analogy is failed, right?

I'm pretty sure that McVeigh, in the commission of the OKC bombing didn't chant "Jeebus akbar".

The "Allahu akbar" slogan is chanted in the commission of the holy act of whacking off someones head, or blowing someone's brains out with an AK-47 or just prior to a 'splodin in a marketplace that results in a bright orange flash and explosion of a suicide belt that sends shrapnel flying through the air at high speed and results in charred flesh and shattered bones.

Shirley, "god is great".

It's a bit disingenuous to suggest that's the only time it's trotted out, doncha think?

Wiki sez:

The Takbīr (تَكْبِير), also written Tekbir or Takbeer, is the term for the Arabic phrase Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر), usually translated as "God is [the] greatest," or "God is great".[1] It is a common Islamic Arabic expression, used in various contexts by Muslims; in formal prayer, in the call for prayer (adhān),[2] as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress, to express celebration or victory, or to express resolute determination or defiance.​

Also used to express joy/gratitude or amazement; at births and deaths;

and this entry -- times of distress:

Just before a Garuda Airbus A300B-4 crashed into the jungle near Medan, Indonesia, the pilot screamed "Aaaaaah! Allahu Akbar!" into his radio. According to a radio communication transcript, the pilot's conversation with the air controller had been in English, but his last words were this Arabic phrase as the plane crashed on September 26, 1997, killing all 235 people aboard in Indonesia's deadliest crash. It was suspected that the crash may have been due to either disorientation or engine failure caused by local dense smog resulting from forest fires.[5][6]
So it appears I was right on the money.

I agree that for folks like you, wiki is an invaluable source. However, it won't help when your attempts at analogy are flawed and naive.

The realities of Allahu Akbar droning on to the commission of killing and maiming may tend to confound you.

So, it appears you need to bargain with something more than Monopoly money.

Wiki's written by the whole world. You know more than the whole world, do ya? :eusa_hand:
Must be boring as shit.

What part of that isn't true? You can click in and remove it y'know. Being omniscient and all.
Ever watch that show: Walking dead? The zombies are Muslims. Not a clever metaphor. We end up like THEM unless we fight back against the darkness, we end up a mindless group of zombies trying to take over.
your comment is idiotic-----"jesus Christ" is used as an expletive by somewhat vulgar English speakers.
allahuakbar is no more an expletive amongst muslims
than HALLELUJAH is an expletive in a Baptist church.
neither is " B'smallah " which, in fact is a kind of
saying of 'grace' before eating. Whilst slitting
the throat of an animal for HALLAL meat---the throat
slitter says "B'smallah" <<< it's like a prayer.

We don't use "god willing" as much as we used to. The new hack phrase seems to be "hopefully" .... "when we get there hopefully we'll have time to eat" ---- which is a complete grammatical train wreck but it seems to be common and it's the same function. "Let's hope" would function better. Or "if all goes well".

But that's all it is. Jon kept insisting insha'Allah means something having to do with fire or punishment or something, which his own link disproves. Personally I think he needs to share more of whatever mushrooms he's smokin', insha'Allah...

Inshallah is an Arabic construct-----Pakistanis speak
Urdu-----and or some other lingo of that area of the
of the indian subcontinent------but they throw an
INSHALLAH into just about every verbal interchange, too----'
It is not unlikely that the pigs and dogs which
attacked the Hebdo office and the kosher grocery
spoke French-------arabs from different arab countries
speaks Arabic so UNIQUELY that they have trouble
understanding each other------so they probably spoke
in FRENCH Pakistanis from different parts of
Pakistan--------(bangla desh was once called
east Pakistan---often communicate in English..
Roudy can answer this one------somehow Arabic speaking
JOOOS from different parts of the middle east seem to
be able to talk to each other in Arabic (?????)
In any case----whilst planning the murders
B'SMILLAH (in the name of allah)-----no doubt there
were lots of inshallahs flying around I wonder if the
mujahad who lit the Jordanian pilot on fire mumbled
b'smillah before he did the noble deed
Certainly allahu akbar would have been the slogan of choice. That droning intonation accompanies the acts of violence and the degradation of humanity so popular among moslems.

I'm sure when the bomb went off in OKC somebody in the area went "Jesus Christ what was that!?" but that doesn't mean they were praying. Just sayin'.

Alternately they might have said, "Holy shit" but that doesn't make us... well, never mind.

You realize such an attempt at analogy is failed, right?

I'm pretty sure that McVeigh, in the commission of the OKC bombing didn't chant "Jeebus akbar".

