Zone1 Burning the Bible or the Torah or the Koran - is this an example for free speech?

Burning the Bible or the Torah or the Koran - is this an example for free speech?

  • yes, it is

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • no, it isnt, as burning things is no speech

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Burning the Bible or the Torah or the Koran - is this an example for free speech?

yes, it is
no, it isnt, as burning things is no speech
It is a nonverbal expression of an idea or opinion which falls under the aegis of the First Amendment.
It's easy to impulsively say "they shouldn't be able to say that," so we have to step back and look at the bigger picture.

Right now we have both ends of our spectrum trying to punish people for expressing their opinion, and that's a very bad sign.

Even if you are the oldest living person, you have never seen a real America in your lifetime. Humans behave the way humans behave. The founding fathers just had superior fire power so they could write down a bunch of pie in the sky hooey nonsense. The constitution isn't realistic yet somehow it functions adequately for a country. We are in no way close to the American Ideal and I don't even believe we ever were. Some people don't know this because they have never had a legal issue. Free speech doesn't exist. If a judge thinks you said a bad thing, you are going down. If the jury thinks you said a bad thing, you are going down. Sure. You can fight for 5 years to get heard in the supreme court but even if you win, you already lost a hundred times before you got to that point.
It is a nonverbal expression of an idea or opinion which falls under the aegis of the First Amendment.

It is kind of a duh thing. Isn't it? These haters of free speech know they are being dishonest. Burning a Bible is free speech.
No one is against free speech

Every elected judge in America hates free speech and uses the highest violence imaginable to destroy it. (I only included elected judges not Supreme Court Justices.) Why don't you include elected judges? They hate the heck out of free speech.
Free speech is fine.
But how can burning something be "speech"?
Every elected judge in America hates free speech and uses the highest violence imaginable to destroy it. (I only included elected judges not Supreme Court Justices.) Why don't you include elected judges? They hate the heck out of free speech.
Give some examples.
Burning a Bible is free speech.
Our ancestors noted an eye for an eye...a tooth for a tooth. In other words if someone knocks out a tooth, the opponent cannot retaliate by poking out an eye.

In the same way, wise people of our own time might note, A word for a word and a fire for a fire. That might put everyone on track to what someone else taught about putting aside retaliations and treating well those with whom we disagree.
Free speech is fine.
But how can burning something be "speech"?
It is free expression and SHOULD be legal assuming that the person
doing the burning LEGALLY owns the book or document and burns it
in a FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVED MANNER. If he does it publically---
he should accept PUBLICATION of his act. I would not marry him or
hire him to shovel snow off my sidewalk
Burning the Bible or the Torah or the Koran - is this an example for free speech?

who's kidding who - when one is burnt they are all three being burnt together - or the burner is beyond any hope for sanity than who burns all three.

liberation theology is not relegated to text to be so constrained by burning where were all the bibles to disappear so would their false religions.

who claims otherwise than free speech is a crucifier.
I claims otherwise
I also claim otherwiese

who claims otherwise than free speech is a crucifier.

of course ...


those two know whats best for everyone. and how to keep their attention.

- from the desert with love.

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