Bush didn't just lie........

Well to be fair. Iraq did and still does have WMDs. They did use them. They did attack our allies. They did threaten us many times. They were fucking shooting at our planes. I'm curious, are you mentally handicapped?

Here is CONSERVATIVE commentator
Laura Ingraham On Jeb Bush Saying He Would There Has To Be Something Wrong With Him Video RealClearPolitics

I'm a Republican, but I'm not stupid. I'm a conservative and I learn from the past and I improve myself, I don't bring in the same people who made the same stupid decisions in the 2000s, to get us intro the next part of the 21st Centruy. Come on. We can learn.
So? Why are you humping her leg?

Attacking Iraq.. bad strategy. But calling that stuff lies again and again for decades after it's been proven they were not lies.. that's just stupid.
The invasion was illegal and a war crime.
What more does one need? How can it be defended?
Which invasion was a war crime? The one's that Obama did or the ones that Bush did?
...........except Obama did not invade...he dealt with the Bush fiasco
And Bush dealt with the Clinton fiasco, and Clinton dealth with the Bush sr fiasco, and Bush sr dealt with the Reagan fiasco, who dealt with the Carter fiasco.. oh yeah that's where this nightmare really started... Carter. Or should we go back to post WWII and take a look at the Israel idea? Or maybe we go back thousands of years and blame that slave girl who begat the islamics.
Well to be fair. Iraq did and still does have WMDs. They did use them. They did attack our allies. They did threaten us many times. They were fucking shooting at our planes. I'm curious, are you mentally handicapped?

Here is CONSERVATIVE commentator
Laura Ingraham On Jeb Bush Saying He Would There Has To Be Something Wrong With Him Video RealClearPolitics

I'm a Republican, but I'm not stupid. I'm a conservative and I learn from the past and I improve myself, I don't bring in the same people who made the same stupid decisions in the 2000s, to get us intro the next part of the 21st Centruy. Come on. We can learn.
So? Why are you humping her leg?

Attacking Iraq.. bad strategy. But calling that stuff lies again and again for decades after it's been proven they were not lies.. that's just stupid.

I simply brought in the comment of a Conservative because that carries more weight that one from a liberal source.... Bush did lie ...Bush was not victimized ...he did the victimizing..

Well to be fair. Iraq did and still does have WMDs. They did use them. They did attack our allies. They did threaten us many times. They were fucking shooting at our planes. I'm curious, are you mentally handicapped?

Here is CONSERVATIVE commentator
Laura Ingraham On Jeb Bush Saying He Would There Has To Be Something Wrong With Him Video RealClearPolitics

I'm a Republican, but I'm not stupid. I'm a conservative and I learn from the past and I improve myself, I don't bring in the same people who made the same stupid decisions in the 2000s, to get us intro the next part of the 21st Centruy. Come on. We can learn.
So? Why are you humping her leg?

Attacking Iraq.. bad strategy. But calling that stuff lies again and again for decades after it's been proven they were not lies.. that's just stupid.

I simply brought in the comment of a Conservative because that carries more weight that one from a liberal source.... Bush did lie ...Bush was not victimized ...he did the victimizing..


Bush did not lie. You are full of shit.
And now we have conservatives who want to send Americans back to Iraq to again pointlessly fight and die in the failed, illegal war GWB lied his way into.

Many on the right are clearly incapable of learning from history, blindly making the same mistakes, the consequence of failed conservative foreign policy.
And now we have conservatives who want to send Americans back to Iraq to again pointlessly fight and die in the failed, illegal war GWB lied his way into...
The alternative is to let it alone, and allow a modern-day resurrected Caliphate to spawn and to take root.

Are you willing to allow that to happen?

...Many on the right are clearly incapable of learning from history, blindly making the same mistakes, the consequence of failed conservative foreign policy.
Blindly making the same mistake?

Or dividing two American expeditions into two distinctly separate categories:

1. a pointless and unnecessary first expedition, which helped to create the current conditions.

2. a necessary second expedition, to 'bat clean-up' on the first, before the infection spreads too far?
Why did Bush ignore pre-9/11 warnings from the Clinton Administration?

Why did the Clinton Administration gut the intelligence budget and limited intelligence sharing among law enforcement after the World Trade Center was attacked on their watch? When the World Trade Center under Bush Administration, they responded by investing in intelligence and facilitated intelligence sharing among law enforcement.

who received a hand delivered Daily Briefing warning [while on vacation] titled:

"Bin Laden poised to strike inside the US"

who reacted to that warning by saying

"OK you've covered your ass"

Here is a clue...he was white, he was President and he was stupid....

So, help us understand exactly what steps Clinton took to prevent another attack following the WTC attack that occurred under his watch in February 1993.
And now we have conservatives who want to send Americans back to Iraq to again pointlessly fight and die in the failed, illegal war GWB lied his way into...
The alternative is to let it alone, and allow a modern-day resurrected Caliphate to spawn and to take root.

Are you willing to allow that to happen?
It is not the US's decision to allow that to happen. If the people of Iraq said they want the help of the US then and only then should the US decide to go.
Bush lied
He lied when he said what he knew.......he didn't
He lied about the threat.....there wasn't one
He lied about how long the war would take......ten years not six months
He lied about the political situation in Iraq.....we weren't treated like liberators
Why did Bush ignore pre-9/11 warnings from the Clinton Administration?

Why did the Clinton Administration gut the intelligence budget and limited intelligence sharing among law enforcement after the World Trade Center was attacked on their watch? When the World Trade Center under Bush Administration, they responded by investing in intelligence and facilitated intelligence sharing among law enforcement.

who received a hand delivered Daily Briefing warning [while on vacation] titled:

"Bin Laden poised to strike inside the US"

who reacted to that warning by saying

"OK you've covered your ass"

Here is a clue...he was white, he was President and he was stupid....

So, help us understand exactly what steps Clinton took to prevent another 9-11 attack following the WTC attack that occurred under his watch in February 1993.
I'm sure he dropped more bombs in the middle east, continued support for the Saudi Princes, and tried a coup on Saddam that backfired. Just because one president does stupid things doesn't excuse the other.
Bush lied
He lied when he said what he knew.......he didn't
He lied about the threat.....there wasn't one
He lied about how long the war would take......ten years not six months
He lied about the political situation in Iraq.....we weren't treated like liberators
He didn't know what he new? ROFL
He lied about them shooting at us? ROFL
The war was over in less than six months dumb ass. The problem was the occupation afterwards. Not the war. Duh!
Liar, we certainly were treated like liberators. Then the dumb ass decided to occupy them and try to turn them into good little Christians.

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