Bush "exploited" 9/11, but libs aren't with Ground Zero Mosque?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Remember when libs had a FIT about Bush supposedly "using" 9/11 to get re-elected in 2004??????

But NOW it's okay for libs to use 9/11 to get a mosque built at ground zero???????

How come 9/11 was "off limits" all during the Bush admin?

Why you couldn't even show the people who jumped or fell out of the building on tv!!!!!!!!

Why the press even would get in a snit when there were commemorations on 9/11! It was "time to move on!"

But NOW!!!!!!!!!!! It's okay to talk about 9/11 and "freedom" if it's to put a mosque at ground zero!!!!!!

FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't it interesting how the dialogue changes when it suits liberals?????

When it DOESN'T advantage them, we should drop the subject of 9/11.

When America is against building a mosque at Ground Zero, ALL OF A SUDDEN, they are all for talking about 9/11 and how "freedom" must be defended by putting it there.

Yeah, right!
TPS have your booze/drugs from last night worn off yet?

thsi is the second nonsensical thread I have seen from you this morning.
The lefties are so damn desparate now that they want Bush to come out and endorse the mosque and agree with Obama. They trashed and lied about the guy for 8 years and now they want him to help them.

You lefties honestly and truly are dispicable miscreants.
I hit a nerve again!!!!

Libs hate being hit with their own double standards.

But sorry libs, liberals DID preach to us all during the Bush admin about not "exploiting" 9/11.

Which was liberal for "let's not bring that up, because it causes patriotic feelings and might get Bush reelected or support for the War on Terror." :eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:

BUT, now that Bush is out of office, and Liberals are for putting a Mosque at Ground Zero, now we CAN talk about 9/11??????

I find that an interesting double standard.
This thread is first class stupid.

Isn't it tho....? Poor samarai, his side is being held up to the voting public for their bigotry and anti-Constitutionalism....and....he....doesn't....like....it.

The lefties are so damn desparate now that they want Bush to come out and endorse the mosque and agree with Obama. They trashed and lied about the guy for 8 years and now they want him to help them.

You lefties honestly and truly are dispicable miscreants.

Oh damn! I forgot about that, when writing the title, but good point!

They HATED Bush for YEARS, and now they want him to support the mosque?????????

Now that's comedy for the ages!
I hit a nerve again!!!!

Libs hate being hit with their own double standards.

But sorry libs, liberals DID preach to us all during the Bush admin about not "exploiting" 9/11.

Which was liberal for "let's not bring that up, because it causes patriotic feelings and might get Bush reelected or support for the War on Terror." :eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:

BUT, now that Bush is out of office, and Liberals are for putting a Mosque at Ground Zero, now we CAN talk about 9/11??????

I find that an interesting double standard.

I find it interesting that you think it's the same thing. :lol::lol::lol:

Using 9/11 as an excuse to demonize and scapegoat decent law abiding Muslim Americans would be

The lefties are so damn desparate now that they want Bush to come out and endorse the mosque and agree with Obama. They trashed and lied about the guy for 8 years and now they want him to help them.

You lefties honestly and truly are dispicable miscreants.

I'm a liberal. I haven't done that. Why are you lying about me?
The lefties are so damn desparate now that they want Bush to come out and endorse the mosque and agree with Obama. They trashed and lied about the guy for 8 years and now they want him to help them.

You lefties honestly and truly are dispicable miscreants.

This is why your "kind" and people like "teapartysamurai" are referred to as "Minimalist Intellectuals". Because you limited imagination constantly leads to you "knee jerk" conclusions.

A month ago, when I questioned the "wisdom" (I know, it's a new word, go look it up) of putting a Mosque so close to ground zero and the right wingers jumped all over my ass screaming, in capital letters, that this is America and people have the right to worship as they please.

Now it's a month later and it's the righties who are "screaming and ranting", only it's NOT about "rights", but about "Islam". Yes, the SAME Islam they supported when Iraq made Islam the "National Religion" and burned their churches and scattered their Christians and proclaimed in their constitution that "All legislation is to be based on Islam".

Even though Howard Dean and Barrack Obama, among other prominent Democrats have questioned the wisdom of building an "Islamic Cultural Center" so close to ground zero, they, like most Democrats, understand the WISDOM in following our laws. The WISDOM of the Constitution.

Republicans don't care about the law. They lie, they smear, they slander. Read what the OP wrote. Why would people so lacking in "morals" care about a "little thing" called the law?
What makes this thread particularly retarded is that the left, in general, had little to say about this before the right began to trump it up as a faux-issue by attacking those who didn't object to this expression of religious freedom as guaranteed by our Constitution.

And the right using the corpses of the 9/11 victims as props?


Using 9/11 as an excuse to demonize and scapegoat decent law abiding Muslim Americans would be


Decent and law abiding Muslims have come out AGAINST this Mosque.

ILLUME :: Muslim Leader Speaks Out Against "Ground Zero Mosque"

Some Muslims question mosque near ground zero - Yahoo! News

When muslims agree this project is nothing more than an attempt to stick a thumb in the eye of America then you KNOW that's the purpose. So, OF COURSE, liberals would be on board to do something like that!
The lefties are so damn desparate now that they want Bush to come out and endorse the mosque and agree with Obama. They trashed and lied about the guy for 8 years and now they want him to help them.