The "Allahu akbar" slogan is chanted in the commission of the holy act of whacking off someones head, or blowing someone's brains out with an AK-47 or just prior to a 'splodin in a marketplace that results in a bright orange flash and explosion of a suicide belt that sends shrapnel flying through the air at high speed and results in charred flesh and shattered bones.

Shirley, "god is great".

It's a bit disingenuous to suggest that's the only time it's trotted out, doncha think?

Wiki sez:

The Takbīr (تَكْبِير), also written Tekbir or Takbeer, is the term for the Arabic phrase Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر), usually translated as "God is [the] greatest," or "God is great".[1] It is a common Islamic Arabic expression, used in various contexts by Muslims; in formal prayer, in the call for prayer (adhān),[2] as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress, to express celebration or victory, or to express resolute determination or defiance.​

Also used to express joy/gratitude or amazement; at births and deaths;

and this entry -- times of distress:

Just before a Garuda Airbus A300B-4 crashed into the jungle near Medan, Indonesia, the pilot screamed "Aaaaaah! Allahu Akbar!" into his radio. According to a radio communication transcript, the pilot's conversation with the air controller had been in English, but his last words were this Arabic phrase as the plane crashed on September 26, 1997, killing all 235 people aboard in Indonesia's deadliest crash. It was suspected that the crash may have been due to either disorientation or engine failure caused by local dense smog resulting from forest fires.[5][6]
"Idiotic"? Well no. It appears I was right on the money.

Not by a long shot------you INVENTED the idea that someone
said or wrote "ALLAHUAKBAR" is said ONLY when
muslims are in the act of blowing the brains out of children.
WHERE AND WHO-----it is farted forth on many HOLY OCCASIONS and as a PRAYER but never as a vulgar expletive.

the first time my fair haired blue eyed two year old said
****FUCK**** he was imitating a repair person
who had hit his own finger with a hammer. Such
circumstance would not elicit an ALLAHUAKBARR
from a muslim-----more than likely it would be
"kus-achtah" some English speakers might---
as an expletive have said "jeeeezus kriiist"
Ever watch that show: Walking dead? The zombies are Muslims. Not a clever metaphor. We end up like THEM unless we fight back against the darkness, we end up a mindless group of zombies trying to take over.

This board and others like it are already that. Ya got people presented with simple realities and yet go right on denying it. If that ain't zombification I'm not sure what is.
Certainly allahu akbar would have been the slogan of choice. That droning intonation accompanies the acts of violence and the degradation of humanity so popular among moslems.

I'm sure when the bomb went off in OKC somebody in the area went "Jesus Christ what was that!?" but that doesn't mean they were praying. Just sayin'.

Alternately they might have said, "Holy shit" but that doesn't make us... well, never mind.

You realize such an attempt at analogy is failed, right?

I'm pretty sure that McVeigh, in the commission of the OKC bombing didn't chant "Jeebus akbar".

The "Allahu akbar" slogan is chanted in the commission of the holy act of whacking off someones head, or blowing someone's brains out with an AK-47 or just prior to a 'splodin in a marketplace that results in a bright orange flash and explosion of a suicide belt that sends shrapnel flying through the air at high speed and results in charred flesh and shattered bones.

Shirley, "god is great".

It's a bit disingenuous to suggest that's the only time it's trotted out, doncha think?

Wiki sez:

The Takbīr (تَكْبِير), also written Tekbir or Takbeer, is the term for the Arabic phrase Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر), usually translated as "God is [the] greatest," or "God is great".[1] It is a common Islamic Arabic expression, used in various contexts by Muslims; in formal prayer, in the call for prayer (adhān),[2] as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress, to express celebration or victory, or to express resolute determination or defiance.​

Also used to express joy/gratitude or amazement; at births and deaths;

and this entry -- times of distress:

Just before a Garuda Airbus A300B-4 crashed into the jungle near Medan, Indonesia, the pilot screamed "Aaaaaah! Allahu Akbar!" into his radio. According to a radio communication transcript, the pilot's conversation with the air controller had been in English, but his last words were this Arabic phrase as the plane crashed on September 26, 1997, killing all 235 people aboard in Indonesia's deadliest crash. It was suspected that the crash may have been due to either disorientation or engine failure caused by local dense smog resulting from forest fires.[5][6]
So it appears I was right on the money.

I agree that for folks like you, wiki is an invaluable source. However, it won't help when your attempts at analogy are flawed and naive.

The realities of Allahu Akbar droning on to the commission of killing and maiming may tend to confound you.

So, it appears you need to bargain with something more than Monopoly money.

