Bush destroyed capitalism. Obama Saved it.


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010

George Bush presided over the greatest era of financial lawlessness since the Gilded Age.
He used the Housing Market to stimulate a dead economy by loaning money into the economy on the backs of people who had no downpayment, no collateral and often no job. Under his guidance, any impediment to mortgage lending was suppressed. Under his leadership, the most corrupt and unregulated derivatives market in world history flourished - until it blew up and destroyed the lives of millions. When Bush was begged to pressure Greenspan to raise rates and cool the bubble, he simply turned a deaf ear.

The Bush job growth numbers are the worst of any president since Hoover.
Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama inherited the greatest mess of any president since FDR, yet his job growth has eclipsed Reagan's

Click this Forbe's article...
Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Once again, a great democratic leader saves capitalism from itself.

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George Bush presided over the greatest era of financial lawlessness since the Gilded Age.
He used the Housing Market to stimulate a dead economy by loaning money into the economy on the backs of people who had no downpayment, no collateral and often no job. Under his guidance, any impediment to mortgage lending was suppressed. Under his leadership, the most corrupt and unregulated derivatives market in world history flourished - until it blew up and destroyed the lives of millions. When Bush was begged to pressure Greenspan to raise rates and cool the bubble, he simply turned a deaf ear.

The Bush job growth numbers are the worst of any president since Hoover.
Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama inherited the greatest mess of any president since FDR, yet his job growth has eclipsed Reagan's

Click this Forbe's article...
Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Once again, a great democratic leader saves capitalism from itself.


Since you don't know that that was Clintons idea, there's no point in talking the completely uninformed.
Quantitative Easing pumped far more money into the economy and now we get to deal with the heavy price tag on that for generations. Clearly Obama's legacy our children and grandchildren will learn to hate.

Listen to what Bush says in the video. He puts the policies of Carter and Clinton on steroids. He advocates for increasing homeownership among the poor far more than any democrat has ever dreamed.

Since Republicans like to blame other presidents for what happens on their watch, why do they get mad when defenders of Obama blame Bush? You'd think that Republicans would take accountability for what happens when their president is in office.

Listen to what Bush says in the video. He puts the policies of Carter and Clinton on steroids. He advocates for increasing homeownership among the poor far more than any democrat has ever dreamed.

Since Republicans like to blame other presidents for what happens on their watch, why do they get mad when defenders of Obama blame Bush? You'd think that Republicans would take accountability for what happens when their president is in office.

Then YOU should LOVE the man, as you PROGS are supposed to be all about giving the POOR everything!.... Are you on fucking drugs?

George Bush presided over the greatest era of financial lawlessness since the Gilded Age.
He used the Housing Market to stimulate a dead economy by loaning money into the economy on the backs of people who had no downpayment, no collateral and often no job. Under his guidance, any impediment to mortgage lending was suppressed. Under his leadership, the most corrupt and unregulated derivatives market in world history flourished - until it blew up and destroyed the lives of millions. When Bush was begged to pressure Greenspan to raise rates and cool the bubble, he simply turned a deaf ear.

The Bush job growth numbers are the worst of any president since Hoover.
Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama inherited the greatest mess of any president since FDR, yet his job growth has eclipsed Reagan's

Click this Forbe's article...
Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Once again, a great democratic leader saves capitalism from itself.


Actually Bush tried to stop the democrat loan system put in place by the democrat controlled congress. Because he knew it wasn't sustainable. Much like anyone with a functioning mind would know but the democrats kept insisting it could go on forever.

Obie didn't inherit a mess of someone elses making, he inherited a mess his own people created and he voted for. It's amazing to me how you morons need to twist data in order to support this idiot when actual numbers tell the story. Bush didn't need to fake his numbers like obie does. That should be painfully obvious after six years of obies so called "recovery" when nobody is recovering.

George Bush presided over the greatest era of financial lawlessness since the Gilded Age.
He used the Housing Market to stimulate a dead economy by loaning money into the economy on the backs of people who had no downpayment, no collateral and often no job. Under his guidance, any impediment to mortgage lending was suppressed. Under his leadership, the most corrupt and unregulated derivatives market in world history flourished - until it blew up and destroyed the lives of millions. When Bush was begged to pressure Greenspan to raise rates and cool the bubble, he simply turned a deaf ear.

The Bush job growth numbers are the worst of any president since Hoover.
Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama inherited the greatest mess of any president since FDR, yet his job growth has eclipsed Reagan's

Click this Forbe's article...
Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Once again, a great democratic leader saves capitalism from itself.


If we could burn errors for fuel, your post could power the US for a week.
Actually Bush tried to stop the democrat loan system put in place by the democrat controlled congress. Because he knew it wasn't sustainable. Much like anyone with a functioning mind would know but the democrats kept insisting it could go on forever.

Obie didn't inherit a mess of someone elses making, he inherited a mess his own people created and he voted for. It's amazing to me how you morons need to twist data in order to support this idiot when actual numbers tell the story. Bush didn't need to fake his numbers like obie does. That should be painfully obvious after six years of obies so called "recovery" when nobody is recovering.

