Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

I gave you the link that discusses caveats and qualifiers in the full, classified NIE. Obviously, I cannot produce it for you....BECAUSE IT'S CLASSIFIED!!! You continue to point to the unclassified summary as if it is the word of God. It is only a SUMMARY of an ESTIMATE.

Again...if caveats and qualifiers WERE there - and there are plenty of people who say they were, and the Bush administration has never even denied that there were - then what Bush THOUGHT or BELIEVED is irrelevant. If there were doubts, and there were, to create the false impression that doubt did not exist IS a lie... whether or not he chose to heed the caveats, the fact that they were there is all that is important.

Lying is not a crime. Lying under oath CAN be a crime if it is material. Last I knew, Bush has never been under oath during his presidency.

A link to someone claiming what something said with no evidence it actually says it is no proof of anything. FURTHER what we can see refutes any claim you have made as to what else the NIE said.

There was NO doubt in 2002 Iraq had WMDs, your claiming there were is a game and YOU know it.
A link to someone claiming what something said with no evidence it actually says it is no proof of anything. FURTHER what we can see refutes any claim you have made as to what else the NIE said.

There was NO doubt in 2002 Iraq had WMDs, your claiming there were is a game and YOU know it.

without being able to see the actual classifed version of the NIE, we will never have PROOF necessary for legal proceedings. But, as I said, lying is not a crime. Bush lied.

Again.., NIE's are ESTIMATES...BEST GUESSES... they change back and forth. 2005: Iran actively pursuing nukes...2007: Iran had abandoned the program in 2003. That is why they call it an ESTIMATE.
I gave you the link that discusses caveats and qualifiers in the full, classified NIE. Obviously, I cannot produce it for you....BECAUSE IT'S CLASSIFIED!!! You continue to point to the unclassified summary as if it is the word of God. It is only a SUMMARY of an ESTIMATE.

Again...if caveats and qualifiers WERE there - and there are plenty of people who say they were, and the Bush administration has never even denied that there were - then what Bush THOUGHT or BELIEVED is irrelevant. If there were doubts, and there were, to create the false impression that doubt did not exist IS a lie..

You start off with this lie and continue to try to prove your lie...

Bush DID NOT CLAIM "THEIR IS NO DOUBT" or "DENY THE EXISTENCE OF DOUBT ...he wasn't even talking about that to begin with....

You can mis-state what Bush said from now until hell freezes and the words will still not change....

you start with YOUR lie, naturally you'll end with a lie....
The only lie here is what you claim Bush said in the first place....
Your argument starts with a lie...your lie...
His quote, his exact words, are right in front of you...and you continue to mis-state what he said..You are the liar .....

whether or not he chose to heed the caveats, the fact that they were there is all that is important.

Lying is not a crime. Lying under oath CAN be a crime if it is material. Last I knew, Bush has never been under oath during his presidency.

There was an investigation and there was a 511-page report to discrepancies between the two versions of the crucial October 2002 NIE, the panel laid out numerous instances in which the unclassified version omitted key dissenting opinions about Iraqi weapons capabilities, overstated U.S. knowledge about Iraq's alleged stockpiles of weapons(all concerning the quantity) and, in one case, inserted threatening language into the public document that was not contained in the classified version.

AND IN THE END, EVEN THIS INVESTIGATION SHOWS YOU TO BE THE LIAR.....and I suspect a bit deranged one at that.
Not "another" Bush lied thread.:eusa_wall:

LMFAO. This study is so twisted I can't believe it actually got printed. I can easily believe some of you Bush-haters would jump right on though.

The BUSH LIED crowd has never had any particular facts to back up their agenda. So they have to latch on to any "study" like this they can find, no matter how twisted.
without being able to see the actual classifed version of the NIE, we will never have PROOF necessary for legal proceedings. But, as I said, lying is not a crime. Bush lied.

Again.., NIE's are ESTIMATES...BEST GUESSES... they change back and forth. 2005: Iran actively pursuing nukes...2007: Iran had abandoned the program in 2003. That is why they call it an ESTIMATE.

"We judge that Iraq has continued its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs in defiance of UN resolutions and restrictions. Baghdad has chemical and biological weapons as well as missiles with ranges in excess of UN restrictions; if left unchecked, it probably will have a nuclear weapon during this decade."