Wiki's written by the whole world. You know more than the whole world, do ya? :eusa_hand:
Must be boring as shit.

What part of that isn't true? You can click in and remove it y'know. Being omniscient and all.
Wiki is written and edited by anyone with Internet access. Today is Friday which implies you were born yesterday?

It's truly amazing what you wiki groupies will willingly buy in to.
try again, POGO there is nothing in your WIKI thing that
supports your idiotic argument that ALLAHUAKBAR is
an ALL USE expletive--------it is based in actual religion.
Using it as a kind of "profanity" would be blasphemy.
your comment is idiotic-----"jesus Christ" is used as an expletive by somewhat vulgar English speakers.
allahuakbar is no more an expletive amongst muslims
than HALLELUJAH is an expletive in a Baptist church.
neither is " B'smallah " which, in fact is a kind of
saying of 'grace' before eating. Whilst slitting
the throat of an animal for HALLAL meat---the throat
slitter says "B'smallah" <<< it's like a prayer.

Inshallah is an Arabic construct-----Pakistanis speak
Urdu-----and or some other lingo of that area of the
of the indian subcontinent------but they throw an
INSHALLAH into just about every verbal interchange, too----'
It is not unlikely that the pigs and dogs which
attacked the Hebdo office and the kosher grocery
spoke French-------arabs from different arab countries
speaks Arabic so UNIQUELY that they have trouble
understanding each other------so they probably spoke
in FRENCH Pakistanis from different parts of
Pakistan--------(bangla desh was once called
east Pakistan---often communicate in English..
Roudy can answer this one------somehow Arabic speaking
JOOOS from different parts of the middle east seem to
be able to talk to each other in Arabic (?????)
In any case----whilst planning the murders
B'SMILLAH (in the name of allah)-----no doubt there
were lots of inshallahs flying around I wonder if the
mujahad who lit the Jordanian pilot on fire mumbled
b'smillah before he did the noble deed
Certainly allahu akbar would have been the slogan of choice. That droning intonation accompanies the acts of violence and the degradation of humanity so popular among moslems.

I'm sure when the bomb went off in OKC somebody in the area went "Jesus Christ what was that!?" but that doesn't mean they were praying. Just sayin'.

Alternately they might have said, "Holy shit" but that doesn't make us... well, never mind.

You realize such an attempt at analogy is failed, right?

I'm pretty sure that McVeigh, in the commission of the OKC bombing didn't chant "Jeebus akbar".

The "Allahu akbar" slogan is chanted in the commission of the holy act of whacking off someones head, or blowing someone's brains out with an AK-47 or just prior to a 'splodin in a marketplace that results in a bright orange flash and explosion of a suicide belt that sends shrapnel flying through the air at high speed and results in charred flesh and shattered bones.

Shirley, "god is great".

It's a bit disingenuous to suggest that's the only time it's trotted out, doncha think?

Wiki sez:

The Takbīr (تَكْبِير), also written Tekbir or Takbeer, is the term for the Arabic phrase Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر), usually translated as "God is [the] greatest," or "God is great".[1] It is a common Islamic Arabic expression, used in various contexts by Muslims; in formal prayer, in the call for prayer (adhān),[2] as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress, to express celebration or victory, or to express resolute determination or defiance.​

Also used to express joy/gratitude or amazement; at births and deaths;

and this entry -- times of distress:

Just before a Garuda Airbus A300B-4 crashed into the jungle near Medan, Indonesia, the pilot screamed "Aaaaaah! Allahu Akbar!" into his radio. According to a radio communication transcript, the pilot's conversation with the air controller had been in English, but his last words were this Arabic phrase as the plane crashed on September 26, 1997, killing all 235 people aboard in Indonesia's deadliest crash. It was suspected that the crash may have been due to either disorientation or engine failure caused by local dense smog resulting from forest fires.[5][6]
"Idiotic"? Well no. It appears I was right on the money.

Not by a long shot------you INVENTED the idea that someone
said or wrote "ALLAHUAKBAR" is said ONLY when
muslims are in the act of blowing the brains out of children.
WHERE AND WHO-----it is farted forth on many HOLY OCCASIONS and as a PRAYER but never as a vulgar expletive.

the first time my fair haired blue eyed two year old said
****FUCK**** he was imitating a repair person
who had hit his own finger with a hammer. Such
circumstance would not elicit an ALLAHUAKBARR
from a muslim-----more than likely it would be
"kus-achtah" some English speakers might---
as an expletive have said "jeeeezus kriiist"

I didn't invent that -- I refuted it. Hollie invented it. She knows more than the whole world yanno.

