Bush didn't just lie........

And now we have conservatives who want to send Americans back to Iraq to again pointlessly fight and die in the failed, illegal war GWB lied his way into...
The alternative is to let it alone, and allow a modern-day resurrected Caliphate to spawn and to take root.

Are you willing to allow that to happen?
It is not the US's decision to allow that to happen. If the people of Iraq said they want the help of the US then and only then should the US decide to go.
And that decision should clearly be to not go.

It's time to end the insanity started by GWB, it's time to learn the hard, tragic lessons of the past, and it's time to resolve to never again make those same mistakes.
GWB lied about WMDs – there were none, by the Bush administration's own admission.

GWB lied about Saddam posing a threat to his neighbors and people – the NFZs were working perfectly and as intended.

GWB lied about Saddam being 'involved' in 9/11 – he wasn't.

These are the facts of our recent history: two failed, illegal wars, thousands of Americans killed and wounded, and conservatives defending GWB's lies for purely partisan reasons, advocating that more Americans be killed and wounded in more pointless, meaningless war.
In August 1998, President Clinton ordered missile strikes against targets in Afghanistan in an effort to hit Osama bin Laden, who had been linked to the embassy bombings in Africa (and was later connected to the attack on the USS Cole). The missiles reportedly missed bin Laden by a few hours, and Clinton was widely criticized by many who claimed he had ordered the strikes primarily to draw attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
The invasion was illegal and a war crime.
What more does one need? How can it be defended?
Which invasion was a war crime? The one's that Obama did or the ones that Bush did?
...........except Obama did not invade...he dealt with the Bush fiasco
And Bush dealt with the Clinton fiasco, and Clinton dealth with the Bush sr fiasco, and Bush sr dealt with the Reagan fiasco, who dealt with the Carter fiasco.. oh yeah that's where this nightmare really started... Carter. Or should we go back to post WWII and take a look at the Israel idea? Or maybe we go back thousands of years and blame that slave girl who begat the islamics.
and Ronald Reagan got over 243 Marines dead in a terror attack in Lebanon and tucked tail opting to invade the Island of Grenada in the Caribbean sea...
Bush lied
He lied when he said what he knew.......he didn't
He lied about the threat.....there wasn't one
He lied about how long the war would take......ten years not six months
He lied about the political situation in Iraq.....we weren't treated like liberators
He didn't know what he new? ROFL
He lied about them shooting at us? ROFL
The war was over in less than six months dumb ass. The problem was the occupation afterwards. Not the war. Duh!
Liar, we certainly were treated like liberators. Then the dumb ass decided to occupy them and try to turn them into good little Christians.
Bush lied repeatedly to the American public and withheld information he didn't want us to know
He cherry coated his war and made it look like a simple military actin

Worst of all, he sent 5000 soldiers to unnecessary deaths
In August 1998, President Clinton ordered missile strikes against targets in Afghanistan in an effort to hit Osama bin Laden, who had been linked to the embassy bombings in Africa (and was later connected to the attack on the USS Cole). The missiles reportedly missed bin Laden by a few hours, and Clinton was widely criticized by many who claimed he had ordered the strikes primarily to draw attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Fighting terrorism was nothing more than wagging the dog to Republicans
“You can’t still think that going into Iraq, now, as a sane human being, was the right thing to. If you do, there has to be something wrong with you.”....................Laura Ingraham ...even a wing nut knows...
The invasion was illegal and a war crime.
What more does one need? How can it be defended?
Which invasion was a war crime? The one's that Obama did or the ones that Bush did?
...........except Obama did not invade...he dealt with the Bush fiasco
And Bush dealt with the Clinton fiasco, and Clinton dealth with the Bush sr fiasco, and Bush sr dealt with the Reagan fiasco, who dealt with the Carter fiasco.. oh yeah that's where this nightmare really started... Carter. Or should we go back to post WWII and take a look at the Israel idea? Or maybe we go back thousands of years and blame that slave girl who begat the islamics.
and Ronald Reagan got over 243 Marines dead in a terror attack in Lebanon and tucked tail opting to invade the Island of Grenada in the Caribbean sea...
Did I skip Reagan? No I didn't did I.
In August 1998, President Clinton ordered missile strikes against targets in Afghanistan in an effort to hit Osama bin Laden, who had been linked to the embassy bombings in Africa (and was later connected to the attack on the USS Cole). The missiles reportedly missed bin Laden by a few hours, and Clinton was widely criticized by many who claimed he had ordered the strikes primarily to draw attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Fighting terrorism was nothing more than wagging the dog to Republicans
Yeah cause those democrats are not wagging the dog are they? Oh wait.. Isn't OBAMA the POTUS?
Bush lied
He lied when he said what he knew.......he didn't
He lied about the threat.....there wasn't one
He lied about how long the war would take......ten years not six months
He lied about the political situation in Iraq.....we weren't treated like liberators
He didn't know what he new? ROFL
He lied about them shooting at us? ROFL
The war was over in less than six months dumb ass. The problem was the occupation afterwards. Not the war. Duh!
Liar, we certainly were treated like liberators. Then the dumb ass decided to occupy them and try to turn them into good little Christians.
Bush lied repeatedly to the American public and withheld information he didn't want us to know
He cherry coated his war and made it look like a simple military actin

