bush is an idiot

Originally posted by alan1234567890
im no moron and i wish you would stop that. the freedom of information act and patriot act are infringments on personel freedoms. we have wrongfuly incarcerated people who have nothing to do with irac or terrorism.

Proof? Evidence? Are these words that dont have meaning in your vocabulary. See on these message boards we provide links to information that supports our posts.

You have done none of that thus far. You have projected your opinions as facts (ie Bush is an idiot) without providing any proof.
i dont have but this cant be good to have the government snoping in our buisness
Originally posted by alan1234567890
i dont have but this cant be good to have the government snoping in our buisness

So you are complaining about freedoms you have never lost and never will? Kinda silly, isn't it?
no because i dont like when the government messes with things like freedoms for the sake of the common good. big brother scares me.
Originally posted by alan1234567890
no because i dont like when the government messes with things like freedoms for the sake of the common good. big brother scares me.

How has your freedom been messed with? I've asked you 3 times now, care to answer?
...As for taxes, we wound up paying nearly $1600, so Dubbyuh can stuff his "tax-cut". Local municipal fees are going up and fire and police services are being cut. Dubbyuh can stuff his "tax-cut". 61% of US corporations py zero income tax, so Dubbyuh can stuff his "tax cut".

Dubbyuh led us into a quagmire in Iraq, Dubbyuh can stuff his foreign policy. Dubbyuh lied about WMD's in Iraq...He can stuff his BS about bringing "integrity" back to the Oval Office.

In short, the little peckerwood can go stuff himself.
And yet millions of other Americans saw their tax breaks increase and refunds increase. My taxes have dropped severely and my tax refund is 10x higher than it was last year.

Bush didn't lie, and after many months on this board you have still failed to give anything more than your opinion on the issue - no facts.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
...As for taxes, we wound up paying nearly $1600, so Dubbyuh can stuff his "tax-cut". Local municipal fees are going up and fire and police services are being cut. Dubbyuh can stuff his "tax-cut". 61% of US corporations py zero income tax, so Dubbyuh can stuff his "tax cut".

Dubbyuh led us into a quagmire in Iraq, Dubbyuh can stuff his foreign policy. Dubbyuh lied about WMD's in Iraq...He can stuff his BS about bringing "integrity" back to the Oval Office.

In short, the little peckerwood can go stuff himself.

All points that have been refuted time and again with actual evidence instead of just your unsubstantiated rumors.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
...As for taxes, we wound up paying nearly $1600, so Dubbyuh can stuff his "tax-cut". Local municipal fees are going up and fire and police services are being cut. Dubbyuh can stuff his "tax-cut". 61% of US corporations py zero income tax, so Dubbyuh can stuff his "tax cut".

Dubbyuh led us into a quagmire in Iraq, Dubbyuh can stuff his foreign policy. Dubbyuh lied about WMD's in Iraq...He can stuff his BS about bringing "integrity" back to the Oval Office.

In short, the little peckerwood can go stuff himself.

Time to slaughter another liberal moron.

Bush's trickle down method has revived this economy. When are you idiot lefties going to come out of your hole of denial? THE EVIDENCE IS EVERYWHERE. Our police and fire services have not been cut, and if we tax our corporations, that will really hurt our economy. REPUBLICANS ARE FAR BETTER THAN demoRATS on the economy, simple really. We ARE NOT in a quagmire in Iraq. LOL, I bet you're one of the anti-American lefties who compare it to Vietnam, you guys are sick in the head. He is defeating terrorism all over the world, evidence of this is also everyhwere. Our honorable President relied on the best intellegence he had at the time. Don't you fet it fool? HE WAS MISLEAD HIMSELF. BUSH WOULD NEVER INTENTIONALLY LIE TO US. He has brought INTEGRITY, HONOR, AND PRESTIEGE BACK TO THE OVAL OFFICE. So I'm guessing you support that sick traitor Kerry? Oh yeah, Bush in is office BECAUSE GOD WANTED HIM TO BE. He looks to him as his guiding light and he defends this country's CHRISTIAN ROOTS AND TRADITIONS. You're sick icon isn't funny either. Wake up and SEE THE LIGHT MORON.

