Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

The nays would have had it if all the democrats would have voted Nay

what's your point? that some democrats fucked up? I know that. They are ALL on my shitlist until they publicly repent. It still does not change the fact that in CONGRESS, a MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS did NOT vote for the use of force.
what's your point? that some democrats fucked up? I know that. They are ALL on my shitlist until they publicly repent. It still does not change the fact that in CONGRESS, a MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS did NOT vote for the use of force.

Yes a "majority" of democrats DID vote for it. unless your claiming there were only 40 democrats in the Senate?
Yes a "majority" of democrats DID vote for it. unless your claiming there were only 40 democrats in the Senate?

I say that a majority of democrats in congress votes against the resolution.

would you like to bet money that I am wrong?

name the amount.
I say that a majority of democrats in congress votes against the resolution.

would you like to bet money that I am wrong?

name the amount.

The specific vote provided in the Senate proves your wrong IN the Senate. A majority of Democrats in fact DID vote for that measure. Or do I need to remind that more than 40 democrats were in the Senate at that vote? Do I need to list for you all the democrats names in the Senate that voted FOR the measure.

Now you can play your word games all you want and claim that the House dems didn't but that does NOT change the fact that the LISTED vote was from the SENATE and in fact a MAJORITY of Democratic Senators voted FOR it.

Maybe YOU need the civics lesson?
None of you liberals, have answered this question from my previous post...

I think this is the third time I have asked this question...so if you can't answer those questions you can't exactly say he misled us Americans.
The specific vote provided in the Senate proves your wrong IN the Senate. A majority of Democrats in fact DID vote for that measure. Or do I need to remind that more than 40 democrats were in the Senate at that vote? Do I need to list for you all the democrats names in the Senate that voted FOR the measure.

Now you can play your word games all you want and claim that the House dems didn't but that does NOT change the fact that the LISTED vote was from the SENATE and in fact a MAJORITY of Democratic Senators voted FOR it.

Maybe YOU need the civics lesson?

go back and read what I said, and what I have only said all along - bitch - and you will see that I have said - ALL ALONG - that a majority of democrats IN CONGRESS voted against the measure. Now, do you want to bet that I am wrong about THAT, or do you want to crawl under a fucking rock and hide - or do you want to admit that I am right. TAKE YOUR FUCKING PICK - BITCH. I'll wait.

Ask yourself again..what does the fucking word CONGRESS really mean....bitch.
go back and read what I said, and what I have only said all along - bitch - and you will see that I have said - ALL ALONG - that a majority of democrats IN CONGRESS voted against the measure. Now, do you want to bet that I am wrong about THAT, or do you want to crawl under a fucking rock and hide - or do you want to admit that I am right. TAKE YOUR FUCKING PICK - BITCH. I'll wait.

Ask yourself again..what does the fucking word CONGRESS really mean....bitch.

The liberalistic agenda call people bitches and avoid the issues...LOL
The liberalistic agenda call people bitches and avoid the issues...LOL

I avoid nothing.

go back and read my position on this matter: it has never changed. A majority of congressional democrats voted against the war in Iraq. The republican party was nearly unanimous in their support of it.

I am proud of that distinction.

I avoid nothing.

go back and read my position on this matter: it has never changed. A majority of congressional democrats voted against the war in Iraq. The republican party was nearly unanimous in their support of it.

I am proud of that distinction.


You still haven't answered the question I have asked now 4 times from liberals??????????????????? waiting.....

go review:

944 (oops)
947 (oops)

and then see if you can spell "mea culpa" :rofl:
Ok, if Bush misled the U.S people with false intelligence what was the purpose for 1? Second of all how did he also get other countries to say that Saddam had WMD's? Remember your the one's saying that the coalition was non-exstient. Anyone?

I don't think it was false, I just don't think they really knew what was going on and made shit up to satisfy the president, and he took bits and pieces from it that served his purpose. He didn't get other countries to do squat, I believe their sources were the same.

What coalition? Of the willing? You mean like Albania and Lithuania? That coalition?? LOL...The 1991 Gulf War - now that was as coalition..
Ok, if Bush misled the U.S people with false intelligence what was the purpose for 1? Second of all how did he also get other countries to say that Saddam had WMD's? Remember your the one's saying that the coalition was non-exstient. Anyone?

I direct your attention to:


that illuminates clearly the purpose for Bush's deception.

any questions?

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