Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

If I asked you, RGS, to tell me how many total republicans were serving in congress, how would you arrive at the answer? I suggest that you would count the number of republican representatives and the number of republican senators and add them together. Am I right?:rofl:

Once again for the retarded amongst us. IN THE SENATE a majority of Democrats voted FOR the war.
Once again for the retarded amongst us. IN THE SENATE a majority of Democrats voted FOR the war.

ONce again...YOU were the one who replied to MY post. I have NEVER denied that a majority of democrats in the sentat voted for it. What I have always said was that a majority of democrats in CONGRESS (house and senate) voted against it. That is true...and you tried to say it wasn't by throwing up the vote from ONE chamber. YOU are wrong and have been ever since you questioned my TRUE statement.

and you do not have the grace to admit that you said I was wrong when YOU are the one who WAS wrong. The record in this thread is clear.
ONce again...YOU were the one who replied to MY post. I have NEVER denied that a majority of democrats in the sentat voted for it. What I have always said was that a majority of democrats in CONGRESS (house and senate) voted against it. That is true...and you tried to say it wasn't by throwing up the vote from ONE chamber. YOU are wrong and have been ever since you questioned my TRUE statement.

and you do not have the grace to admit that you said I was wrong when YOU are the one who WAS wrong. The record in this thread is clear.

Sure is, your a whining crying little girl that has no dignity or grace. But do keep on posting in every thread on the board about how you just can not read nor comprehend.
Sure is, your a whining crying little girl that has no dignity or grace. But do keep on posting in every thread on the board about how you just can not read nor comprehend.

I stated in this thread that a majority of democrats in congress voted against the use of force. YOU replied to me and said that I was wrong and used, as your proof, the rollcall from the senate. Clearly, you do not know what the term "congress" includes.
I stated in this thread that a majority of democrats in congress voted against the use of force. YOU replied to me and said that I was wrong and used, as your proof, the rollcall from the senate. Clearly, you do not know what the term "congress" includes.

As for the Majority of Democrats, one finds that in fact 81 democrats in the House voted FOR war. To be sure 126 voted no, but the implication that if not for Republicans we would not have gone to war is ignorant, totally wrong and proven to be so.

296 Members of the House voted for war, a big majority of the House.

As for the Majority of Democrats, one finds that in fact 81 democrats in the House voted FOR war. To be sure 126 voted no, but the implication that if not for Republicans we would not have gone to war is ignorant, totally wrong and proven to be so.

296 Members of the House voted for war, a big majority of the House.


I said that a majority of democrats in congress voted against the war.... you replied: "Yes a "majority" of democrats DID vote for it."

You were and continue to be wrong. I don't give a flying fuck about the votes of the sentate democrats. I made a statement and you said I was wrong and YOU were the one who was wrong...and you don't have the grace to admit it.
I said that a majority of democrats in congress voted against the war.... you replied: "Yes a "majority" of democrats DID vote for it."

You were and continue to be wrong. I don't give a flying fuck about the votes of the sentate democrats. I made a statement and you said I was wrong and YOU were the one who was wrong...and you don't have the grace to admit it.

Cry me a river, boo hoo hoo. I have been very clear about what I meant. You just want to play semantics.
Cry me a river, boo hoo hoo. I have been very clear about what I meant. You just want to play semantics.

you were the one who replied to MY post. You were wrong. and still are...

and I have NEVER implied anything about that vote. I have been explicit. A majority of democrats in congress voted against the war. I am proud of that fact.
I said that a majority of democrats in congress voted against the war.... you replied: "Yes a "majority" of democrats DID vote for it."

You were and continue to be wrong. I don't give a flying fuck about the votes of the sentate democrats. I made a statement and you said I was wrong and YOU were the one who was wrong...and you don't have the grace to admit it.