Your repair person who hit is finger with a hammer wasn't talking about sex either. Most Muslims (Arabs) I know would have said "Kharra!" (KH being the guttural, best transliteration I can come up with). They used to teach me these phrases, both the regional ones like "Zift!" (Egyptian) and the universal ones like "Kharra".

Which reminds me of a joke.

A dyslexic guy hits his own finger with a hammer. He shrieks, "THIS!"
I'm sure when the bomb went off in OKC somebody in the area went "Jesus Christ what was that!?" but that doesn't mean they were praying. Just sayin'.

Alternately they might have said, "Holy shit" but that doesn't make us... well, never mind.

You realize such an attempt at analogy is failed, right?

I'm pretty sure that McVeigh, in the commission of the OKC bombing didn't chant "Jeebus akbar".

The "Allahu akbar" slogan is chanted in the commission of the holy act of whacking off someones head, or blowing someone's brains out with an AK-47 or just prior to a 'splodin in a marketplace that results in a bright orange flash and explosion of a suicide belt that sends shrapnel flying through the air at high speed and results in charred flesh and shattered bones.

Shirley, "god is great".

It's a bit disingenuous to suggest that's the only time it's trotted out, doncha think?

Wiki sez:

The Takbīr (تَكْبِير), also written Tekbir or Takbeer, is the term for the Arabic phrase Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر), usually translated as "God is [the] greatest," or "God is great".[1] It is a common Islamic Arabic expression, used in various contexts by Muslims; in formal prayer, in the call for prayer (adhān),[2] as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress, to express celebration or victory, or to express resolute determination or defiance.​

Also used to express joy/gratitude or amazement; at births and deaths;

and this entry -- times of distress:

Just before a Garuda Airbus A300B-4 crashed into the jungle near Medan, Indonesia, the pilot screamed "Aaaaaah! Allahu Akbar!" into his radio. According to a radio communication transcript, the pilot's conversation with the air controller had been in English, but his last words were this Arabic phrase as the plane crashed on September 26, 1997, killing all 235 people aboard in Indonesia's deadliest crash. It was suspected that the crash may have been due to either disorientation or engine failure caused by local dense smog resulting from forest fires.[5][6]
So it appears I was right on the money.

I agree that for folks like you, wiki is an invaluable source. However, it won't help when your attempts at analogy are flawed and naive.

The realities of Allahu Akbar droning on to the commission of killing and maiming may tend to confound you.

So, it appears you need to bargain with something more than Monopoly money.

Wiki's written by the whole world. You know more than the whole world, do ya? :eusa_hand:
Must be boring as shit.

What part of that isn't true? You can click in and remove it y'know. Being omniscient and all.
Wiki is written and edited by anyone with Internet access. Today is Friday which implies you were born yesterday?

It's truly amazing what you wiki groupies will willingly buy in to.

And then it's re-edited by those who know better than the last edit. And that's been going on for years.
That's why I say go ahead and edit the entry I quoted. Let's see how long it survives.
Go ahead. I dare ya.
Jesus Christ on Steroids, did you take an overdose of Stupid or what??? :banghead:

This is the definition -- the ENTIRE definition, nothing left out --- from YOUR OWN LINK in post 78:


foreign term in·shal·lah \ˌin-shä-ˈlä\
Definition of INSHALLAH
: if Allah wills : God willing <<​

That's it. The end.

Not a fucking thing about "fire". Not a fucking thing about "Quizas, quizas, quizas". Not a fucking thing about "punishment". It doesn't even mean anything by itself. It has to be attached to some kind of speculation. Which could be about literally anything.

Your own link.

The depth of abject ignorance in this place absolutely boggles the mind.

I do not know Arabic---or its grammar. It would be nice to know what "INSH" means----- roudy?? The expression is used incessantly by Arabic speakers--- ---like some people say "GOD WILLING" in order to annoy people. Most americans do not throw a "god-willing" ---
into every conversation------the use of inshallah underscores
the Islamic creed of pre-determination as opposed to
FREEWILL ---which is the theme of the first several books of the bible called "the old testament" in which GOD has lots of
will but cannot completely control the universe because humans also have free will. Interestingly enough----animals are not described as having "freewill"----they just have natural tendencies which they apparently have because
that is how they were created. Muslims have so little free will that I wonder how any can be convicted of a crime-----
---allah made them do it

We don't use "god willing" as much as we used to. The new hack phrase seems to be "hopefully" .... "when we get there hopefully we'll have time to eat" ---- which is a complete grammatical train wreck but it seems to be common and it's the same function. "Let's hope" would function better. Or "if all goes well".

