Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Classless leftist ....Bush has done more for the continent of Africa than Obama has ever done:eusa_eh:

A sterling example of the maxim, no good deed goes unpunished.

Former President George W. Bush was booed when he appeared on the video monitor at today’s memorial for Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, South Africa, according to the White House pool report, which cited local press outlets.

Meanwhile, when the images President Obama and Michelle popped up, there was a 30-second “deafening roar,” the pooler wrote.

How sad. Bush has done an far greater amount for South Africa than Obama. But Obama is much better at crafting his public image and saying the right things.

Bush personally saved the lives of millions of South Africans with his President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, ensuring AIDS drugs are available to South Africa’s impoverished masses.

From a Washington Post piece describing how Bush’s achievements were haunting Obama’s June trip to South Africa:

In South Africa, the success ( of PEPFAR) was extraordinary. AIDS killed roughly 2.3 million in South Africa — once one of the worst-affected countries in the world — and orphaned about a million children there, according to the United Nations. Today, rates of infection have fallen to 30 percent, and nearly 2 million people are on antiretroviral drugs.

Meanwhile, Obama has cut PEPFAR funding and generally been his customary inattentive self. From the same Post piece:

AIDS advocates on Sunday said that Obama administration budget cuts that have slashed hundreds of millions of dollars from PEPFAR threaten to turn back years of progress in the fight against the AIDS epidemic. Last year, the administration unveiled a budget that reduces AIDS funding globally by roughly $214 million, the first time an American president has reduced the U.S. commitment to fighting the epidemic since it broke out in the 1980s during the Reagan administration.

Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
Bush being booed in South Africa simply proves they too are a nation with scads of low information types, just like dimocrats here.
Just like them singing at Obama's inauguration...

Democrats/Obama followers today have no class whatsoever...

as for the people in Africa booing him..same as people here...no class
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Considering that Bush did more than Clinton OR Obama to save lives in Africa, and that it was Repubs who led the way to free the slaves, then led on equal rights, it's just more ignorance from the minority Left, which embraces those who fought to hold them down. Blocking school vouchers, creating generations of folks with and entitlement mindset and dependence on the State.

Very sad.
Classless leftist ....Bush has done more for the continent of Africa than Obama has ever done:eusa_eh:

A sterling example of the maxim, no good deed goes unpunished.

Former President George W. Bush was booed when he appeared on the video monitor at today’s memorial for Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, South Africa, according to the White House pool report, which cited local press outlets.

Meanwhile, when the images President Obama and Michelle popped up, there was a 30-second “deafening roar,” the pooler wrote.

How sad. Bush has done an far greater amount for South Africa than Obama. But Obama is much better at crafting his public image and saying the right things.

Bush personally saved the lives of millions of South Africans with his President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, ensuring AIDS drugs are available to South Africa’s impoverished masses.

From a Washington Post piece describing how Bush’s achievements were haunting Obama’s June trip to South Africa:

In South Africa, the success ( of PEPFAR) was extraordinary. AIDS killed roughly 2.3 million in South Africa — once one of the worst-affected countries in the world — and orphaned about a million children there, according to the United Nations. Today, rates of infection have fallen to 30 percent, and nearly 2 million people are on antiretroviral drugs.

Meanwhile, Obama has cut PEPFAR funding and generally been his customary inattentive self. From the same Post piece:

AIDS advocates on Sunday said that Obama administration budget cuts that have slashed hundreds of millions of dollars from PEPFAR threaten to turn back years of progress in the fight against the AIDS epidemic. Last year, the administration unveiled a budget that reduces AIDS funding globally by roughly $214 million, the first time an American president has reduced the U.S. commitment to fighting the epidemic since it broke out in the 1980s during the Reagan administration.

Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

That is sad.
Classless leftist ....Bush has done more for the continent of Africa than Obama has ever done:eusa_eh:

A sterling example of the maxim, no good deed goes unpunished.

Former President George W. Bush was booed when he appeared on the video monitor at today’s memorial for Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, South Africa, according to the White House pool report, which cited local press outlets.

Meanwhile, when the images President Obama and Michelle popped up, there was a 30-second “deafening roar,” the pooler wrote.

How sad. Bush has done an far greater amount for South Africa than Obama. But Obama is much better at crafting his public image and saying the right things.

Bush personally saved the lives of millions of South Africans with his President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, ensuring AIDS drugs are available to South Africa’s impoverished masses.

From a Washington Post piece describing how Bush’s achievements were haunting Obama’s June trip to South Africa:

In South Africa, the success ( of PEPFAR) was extraordinary. AIDS killed roughly 2.3 million in South Africa — once one of the worst-affected countries in the world — and orphaned about a million children there, according to the United Nations. Today, rates of infection have fallen to 30 percent, and nearly 2 million people are on antiretroviral drugs.

