Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

I'm sorry Sonny....did I give the impression that I was against this war.....?

I very happy Saddam is gone and only sorry that Clinton didn't have the balls to rid the world of him when he was President....I hate seeing the world view Dems as gutless pushovers and pussys....
And if you were called a pro-Saddam traitor, it was probably just someone mistaking you anti-Americanism with being pro-Saddam....an honest mistake...
I'm sorry Sonny....did I give the impression that I was against this war.....?

I very happy Saddam is gone and only sorry that Clinton didn't have the balls to rid the world of him when he was President....I hate seeing the world view Dems as gutless pushovers and pussys....
And if you were called a pro-Saddam traitor, it was probably just someone mistaking you anti-Americanism with being pro-Saddam....an honest mistake...

Gramps.... you should not question our patriotism just because we do not see eye to eye with your hero in the white house.

Do I need to post Teddy Roosevelt's quote again about WHO is really being unpatriotic and servile and morally treasonable in this argument?
I'm sorry Sonny....did I give the impression that I was against this war.....?

I very happy Saddam is gone and only sorry that Clinton didn't have the balls to rid the world of him when he was President....I hate seeing the world view Dems as gutless pushovers and pussys....
And if you were called a pro-Saddam traitor, it was probably just someone mistaking you anti-Americanism with being pro-Saddam....an honest mistake...


If you and Bush had told the american people in 2002, that you wouldn't find WMD, that your war would cost upwards of a trillion dollars, get 35,000 americans killed and maimed, result in a failed state teetering on civil war, result in a never-ending insurgency, and fueled islamic radicalism, the total number of people you would have gotten to support your war could have fit into Larry Craig's bathroom stall. With room to spare.

Your war was a horrible mistake. Your love for Bush and the GOP is the only thing that keeps you from admitting it.

If you and Bush had told the american people in 2002, that you wouldn't find WMD, that your war would cost upwards of a trillion dollars, get 35,000 americans killed and maimed, result in a failed state teetering on civil war, result in a never-ending insurgency, and fueled islamic radicalism, the total number of people you would have gotten to support your war could have fit into Larry Craig's bathroom stall. With room to spare.

Your war was a horrible mistake. Your love for Bush and the GOP is the only thing that keeps you from admitting it.

YOUR a MORON, again for the stupid, mentally challenged MONGALOIDs out there, in 2002 there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMDs NONE, not any, from any of our allies, from any of our intelligence agencies, NONE EVEN from the leaders of the Democratic party. You remember them right? They all voted FOR the war. THEY ALL stated Saddam had weapons, it is in video and print and has been repeated to your moronic shriveled brain many times.

Your the liar. And you keep on repeating the lies over and over.

The biggest of them all is that I or Alpha worship Bush. He was the lesser danger of the choices we had in 2000 and 2004. He is NOT a conservative, he is NOT whom I would have picked to be President nor nominee for the Republican party. BUT ,you fucking RETARD, HE IS OUR PRESIDENT.

You and your ilk have fallen off the shallow end and sunk in the deep dank endless bottomless pit of the deep end. Your hatred and ignorance no no bounds, you will tell any lie, any distortion, any rumor if it makes our President look bad. You have no evidence but you do not care. You whine like a little baby when we point out Clinton's faults, all with out claiming he was NOT our President for 8 years. This is all about getting even cause Clinton got caught in a lie to a Judge and was impeached , PROPERLY.

If some Republican says nice things to old senile senator retiring after 50 years in the senate people like you demand he resign, but Clinton LIES under oath and its , what? He didn't do anything wrong, your just picking on him. You lost your mind after that, if you EVER had one.

You want to blame someone for the war? Blame Congress, INCLUDING all the Democratic leaders that VOTED FOR the war. With out that vote, there would have been no war. Blame Saddam Hussein for LYING to the world about the weapons he claimed to have and refused to allow inspectors prove he did not have them. With out the phantom WMD's that Saddam so carefully sold everyone , EVERYONE, on there would have been no war. If he had not spent 12 YEARS running the inspectors around and hadn't KICKED them out for 4 YEARS, there would have been no WAR.