Worst of all, he sent 5000 soldiers to unnecessary deaths
Yeah cause Obama's had not "withheld" information he didn't want us to know. Oh wait, he has, hasn't he?
In August 1998, President Clinton ordered missile strikes against targets in Afghanistan in an effort to hit Osama bin Laden, who had been linked to the embassy bombings in Africa (and was later connected to the attack on the USS Cole). The missiles reportedly missed bin Laden by a few hours, and Clinton was widely criticized by many who claimed he had ordered the strikes primarily to draw attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Fighting terrorism was nothing more than wagging the dog to Republicans
Yeah cause those democrats are not wagging the dog are they? Oh wait.. Isn't OBAMA the POTUS?
In August 1998, President Clinton ordered missile strikes against targets in Afghanistan in an effort to hit Osama bin Laden, who had been linked to the embassy bombings in Africa (and was later connected to the attack on the USS Cole). The missiles reportedly missed bin Laden by a few hours, and Clinton was widely criticized by many who claimed he had ordered the strikes primarily to draw attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Fighting terrorism was nothing more than wagging the dog to Republicans
Yeah cause those democrats are not wagging the dog are they? Oh wait.. Isn't OBAMA the POTUS?
Obama was for the war to get votes before he was against the war to get votes before he was for the "real" war in afgainstan after he got elected before he was against the war bush started in the middle east, before he was for the war in 12 other countries, before... wait... I forget are the democrats for or again war now? Which of Obama's buddies are benefiting from these wars? Who was Hillary giving access to military secrets again? Who's been sending checks to the clintons?
In August 1998, President Clinton ordered missile strikes against targets in Afghanistan in an effort to hit Osama bin Laden, who had been linked to the embassy bombings in Africa (and was later connected to the attack on the USS Cole). The missiles reportedly missed bin Laden by a few hours, and Clinton was widely criticized by many who claimed he had ordered the strikes primarily to draw attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Fighting terrorism was nothing more than wagging the dog to Republicans
Yeah cause those democrats are not wagging the dog are they? Oh wait.. Isn't OBAMA the POTUS?
Obama was for the war to get votes before he was against the war to get votes before he was for the "real" war in afgainstan after he got elected before he was against the war bush started in the middle east, before he was for the war in 12 other countries, before... wait... I forget are the democrats for or again war now?
From October 26th, 2002. - Barack Obama

Now let me be clear – I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity.

He’s a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history.

I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a US occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaeda.

I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars.
In August 1998, President Clinton ordered missile strikes against targets in Afghanistan in an effort to hit Osama bin Laden, who had been linked to the embassy bombings in Africa (and was later connected to the attack on the USS Cole). The missiles reportedly missed bin Laden by a few hours, and Clinton was widely criticized by many who claimed he had ordered the strikes primarily to draw attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Fighting terrorism was nothing more than wagging the dog to Republicans
Yeah cause those democrats are not wagging the dog are they? Oh wait.. Isn't OBAMA the POTUS?
Obama was for the war to get votes before he was against the war to get votes before he was for the "real" war in afgainstan after he got elected before he was against the war bush started in the middle east, before he was for the war in 12 other countries, before... wait... I forget are the democrats for or again war now? Which of Obama's buddies are benefiting from these wars? Who was Hillary giving access to military secrets again? Who's been sending checks to the clintons?
Obama loudly opposed the war.....where were you?

