Bush didn't just lie........

No, I put Bushs oratory skills on the level of being able to exploit post 9-11 fear in the American people, make people think Iran was an immediate threat, imply that Saddam was leading terrorist threats......in other words....lie to justify a war
That is exactly correct...the US was in a State of shock similar to Pearl Harbor.....
Can you quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie?
The Iraqi regime possesses biological and chemical weapons, is rebuilding the facilities to make more and, according to the British government, could launch a biological or chemical attack in as little as 45 minutes after the order is given. The regime has long-standing and continuing ties to terrorist groups, and there are al Qaeda terrorists inside Iraq. This regime is seeking a nuclear bomb, and with fissile material could build one within a year.
Radio Address of George W. Bush, September 28, 2002

Just Curious - I'm rethinking my position ... does this part of the speech appear to be a Lie to you ? If so can you stipulate why ?

"......Its inspectors the eyes and ears of the civilized world have uncovered and destroyed more weapons of mass destruction capacity than was destroyed during the Gulf War.

This includes nearly 40,000 chemical weapons, more than 100,000 gallons of chemical weapons agents, 48 operational missiles, 30 warheads specifically fitted for chemical and biological weapons, and a massive biological weapons facility .... anthrax and other deadly agents.

Over the past few months, as they have come closer and closer to rooting out Iraq's remaining nuclear capacity, Saddam has undertaken yet another gambit to thwart their ambitions."
"capacity" is the key word. SH had very little in that regard. Its one thing to have the materials, its quite another to construct a workable device. Not worth the lives and treasure lost to go on a fishing expedition at Fox News' Bill Kristol's request. He headed the PNAC at that time. Don't tell me you've never heard of the PNAC either or you don't belong in this discussion
Notice when you tell every one of these fucking left wing losers that the democrats propagated the existence of WMDs before Boooooooooooooooooosh took office, they say what?

What exactly do losers like rightwinger along with every fucking pathetic goddamn loser that thanked him say?
Well if you had actually read any of the theads surrounding this issue you would have read where I clearly stated that Clinton was also lying and he should be tried for dropping bombs on Iraq and Sudan. Also in 1998 there was still a little amount of uncertainity about his WMD's where as in 2003 the Bush regime knew they were gone.
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"capacity" is the key word

Ahh but The President of The United States said ---- "nearly they had

"40,000 chemical weapons, more than 100,000 gallons of chemical weapons agents, 48 operational missiles, 30 warheads specifically fitted for chemical and biological weapons"

are you saying the President was a liar ??!!
You people need to look past your political ideology and accept the fact that people can make mistakes and be wrong without lying. Unfortunately Bush lied has become a cult like religion most of the members will never be able to break away from. Last but far from least I feel 100% confident that Bob Woodard has done far more research on Bush and Iraq and been more thorough, accurate, and honest than enyone else ever cited on this board on the topic.
and you're done. Thanks for coming out. Rookie.

Yeah we should just roll up our support and let the world become a cesspool...

And when they attack we will get you and your friends to correct their misguided anger...

I am certain you would be willing to defend this nation from your keyboard commando position...

Fortunately most Americans do not have your lack of IQ or lack of passion to protect what so many sacrificed so you can spew your hatred for their efforts...

But if I had no convictions and thought that the world was immune from power struggles then I could be as naïve as you are, but that's clearly not the case...
I remember having a conversation with a liberal American friend just before the Iraq war and saying to him that my good would come of this invasion. That it would inflame hatred of Americans throughout the ME and give terrorist groups recruits for generations to come. And that Saddam didn't have weapons that could hit Israel, which was right next door, much less fly across the ocean and hit New York.

My friend was angry with me for saying this stuff at the time but 6 months later he apologized and said I was right about everything.

That any of you continue to defend Bush and blame Obama for honouring the agreement Bush signed to leave shows what idiots you all are.
Fortunately most Americans do not have your lack of IQ or lack of passion to protect what so many sacrificed so you can spew your hatred for their efforts...
Exactly how did anyone scarifice to protect anything I couldn't do before the Iraq Invasion. I know you will not answer this because you only know how to spew out propagated lies.

So you really don't believe we have a vested interest in global economics?

Are you so naïve that you believe the world doesn't revolve around energy?