I am past tired of your LIES. Maineman at least has a semi lucid claim, it is wrong, but everyone is wrong sometime. You are just a partisan hack that has gone insane over OUR president.

The next time you claim I worship Bush or think he is the greatest President or that I fawn at his feet I will AGAIN call you the sack of SHIT lying RETARDED ASSHOLE that you are.

YOUR a MORON, again for the stupid, mentally challenged MONGALOIDs out there, in 2002 there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMDs NONE, not any, from any of our allies, from any of our intelligence agencies, NONE EVEN from the leaders of the Democratic party. You remember them right? They all voted FOR the war. THEY ALL stated Saddam had weapons, it is in video and print and has been repeated to your moronic shriveled brain many times.

Your the liar. And you keep on repeating the lies over and over.

The biggest of them all is that I or Alpha worship Bush. He was the lesser danger of the choices we had in 2000 and 2004. He is NOT a conservative, he is NOT whom I would have picked to be President nor nominee for the Republican party. BUT ,you fucking RETARD, HE IS OUR PRESIDENT.

You and your ilk have fallen off the shallow end and sunk in the deep dank endless bottomless pit of the deep end. Your hatred and ignorance no no bounds, you will tell any lie, any distortion, any rumor if it makes our President look bad. You have no evidence but you do not care. You whine like a little baby when we point out Clinton's faults, all with out claiming he was NOT our President for 8 years. This is all about getting even cause Clinton got caught in a lie to a Judge and was impeached , PROPERLY.

If some Republican says nice things to old senile senator retiring after 50 years in the senate people like you demand he resign, but Clinton LIES under oath and its , what? He didn't do anything wrong, your just picking on him. You lost your mind after that, if you EVER had one.

You want to blame someone for the war? Blame Congress, INCLUDING all the Democratic leaders that VOTED FOR the war. With out that vote, there would have been no war. Blame Saddam Hussein for LYING to the world about the weapons he claimed to have and refused to allow inspectors prove he did not have them. With out the phantom WMD's that Saddam so carefully sold everyone , EVERYONE, on there would have been no war. If he had not spent 12 YEARS running the inspectors around and hadn't KICKED them out for 4 YEARS, there would have been no WAR.

I am past tired of your LIES. Maineman at least has a semi lucid claim, it is wrong, but everyone is wrong sometime. You are just a partisan hack that has gone insane over OUR president.

The next time you claim I worship Bush or think he is the greatest President or that I fawn at his feet I will AGAIN call you the sack of SHIT lying RETARDED ASSHOLE that you are.


that is not true. there were questions about whether or not Saddam had in fact possibly used or destroyed the vast majority of his WMD cache...there was doubt that he had a robust nuclear weapons program on the brink of making mushroom clouds. But any and all doubt was drowned out and those who expressed it were called cowards and traitors.

And I have seen you slavishly defend this war and his rationale for quickly entering into it.
that is not true. there were questions about whether or not Saddam had in fact possibly used or destroyed the vast majority of his WMD cache...there was doubt that he had a robust nuclear weapons program on the brink of making mushroom clouds. But any and all doubt was drowned out and those who expressed it were called cowards and traitors.

And I have seen you slavishly defend this war and his rationale for quickly entering into it.

NO you have seen me STATE that why we went to war does NOT matter now and did not matter the minute we crossed the berm. All that matters now is doing what is the correct and right thing for an ally and for a country that needs us.

Further as you want to do, I was not ON this board in 2002 or 2003, nor 2004 or even 2005, so claiming I have SLAVISHLY defended the decision to go to war is nothing more than a ( and here I give YOU the benefit of the doubt) mistake on your part.

I HAVE pointed out your claims are stupid and I will continue to point them out. None of which tells you anything about my thoughts on whether we should have invaded or not.

Here let me specific. I doubt given what I have seen of the NIE that I would have invaded Iraq if I were President. BUT I can see why the President and Congress agreed to do it. Further the invasion went well. We made critical mistakes though, we allowed the Republican Guard to disperse into the country side and we disbanded the army and allowed the police to disband as well. So after the invasion we had a huge armed "civilian" base we would not have had if that had been handled differently.