God bless America and our good President!
Originally posted by insein
All points that have been refuted time and again with actual evidence instead of just your unsubstantiated rumors.

No...You just need to be willing to hear and see the truth. But since it doesn't correspond to your narrow, blinkered view of reality you are unwilling to acknowledge it.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
No...You just need to be willing to hear and see the truth. But since it doesn't correspond to your narrow, blinkered view of reality you are unwilling to acknowledge it.

Look who's talking about narrow mindedness and blinkered vision you ignorant liberal scum.

God bless America and our good President!

You've brought up the over-time elimination plan several times, but I'm not sure you understand it. You seem to think the President wants to completely abolish the practice of higher pay for time worked over 40 hours a week. The only reason you believe this is because you have bought into the Democrat's propaganda.

What the over-time plan is supposed to do, is allow an employer the OPTION of paying a worker normal pay for any hours worked of 40 a week. This option is to be exercised by employers who currently do not offer any over-time at all because they can not afford to pay the increased hourly pay.

See, by mandating that an employer must pay more for over-time work, some employers could only respond by not allowing over-time work at all. This in turn frustrates employees who would like to work more, even if they will only get their normal hourly wage, because they just need the money and the opportunity to work more.

This plan allows for more flexibility for employers, and increased availability to make money for the employees. Companies that can afford it and want to keep their workers will continue to offer increased wages for over-time work. Any mandatory over-time must remain at inflated over-time wages.
trical down economics is bs. the shere number of poor people in this country. make it when the masses buy shoes we efect the economy. thier are only 2 rich people left in this country and shrinking. but they control 90 of government. because they can buy congress. donation please is what you get from congress.
Originally posted by alan1234567890
trical down economics is bs. the shere number of poor people in this country. make it when the masses buy shoes we efect the economy. thier are only 2 rich people left in this country and shrinking. but they control 90 of government. because they can buy congress. donation please is what you get from congress.

Wow the ignorance. GET IT THROUGH YOUR DENSE HEAD. TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS IS WHY THIS ECONOMY IS DOING SO WELL NOW. There are also more than 2 rich people in this country, what the hell was with that idiot claim!?

God bless America and our good President!
Originally posted by alan1234567890
trical down economics is bs. the shere number of poor people in this country. make it when the masses buy shoes we efect the economy. thier are only 2 rich people left in this country and shrinking. but they control 90 of government. because they can buy congress. donation please is what you get from congress.

Easy now, your IQ is showing....
Originally posted by alan1234567890
trical down economics is bs. the shere number of poor people in this country. make it when the masses buy shoes we efect the economy. thier are only 2 rich people left in this country and shrinking. but they control 90 of government. because they can buy congress. donation please is what you get from congress.

Can someone please decipher this for me?
Originally posted by alan1234567890
trical down economics is bs. the shere number of poor people in this country. make it when the masses buy shoes we efect the economy. thier are only 2 rich people left in this country and shrinking. but they control 90 of government. because they can buy congress. donation please is what you get from congress.

More and more im seeing that Alan is either not from this country and therefore doesnt speak english very well, or he's 5. This is the worst typing and comprehension of the English language i have seen in awhile.

Try to rephrase this convoluted thought so that we can respond to it. I dont even really know what you were trying to portray here.
Can someone please decipher this for me?

Something about the 2 rich guys who bought 90 Congresses, but can't afford shoes? :confused:

Tigger sure looks different today:laugh:
Originally posted by alan1234567890
trical down economics is bs. the shere number of poor people in this country. make it when the masses buy shoes we efect the economy. thier are only 2 rich people left in this country and shrinking. but they control 90 of government. because they can buy congress. donation please is what you get from congress.

Can someone please decipher this for me?

I'll try:

Trickle down economics does not work. There are many poor people in this country. When many people buy shoes that has an effect on the economy. There are only two rich people left in this country, and their numbers are dwindling. Those two people control 90% of the government, because they can bribe members of congress to vote the way they want. Please send a donation to your congressman.

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