False. Listen to what Bush says in the supplied video. He fiercely advocates for the aggressive expansion of home ownership among the poor, including the elimination of things like down payments coupled with a steroidal role for Fannie/Freddie.

Stop lying and listen to his words.

Listen to what Bush says in the video. He puts the policies of Carter and Clinton on steroids. He advocates for increasing homeownership among the poor far more than any democrat has ever dreamed.

Since Republicans like to blame other presidents for what happens on their watch, why do they get mad when defenders of Obama blame Bush? You'd think that Republicans would take accountability for what happens when their president is in office.

One would think you would do the same and put some accountability on the man in charge for the last six years. Yet you can't seem to do that. You still want to blame someone else for the current presidents failures. It's been six years and failure at every turn yet you want us to take responsibility? For what? You voted for this pile of steaming shit and are getting exactly what you voted for but want to blame someone that hasn't been in office for six years?

If you and obie were that fucking great you wouldn't be looking for someone to blame for your failures. You would be touting your successes, of which there aren't any so you reach back and blame others for your failures.

Is it really Bush's fault obie didn't stop the seas from rising, couldn't get the economy going, and isn't really an effective leader of the nation? Somehow none of that is obie's fault but Bush caused all of his failures. Last time I checked Bush never promised me 2500 bucks in healthcare savings. Obie did and I'm still waiting on that to happen as my costs have doubled under his so called leadership.

Your fucking liberal euphoria seems to be based on blaming someone else for it's failures. It can't possibly be that your ideas are the ones fucking things up can it?
it must of been those 1000S of new strangling regulations obama put on businesses that saved us and capitalism. Or all those new taxes he's imposed on US.

good grief, the man has a majority of the people who disapproves of him. he lost the House after two years and ObamaCare and just lost the Senate after another Four painful years.. so I'd say they don't believe HE'S saved anything They aren't even buying how he saved the auto industry and Killed Bin Laden with his bare hands
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George Bush presided over the greatest era of financial lawlessness since the Gilded Age.
He used the Housing Market to stimulate a dead economy by loaning money into the economy on the backs of people who had no downpayment, no collateral and often no job. Under his guidance, any impediment to mortgage lending was suppressed. Under his leadership, the most corrupt and unregulated derivatives market in world history flourished - until it blew up and destroyed the lives of millions. When Bush was begged to pressure Greenspan to raise rates and cool the bubble, he simply turned a deaf ear.

The Bush job growth numbers are the worst of any president since Hoover.
Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama inherited the greatest mess of any president since FDR, yet his job growth has eclipsed Reagan's

Click this Forbe's article...
Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Once again, a great democratic leader saves capitalism from itself.


Clinton is the potus that signed the law mandating those lending laws that led to the collapse as pushed by frank and Dodd, dimwits. What is it with libtards blaming bush for their screw ups?

Listen to what Bush says in the video. He puts the policies of Carter and Clinton on steroids. He advocates for increasing homeownership among the poor far more than any democrat has ever dreamed.

Since Republicans like to blame other presidents for what happens on their watch, why do they get mad when defenders of Obama blame Bush? You'd think that Republicans would take accountability for what happens when their president is in office.

Now you are back stepping. Loser.
Obama's "capitalism" in one easy-to-read graphic:


And they want him to give out Amensty to 20MILLION illegal immigrants. Some Liberals shock me how they care more a man/President than their own country they just go along with whatever he wants
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Actually Bush tried to stop the democrat loan system put in place by the democrat controlled congress. Because he knew it wasn't sustainable. Much like anyone with a functioning mind would know but the democrats kept insisting it could go on forever.

Obie didn't inherit a mess of someone elses making, he inherited a mess his own people created and he voted for. It's amazing to me how you morons need to twist data in order to support this idiot when actual numbers tell the story. Bush didn't need to fake his numbers like obie does. That should be painfully obvious after six years of obies so called "recovery" when nobody is recovering.

False. Listen to what Bush says in the supplied video. He fiercely advocates for the aggressive expansion of home ownership among the poor, including the elimination of things like down payments coupled with a steroidal role for Fannie/Freddie.

Stop lying and listen to his words.

The laws the democrats pushed?
One would think you would do the same and put some accountability on the man in charge for the last six years. Yet you can't seem to do that. You still want to blame someone else for the current presidents failures.

What failures? He cleaned up Bush's mess and put the country back on a solid track of job growth.

On the other hand, the Right blames Clinton & Carter for the Housing/Financial Meltdown, and they blame Clinton for 9/11.

During the Bush years, blaming Clinton became a Republican industry. For a party that talks so much about accountability, they never seem to take any. Your president can't defend the eastern seaboard, but his noise machine is great at blaming other people for what Al Qaeda did to this country on his watch.

Of course, when something good happens under a Democratic president, your side tells us it's because of the Republicans (Newt = Clinton's job growth & surplus). On the other hand, you never give the Democratic House an ounce of credit for the growth under Reagan.

You shouldn't be allowed to use the word accountability.

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