But that's all it is. Jon kept insisting insha'Allah means something having to do with fire or punishment or something, which his own link disproves. Personally I think he needs to share more of whatever mushrooms he's smokin', insha'Allah...

Inshallah is an Arabic construct-----Pakistanis speak
Urdu-----and or some other lingo of that area of the
of the indian subcontinent------but they throw an
INSHALLAH into just about every verbal interchange, too----'
It is not unlikely that the pigs and dogs which
attacked the Hebdo office and the kosher grocery
spoke French-------arabs from different arab countries
speaks Arabic so UNIQUELY that they have trouble
understanding each other------so they probably spoke
in FRENCH Pakistanis from different parts of
Pakistan--------(bangla desh was once called
east Pakistan---often communicate in English..
Roudy can answer this one------somehow Arabic speaking
JOOOS from different parts of the middle east seem to
be able to talk to each other in Arabic (?????)
In any case----whilst planning the murders
B'SMILLAH (in the name of allah)-----no doubt there
were lots of inshallahs flying around I wonder if the
mujahad who lit the Jordanian pilot on fire mumbled
b'smillah before he did the noble deed
Certainly allahu akbar would have been the slogan of choice. That droning intonation accompanies the acts of violence and the degradation of humanity so popular among moslems.

I'm sure when the bomb went off in OKC somebody in the area went "Jesus Christ what was that!?" but that doesn't mean they were praying. Just sayin'.

Alternately they might have said, "Holy shit" but that doesn't make us... well, never mind.
Your 9-11 heroes were recorded as chanting Allahu Akbar prior to their little dalliance.

Here's a bit of knowledge you can take away. Allahu Akbar doesn't translate to "I'm upset at the choice in-flight movie".

Look that up on wiki if you like.
try again, POGO there is nothing in your WIKI thing that
supports your idiotic argument that ALLAHUAKBAR is
an ALL USE expletive--------it is based in actual religion.
Using it as a kind of "profanity" would be blasphemy.

That example (the plane about to crash) is not "profanity". It's an ejaculation. So is the repair guy with the hammer going "Fuck" although in that case it is profanity since it's not used in polite company.
I do not know Arabic---or its grammar. It would be nice to know what "INSH" means----- roudy?? The expression is used incessantly by Arabic speakers--- ---like some people say "GOD WILLING" in order to annoy people. Most americans do not throw a "god-willing" ---
into every conversation------the use of inshallah underscores
the Islamic creed of pre-determination as opposed to
FREEWILL ---which is the theme of the first several books of the bible called "the old testament" in which GOD has lots of
will but cannot completely control the universe because humans also have free will. Interestingly enough----animals are not described as having "freewill"----they just have natural tendencies which they apparently have because
that is how they were created. Muslims have so little free will that I wonder how any can be convicted of a crime-----
---allah made them do it

We don't use "god willing" as much as we used to. The new hack phrase seems to be "hopefully" .... "when we get there hopefully we'll have time to eat" ---- which is a complete grammatical train wreck but it seems to be common and it's the same function. "Let's hope" would function better. Or "if all goes well".

But that's all it is. Jon kept insisting insha'Allah means something having to do with fire or punishment or something, which his own link disproves. Personally I think he needs to share more of whatever mushrooms he's smokin', insha'Allah...

Inshallah is an Arabic construct-----Pakistanis speak
Urdu-----and or some other lingo of that area of the
of the indian subcontinent------but they throw an
INSHALLAH into just about every verbal interchange, too----'
It is not unlikely that the pigs and dogs which
attacked the Hebdo office and the kosher grocery
spoke French-------arabs from different arab countries
speaks Arabic so UNIQUELY that they have trouble
understanding each other------so they probably spoke
in FRENCH Pakistanis from different parts of
Pakistan--------(bangla desh was once called
east Pakistan---often communicate in English..
Roudy can answer this one------somehow Arabic speaking
JOOOS from different parts of the middle east seem to
be able to talk to each other in Arabic (?????)
In any case----whilst planning the murders
B'SMILLAH (in the name of allah)-----no doubt there
were lots of inshallahs flying around I wonder if the
mujahad who lit the Jordanian pilot on fire mumbled
b'smillah before he did the noble deed
Certainly allahu akbar would have been the slogan of choice. That droning intonation accompanies the acts of violence and the degradation of humanity so popular among moslems.

I'm sure when the bomb went off in OKC somebody in the area went "Jesus Christ what was that!?" but that doesn't mean they were praying. Just sayin'.