Just what words in this NIE report lead you to believe they are guessing?

And where did you get the impression that EVERYTHING in their conclusions are only 'best guesses'....

Do you contend that because a conclusion is incorrect it is nothing more than best guesses?
Two men are solving a complex mathematical problem for the first time....
one proclaims, "The answer is 100"
and the other insists, "The answer is 101".....

So is the man with the wrong answer lying?....guessing? ...or making a mistake?
And the man with the correct answer is not lying, not guessing, and of course not making any mistakes....
There was an investigation and there was a 511-page report to discrepancies between the two versions of the crucial October 2002 NIE, the panel laid out numerous instances in which the unclassified version omitted key dissenting opinions about Iraqi weapons capabilities, overstated U.S. knowledge about Iraq's alleged stockpiles of weapons(all concerning the quantity) and, in one case, inserted threatening language into the public document that was not contained in the classified version.

It would appear to me that the paragraph you have quoted supports my claim and not yours.

And again...you act as if the one quote from Bush you list is the only one. Did you miss the other 934 in the recent report? Bush and his minions beat the war drums for Iraq. They convinced Americans that Saddam had dangerous weapons AND that he had an alliance with AQ and the implication was made - over and over and over again - that if we didn't stop him right this very minute, he would give those weapons to Osama and his gang and they would use them against us.

Look. Alpha.... you refuse to accept the fact that Bush and his administration scared us into war by overstating the case for Saddam's WMD's and by suggesting an alliance between radical islamics and secular baathists that was, to anyone with any real knowledge of the region, nonsensical. We keep repeating the same things over and over again. YOu call me a liar. I say you are blind and do not understand the meaning of the word estimate... and back and forth and back and forth. Let's just agree to disagree and move on. Nothing you can say will make anything I have said a lie, and nothing I can say will make you change your mind and become something other than a partisan hack buffoon. Drop it.
It would appear to me that the paragraph you have quoted supports my claim and not yours.

The discrepancies and omissions were investigated and a report written....YOUR claim is specific...Bush...and the word doubt..and when I questioned you about it...YOU supplied that particular Bush quote, where he clearly talked about what our intell claimed...not any claim he made
And again...you act as if the one quote from Bush you list is the only one.
And that particular quote is the one in question...no others

Did you miss the other 934 in the recent report? Bush and his minions beat the war drums for Iraq. They convinced Americans that Saddam had dangerous weapons AND that he had an alliance with AQ and the implication was made - over and over and over again - that if we didn't stop him right this very minute, he would give those weapons to Osama and his gang and they would use them against us.

If, by his minions, you include M. Albright, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sandy Berger, Nancy Pelosi, Carl Levin, etc. I do remember them....even the Clinton admin. people making the AQ/Iraq connection, Mr. Clark, I believe....

but if this one Bush quote is your claim that Bush lied with the words 'no doubt', you got it wrong....because that particular quote is accurate, the NIE made an unambiguous assertion about Iraqs possession of CW and BW...

Look. Alpha.... you refuse to accept the fact that Bush and his administration scared us into war by overstating the case for Saddam's WMD's

and by suggesting an alliance between radical islamics and secular baathists

Lying again.?..These are claims I never made, even once

that was, to anyone with any real knowledge of the region, nonsensical. We keep repeating the same things over and over again. YOu call me a liar. I say you are blind and do not understand the meaning of the word estimate...

You do not understand the meaning of the word HAS.....

and back and forth and back and forth. Let's just agree to disagree and move on. Nothing you can say will make anything I have said a lie, and nothing I can say will make you change your mind and become something other than a partisan hack buffoon. Drop it.
Drop it? A good suggestion....
and when he was talking about that intelligence that supposedly "left no doubt", we now know that the intelligence did, in fact have doubt. what part of that do you not understand?

I will need links to any democrats making the Saddam/AQ connection prior to our invasion of Iraq. I know of none. And Mr. Clarke was a Bush administration official at the time of 9/11.

I never said that you made the connection between AQ and Saddam...I said that Team Bush did. You really need to work harder at reading for comprehension.

I understand the word HAS in its context in an unclassified summary document that is an estimate built on intelligence from many sources. I understand what "omitting key dissenting opinions about Iraqi weapons capabilities" does to the "intelligence leaves no doubt" statement. Obviously, you do not.
and when he was talking out that intelligence that supposedly left no doubt, we now know that the intelligence did, in fact have doubt. what part of that do you not understand?