You lefties honestly and truly are dispicable miscreants.

This is why your "kind" and people like "teapartysamurai" are referred to as "Minimalist Intellectuals". Because you limited imagination constantly leads to you "knee jerk" conclusions.

A month ago, when I questioned the "wisdom" (I know, it's a new word, go look it up) of putting a Mosque so close to ground zero and the right wingers jumped all over my ass screaming, in capital letters, that this is America and people have the right to worship as they please.

Now it's a month later and it's the righties who are "screaming and ranting", only it's NOT about "rights", but about "Islam". Yes, the SAME Islam they supported when Iraq made Islam the "National Religion" and burned their churches and scattered their Christians and proclaimed in their constitution that "All legislation is to be based on Islam".

Even though Howard Dean and Barrack Obama, among other prominent Democrats have questioned the wisdom of building an "Islamic Cultural Center" so close to ground zero, they, like most Democrats, understand the WISDOM in following our laws. The WISDOM of the Constitution.

Republicans don't care about the law. They lie, they smear, they slander. Read what the OP wrote. Why would people so lacking in "morals" care about a "little thing" called the law?

That's a lie and you know it. When you have quotes of me being for the ground zero mosque let me know.

The fact that NY has drug it's feet for years to rebuild the Greek Orthodox Church destroyed on 9/11, but now, railroads this mosque, says a lot.

What "freedom" is being respresented when so many people are against this?
What makes this thread particularly retarded is that the left, in general, had little to say about this before the right began to trump it up as a faux-issue by attacking those who didn't object to this expression of religious freedom as guaranteed by our Constitution.

And the right using the corpses of the 9/11 victims as props?


Do you get this????

The left is claiming we were for the mosque before we were against it.

In other words they have to make up a FANTASY about us to make themselves feel better.

They know they have lost the debate on this.

When they have to beg Bush to come and support the mosque, then you KNOW they have lost the issue.
I hit a nerve again!!!!

Libs hate being hit with their own double standards.

But sorry libs, liberals DID preach to us all during the Bush admin about not "exploiting" 9/11.

Which was liberal for "let's not bring that up, because it causes patriotic feelings and might get Bush reelected or support for the War on Terror." :eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:

BUT, now that Bush is out of office, and Liberals are for putting a Mosque at Ground Zero, now we CAN talk about 9/11??????

I find that an interesting double standard.

I find it interesting that you think it's the same thing. :lol::lol::lol:

I assume you voted for Obama. Will you vote for him in 2012?
This is what happens every time the left fucks up. When you remind them they screwed up they will call you "stupid, racist, bigot, homophobe, war monger, etc, etc," whatever they can label you with because they are too immature to face the truth. They're nothing but rug rats running around with dirty diapers and jelly smeared faces. Obama, Pelosi and Reid. These are our leaders. God help us. And VOTE.
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Using 9/11 as an excuse to demonize and scapegoat decent law abiding Muslim Americans would be

Just don't go and live in Europe then, its Fascism at its best. I especially like Wilders,etc wanting to ban Islamic immigration and ethnic cleanse Muslims from Europe. :eusa_eh:

Wilders calls for mass deportation of Muslims

Published on : 15 June 2009 - 10:35am | By Michael Blass
More about:

Dutch rightwing MP Geert Wilders has said in an interview on Danish public service television that millions of European Muslims should be deported and stripped of their nationality.
Referring to his Freedom Party’s recent success in the European parliamentary election, he said there were an increasing number of “normal” people in the Netherlands who were afraid of what he describes as “Islamisation”.

Reiterating his frequently expressed view that Islam is antidemocratic, the populist politician said he saw it more as an ideology than a religion. He said a “huge number” of Muslims in Europe want a non-democratic society, and although at present they are still in the minority, “as soon as they start becoming stronger, they will I’m sure change their tune and it will be too late to fight back.”

Mr Wilders stressed that he believed that Muslims who abide by the law and conform to what he described as “our values” should be welcome to stay. However, he said he had a “clear message” to people who did not choose to return to their countries of origin on a “voluntary basis”:

“If you commit a crime, if you start thinking about jihad or sharia, then it’s very clear, we will send you away, we will send you packing, we will strip you of the Dutch or Danish nationality. Abide by the rules, you are welcome to stay, and if you don’t we will send you away the same day.”
Pressed by the interviewer to specify the number of people to whom he thought such measures would apply, he confirmed that he was referring to millions of people.

Mr Wilders’ fiercely Eurosceptic Freedom Party gained four seats in the European Parliament in the recent elections, just one fewer than the Christian Democrats, the senior partner in the Netherlands’ present ruling coalition. If the Treaty of Lisbon is ratified and the Netherlands gains an extra seat in the EU parliament, depending on the calculation method applied it may also be allocated to the Freedom Party.
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Well according to those same nutters,Bush actually did 911. So i wouldn't take these people too seriously on issues like this. It's all just a matter of convenience for them.

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