Alternately they might have said, "Holy shit" but that doesn't make us... well, never mind.
Your 9-11 heroes were recorded as chanting Allahu Akbar prior to their little dalliance.

Here's a bit of knowledge you can take away. Allahu Akbar doesn't translate to "I'm upset at the choice in-flight movie".

Look that up on wiki if you like.

Where are you getting this "your 9/11 heroes" bullshit?
You know what my best friend had breakfast with the crew of AA 11 that day. FUCK you.
Ever watch that show: Walking dead? The zombies are Muslims. Not a clever metaphor. We end up like THEM unless we fight back against the darkness, we end up a mindless group of zombies trying to take over.

This board and others like it are already that. Ya got people presented with simple realities and yet go right on denying it. If that ain't zombification I'm not sure what is.
And yet those Zombie Muslims keep on trying to take over. Burn and chop, not surprised that there isn't a Isis cannibalism cooking channel now. How to cook the Infidel. In HD.
You realize such an attempt at analogy is failed, right?

I'm pretty sure that McVeigh, in the commission of the OKC bombing didn't chant "Jeebus akbar".

The "Allahu akbar" slogan is chanted in the commission of the holy act of whacking off someones head, or blowing someone's brains out with an AK-47 or just prior to a 'splodin in a marketplace that results in a bright orange flash and explosion of a suicide belt that sends shrapnel flying through the air at high speed and results in charred flesh and shattered bones.

Shirley, "god is great".

It's a bit disingenuous to suggest that's the only time it's trotted out, doncha think?

Wiki sez:

The Takbīr (تَكْبِير), also written Tekbir or Takbeer, is the term for the Arabic phrase Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر), usually translated as "God is [the] greatest," or "God is great".[1] It is a common Islamic Arabic expression, used in various contexts by Muslims; in formal prayer, in the call for prayer (adhān),[2] as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress, to express celebration or victory, or to express resolute determination or defiance.​

Also used to express joy/gratitude or amazement; at births and deaths;

and this entry -- times of distress:

Just before a Garuda Airbus A300B-4 crashed into the jungle near Medan, Indonesia, the pilot screamed "Aaaaaah! Allahu Akbar!" into his radio. According to a radio communication transcript, the pilot's conversation with the air controller had been in English, but his last words were this Arabic phrase as the plane crashed on September 26, 1997, killing all 235 people aboard in Indonesia's deadliest crash. It was suspected that the crash may have been due to either disorientation or engine failure caused by local dense smog resulting from forest fires.[5][6]
So it appears I was right on the money.

I agree that for folks like you, wiki is an invaluable source. However, it won't help when your attempts at analogy are flawed and naive.

The realities of Allahu Akbar droning on to the commission of killing and maiming may tend to confound you.

So, it appears you need to bargain with something more than Monopoly money.

Wiki's written by the whole world. You know more than the whole world, do ya? :eusa_hand:
Must be boring as shit.

What part of that isn't true? You can click in and remove it y'know. Being omniscient and all.
Wiki is written and edited by anyone with Internet access. Today is Friday which implies you were born yesterday?

It's truly amazing what you wiki groupies will willingly buy in to.

And then it's re-edited by those who know better than the last edit. And that's been going on for years.
That's why I say go ahead and edit the entry I quoted. Let's see how long it survives.
Go ahead. I dare ya.
And then re-edited by folks like you who don't know better. That also has been going on for years.

There's a reason why wiki is a laughable joke as an authoritative source for anything. Try using wiki for an authoritative research paper and submitting that for peer review.

Go ahead. I dare ya'
your comment is idiotic-----"jesus Christ" is used as an expletive by somewhat vulgar English speakers.
allahuakbar is no more an expletive amongst muslims
than HALLELUJAH is an expletive in a Baptist church.
neither is " B'smallah " which, in fact is a kind of
saying of 'grace' before eating. Whilst slitting
the throat of an animal for HALLAL meat---the throat
slitter says "B'smallah" <<< it's like a prayer.

Certainly allahu akbar would have been the slogan of choice. That droning intonation accompanies the acts of violence and the degradation of humanity so popular among moslems.

I'm sure when the bomb went off in OKC somebody in the area went "Jesus Christ what was that!?" but that doesn't mean they were praying. Just sayin'.

Alternately they might have said, "Holy shit" but that doesn't make us... well, never mind.

You realize such an attempt at analogy is failed, right?

I'm pretty sure that McVeigh, in the commission of the OKC bombing didn't chant "Jeebus akbar".