We were slow to secure the weapons caches we knew about and did not anticipate the terrorist tactics that quickly developed.

Again none of which tells you anything about whether I was "gung ho" for invasion.
NO you have seen me STATE that why we went to war does NOT matter now and did not matter the minute we crossed the berm. All that matters now is doing what is the correct and right thing for an ally and for a country that needs us.

Further as you want to do, I was not ON this board in 2002 or 2003, nor 2004 or even 2005, so claiming I have SLAVISHLY defended the decision to go to war is nothing more than a ( and here I give YOU the benefit of the doubt) mistake on your part.

I HAVE pointed out your claims are stupid and I will continue to point them out. None of which tells you anything about my thoughts on whether we should have invaded or not.

Here let me specific. I doubt given what I have seen of the NIE that I would have invaded Iraq if I were President. BUT I can see why the President and Congress agreed to do it. Further the invasion went well. We made critical mistakes though, we allowed the Republican Guard to disperse into the country side and we disbanded the army and allowed the police to disband as well. So after the invasion we had a huge armed "civilian" base we would not have had if that had been handled differently.

We were slow to secure the weapons caches we knew about and did not anticipate the terrorist tactics that quickly developed.

Again none of which tells you anything about whether I was "gung ho" for invasion.

fair enough. Have you had a chance to read the summary of the recent rand corp report commissioned by the pentagon?

Your the liar. And you keep on repeating the lies over and over.

The biggest of them all is that I or Alpha worship Bush. He was the lesser danger of the choices we had in 2000 and 2004. He is NOT a conservative, he is NOT whom I would have picked to be President nor nominee for the Republican party. BUT ,you fucking RETARD, HE IS OUR PRESIDENT.



The "I only voted for Bush because he was marginally better than Gore/Kerry" excuse is laughable.

If you really thought Bush was doing a bad or mediocre job, why didn't you or any republican make noise about a primary challenger to him in 2004? A GOP primary challenger more to your liking? Incompetent or unpopular presidents routinely face primary challengers from their electoral base, if the base is unhappy with the incumbents performance. Poppy Bush and Jimmy Carter did. I heard not one single republican call for a primary challenger to Bush in 2004, which can only be interpreted to mean you approved of the job Bush was doing.

As for the belated hand-wringing that bush is "not a conservative", where were you in 2000, 2001, and 2002? Don't act surprised at what bush has done and declare him a fake conservative. Bush did exactly what he promised to do in 2000: cut taxes (mainly for the wealthy) and significantly increase spending on education, the pentagon, and healthcare. Those were his explicit promises in 2000, and that's what you knowingly voted for. You voted for more spending, and lower taxes for the wealthy. To act "suprised" now, that bush vastly increased spending is disingenous, at best. It's what Bush promised to do as far back as 2000, and that's the platform you voted for. In fact, you appear to have been so satisfied with this platform, that you and other republicans remained dead silent in 2004 about a possible GOP primary challenger to Bush.
What we knew and WHEN we knew it is important....decisions were made in 2001/2002 with the intell of 2001/2002, NOT with intell gathered in 2004/2006......
get a grip on your pathetic, partison hate and trying reading it as an academic, learning exercise...

Postwar findings about Iraq WMD
Select Committee on Intelligence
Sep 8 , 2006
Page 26
(U)The main assessments in the 2002 NIE regarding Iraq's biological warfare program were that Iraq "HAS BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS" and that 'all key
aspects-R&D, production, and weaponization-of Iraq's offensive BW program are active and that most elements are larger and more advanced than they were before the Gulf war.
(U)The Intelligence Community also said:
We assess that Iraq has some BW agents and maintains the capability to
produce a variety of BW agents.

The conclusions continues on Page 27.......
and in subsequent pages explains what we found out later and why these assessments were overstated or plain wrong.....

This is what our government had to work with in 2002....this is the intell that decisions were based on.....
The "I only voted for Bush because he was marginally better than Gore/Kerry" excuse is laughable.

