Busch Beer Heir Deals NRA Serious Blow


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
WASHINGTON -- Adolphus Busch IV, heir to the Busch family brewing fortune, resigned his position on the board of the National Rifle Association on Thursday, writing in a letter to NRA President David Keene, "I fail to see how the NRA can disregard the overwhelming will of its members who see background checks as reasonable."

The resignation, first reported by KSDK, came a day after the Senate rejected a series of amendments to a gun control bill, including a bipartisan deal to expand background checks for gun sales. The NRA had vigorously opposed all those measures.

"The NRA I see today has undermined the values upon which it was established," wrote Busch, who also dropped his NRA membership. "Your current strategic focus clearly places priority on the needs of gun and ammunition manufacturers while disregarding the opinions of your 4 million individual members."

Reached for comment on Busch's resignation, NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam told The Huffington Post, "We disagree with his characterization, but we wish him all the best."

Busch joined the pro-gun organization in 1975 and has spoken before of his love of hunting. But the NRA has moved in a direction that Busch would not follow. "One only has to look at the makeup of the 75-member board of directors, dominated by manufacturing interests, to confirm my point. The NRA appears to have evolved into the lobby for gun and ammunition manufacturers rather than gun owners," he wrote.

Adolphus Busch IV Resigns From NRA Board After Gun Control Defeat In Senate
And fools like you cannot see what kind of sickness this demonstrates in the soul of our nation.
I should give a shit about a persons opinion whose family made a fortune on the sale of alcohol, which has been far more destructive to society than guns?

Don't think so.
The recently-failed gun control legislation was about much more than "background checks". The bill was linked here in its entirety. It was a morass of legislation, regulation, and piles upon piles of bureaucracy.
From katzens link -
According to an anonymous NRA source who spoke with Fox News's James Rosen, the group reportedly saw a rise of 8,000 new members in the days immediately following Friday's shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Pretty puny membership if 8000 is a "massive swell".
This has been discussed before but, not surprisingly, the NRA lies about their membership.

Does the NRA really have more than 4.5 million members? - The Washington Post

Shortly after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Fox News quoted an anonymous source as saying the gun-rights association had gained an average of 8,000 new members a day since the tragedy. But Politico quoted the NRA as saying that it had gained 100,000 new members in 18 days — which is an average of 5,500 a day.

Even if such numbers could be sustained over a period of time, that would mean about 80,000 to 130,000 new members in December — and 275,000 to 400,000 by early February. In either case, that falls short of a 500,000 gain.
The truth about the NRA is pretty simple -

You almost gotta laugh at the amateur rant at the NRA when democrat senators voted against it and doomed the resolution.
Strange how the left blames the NRA for the violence in America while not holding the media responsible for it's constant barrage of violent imagery in movies and video games. As this imagery has increased in the last few decades so has the violence. This has led to a percentage of a generation that glorifies violence, and a failure to separate reality from fiction.
The Columbine shooters were perfect examples of this as they literally thought we were living in the Matrix and were players of first person shooter games. No coincidence there.
Combine that with a failed drug war, a blame culture with no sense of personal responsibility, a permissive attitude and a PC culture that makes everyone feel as if they are a victim of some sense of injustice, and a broken mental health system and you can really address the real issues of the violence.
Not so strange I guess as the left finds it easier to blame an inanimate object than admit their social policies have helped us get to this position.
WASHINGTON -- Adolphus Busch IV, heir to the Busch family brewing fortune, resigned his position on the board of the National Rifle Association on Thursday, writing in a letter to NRA President David Keene, "I fail to see how the NRA can disregard the overwhelming will of its members who see background checks as reasonable."

The resignation, first reported by KSDK, came a day after the Senate rejected a series of amendments to a gun control bill, including a bipartisan deal to expand background checks for gun sales. The NRA had vigorously opposed all those measures.

"The NRA I see today has undermined the values upon which it was established," wrote Busch, who also dropped his NRA membership. "Your current strategic focus clearly places priority on the needs of gun and ammunition manufacturers while disregarding the opinions of your 4 million individual members."

Reached for comment on Busch's resignation, NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam told The Huffington Post, "We disagree with his characterization, but we wish him all the best."

Busch joined the pro-gun organization in 1975 and has spoken before of his love of hunting. But the NRA has moved in a direction that Busch would not follow. "One only has to look at the makeup of the 75-member board of directors, dominated by manufacturing interests, to confirm my point. The NRA appears to have evolved into the lobby for gun and ammunition manufacturers rather than gun owners," he wrote.

Adolphus Busch IV Resigns From NRA Board After Gun Control Defeat In Senate

I find it IRONIC and HYPOCRITICAL that Adolphus Busch IV is accusing the NRA of selling out to "gun and ammunition manufacturers", when it was the Busch family who SOLD OUT Anheuser-Busch to a Belgian-Brazilian brewing company named InBev back in 2008.
Just the Beginning for the NRA. This time they will pay for their sick lies about this Bill.
And fools like you cannot see what kind of sickness this demonstrates in the soul of our nation.

People like you have already sickened the soul of this nation. Guns aren't the problem and never have been. It's the degradation of our culture and society that has caused these issues, brought on by people like yourself.
And fools like you cannot see what kind of sickness this demonstrates in the soul of our nation.

People like you have already sickened the soul of this nation. Guns aren't the problem and never have been. It's the degradation of our culture and society that has caused these issues, brought on by people like yourself.

32,000 gun deaths a year in the US, and guns are not a problem:eusa_whistle:
Crime is outlawed. That's why only criminals commit crime.
It's a fruitless endeavor to isolate guns as the "problem".
And fools like you cannot see what kind of sickness this demonstrates in the soul of our nation.

kinda like the sickness of on demand abortion? Showing our youth that the killing of an innocent baby for convinence is okay. Demostrates the soul of this country, and your suprised about the violence in our country.

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