The "Allahu akbar" slogan is chanted in the commission of the holy act of whacking off someones head, or blowing someone's brains out with an AK-47 or just prior to a 'splodin in a marketplace that results in a bright orange flash and explosion of a suicide belt that sends shrapnel flying through the air at high speed and results in charred flesh and shattered bones.

Shirley, "god is great".

It's a bit disingenuous to suggest that's the only time it's trotted out, doncha think?

Wiki sez:

The Takbīr (تَكْبِير), also written Tekbir or Takbeer, is the term for the Arabic phrase Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر), usually translated as "God is [the] greatest," or "God is great".[1] It is a common Islamic Arabic expression, used in various contexts by Muslims; in formal prayer, in the call for prayer (adhān),[2] as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress, to express celebration or victory, or to express resolute determination or defiance.​

Also used to express joy/gratitude or amazement; at births and deaths;

and this entry -- times of distress:

Just before a Garuda Airbus A300B-4 crashed into the jungle near Medan, Indonesia, the pilot screamed "Aaaaaah! Allahu Akbar!" into his radio. According to a radio communication transcript, the pilot's conversation with the air controller had been in English, but his last words were this Arabic phrase as the plane crashed on September 26, 1997, killing all 235 people aboard in Indonesia's deadliest crash. It was suspected that the crash may have been due to either disorientation or engine failure caused by local dense smog resulting from forest fires.[5][6]
"Idiotic"? Well no. It appears I was right on the money.

Not by a long shot------you INVENTED the idea that someone
said or wrote "ALLAHUAKBAR" is said ONLY when
muslims are in the act of blowing the brains out of children.
WHERE AND WHO-----it is farted forth on many HOLY OCCASIONS and as a PRAYER but never as a vulgar expletive.

the first time my fair haired blue eyed two year old said
****FUCK**** he was imitating a repair person
who had hit his own finger with a hammer. Such
circumstance would not elicit an ALLAHUAKBARR
from a muslim-----more than likely it would be
"kus-achtah" some English speakers might---
as an expletive have said "jeeeezus kriiist"

I didn't invent that -- I refuted it. Hollie invented it. She knows more than the whole world yanno.

Your repair person who hit is finger with a hammer wasn't talking about sex either. Most Muslims (Arabs) I know would have said "Kharra!" (KH being the guttural, best transliteration I can come up with). They used to teach me these phrases, both the regional ones like "Zift!" (Egyptian) and the universal ones like "Kharra".

Which reminds me of a joke.

A dyslexic guy hits his own finger with a hammer. He shrieks, "THIS!"

so much you do not know------the expletive is KUS-ACHTAH------kharah means shit. your friends misled
you -----and for reason----saying "kus-achtah" to the wrong
person can incite a brawl arabs do not say kharah all that much unless they are referring to non-muslims
We don't use "god willing" as much as we used to. The new hack phrase seems to be "hopefully" .... "when we get there hopefully we'll have time to eat" ---- which is a complete grammatical train wreck but it seems to be common and it's the same function. "Let's hope" would function better. Or "if all goes well".

But that's all it is. Jon kept insisting insha'Allah means something having to do with fire or punishment or something, which his own link disproves. Personally I think he needs to share more of whatever mushrooms he's smokin', insha'Allah...

Inshallah is an Arabic construct-----Pakistanis speak
Urdu-----and or some other lingo of that area of the
of the indian subcontinent------but they throw an
INSHALLAH into just about every verbal interchange, too----'
It is not unlikely that the pigs and dogs which
attacked the Hebdo office and the kosher grocery
spoke French-------arabs from different arab countries
speaks Arabic so UNIQUELY that they have trouble
understanding each other------so they probably spoke
in FRENCH Pakistanis from different parts of
Pakistan--------(bangla desh was once called
east Pakistan---often communicate in English..
Roudy can answer this one------somehow Arabic speaking
JOOOS from different parts of the middle east seem to
be able to talk to each other in Arabic (?????)
In any case----whilst planning the murders
B'SMILLAH (in the name of allah)-----no doubt there
were lots of inshallahs flying around I wonder if the
mujahad who lit the Jordanian pilot on fire mumbled
b'smillah before he did the noble deed
Certainly allahu akbar would have been the slogan of choice. That droning intonation accompanies the acts of violence and the degradation of humanity so popular among moslems.

I'm sure when the bomb went off in OKC somebody in the area went "Jesus Christ what was that!?" but that doesn't mean they were praying. Just sayin'.

Alternately they might have said, "Holy shit" but that doesn't make us... well, never mind.
Your 9-11 heroes were recorded as chanting Allahu Akbar prior to their little dalliance.