Yes....but doubt about what....

Weapons capability(their supposed danger to US mainland)
Missiles (Numbers,reliability and range)
Ability to deliver WMD (aerial Sprayers, artillery etc.)
Quality and Quanity of CW/BW (10 metric tons?/100metric tones?)

So yeah...doubts were expressed...

.........But not about the existence of CW/BW
That was a definitive statement, (Baghdad HAS)

what part of that do you not understand?


I will need links to any democrats making the Saddam/AQ connection prior to our invasion of Iraq. I know of none.

Page 128 of 9/11 Commission Report
First Indictment of OBL (1998)
The original sealed document had added that AQ had reached an understanding with the government of Iraq etc....
This stuff was dropped in a later indictment because of lack of proof, but that is the first connection made and being right or wrong is irrelevant, the connection was made and suspicion voiced about cooperation between AQ and Iraq ....

I never said that you made the connection between AQ and Saddam...I said that Bush did. You really need to work harder at reading for comprehension.

I understand the word HAS in its context in an unclassified summary document that is an estimate built on intelligence from many sources. I understand what "omitting key dissenting opinions about Iraqi weapons capabilities" does to the "intelligence leaves no doubt" statement.

Omitting dessenting opinions about weapons capabilities does nothing to undermine the claim that Baghdad HAS CM and BW.....and thats the point....

it certainly places doubt on the danger posed by these weapons...I freely admit that...and Saddams ability to actually deliver the weapons...I freely admit that....but that is not the center of the disagreement between us....Bushs claim is direct and singular...."that the intell leaves no doubt about Iraqs possession of these weapons"...and that is what the report says.....
You want to guess what the classified version said and brand someone a liar based on you guess....I'll develop my opinions based on what I know...not on what I guess....

Obviously, you do not.
I asked for a link where M. Albright, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sandy Berger, Nancy Pelosi, Carl Levin connected AQ and Saddam and you offer up the original wording of an indictment that was scrapped for lack of evidence?????


"Omitting dessenting opinions about weapons capabilities does nothing to undermine the claim that Baghdad HAS CM and BW.....and thats the point...."

how do you know what the dissenting opinions expressed? How do YOU know that those dissenting opinions did not directly relate to BW and CW weapons caches? There WERE dissenting opinions about the intelligence....Bush & Co. did not let America in on those opinions...they only said that there was no doubt....

And the CLAIM is just that...certainly nothing so substantial that it "leaves no doubt".

And the center of MY disagreement with the Bush administration - which you slavishly defend - is that the sum total of everything all of them said was designed to play to our fear and our anger and get Americans to believe that a war against Iraq was really a direct and appropriate response to 9/11 - a move I strongly opposed THEN and continue to assert has caused us irreparable harm in our fight against our true enemies
I asked for a link where M. Albright, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sandy Berger, Nancy Pelosi, Carl Levin connected AQ and Saddam and you offer up the original wording of an indictment that was scrapped for lack of evidence?????

I forget you need to be lead by the fuckin' hand like a child...

MM:Bush and his minions beat the war drums for Iraq. They convinced Americans that Saddam had dangerous weapons

these are among the menions beating the drums of war....alarming the people of the dangers of Saddam...warning of Saddams WMD, from the mid 1990's Before Bush was elected....
M. Albright, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sandy Berger, Nancy Pelosi, Carl Levin, and others.....

"Omitting dessenting opinions about weapons capabilities does nothing to undermine the claim that Baghdad HAS CM and BW.....and thats the point...."

how do you know what the dissenting opinions expressed? How do YOU know that those dissenting opinions did not directly relate to BW and CW weapons caches? There WERE dissenting opinions about the intelligence....Bush & Co. did not let America in on those opinions...they only said that there was no doubt....

Yes...there were dissenting opinions that related to BW and CW weapons caches...I already said that...there was disagreement about the quantity of stockpiles....the quality of BW and CW....and about the effectiveness of delivery systems....just not about the EXISTENCE of the CW and BW, of that, the report was clear....Baghdad HAS....

And the CLAIM is just that...certainly nothing so substantial that it "leaves no doubt".

