Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

I don't think it was false, I just don't think they really knew what was going on and made shit up to satisfy the president, and he took bits and pieces from it that served his purpose. He didn't get other countries to do squat, I believe their sources were the same.

What coalition? Of the willing? You mean like Albania and Lithuania? That coalition?? LOL...The 1991 Gulf War - now that was as coalition..

No world intelligence said that Saddam had WMD's how did Bush mislead them, So there was no motive in going to war with Iraq, Bush did it just to do it? Is that what you are saying? What was his purpose??
Ok, if Bush misled the U.S people with false intelligence what was the purpose for 1? Second of all how did he also get other countries to say that Saddam had WMD's? Remember your the one's saying that the coalition was non-exstient. Anyone?

I direct your attention to:


that illuminates clearly the purpose for Bush's deception.

any questions?

You answer the question don't give a post, that's not an answer....
No world intelligence said that Saddam had WMD's how did Bush mislead them, So there was no motive in going to war with Iraq, Bush did it just to do it? Is that what you are saying? What was his purpose??

I'd say they all got their intelligence from the same source. Bush wanted Sadman out for various reasons:
1) Oil
2) Payback for 9-11
3) Sadman was said to have tried to kill his pa
4) (and this reason is more peripheral and a consequence of his actions) Help make his friends rich
I'd say they all got their intelligence from the same source. Bush wanted Sadman out for various reasons:
1) Oil
2) Payback for 9-11
3) Sadman was said to have tried to kill his pa
4) (and this reason is more peripheral and a consequence of his actions) Help make his friends rich

Seems funny on #1 that we didn't go in there and start distributing that oil in the U.S. hmmm....funny huh
So as previous liberals have stated there is no connection between 9/11 and Iraq, you are now claiming that there was??
As far as #3 why didn't Bush go into Iraq and take out Saddam before 2003, I mean Saddam defied inspectors for years prior, why wouldn't Bush use that for justification.
Take that and put those reasons in Obamas mouth and his poll #'s would take a sucide dive into hell. As far as the second question, what source would that be?
If you are capable of reading, it answers your question completely....

but then, I have no knowledge of your ability to read for comprehension.

It does...#1 America has benefited from Iraq's oil, #2 you have stated there was no connection between Iraq and 9/11, #3 If it was about assination why did he wait until 3 years in office to take action, plus couldn't he just have had Saddam assassinated instead of invading Iraq?

Those are not legitmate answers to the questions...sorry
It does...#1 America has benefited from Iraq's oil, #2 you have stated there was no connection between Iraq and 9/11, #3 If it was about assination why did he wait until 3 years in office to take action, plus couldn't he just have had Saddam assassinated instead of invading Iraq?

Those are not legitmate answers to the questions...sorry

you obviously did not read the PNAC link.

there is little I can say in the face of such willful ignorance.
you obviously did not read the PNAC link.

there is little I can say in the face of such willful ignorance.

"You" haven't answered the question, I didn't ask you to post a weblink. I asked you to answer the question. So, still waiting.....
"You" haven't answered the question, I didn't ask you to post a weblink. I asked you to answer the question. So, still waiting.....

I mean if it's so clear "you" should be able to answer the two questions right?
"You" haven't answered the question, I didn't ask you to post a weblink. I asked you to answer the question. So, still waiting.....

the answer is clearly contained in the website. I cannot write the PNAC agenda any better than they can....

is this a site for the exchange of knowledge or are you merely playing debating games?

The reason Bush invaded Iraq is written clearly in the PNAC statement of purpose.

either read it or ignore it...but quit whining.
the answer is clearly contained in the website. I cannot write the PNAC agenda any better than they can....

is this a site for the exchange of knowledge or are you merely playing debating games?

The reason Bush invaded Iraq is written clearly in the PNAC statement of purpose.

either read it or ignore it...but quit whining.

I get it you can't answer the questions...
You can't pull the answers out??? Again can't answer the questions.....

I refuse to force feed you. If you are incapable of reading things longer than a soundbite, I really have no use for you. get thee to the kiddie's table forthwith.
Seems funny on #1 that we didn't go in there and start distributing that oil in the U.S. hmmm....funny huh
So as previous liberals have stated there is no connection between 9/11 and Iraq, you are now claiming that there was??
As far as #3 why didn't Bush go into Iraq and take out Saddam before 2003, I mean Saddam defied inspectors for years prior, why wouldn't Bush use that for justification.
Take that and put those reasons in Obamas mouth and his poll #'s would take a sucide dive into hell. As far as the second question, what source would that be?

1) Who said it was about giving oil to America? It's more about ensuring a stable supply and stable oil prices.
2) No, there was no connection re 9-11 and Iraq, but that didn't stop Cheney et al giving out the perception there was a connection.
3) Because 9-11 hadn't happened and it took him a while to get the coalition together.But once it was set, in he went.
As for number two, Cheney has on several occasions tried to make the link. It has been documented on a number of occasions on this board. Not about to do it yet AGAIN for a newbie. Either do a google or do a thread search..

Thing is Jeeves, Obama wouldn't have gone in the first place...:cool:
I refuse to force feed you. If you are incapable of reading things longer than a soundbite, I really have no use for you. get thee to the kiddie's table forthwith.

Can't answer the questions.....LOL Yes.....Anyway I proved my point you have no motive and reason the "World's" intelligence community said Saddam had WMD's...Avoid if you like it just proves your ignorance...LOL
Can't answer the questions.....LOL Yes.....Anyway I proved my point you have no motive and reason the "World's" intelligence community said Saddam had WMD's...Avoid if you like it just proves your ignorance...LOL

the world's intelligence communities THOUGHT that saddam might have WMD's....
only Bush told us that their existence was an absolute certainty.

Only Bush made the case that Saddam had been in cahoots with Al Qaeda BEFORE 9/11 and therefore was primed to give THEM the WMD's that certainly existed... both the connection and the certainty were LIES and misled us into war.
the world's intelligence communities THOUGHT that saddam might have WMD's....
only Bush told us that their existence was an absolute certainty.

Only Bush made the case that Saddam had been in cahoots with Al Qaeda BEFORE 9/11 and therefore was primed to give THEM the WMD's that certainly existed... both the connection and the certainty were LIES and misled us into war.

Answer them correctly the debate is over...but you haven't
Answer them correctly the debate is over...but you haven't

according to YOU?:rofl:

who the fuck made you the rule maker?

I answered your questions.

now go shove my answers up your ass and rotate on them.

the debate IS over!:rofl:

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