Meanwhile, Obama has cut PEPFAR funding and generally been his customary inattentive self. From the same Post piece:

AIDS advocates on Sunday said that Obama administration budget cuts that have slashed hundreds of millions of dollars from PEPFAR threaten to turn back years of progress in the fight against the AIDS epidemic. Last year, the administration unveiled a budget that reduces AIDS funding globally by roughly $214 million, the first time an American president has reduced the U.S. commitment to fighting the epidemic since it broke out in the 1980s during the Reagan administration.

Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

If this happened..it was uncalled for..
Bush is a war criminal who should be arrested for invading Iraq, for Gitmo and the torture of prisoners. There was no evidence of WMD and he KNEW that before he invaded, but he wanted access and control of Iraqi oil.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld personally made billions of dollars off the Iraq war and subcontracting out services to the troops. The whole war and rebuilding of Iraq was one massive government ripoff, with American troops paying with their lives.

Then, for good measure, he trashed the world's economy. And the low information types here are praising him. Idiots.
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Outstanding! W is a truly disgusting person.

Who's policies helped save about 15 million lives in Africa. I guess you can't cure stupid.

And President Bush and his wife are still involved in charitable causes in Africa, and go there frequently. :clap2: And they have nothing to gain politically, by doing so. They are people of the heart who realize that helping others is the best way to lasting happiness.
Perhaps they're recalling that Bush was VP when Ronald Reagan refused to support sanctions against the apartheid regime.
Classless leftist ....Bush has done more for the continent of Africa than Obama has ever done:eusa_eh:

A sterling example of the maxim, no good deed goes unpunished.

Former President George W. Bush was booed when he appeared on the video monitor at today’s memorial for Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, South Africa, according to the White House pool report, which cited local press outlets.

Meanwhile, when the images President Obama and Michelle popped up, there was a 30-second “deafening roar,” the pooler wrote.

How sad. Bush has done an far greater amount for South Africa than Obama. But Obama is much better at crafting his public image and saying the right things.

Bush personally saved the lives of millions of South Africans with his President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, ensuring AIDS drugs are available to South Africa’s impoverished masses.

From a Washington Post piece describing how Bush’s achievements were haunting Obama’s June trip to South Africa:

In South Africa, the success ( of PEPFAR) was extraordinary. AIDS killed roughly 2.3 million in South Africa — once one of the worst-affected countries in the world — and orphaned about a million children there, according to the United Nations. Today, rates of infection have fallen to 30 percent, and nearly 2 million people are on antiretroviral drugs.

Meanwhile, Obama has cut PEPFAR funding and generally been his customary inattentive self. From the same Post piece:

AIDS advocates on Sunday said that Obama administration budget cuts that have slashed hundreds of millions of dollars from PEPFAR threaten to turn back years of progress in the fight against the AIDS epidemic. Last year, the administration unveiled a budget that reduces AIDS funding globally by roughly $214 million, the first time an American president has reduced the U.S. commitment to fighting the epidemic since it broke out in the 1980s during the Reagan administration.

Bush Booed During Mandela Memorial | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Evidently the homies didnt get their food stamps....
Bush is a war criminal who should be arrested for invading Iraq, for Gitmo and the torture of prisoners. There was no evidence of WMD and he KNEW that before he invaded, but he wanted access and control of Iraqi oil.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld personally made billions of dollars off the Iraq war and subcontracting out services to the troops. The whole war and rebuilding of Iraq was one massive government ripoff, with American troops paying with their lives.

Then, for good measure, he trashed the world's economy. And the low information types here are praising him. Idiots.

Seems you may not get the news up there in the frozen North.

Saddam confessed to his FBI interrogator (on America's oldest and most respected TV Newsmagazine show, CBS 60 Minutes) he INTENTIONALLY led the World to think he had WMD's.

That June 2000 speech was about weapons of mass destruction. In talking casually about that speech, Saddam began to tell the story of his weapons. It was a breakthrough that had taken five months.

"Oh, you couldn't imagine the excitement that I was feeling at that point," Piro remembers.

"And what did he tell you about how his weapons of mass destruction had been destroyed?" Pelley asks.

"He told me that most of the WMD had been destroyed by the U.N. inspectors in the '90s. And those that hadn't been destroyed by the inspectors were unilaterally destroyed by Iraq," Piro says.

"So why keep the secret? Why put your nation at risk, why put your own life at risk to maintain this charade?" Pelley asks.

"It was very important for him to project that because that was what kept him, in his mind, in power. That capability kept the Iranians away. It kept them from reinvading Iraq," Piro says.

Before his wars with America, Saddam had fought a ruinous eight year war with Iran and it was Iran he still feared the most.

"He believed that he couldn't survive without the perception that he had weapons of mass destruction?" Pelley asks.

"Absolutely," Piro says.

Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions - Page 4 - CBS News

By the time the other Conservatives on USMB and I get finished with your uninformed post you will be a better informed poster than you are now.

Almost everything in your post is a lie or a myth or has been debunked or is just incorrect.

I think you have the dreaded, BDS.

Bush Derangement Syndrome.
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