Bush is just a beebee in a WAR he doesn't understand

theHawk said:
Thats right. My question is, whats wrong with that? Middle america wants a "common man", wants someone passionate and genuine. Is the left truely so baffled by this?

Hawk, they will never get it.
Psychoblues said:
Most of us are, however, opposed to WAR BY CHOICE on any country that doe's not present any direct and/or capable threat to the general safety of common everyday American citizens.

We supported the WAR in Afghanistan* against Al Queda and we continue to support any WAR against the murderous intents of ANY enemy that uses their military power, their economic power or their religious inclination to do us harm. That said, I think it disingenuious to imply that Democrats are anything other than the genuine Americans that they are.

Most Democrats don't believe there was ever any capability in Iraq, particularly since Desert Storm and the subsequent UN inspections, to do any harm to Americans. In fact, many of us that visited Iraq even during that war and since it are convinced that the everyday and commonplace Iraqis know little about the intents and activities of Saddam Hussein and are completely appalled by any such accusal they might be connected with the Al Queda or it's leader, Osama Bin Laden.

Iraq has been a secular country for many years. It is now a hotbed for religious fanatics. How did that equation change? You make up your own mind about it. In addition, maybe you should go join the fight yourself and fully experience all that WAR has to offer you.

I've been to WAR after WAR. Killing, murdering innocents is a by-product of WAR. Somewhere, somehow, there must be an end to WAR. Many innocents in Iraq are no longer innocent. Many innocents in the United States are no longer innocent. WAR corrupts us.

Are you corrupted? The corrupt almost never admit their guilt. I admit mine and I live with it every day, every hour and every minute of my life. I'm not smart enough to draw any VA pension or even a military pension. I've worked all of my life and college educated all of my children. And, I'm smart enough to know that WAR is flat WRONG in a society that deems itself civilized and comprehensive of the historical failures of ALL WARS.

Even still, I do not oppose our coming together for the originally advertised WAR ON TERROR.

* The Taliban is back in Afghanistan more forceful than before. Osama Bin Laden is still alive and still threatening the United States of America. Most of the opium and heroine in the world still comes from Afghanistan. The girls and women in Afghanistan have less a chance today than they had 5 years ago for personal growth and political involvement. And, last but not at all the end of the story, the peoples of Afghanistan still suffer indescretions of WAR. Think about it.


1. I dont think you know what you're talking about. My dad told me that he's flown to mass grave sights where Saddam bussed out minorities and ethnic groups and slaughtered them. The reason that they "know little about the intents and activities of Saddam Hussein" could be directly linked to the former Iraq's lack of freedom of press.

Have you heard of the Kurdish section of Islam? I'm sure you have, they were target using GAS and GAS ATTACKS by CEHMICAL ALI during Saddam's reign. Can you honestly stand there and tell me the Iraqi's were appalled to learn that their tyrant had connections to terrorism?

2. It is a hotbed of religious extremism because of foreign fighters and jihadist going to Iraq to earn money to support their families in Syria and Saudi Arabia. That was confirmed by a close friend of mine,a Blackhawk pilot in the 68th Medevac Company, 4th Battalion, 123rd Aviation Regt. Does that answer your question? Would you like it if the terrorists defeated us and we left Iraq with our tail between our legs? Maybe you (being a democrat) would, but that's not the way We like to do things.

3. I'm assuming you are an evolutionist? The basics of survival of the fittest revolves around competition and WAR, but not on the level as you and I know it. CAvement threw rocks at each other. There's a reason WAR has prevailed over the millenia. I have a Bush-Cheney sticker on my window, a USA flag, USMC flag, and POW-MIA flag on my walls. War has corrupted me? I'm PROUD to be corrupted! By the way, killing innocents is more than a by-product of TERRORISM.

4. Failures of all wars. If world war two had not happened, Europe would be known as Germany, and there would be no Jews. Fascist tyrannicals would reign the world, and we would probably be engaged in a cold war between Europe (Germany) and us. War is a failure, eh? Yeah, for Chirac.

War gave you the America you live and piss in today. War is a failure? Move to Britain, redcoat.