Obama has had to deal with the Islamic upheaval caused by Bush. He had avoided using boots on the ground and nation building to solve his problems

Now, Clinton staged attacks on bin Laden were labeled by Republicans as a diversion to take attention away from more important topics like blow job impeachment

Show where Obama has done anything like that
No administration in the recorded history of time used intelligence to sell their position. Not Clinton when he bombed Serbia for 72 days. Not Obama when he bombed Libya and help create ISIS.

Dems, especially Mrs. Clinton who had an inside tract to the intelligence, were just stupid dupes, as they are today. Fooled by the evil genius of GWB. No wait that doesn't work because Bush is stupid, they were fooled by the mega genius of Powell and Chaney. Never the less the dems had the same intelligence of Bush but they choose just to listen to Bush, what freakin' idiots. Is that the point of your BS?

Bush didn't need to convince the public all he had to do is convince the idiot Democrats.

It is not like Saddam actually had used WMD. (Kurds)

It is not like Saddam attacked his neighbors. (Kuwait, Iran)

It is not like the rest of the Arab world was ecstatic to get rid of the Butcher of Baghdad. (for the idiot dems, Saddam didn't sell meat thus getting that nick name)

It is not like his sons didn't have rape rooms.

It is not like Saddam had not created an environmental disaster when he was kicked out of Kuwait.

It is not like Saddam wasn't attacking the US in the no fly zone.

None of that actually happened it was just GWB lying. Right. Gottaja.
And clearly that worked since there wasn't another successful attack in the U.S. under his watch, despite several attempts.
In August 1998, President Clinton ordered missile strikes against targets in Afghanistan in an effort to hit Osama bin Laden, who had been linked to the embassy bombings in Africa (and was later connected to the attack on the USS Cole). The missiles reportedly missed bin Laden by a few hours, and Clinton was widely criticized by many who claimed he had ordered the strikes primarily to draw attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Fighting terrorism was nothing more than wagging the dog to Republicans
Yeah cause those democrats are not wagging the dog are they? Oh wait.. Isn't OBAMA the POTUS?
Obama was for the war to get votes before he was against the war to get votes before he was for the "real" war in afgainstan after he got elected before he was against the war bush started in the middle east, before he was for the war in 12 other countries, before... wait... I forget are the democrats for or again war now? Which of Obama's buddies are benefiting from these wars? Who was Hillary giving access to military secrets again? Who's been sending checks to the clintons?
Obama loudly opposed the war.....where were you?

Obama has had to deal with the Islamic upheaval caused by Bush. He had avoided using boots on the ground and nation building to solve his problems

Now, Clinton staged attacks on bin Laden were labeled by Republicans as a diversion to take attention away from more important topics like blow job impeachment

Show where Obama has done anything like that

Obama avoided boots on the ground? Really? Is your memory that faulty that you don't remember the Afghanistan surge that Obama said himself was a failure? That HE was a failure in Afghanistan? Far more troops killed under Obama in Afghanistan then ever was under Bush.
In August 1998, President Clinton ordered missile strikes against targets in Afghanistan in an effort to hit Osama bin Laden, who had been linked to the embassy bombings in Africa (and was later connected to the attack on the USS Cole). The missiles reportedly missed bin Laden by a few hours, and Clinton was widely criticized by many who claimed he had ordered the strikes primarily to draw attention away from the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Fighting terrorism was nothing more than wagging the dog to Republicans
Yeah cause those democrats are not wagging the dog are they? Oh wait.. Isn't OBAMA the POTUS?
Obama was for the war to get votes before he was against the war to get votes before he was for the "real" war in afgainstan after he got elected before he was against the war bush started in the middle east, before he was for the war in 12 other countries, before... wait... I forget are the democrats for or again war now?
From October 26th, 2002. - Barack Obama

Now let me be clear – I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity.

He’s a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history.

I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a US occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaeda.

I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars.
ROFL so barry was against the war and against Saddam we'd be better off without him but should only go in with "strong international support" ... which we did. So he was good with it, this before he had a vote... this before he was a senator. But then when he was a Senator he voted for it. Go figure.


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