Bush is a terrorist

The ClayTaurus said:
You relate every single person's current experiences to yours of 20-30 years ago.

The word 'single' in that line is redundant. Twood have been more efficient to type:

"You relate every person's current experiences to yours of 20-30 years ago."

dmp said:
The word 'single' in that line is redundant. Twood have been more efficient to type:

"You relate every person's current experiences to yours of 20-30 years ago."

Thanks mom :)

*goes back and edits*
SpidermanTuba said:
Why is Bush using terrorist tactices - i.e. kidnappings the wives of people we want to capture?

Oh yeah, that's right, it because he's a terrorist.

I haven't been posting much lately. Is this the kind of crappy rhetoric that's now being spewed forth by the libs?

If one doesn't see the difference between a terrorist who's only desire is to spread fear and death - and the tactics of our military to garner the upper hand through intelligence and detainment/interrogations - they are quite sad in my opinion. The comparing of our military and/or CIC to those who behead, torture, maim... is just lame and disrespectful - nothing short of what I expected of a lib.
SpidermanTuba said:
Why is Bush using terrorist tactices - i.e. kidnappings the wives of people we want to capture?

Oh yeah, that's right, it because he's a terrorist.

Wow.. The things that happen when I'm not looking, and/or otherwise "occupied"... A terrorist.. Indeed.
Spiddy, I belive you should move form the US, since you hate it so much. I know, you should move to Iran and see if you still have a head on your stupid liberal shoulders, after you call the president there a terrorist. PATHETIC :puke:
The ClayTaurus said:
I wouldn't walk into the killers home and kill his family; I'd kill the killer.

i saw that movie...you have to kill them all or the little kid grows up and hunts you down and kills you
SpidermanTuba said:
Why is Bush using terrorist tactices - i.e. kidnappings the wives of people we want to capture?

Oh yeah, that's right, it because he's a terrorist.

You really are an idiot - this post completely makes anything you ever post on USMB or elsewhere irrelvent as it completely proves my point of:

Isn't it just sad when cousins marry?
SpidermanTuba said:
Once we have decided that only be using terrorist tactics can we win - terrorism has beaten us.

If our military terrorizes armed terrorists/terrorist organizations, that's called "war." The goal behind this concept is to "win."

You left-wingers seem to be more preoccupied with making winning impossible than anything else. Anything the administration does that works, y'all find some negative point to it to bitch about.
GotZoom said:
America isn't supporting terrorists. American isn't a terrorist nation.

America using the tactics of terrorists. If it walks like a duck...

America is fighting back. Defending "their" people.

I'm not certain as to what Iraqi mothers have done to us.

If someone walked into your home and killed your family, what would you do?
How is this question even relevant? I would kill them, of course. Unless they got away. Then if I decided to hunt them down and kill them, I would be prosecuted for murder. What is the point of this question?
dmp said:
Who started the 'if-we (insert opposite viewpoint), the terrorists win' craze?


I tell ya, 'If we let Liberals live, the Terrorists have won' won't make the popular talk-shows will it? Yet ANY anti-terror action the Gov't takes it is faced with 'If we do THAT then THEY have won' bullshit rises to the top.

Certainly, if we are using terrorist tactics to fight, it isn't anit-terror, its pro-terror.
Cylinder said:
I will concede that this is exchange is an inevitable and foreseeable consequence of responding to the OP. Oh well - in for a penny, in for a pound.

Convention IV applies to all conflicts involving contracting powers, regardless of the status of the opposing combatant force. The Conventions aren't all warm-and-fuzzies, they are a body of international law that governs, by mutual agreement of the contracting powers, the rules to be followed during armed conflicts.

Since when are terrorist a contracting power of the Geneva COnvention?