Give it up. I know how annoying it can be. I’ve shown him to be technically wrong before. Though it was obvious, he never admits it. Just rest assured that other people are reading these threads too. It is obvious that he was wrong. A majority of democrats in congress voted against the use of force. Congress consists of more than just the Senate. It is as simple as that. Just give up on trying to get him to admit that he was wrong as it takes class to admit when you are wrong. Just move on.
Give it up. I know how annoying it can be. I’ve shown him to be technically wrong before. Though it was obvious, he never admits it. Just rest assured that other people are reading these threads too. It is obvious that he was wrong. A majority of democrats in congress voted against the use of force. Congress consists of more than just the Senate. It is as simple as that. Just give up on trying to get him to admit that he was wrong as it takes class to admit when you are wrong. Just move on.

you are right. I had hoped for better from him. silly me.
united the republican party? LOL

that is really rich! You guys are totally splintered now.

I suggest you look at Mccain's fundraising to see if the Republican party is uniting behind him. The article created millions of dollars for Mccain. Obama hasn't been exposed yet, but he will. Who's going to expose him now as a Liberal spending machine, Hillary....LOL
How do you arrive at the conclusion that a majority of American Democrats supported the war? Do you have a link to a survey of American Democrats?

74% of Americans supported the war at the onset.....I don't think it takes a mathmetician to figure out that would translate to a majority of democrats as well.
74% of Americans supported the war at the onset.....I don't think it takes a mathmetician to figure out that would translate to a majority of democrats as well.

Oh gaud. Take a high school course in statistics, testing and measurement.

First give me the survey that concluded that 74 percent of Americans supported the war.
What was the sample size? What were the other demographics? Did it account for each subject’s political party affiliation? (What if 99 percent of those polled were Republican hawks?) What was the statistical error? Your leap in logic leaves much to be desired.

I understand that pro-war people would like to draw that conclusion, but your suggestion that since 74 percent of Americans supported the war, most Democrats supported the war is a very weak fallacious leap in logic.
Oh gaud. Take a high school course in statistics, testing and measurement.

First give me the survey that concluded that 74 percent of Americans supported the war.
What was the sample size? What were the other demographics? Did it account for each subject’s political party affiliation? (What if 99 percent of those polled were Republican hawks?) What was the statistical error? Your leap in logic leaves much to be desired.

I understand that pro-war people would like to draw that conclusion, but your suggestion that since 74 percent of Americans supported the war, most Democrats supported the war is a very weak fallacious leap in logic.

Of course you would like to destroy the basis for the poll but isn't it democrats who like citing polls. By February 2002, 74% of Americans supported taking military action to remove Saddam Hussein from power.[

Of course you would like to destroy the basis for the poll but isn't it democrats who like citing polls. By February 2002, 74% of Americans supported taking military action to remove Saddam Hussein from power.[


You should have clicked on the wiki link to the actual poll. Here's what it said:

According to a CBS News/New York Times poll, Americans support the idea of using military force to remove Saddam Hussein. But they overwhelmingly want diplomatic efforts and the inspections to run their course first -- they would want to see clear evidence against Iraq before going to war. The poll found 63% of Americans want President Bush to find a diplomatic solution.
Of course you would like to destroy the basis for the poll but isn't it democrats who like citing polls. By February 2002, 74% of Americans supported taking military action to remove Saddam Hussein from power.[


No. I am not trying to destroy the poll. I don’t care to destroy the poll. I even agree that most Americans, at least at one moment in time, were convinced that we should go to war in Iraq. I am criticizing your attempt to claim that, based on this poll, most Democrats supported the war.
and it's all a tapdance to avoid admitting that he fucked up when he questioned my TRUE statement that a majority of democrats in congress voted against it.

No. I am not trying to destroy the poll. I don’t care to destroy the poll. I even agree that most Americans, at least at one moment in time, were convinced that we should go to war in Iraq. I am criticizing your attempt to claim that, based on this poll, most Democrats supported the war.

By 73% to 24%, Americans said the war was morally justified when it began; today the public is divided, with 47% saying it is morally justified and 50% saying it is not.

Here's another poll for you....are you saying that in 2003 the electorate wasn't pretty close to split between Republicans and Democrats???

and it's all a tapdance to avoid admitting that he fucked up when he questioned my TRUE statement that a majority of democrats in congress voted against it.


not a tapdance the truth...you seem to have troubles with that...LOL

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