If you really thought Bush was doing a bad or mediocre job, why didn't you or any republican make noise about a primary challenger to him in 2004? A GOP primary challenger more to your liking? Incompetent or unpopular presidents routinely face primary challengers from their electoral base, if the base is unhappy with the incumbents performance. Poppy Bush and Jimmy Carter did. I heard not one single republican call for a primary challenger to Bush in 2004, which can only be interpreted to mean you approved of the job Bush was doing.

As for the belated hand-wringing that bush is "not a conservative", where were you in 2000, 2001, and 2002? Don't act surprised at what bush has done and declare him a fake conservative. Bush did exactly what he promised to do in 2000: cut taxes (mainly for the wealthy)

LOL:rofl: Another lie spewed by the lefty masses....just what the kool-aid crowd loves to devour...debunking thousands of times doesn't even dent this lie.....

and significantly increase spending on education, the pentagon, and healthcare. Those were his explicit promises in 2000, and that's what you knowingly voted for. You voted for more spending, and lower taxes for the wealthy. To act "suprised" now, that bush vastly increased spending is disingenous, at best. It's what Bush promised to do as far back as 2000, and that's the platform you voted for. In fact, you appear to have been so satisfied with this platform, that you and other republicans remained dead silent in 2004 about a possible GOP primary challenger to Bush.

I can't speak for the Gunny...but I'm a happy camper....I don't swallow the lies from the left anymore....I've learned from the years of Saddam bashing from the Democrats that they are prolific liars and backed by the media, hard to get past....
The sad fact seems to be....he didn't have them.....

From what we have learned since 2002, it would be a rational judgment to come to, if you concluded Iraq's WMD threat was destroyed as far back as 1991/1992

Their is no doubt (in my mind) that Clinton ranted and raved about WMD for a few years about the danger Saddam posed to his neighbors and to the US.

Their is no doubt (in my mind) that Bush ranted and raved for the next couple of years about WMD and the danger Saddam posed to his neighbors and to the US.

You can be a hack and blame only Bush for the war..or you look at the bigger picture and see that this war was in the making over both administrations, and that it took the cooperation of both partys to take the final step....

And there was no real threat from Saddam during that entire time...yet UN resolutions were being unanimously passed demanding Saddam disarm....
We, along with France, Germany, and England were demanding Saddam disarm.
and he had little to nothing to disarm....
old rusty artillery shells, with degraded, useless Sarin...
Harmless Scuds, unreliable, with little range....
Unmanned aerial drones, in reality little more than model airplanes, toys
Some radio-active material, that was probably more dangerous to himself than others.....yet he convinced the world....

I don't take to calling the Clinton Administration liars over this crap
I don't take to calling the Bush Administration liars over this crap
I can't claim the entire UN lied in order to pass resolutions against Iraq
I don't think the entire intell org. of France, Germany, England and the US became liars to badmouth Saddam....
and that is what you would have to conclude if you insist on the lies crap...
Everyone would have had to lie...and that is beyond belief....

It is more likely Saddam conned us all...our leaders, our intell, our medias, etc.
and that in itself is damning....we were bombarded with the dangers and threat of Saddam for years, and during those, years he had nothing....

That didn't really answer my question.

Where did he get the WMD from?
That didn't really answer my question.

Where did he get the WMD from?

What little WMD Saddam had consisted mostly CW agents....
You will hear that the US supplied the gas? That implys the US government supplied it, thats misleading...US companys sold the makings to Iraq along with many other nations....The government allowed it by removing Iraq from the State Department's list State Sponsors of Terrorism...

According Iraq's report to the UN, the know-how and material for developing chemical weapons were obtained from firms in such countries as: the United States, West Germany, the United Kingdom, France and China.[3] By far, the largest suppliers of precursors for chemical weapons production were in Singapore (4,515 tons), the Netherlands (4,261 tons), Egypt (2,400 tons), India (2,343 tons), and West Germany (1,027 tons). One Indian company, Exomet Plastics (now part of EPC Industrie) sent 2,292 tons of precursor chemicals to Iraq. The Kim Al-Khaleej firm, located in Singapore and affiliated to United Arab Emirates, supplied more than 4,500 tons of VX, sarin, and mustard gas precursors and production equipment to Iraq.[4]