Besides, I don't even see how the part you provided even applies. Obviously, if these wives were harboring their husbands, we would have to kidnap them to try to get their husbands to turn themsevles in - they'd be at the house when we went to pick up the wife. You can't harbor someone who you aren't harboring.
archangel said:
Like I said please enlist then come back with your killer instinct...talk is cheap...in other words bullshit walks...how many kills does Mr.Clay have? Just curious as speculation on what one will do is not always what one does...and pa-lease keep the 'idiot' comments to yourself until you have" been there and done that" "Mr. No Brainer" :blah2:

Perhaps Mr. Clay does not measure his worth by the number of other human beings he has slaughtered.
ScreamingEagle said:
Good, if you believe we are "supporting terrorists", then LEAVE our nation. I wouldn't mind if all you lunatic liberals left.

Its my home. I'm not going anywhere. I'll do whatever I can to change it. If calling Bush's terrorists tactics what they are - terrorists tactics, helps even in the slightest, its worth it.

We don't need APOLOGISTS in America!

THen stop apologizing for the President's terrorism.

How about moving to one of your favorite poor "beleagured" nations that you think America is treating so badly.

I am only 80 miles from New Orleans. I have thought about moving there. Perhaps you've got a good idea.
jimnyc said:
I haven't been posting much lately. Is this the kind of crappy rhetoric that's now being spewed forth by the libs?

If one doesn't see the difference between a terrorist who's only desire is to spread fear and death

So if the goal, of a particular person, is just to expel the U.S. from Iraq, you don't consider that terrorism? And they can use any means they want?

- and the tactics of our military to garner the upper hand through intelligence and detainment/interrogations - they are quite sad in my opinion.

You can't change what something is by describing it with better sounding words. Kidnapping a person's family members, who themselves are no danger, for the purpose of trying to get that person to turn themself in, is a terrorist tactic.

The comparing of our military and/or CIC to those who behead, torture, maim... is just lame and disrespectful -

Then stop doing it. Choose higher standards. Intead of figuring "well hey, as long as we're not beheading people, we're behaving in a morally acceptable manner!", choose an even higher standard to compare ourselves to.
Stephanie said:
Spiddy, I belive you should move form the US, since you hate it so much.

I believe you should move to Cuba, since you believe that anyone who thinks the government is doing bad things is unpatriotic.

I know, you should move to Iran and see if you still have a head on your stupid liberal shoulders, after you call the president there a terrorist.

Do you have a point?
SpidermanTuba said:
So if the goal, of a particular person, is just to expel the U.S. from Iraq, you don't consider that terrorism? And they can use any means they want?

Are you seriously delusional enough to believe the terrorists just want us to politely leave and then they'll stop killing? I believe we need to put this into context. The terrorists kill, maim, torture & have no mercy and no room for negotiation. Their goal is simply death, destruction & power.

You can't change what something is by describing it with better sounding words. Kidnapping a person's family members, who themselves are no danger, for the purpose of trying to get that person to turn themself in, is a terrorist tactic.

No, we are not killing these people, or maiming/torturing them. We have a goal, and that's to catch the terrorists and bring freedom and democracy to the world. You'd like to put us on the same page as the terrorists so that you have something to whine about regarding Bush but any level headed thinking American sees it much differently than you.

Then stop doing it. Choose higher standards. Intead of figuring "well hey, as long as we're not beheading people, we're behaving in a morally acceptable manner!", choose an even higher standard to compare ourselves to.

No, what we are already doing is morally acceptable. We are trying to assist the Iraqi people, remove terrorists, build infrastructure & democracy. Sometimes your hands need to get a little dirty when fighting the worlds worst terrorist organization & insurgents who believe that death is the most honorable thing one can do.

Seriously, ST, you're fighting a losing battle on this one. Although I disagree with your politics, you usually come off fairly intelligent with at least decent arguments. Trying to place the USA on the same plane as terrorism is just silly. We all know what first springs to mind when we think of terrorists and I honestly never think of anyone in our administration - or previous administrations, or any liberal democrats for that fact. We all at least have a fairly common goal, which is to protect the USA and keep this great country on top. I never looked at our techniques, intelligence gathering or war fighting capabilities as anything other than top notch - and at a MUCH higher standard that 99% of the world. - and I certainly don't see any of our methods of protecting our country or gathering intel/evidence as terrorism.

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