Here's a bit of knowledge you can take away. Allahu Akbar doesn't translate to "I'm upset at the choice in-flight movie".

Look that up on wiki if you like.

Where are you getting this "your 9/11 heroes" bullshit?
You know what my best friend had breakfast with the crew of AA 11 that day. FUCK you.

Well.... well..... well.... my best friend also had breakfast with the crew that day. I'm left wondering about your grasp on reality.

I'll pass on the FUCK. But thank you anyway, you lovely, thoughtful person.
your comment is idiotic-----"jesus Christ" is used as an expletive by somewhat vulgar English speakers.
allahuakbar is no more an expletive amongst muslims
than HALLELUJAH is an expletive in a Baptist church.
neither is " B'smallah " which, in fact is a kind of
saying of 'grace' before eating. Whilst slitting
the throat of an animal for HALLAL meat---the throat
slitter says "B'smallah" <<< it's like a prayer.

I'm sure when the bomb went off in OKC somebody in the area went "Jesus Christ what was that!?" but that doesn't mean they were praying. Just sayin'.

Alternately they might have said, "Holy shit" but that doesn't make us... well, never mind.

You realize such an attempt at analogy is failed, right?

I'm pretty sure that McVeigh, in the commission of the OKC bombing didn't chant "Jeebus akbar".

The "Allahu akbar" slogan is chanted in the commission of the holy act of whacking off someones head, or blowing someone's brains out with an AK-47 or just prior to a 'splodin in a marketplace that results in a bright orange flash and explosion of a suicide belt that sends shrapnel flying through the air at high speed and results in charred flesh and shattered bones.

Shirley, "god is great".

It's a bit disingenuous to suggest that's the only time it's trotted out, doncha think?

Wiki sez:

The Takbīr (تَكْبِير), also written Tekbir or Takbeer, is the term for the Arabic phrase Allāhu Akbar (الله أكبر), usually translated as "God is [the] greatest," or "God is great".[1] It is a common Islamic Arabic expression, used in various contexts by Muslims; in formal prayer, in the call for prayer (adhān),[2] as an informal expression of faith, in times of distress, to express celebration or victory, or to express resolute determination or defiance.​

Also used to express joy/gratitude or amazement; at births and deaths;

and this entry -- times of distress:

Just before a Garuda Airbus A300B-4 crashed into the jungle near Medan, Indonesia, the pilot screamed "Aaaaaah! Allahu Akbar!" into his radio. According to a radio communication transcript, the pilot's conversation with the air controller had been in English, but his last words were this Arabic phrase as the plane crashed on September 26, 1997, killing all 235 people aboard in Indonesia's deadliest crash. It was suspected that the crash may have been due to either disorientation or engine failure caused by local dense smog resulting from forest fires.[5][6]
"Idiotic"? Well no. It appears I was right on the money.

Not by a long shot------you INVENTED the idea that someone
said or wrote "ALLAHUAKBAR" is said ONLY when
muslims are in the act of blowing the brains out of children.
WHERE AND WHO-----it is farted forth on many HOLY OCCASIONS and as a PRAYER but never as a vulgar expletive.

the first time my fair haired blue eyed two year old said
****FUCK**** he was imitating a repair person
who had hit his own finger with a hammer. Such
circumstance would not elicit an ALLAHUAKBARR
from a muslim-----more than likely it would be
"kus-achtah" some English speakers might---
as an expletive have said "jeeeezus kriiist"

I didn't invent that -- I refuted it. Hollie invented it. She knows more than the whole world yanno.

Your repair person who hit is finger with a hammer wasn't talking about sex either. Most Muslims (Arabs) I know would have said "Kharra!" (KH being the guttural, best transliteration I can come up with). They used to teach me these phrases, both the regional ones like "Zift!" (Egyptian) and the universal ones like "Kharra".

Which reminds me of a joke.

A dyslexic guy hits his own finger with a hammer. He shrieks, "THIS!"

so much you do not know------the expletive is KUS-ACHTAH------kharah means shit. your friends misled
you -----and for reason----saying "kus-achtah" to the wrong
person can incite a brawl arabs do not say kharah all that much unless they are referring to non-muslims

No they did not "mislead" me -- that's what I understood it to mean so I know that. They took pains to explain the circumstances of propriety for different phrases.

What did you think I was saying there?

You didn't even get the joke didja?
Not sure about reading comprehension here... especially after Jon went berserk on insha'Allah....
Islam is the death of humanity. It's like that undefined disease in the walking dead. Exactly like that. Who do you think all those dead eyed mindless roaming evil dead represent? The ones that with a single bite can take you out and kill your mind at the same time?
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