The provision of chemical precursors from US companies to Iraq was enabled by a Reagan administration policy that removed Iraq from the State Department's list State Sponsors of Terrorism. Leaked portions of Iraq's "Full, Final and Complete" disclosure of the sources for its weapons programs shows that thiodiglycol, a substance needed to manufacture deadly mustard gas, was among the chemical precursors provided to Iraq from U.S.companies such as Alcolac International, Inc and Phillips. Both companies have since undergone reorganization and Phillips, once a subsidiary of Phillips Petroleum and now part of ConocoPhillips, an American oil and energy company while Alcolac Intl. has since dissolved and reformed as Alcolac Inc.[5]
Does anyone dispute that Saddam had used chemical weapons against the Kurds?(his own people) Does anyone dispute that all major intelligence estimates believed that Iraq had WMD's? Does anyone believe that Saddam didn't have a supreme hate toward the U.S.? -----------Answer each question then tell me the decision you would have made......ok, ok if you want to, you can twist whatever you want, but that doesn't make you right?

History, talking of wars that were unjustified....Bosnia Hmm?? I know I know that was a peace keeping mission not a war right, but American lives were still lost.

Think of the U.S.S. Cole what was our response a few tomahawks on a couple of tents, where did that get us? Answer 9-11, showed Osama bin-laden we were cowards.

Somalia- American soliders lives lost, we retreat. Again where did that get us? 9-11

Afgan and Iraq war (even though very expensive) what has that gotten us? no terrorist attacks on innocent americans in about 7 years

I will take the last one thank you!!
Does anyone dispute that Saddam had used chemical weapons against the Kurds?(his own people) Does anyone dispute that all major intelligence estimates believed that Iraq had WMD's? Does anyone believe that Saddam didn't have a supreme hate toward the U.S.? -----------Answer each question then tell me the decision you would have made......ok, ok if you want to, you can twist whatever you want, but that doesn't make you right?

History, talking of wars that were unjustified....Bosnia Hmm?? I know I know that was a peace keeping mission not a war right, but American lives were still lost.

Think of the U.S.S. Cole what was our response a few tomahawks on a couple of tents, where did that get us? Answer 9-11, showed Osama bin-laden we were cowards.

Somalia- American soliders lives lost, we retreat. Again where did that get us? 9-11

Afgan and Iraq war (even though very expensive) what has that gotten us? no terrorist attacks on innocent americans in about 7 years

I will take the last one thank you!!

think of Ronnie Reagan running away in frightened surrender from the slaughter of 241 marines in Beirut...

I dispute the assumption that Saddam was anywhere near as big a threat to us as islamic extremists were. For that matter, I dispute the assumption that Iraq was more dangerous to American interests than even Iran or North Korea.
snip 9-11

Afgan and Iraq war (even though very expensive) what has that gotten us? no terrorist attacks on innocent americans in about 7 years

I will take the last one thank you!!

2006, June 16 Iraq: 2 American servicemen kidnapped, tortured and brutally killed terrorists in Iraq

2006, March 11 Iraq: American contractor kidnapped, tortured and shot terrorists in Iraq

2005, December to May 8, 2006 Iraq; 12 American contractors killed by land mines, bombs in garbage, suicide bombers, roadside bombs; shot, kidnapped and tortured terrorists in Iraq

2005, November 25 Iraq; American contractor kidnapped, held hostage and killed on December 19, 2005. Murder was video-taped and televised. al Qaeda

2005, November 9 Jordan; Ammon; 57 Killed (3 Americans) in bombings of 3 hotels al Qaeda

2005, September 7 Iraq; Basra; 4 American security guards killed in roadside bomb terrorists in Iraq

2005, July 23 Egypt; 88 killed (1 American) in 3 separate bombings in tourist resort Pakistan terrorists

2005, July 7 England; 50+ Killed (1 American) in bombings of 3 trains and 1 bus in London Al-Qaeda fringe group

2005, May 22 Iraq; One American kidnapped and killed unknown

2005, May 7 Iraq; 22 killed (2 Americans) when 2 suicide bombers attacked in a crowded Bagdad area. unknown