And the center of MY disagreement with the Bush administration - which you slavishly defend - is that the sum total of everything all of them said was designed to play to our fear and our anger and get Americans to believe that a war against Iraq was really a direct and appropriate response to 9/11 - a move I strongly opposed THEN and continue to assert has caused us irreparable harm in our fight against our true enemies

Wrong again...I don't defend the sum total of everything Bush ever said ....
just this one particular quote YOU SUPPLIED TO ME....which is limited and specific, for those that can comprehend normal english....this quote is accurate and the words of report confirm that accuracy....
And because I tire of the repetition ...... lets just admit...you've been schooled and corrected and should in all probability have learned some new and interesting facts here.....although you reading comprehension is that of a child, just knowing that should make you strive for improvement.....
Dismissed, Sonny.......
And because I tire of the repetition ...... lets just admit...you've been schooled and corrected and should in all probability have learned some new and interesting facts here.....although you reading comprehension is that of a child, just knowing that should make you strive for improvement.....
Dismissed, Sonny.......

:rofl: :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:
Wrong again...I don't defend the sum total of everything Bush ever said ....
just this one particular quote YOU SUPPLIED TO ME....which is limited and specific, for those that can comprehend normal english....this quote is accurate and the words of report confirm that accuracy....

as I have repeatedly said...this has never been about "one quote" ...it has been about an attempt, by this administration, to convince America that Saddam as an immediate threat to our safety, to tie AQ and Saddam together,and to further convince us that invading conquering and occupying Iraq was the ONLY way we could avoid anihilation...

NONE of the democrats you listed who were speaking about the threat from Saddam prior to the Bush administration EVER advocated invasion, conquest and occupation as a means of dealing with that threat.
But since you like to try to debunk quotes: please continue with these:

"On August 26, 2002, in an address to the national convention of the Veteran of Foreign Wars, Cheney flatly declared: "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." In fact, former CIA Director George Tenet later recalled, Cheney's assertions went well beyond his agency's assessments at the time. Another CIA official, referring to the same speech, told journalist Ron Suskind, "Our reaction was, 'Where is he getting this stuff from?' "

plenty more here:


I await your analysis of the quotes. I hope you do not chose the low road and attempt to besmirch the source...but I would not be surprised.
as I have repeatedly said...this has never been about "one quote" ...it has been about an attempt, by this administration, to convince America that Saddam as an immediate threat to our safety, to tie AQ and Saddam together,and to further convince us that invading conquering and occupying Iraq was the ONLY way we could avoid anihilation...

NONE of the democrats you listed who were speaking about the threat from Saddam prior to the Bush administration EVER advocated invasion, conquest and occupation as a means of dealing with that threat.
But since you like to try to debunk quotes: please continue with these:

"On August 26, 2002, in an address to the national convention of the Veteran of Foreign Wars, Cheney flatly declared: "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." In fact, former CIA Director George Tenet later recalled, Cheney's assertions went well beyond his agency's assessments at the time. Another CIA official, referring to the same speech, told journalist Ron Suskind, "Our reaction was, 'Where is he getting this stuff from?' "

plenty more here:


I await your analysis of the quotes. I hope you do not chose the low road and attempt to besmirch the source...but I would not be surprised.

"There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us."

The NIE expressed a lot of doubt that Saddam would us WMD against us. In fact, it explicitly stated that they doubted Saddam would ever use WMD on us, unless he were invaded or attacked by us.
as I have repeatedly said...this has never been about "one quote" ...it has been about an attempt, by this administration, to convince America that Saddam as an immediate threat to our safety, to tie AQ and Saddam together,and to further convince us that invading conquering and occupying Iraq was the ONLY way we could avoid anihilation...

You are the one obsessed with the us of phrase 'no doubt' ...any normal listener or reader would conclude that the speaker is voicing his or her own personal beliefs, and that still is the sanest way to look at it..it is you that insists on making what is common usage of words at big fuckin' production in order to manufacture you lie theorys

NONE of the democrats you listed who were speaking about the threat from Saddam prior to the Bush administration EVER advocated invasion, conquest and occupation as a means of dealing with that threat.
But since you like to try to debunk quotes: please continue with these:

No Dem used that particular word..thats right....

One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line. President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear.

We urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq

Now even you can understand the threats being made against Iraq in these passages....I don't remember Bush using the word 'invade' either, but thats what he did....so using the word is a red herring, showing your obsession with semantics and trying to redefine meanings to suit your irrational claims...but your game is tiresome...

"On August 26, 2002, in an address to the national convention of the Veteran of Foreign Wars, Cheney flatly declared: "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." In fact, former CIA Director George Tenet later recalled, Cheney's assertions went well beyond his agency's assessments at the time. Another CIA official, referring to the same speech, told journalist Ron Suskind, "Our reaction was, 'Where is he getting this stuff from?' "

plenty more here:


I await your analysis of the quotes. I hope you do not chose the low road and attempt to besmirch the source...but I would not be surprised.

I can't say where Cheney was "getting this stuff from".....
One guess might be here...
(A unanimous resolution holding Iraq in "material breach" of disarmament - there would no need to disarm them if you believed they didn't have the weapons in the first place...) Cheney's assertions went well beyond his agency's assessments? Then its obvious Cheney was conveying HIS beliefs and not the CIA "assertions"..what YOU might refer to a 'guesses'....
Cheney and Bush ARE allowed to state their personal beliefs from time to time....


Holding Iraq in “material breach” of its obligations under previous resolutions, the Security Council this morning decided to afford it a “final opportunity to comply” with its disarmament obligations

The Council demanded that Iraq confirm, within seven days, its intention to comply fully with the resolution. It further decided that, within 30 days, Iraq, in order to begin to comply with its obligations, should provide to UNMOVIC, the IAEA and the Council a complete declaration of all aspects of its programmes to develop chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, including chemical, biological and nuclear programmes

“Recognizing the threat Iraq's non-compliance with Council resolutions and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles poses to international peace and security,

“Deploring the fact that Iraq has not provided an accurate, full, final, and complete disclosure, as required by resolution 687 (1991), of all aspects of its programmes to develop weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles with a range greater than one hundred and fifty kilometres, and of all holdings of such weapons, their components and production facilities and locations, as well as all other nuclear programmes, including any which it claims are for purposes not related to nuclear-weapons-usable material,

“3.Decides that, in order to begin to comply with its disarmament obligations, in addition to submitting the required biannual declarations, the Government of Iraq shall provide to UNMOVIC, the IAEA, and the Council, not later than 30 days from the date of this resolution, a currently accurate, full, and complete declaration of all aspects of its programmes to develop chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and other delivery systems such as unmanned aerial vehicles and dispersal systems designed for use on aircraft, including any holdings and precise locations of such weapons, components, sub-components, stocks of agents, and related material and equipment, the locations and work of its research, development and production facilities, as well as all other chemical, biological, and nuclear programmes, including any which it claims are for purposes not related to weapon production or material;

JEREMY GREENSTOCK (United Kingdom) said no shadow of a doubt remained that Iraq had defied the United Nations over the last 11 years. With the adoption of the resolution, the Council had clearly stated that the United Nations would no longer tolerate that defiance.
"There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us."

The NIE expressed a lot of doubt that Saddam would us WMD against us. In fact, it explicitly stated that they doubted Saddam would ever use WMD on us, unless he were invaded or attacked by us.

Like I told MM...
Cheney and Bush ARE allowed to state their personal beliefs from time to time....
Everything they utter doesn't have to have been expressed by someone else or a conclusion of the CIA or NIE or anyone else .....sometimes people just express what THEY BELIEVE... be it right or wrong...
Like I told MM...
Cheney and Bush ARE allowed to state their personal beliefs from time to time....
Everything they utter doesn't have to have been expressed by someone else or a conclusion of the CIA or NIE or anyone else .....sometimes people just express what THEY BELIEVE... be it right or wrong...

In that case, they should say "I HAVE NO DOUBT"
Like I told MM...
Cheney and Bush ARE allowed to state their personal beliefs from time to time....
Everything they utter doesn't have to have been expressed by someone else or a conclusion of the CIA or NIE or anyone else .....sometimes people just express what THEY BELIEVE... be it right or wrong...

An opinion? Not when it's used to lead this country into war, I'm afraid. They can express their opinions, but should label it as such if that's the case. Or, more intelligent, give facts and let people decide on their own whether they want to support his agenda or agree with his opinion.

Oh right, if they'd been candid, no one would have supported them.

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