War lead many slaves to freedom throughout history. War is a failure? shackle yourself to a shed and get working.

5. * George W. Bush once said that 75% of terrorists in Afghanistan have been brought to justice (killed or captured). I believe him more than you.

You've seen bin Laden? Then how do you know he's alive?

Women voted in their last elections. It's a start. I can't imagine how they are at a less of an advantage than 5 years ago, care to elaborate?

They have always suffered from wear. From the USSR to terrorism. We are the only country to have invaded successfully.
Yeah, like the republicans have never spun anything (See Iraq war), The republicans are the freaking masters of spin. George Bush could take a dump on stage and they would say that he looks very comfortable up there, he knows what hes doing ,etc. Karl Rove and the repubs = the spin and deflection masters.

trobinett said:
YOUR the poster boy for the misguided, Psycho!

Deflection, and spin, the two favorite tools of the misguided, and the Democratic party, hmmmm.
midswat said:
Yeah, like the republicans have never spun anything (See Iraq war), The republicans are the freaking masters of spin. George Bush could take a dump on stage and they would say that he looks very comfortable up there, he knows what hes doing ,etc. Karl Rove and the repubs = the spin and deflection masters.
Welcome, Midswat. I get the feeling your visit will be entertaining. Enjoy!
midswat said:
Yeah, like the republicans have never spun anything (See Iraq war), The republicans are the freaking masters of spin. George Bush could take a dump on stage and they would say that he looks very comfortable up there, he knows what hes doing ,etc. Karl Rove and the repubs = the spin and deflection masters.

envy...one of the seven deadly sins
I agree with you Psycho.

Psychoblues said:
He took our country to a murderous WAR in IRAQ based on "mistaken information." He denies the intelligence of science and research. Now he threatens a veto of legislation that genuinely supports American security and our economic well-being. He has absolutely turned his back on American Veterans by cutting their benefits. He has absolutely turned his back on American workers in this Dubai deal, and he hasn't a clue as to how average Americans deal with his refusal to recognise the dilemma of our national healthcare system.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Maybe he's not just an idiot. Maybe he is only a misguided terrorist.

midswat said:
I agree with you Psycho.

You should really read more posts by psycho, you've just aligned yourself with our resident 'impaired member.'
I am so happy for Psycho that he has found a new friend. No I'm serious y'all. In order to achieve good debate we must have both sides represented.

I can't wait to introduce him to Gunny!
Emmett said:
I am so happy for Psycho that he has found a new friend. No I'm serious y'all. In order to achieve good debate we must have both sides represented.

I can't wait to introduce him to Gunny!

What happened to "Harvey", his imaginary friend?

midswat said:
Yeah, like the republicans have never spun anything (See Iraq war), The republicans are the freaking masters of spin. George Bush could take a dump on stage and they would say that he looks very comfortable up there, he knows what hes doing ,etc. Karl Rove and the repubs = the spin and deflection masters.

Nothing new here, looks like the sheep people(read, lefties, that make a life style of rolling over and playing dead)just can`t come out of their drug stupor long enough to see reality.

Welcome to reality, midswat! :shocked:
KarlMarx said:
And if we all only impeached Bush, kicked all the Republicans out of government, turned the reins of government over to Hillary and Bill Clinton, withdrew our forces from Iraq, started riding bikes, /QUOTE]

What's wrong with riding bikes?!?!?!??
Psychoblues said:
He took our country to a murderous WAR in IRAQ based on "mistaken information." He denies the intelligence of science and research. Now he threatens a veto of legislation that genuinely supports American security and our economic well-being. He has absolutely turned his back on American Veterans by cutting their benefits. He has absolutely turned his back on American workers in this Dubai deal, and he hasn't a clue as to how average Americans deal with his refusal to recognise the dilemma of our national healthcare system.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Maybe he's not just an idiot. Maybe he is only a misguided terrorist.


Nothing like the monthly report from the kook fringe left.

And no you wil get no factual arguing points until you actually post something other than a virile ideological diatribe or that you are some great military patriot.