2005, April 21 Iraq; 9 killed (6 Americans) when their commercial helicopter was attacked by surface-to-air missle unknown

2005, April 8 Egypt; 3 killed (1 American) in bombing of tourist bazaar Hasan R A Bashandi, 17

2005, March 13 Iraq; 2 Americans killed in roadside bombing unknown

2005, January 29 Iraq; 2 Americans killed in U.S. Embassy bombing; terrorists protesting Iraqi elections
7 terrorists arrested

2005, January 14 New Jersey; 4 American/Egyptian Christian family members slaughtered; the father had been threatened for making anti-Muslim remarks online. NY Post unknown

2004, December 21 Iraq, 22 Killed (5 American Civilians; 13 American military); 75 wounded Suicide Bomber

2004, November 24 Iraq, American State Department education advisor shot Al Qaeda

2004, October 24 Iraq, American contractor ambushed with mortar fire Terrorists in Iraq

2004, October 24 Iraq, American contractor ambushed with mortar fire Terrorists in Iraq

2004, October 14 Iraq, 10 (4 Americans) killed by suicide bomber Terrorists in Iraq

2004, September 21 Iraq, American contractor kidnapped before being beheaded three days later. Al-Qaeda, Abu Musa'b al-Zarqawi et al

2004, September 20 Iraq, American contractor kidnapped before being beheaded on video tape two days later. Video was published on Al-Jazeera television and on the internet. Al-Qaeda, Abu Musa'b al-Zarqawi et al

2004, August 11 Iraq, American contractor killed by explosive device as he was driving a supply truck. unknown

2004, June 29 Iraq, American soldier shot in back of head; pictures published on Al-Jazeera television on June 29, 2004. Soldier had been kidnapped on April 9, 2004 in Iraq. Unknown

2004, June 18 Saudi Arabia, American contractor (1) kidnapped, held hostage for 72 hours and then beheaded. Pictures of brutal killing were published on the internet. Al-Qaeda

2004, June 12 Saudi Arabia, American contractor (1) shot in the back as he parked his car in his garage. He was then beheaded. Al-Qaeda

2004, June 8 Saudi Arabia, American contractor (1) shot and killed in his garage. Al-Qaeda

2004, May 29 Saudi Arabia - Khobar Towers; 22 (1 American) killed; 50 hostages taken when terrorists stormed the Al-Khobar Petroleum Center Al-Qaeda

2004, May 8 Iraq, 1 American hostage beheaded; Killing was video taped and released for publication Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, 5 others with links to Al Qaeda

2004, May 1 Saudi Arabia, 6 Killed (2 Americans) in shooting attack at ABB Lummus Global Inc petroleum plant Al Qaeda

2004, April 18 Kosovo, 2 American women who were part of the U.N. Peacekeeping Force were shot and killed. Jordanian

2004, March 31 Iraq, 4 American Contractors ambushed, killed and bodies mutilated. Muqtada al-Sadr followers

2003, October 23 Texas
Man killed while he was fishing because he was a Christian. Kerron Lavern Otis, American muslim

2003, October 15 Gaza Strip, Remote-controlled bomb killed 3 Americans traveling in a vehicle convoy. Terrorists then stoned rescuers/investigators. Palestinian Arabs

2003, August 19 Iraq - Baghdad, Suicide bombing of UN Headquarters in Iraq; 23 Killed (3 Americans) Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda

2003, May 12 Saudi Arabia - Riyadh, Three separate bombings of American/Western residential areas - 34 Killed (8 Americans)Over 200 injured Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda

2003, March 29 Iraq - Operation Iraqi Freedom, 4 US Soldiers Killed; Terrorist blew up bomb after asking for help from soldiers at a checkpoint Islamic suicide car-bomber

2003, March 22 Iraq - Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2 Killed, 5 Injured; Grenade attack on sleeping soldiers US Islamic soldier

2003, March 18 Yemen, 3 Killed, 1 Injured; American oil workers shot Suicide Killer

2003, March 4 Phillipines - Bomb explosion at Manila airport, 19 Killed; Moro Islamic Liberation Front