You remind me of the Auto Industry Factory worker of the late '70's early '80's who thought we should protect them from Asian Auto Manufactures with extreme tariffs because they had to compete...

So which is it you want? Leave the problems of the world alone and wait until it effects everyone negatively?
Fortunately most Americans do not have your lack of IQ or lack of passion to protect what so many sacrificed so you can spew your hatred for their efforts...
Exactly how did anyone scarifice to protect anything I couldn't do before the Iraq Invasion. I know you will not answer this because you only know how to spew out propagated lies.

So you really don't believe we have a vested interest in global economics?

Are you so naïve that you believe the world doesn't revolve around energy?

You remind me of the Auto Industry Factory worker of the late '70's early '80's who thought we should protect them from Asian Auto Manufactures with extreme tariffs because they had to compete...

So which is it you want? Leave the problems of the world alone and wait until it effects everyone negatively?
Nice dodge. You didn't answer my question. Typical. Make a statement and when someone calls you on it change the subject.
Fortunately most Americans do not have your lack of IQ or lack of passion to protect what so many sacrificed so you can spew your hatred for their efforts...
Exactly how did anyone scarifice to protect anything I couldn't do before the Iraq Invasion. I know you will not answer this because you only know how to spew out propagated lies.

So you really don't believe we have a vested interest in global economics?

Are you so naïve that you believe the world doesn't revolve around energy?

You remind me of the Auto Industry Factory worker of the late '70's early '80's who thought we should protect them from Asian Auto Manufactures with extreme tariffs because they had to compete...

So which is it you want? Leave the problems of the world alone and wait until it effects everyone negatively?
Nice dodge. You didn't answer my question. Typical. Make a statement and when someone calls you on it change the subject.

No dodging at all and the subject is the same, maybe your unable to understand that fact...

There are many examples in history were decisions can be second guessed, but the perfection you think should happen never does and never will...

It's the belief you can't deal with, that someone is brighter than you is hard for you to accept...

I can criticize many decisions made post 911, but the facts remain the same, Saddam Hussein needed to go whether you agree or not...

BTW most Democrats agreed with this assessment, let Google be your friend...
Fortunately most Americans do not have your lack of IQ or lack of passion to protect what so many sacrificed so you can spew your hatred for their efforts...
Exactly how did anyone scarifice to protect anything I couldn't do before the Iraq Invasion. I know you will not answer this because you only know how to spew out propagated lies.

So you really don't believe we have a vested interest in global economics?

Are you so naïve that you believe the world doesn't revolve around energy?

You remind me of the Auto Industry Factory worker of the late '70's early '80's who thought we should protect them from Asian Auto Manufactures with extreme tariffs because they had to compete...

So which is it you want? Leave the problems of the world alone and wait until it effects everyone negatively?
Nice dodge. You didn't answer my question. Typical. Make a statement and when someone calls you on it change the subject.

No dodging at all and the subject is the same, maybe your unable to understand that fact...

There are many examples in history were decisions can be second guessed, but the perfection you think should happen never does and never will...

It's the belief you can't deal with, that someone is brighter than you is hard for you to accept...

I can criticize many decisions made post 911, but the facts remain the same, Saddam Hussein needed to go whether you agree or not...

BTW most Democrats agreed with this assessment, let Google be your friend...
I don't care if all democrats agreed with this assessment. I'm only interested in facts. Bush lied, Clinton lied, and Bush Sr. lied. Exactly why did Saddam Hussein need to go. His worst attrocitties which the US supported at the time were 10-15 years behind him at the time of the invasion. He had zero do to with 911. The only reason he kicked the inspectors out was because the US infiltrated the UN inspectors with spies. Months before the war Hans Blix stated Saddam was cooperating. Bush was warned that the removal of Saddam would turn Iraq into chaos especially with the tension between the Sunni and Shi'a. And exactly who are you referring to who is brighter than me. You really need to stop with the vague comments. Be clear and concise.
And exactly who are you referring to who is brighter than me.

Really? You have to be kidding right?

Exactly why did Saddam Hussein need to go.

If you need an answer to this you're too fucking stupid to understand it in the first place...

I don't care if all democrats agreed with this assessment. I'm only interested in facts.

You wouldn't know a fact if it was sitting right in front of you...

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