The terrorist shit is straight out of the Sheehan files LMFAO!
OCA said:
And no you wil get no factual arguing points until you actually post something other than a virile ideological diatribe or that you are some great military patriot.

OCA does have a point there, your going to have to establish some facts first.

I don't think Bush is an idiot. One doesn't become president but at the same time fail addition. Then again, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer either. He graduated high school with a 3.0 (out of 6), the minimum passing GPA at his school. That doesn't speak highly of him.
Thats your opinion. Ive read some of his posts. He seems to be much more for peace than alot of people here. At least he is not a bush apologist. If you went to other boards and posted your thoughts, like Whistlestopper , you also would be called the resident idiot. Of course, thats just my opinion.

Kathianne said:
You should really read more posts by psycho, you've just aligned yourself with our resident 'impaired member.'
midswat said:
Thats your opinion. Ive read some of his posts. He seems to be much more for peace than alot of people here. At least he is not a bush apologist. If you went to other boards and posted your thoughts, like Whistlestopper , you also would be called the resident idiot. Of course, thats just my opinion.

No, you need to see where Psycho is coming from. You see, he's fought in every war since the revolutionary war but been against them all. He thinks no war is worth a single human life and yet he's served in major military conflicts and fought for his country to protect his country by killing other country's soldiers. Now one can say that psycho is a liar or ... well... psycho, but i prefer to think of him as our lovable but harmless hippy uncle that has had 1 to many natty lites and starts going off on drunken tirades about the world sucking every couple of months or so.

He's harmless because he's never provided a lick of evidence for anything that hes said. I can see why you like him, swat.

insein said:
No, you need to see where Psycho is coming from. You see, he's fought in every war since the revolutionary war but been against them all. He thinks no war is worth a single human life and yet he's served in major military conflicts and fought for his country to protect his country by killing other country's soldiers. Now one can say that psycho is a liar or ... well... psycho, but i prefer to think of him as our lovable but harmless hippy uncle that has had 1 to many natty lites and starts going off on drunken tirades about the world sucking every couple of months or so.

He's harmless because he's never provided a lick of evidence for anything that hes said. I can see why you like him, swat.
the topic is what Psycho wrote.

Do you Deny that the president has brought America to a murderous war in Iraq ?

Do you Deny that the president has turned his back on Vets by cutting their Benefits ?

Do you Deny that the president made a bad decision on the dubai Ports deal ?

The polls show that most of america is now realising that this guy is an idiot, psycho and I seem to get that that as well.

You sir dont seem to get it, the only idiot around here seems to be you, NOT Psycho, you still want to pull out every apologist line for Bush that you can find, your still in line like the rest of the sheep. People can say what they want about Clinton, all he did was lie about a BJ , to me that is NOTHING compared to what George has done. 8 years of peace with Clinton and a roaring economy at that. Yeah George has done such a wonderful job. Get lost Insein, Your name fits well.

OWNED !!!!

insein said:
I didnt need your self portrait. Once again avoiding the topic. Youll last long around here.
midswat said:
the topic is what Psycho wrote.

Do you Deny that the president has brought America to a murderous war in Iraq ?

Do you Deny that the president has turned his back on Vets by cutting their Benefits ?

Do you Deny that the president made a bad decision on the dubai Ports deal ?

The polls show that most of america is now realising that this guy is an idiot, psycho and I seem to get that that as well.

You sir dont seem to get it, the only idiot around here seems to be you, NOT Psycho, you still want to pull out every apologist line for Bush that you can find, your still in line like the rest of the sheep. People can say what they want about Clinton, all he did was lie about a BJ , to me that is NOTHING compared to what George has done. 8 years of peace with Clinton and a roaring economy at that. Yeah George has done such a wonderful job. Get lost Insein, Your name fits well.

OWNED !!!!

Do you deny that you continue to try and post here after being banned time and time again?

midswat said:
Yeah, like the republicans have never spun anything (See Iraq war), The republicans are the freaking masters of spin. George Bush could take a dump on stage and they would say that he looks very comfortable up there, he knows what hes doing ,etc. Karl Rove and the repubs = the spin and deflection masters.

Wow. Well thought out argument. Here's YOUR sign: :stupid:

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