2003, January 21 Kuwait, 1 Killed, 1 Injured; American contractors ambushed with assault rifles at a stoplight Unknown

2002, December 30 Yemen - Baptist Mission Hospital, 3 Killed (American doctor and administrators); Shot and killed at the hospital Unknown

2002, October 15 Bali Nightclub, 180 Killed (2 Americans); Remote-controlled bomb

2006, June 16 Iraq: 2 American servicemen kidnapped, tortured and brutally killed terrorists in Iraq

2006, March 11 Iraq: American contractor kidnapped, tortured and shot terrorists in Iraq

2005, December to May 8, 2006 Iraq; 12 American contractors killed by land mines, bombs in garbage, suicide bombers, roadside bombs; shot, kidnapped and tortured terrorists in Iraq

2005, November 25 Iraq; American contractor kidnapped, held hostage and killed on December 19, 2005. Murder was video-taped and televised. al Qaeda

2005, November 9 Jordan; Ammon; 57 Killed (3 Americans) in bombings of 3 hotels al Qaeda

2005, September 7 Iraq; Basra; 4 American security guards killed in roadside bomb terrorists in Iraq

2005, July 23 Egypt; 88 killed (1 American) in 3 separate bombings in tourist resort Pakistan terrorists

2005, July 7 England; 50+ Killed (1 American) in bombings of 3 trains and 1 bus in London Al-Qaeda fringe group

2005, May 22 Iraq; One American kidnapped and killed unknown

2005, May 7 Iraq; 22 killed (2 Americans) when 2 suicide bombers attacked in a crowded Bagdad area. unknown

2005, April 21 Iraq; 9 killed (6 Americans) when their commercial helicopter was attacked by surface-to-air missle unknown

2005, April 8 Egypt; 3 killed (1 American) in bombing of tourist bazaar Hasan R A Bashandi, 17

2005, March 13 Iraq; 2 Americans killed in roadside bombing unknown

2005, January 29 Iraq; 2 Americans killed in U.S. Embassy bombing; terrorists protesting Iraqi elections
7 terrorists arrested

2005, January 14 New Jersey; 4 American/Egyptian Christian family members slaughtered; the father had been threatened for making anti-Muslim remarks online. NY Post unknown

2004, December 21 Iraq, 22 Killed (5 American Civilians; 13 American military); 75 wounded Suicide Bomber

2004, November 24 Iraq, American State Department education advisor shot Al Qaeda

2004, October 24 Iraq, American contractor ambushed with mortar fire Terrorists in Iraq

2004, October 24 Iraq, American contractor ambushed with mortar fire Terrorists in Iraq

2004, October 14 Iraq, 10 (4 Americans) killed by suicide bomber Terrorists in Iraq

2004, September 21 Iraq, American contractor kidnapped before being beheaded three days later. Al-Qaeda, Abu Musa'b al-Zarqawi et al

2004, September 20 Iraq, American contractor kidnapped before being beheaded on video tape two days later. Video was published on Al-Jazeera television and on the internet. Al-Qaeda, Abu Musa'b al-Zarqawi et al

2004, August 11 Iraq, American contractor killed by explosive device as he was driving a supply truck. unknown

2004, June 29 Iraq, American soldier shot in back of head; pictures published on Al-Jazeera television on June 29, 2004. Soldier had been kidnapped on April 9, 2004 in Iraq. Unknown

2004, June 18 Saudi Arabia, American contractor (1) kidnapped, held hostage for 72 hours and then beheaded. Pictures of brutal killing were published on the internet. Al-Qaeda

2004, June 12 Saudi Arabia, American contractor (1) shot in the back as he parked his car in his garage. He was then beheaded. Al-Qaeda

2004, June 8 Saudi Arabia, American contractor (1) shot and killed in his garage. Al-Qaeda

2004, May 29 Saudi Arabia - Khobar Towers; 22 (1 American) killed; 50 hostages taken when terrorists stormed the Al-Khobar Petroleum Center Al-Qaeda

2004, May 8 Iraq, 1 American hostage beheaded; Killing was video taped and released for publication Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, 5 others with links to Al Qaeda

2004, May 1 Saudi Arabia, 6 Killed (2 Americans) in shooting attack at ABB Lummus Global Inc petroleum plant Al Qaeda

2004, April 18 Kosovo, 2 American women who were part of the U.N. Peacekeeping Force were shot and killed. Jordanian

2004, March 31 Iraq, 4 American Contractors ambushed, killed and bodies mutilated. Muqtada al-Sadr followers

2003, October 23 Texas
Man killed while he was fishing because he was a Christian. Kerron Lavern Otis, American muslim

2003, October 15 Gaza Strip, Remote-controlled bomb killed 3 Americans traveling in a vehicle convoy. Terrorists then stoned rescuers/investigators. Palestinian Arabs

2003, August 19 Iraq - Baghdad, Suicide bombing of UN Headquarters in Iraq; 23 Killed (3 Americans) Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda

2003, May 12 Saudi Arabia - Riyadh, Three separate bombings of American/Western residential areas - 34 Killed (8 Americans)Over 200 injured Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda

2003, March 29 Iraq - Operation Iraqi Freedom, 4 US Soldiers Killed; Terrorist blew up bomb after asking for help from soldiers at a checkpoint Islamic suicide car-bomber

2003, March 22 Iraq - Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2 Killed, 5 Injured; Grenade attack on sleeping soldiers US Islamic soldier

2003, March 18 Yemen, 3 Killed, 1 Injured; American oil workers shot Suicide Killer

2003, March 4 Phillipines - Bomb explosion at Manila airport, 19 Killed; Moro Islamic Liberation Front

2003, January 21 Kuwait, 1 Killed, 1 Injured; American contractors ambushed with assault rifles at a stoplight Unknown

2002, December 30 Yemen - Baptist Mission Hospital, 3 Killed (American doctor and administrators); Shot and killed at the hospital Unknown

2002, October 15 Bali Nightclub, 180 Killed (2 Americans); Remote-controlled bomb


Be so kind as to post a terror attack inside the US. You do recall that was the goal or has your brain fried so much from your blind hatred you can not remember that?
Be so kind as to post a terror attack inside the US. You do recall that was the goal or has your brain fried so much from your blind hatred you can not remember that?

that's not what he said. He said there were no attacks on innocent americans since your war.

The answer to your question is: one attack on american soil (two, if the antrhrax attacks were related to muslim extremists)

Which is the same number on muslim extremist attacks on american soil, during clinton's adminstration: one.

As far as terrorist attacks on americans and american interests worldwide; the number of attacks has risen exponentially since your war started.
that's not what he said. He said there were no attacks on innocent americans since your war.

The answer to your question is: one attack on american soil (two, if the antrhrax attacks were related to muslim extremists)

Which is the same number on muslim extremist attacks on american soil, during clinton's adminstration: one.

As far as terrorist attacks on americans and american interests worldwide; the number of attacks has risen exponentially since your war started.

Sorry retard but you do not get to count war zone attacks. But do keep lying your ass off. Further there is evidence the anthrax attack was a US citizen. and there were no other attacks that I know of ON US soil since 9/11. Or shall you show me different?

Further claiming armed military members on duty on post as innocent is funny as hell.
Sorry retard but you do not get to count war zone attacks. But do keep lying your ass off. Further there is evidence the anthrax attack was a US citizen. and there were no other attacks that I know of ON US soil since 9/11. Or shall you show me different?

The attacks I listed come from all over the world. The fact that your war in Iraq, has fueld terrorist attacks on americans there, does not diminish that fact. You put 130,000 americans in iraq with bullseye targets on their heads.

Further claiming armed military members on duty on post as innocent is funny as hell.

so, you won't ever again be refering to the USS Cole, and Khobar tower attacks ever again, because those american soliders weren't "innocent".
and if terrorist attacks against americans and american interests now only count if they happen "on american soil", then please refrain from mentioning the USS Cole, Khobar Towers, and the african embassy attacks. Those weren't on american soil. There was only one attack on american soil in the 1990s by muslim extremists. The exact same number of attacks on american soil during the bush presidency.

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