Bush is just a beebee in a WAR he doesn't understand

Psychoblues said:
We've got smart bombs. They haven't stopped the violence. We've got special forces, they are at a loss to consider stopping the violence. We've even got NUCLEAR WEAPONS that can potentially wipe out mankind and all other living things on this earth. All due to political and/or religious differences?

I am reminded of a speech that I made in my freshman year in high school. The speech concerned a dog fight.

My uncle had a very docile dog. He let the dog run the neighborhood at will. A neighbor also had a dog that often terrorized the neighborhood kids and barked all night long. One day the neighbor was walking his dog on a leash. My uncle's dog was running loose as always. The leashed dog barked menacingly at my uncle's dog and my uncle's dog went directly into attack mode. My uncle picked up a board and immediately went about to separate the dogs. As he swung, his own dog dodged and he inadvertantly hit the leashed dog. The owner of the leashed dog immediately said, "Hit the right damn dog!!!!!".

I have thought about this for many years. My uncle intended to hit his own dog for his uncharacteristic behaviour despite the offending actions of the leashed one.

Which is the offending action?

Americans can annilate the world with their weapons. The opposition knows this and they don't care about that circumstance. We are responsibly refraining from world destruction. The opposition has no such capacity. But, they fight on. Why? It's not any hate of freedom they embrace. Maybe it's an unfair and unjust intervention? Maybe it's a religious uprising? I really don't know!

But, I know that Bush is just a beebee in this WAR and I know that religious freedom will prevail as it has in the 20 centuries before this latest transgression.

Convert them or kill them? Jesus never even approached that kind of ideology. Maybe we're not reading the scriptures or the history books closely enough? Don't you think?


I'll go for the leashed animal.


Which is the offending action?

Your incoherence is, idiot troll.
Most of us are, however, opposed to WAR BY CHOICE on any country that doe's not present any direct and/or capable threat to the general safety of common everyday American citizens.

We supported the WAR in Afghanistan* against Al Queda and we continue to support any WAR against the murderous intents of ANY enemy that uses their military power, their economic power or their religious inclination to do us harm. That said, I think it disingenuious to imply that Democrats are anything other than the genuine Americans that they are.

Most Democrats don't believe there was ever any capability in Iraq, particularly since Desert Storm and the subsequent UN inspections, to do any harm to Americans. In fact, many of us that visited Iraq even during that war and since it are convinced that the everyday and commonplace Iraqis know little about the intents and activities of Saddam Hussein and are completely appalled by any such accusal they might be connected with the Al Queda or it's leader, Osama Bin Laden.

Iraq has been a secular country for many years. It is now a hotbed for religious fanatics. How did that equation change? You make up your own mind about it. In addition, maybe you should go join the fight yourself and fully experience all that WAR has to offer you.

I've been to WAR after WAR. Killing, murdering innocents is a by-product of WAR. Somewhere, somehow, there must be an end to WAR. Many innocents in Iraq are no longer innocent. Many innocents in the United States are no longer innocent. WAR corrupts us.

Are you corrupted? The corrupt almost never admit their guilt. I admit mine and I live with it every day, every hour and every minute of my life. I'm not smart enough to draw any VA pension or even a military pension. I've worked all of my life and college educated all of my children. And, I'm smart enough to know that WAR is flat WRONG in a society that deems itself civilized and comprehensive of the historical failures of ALL WARS.

Even still, I do not oppose our coming together for the originally advertised WAR ON TERROR.

* The Taliban is back in Afghanistan more forceful than before. Osama Bin Laden is still alive and still threatening the United States of America. Most of the opium and heroine in the world still comes from Afghanistan. The girls and women in Afghanistan have less a chance today than they had 5 years ago for personal growth and political involvement. And, last but not at all the end of the story, the peoples of Afghanistan still suffer indescretions of WAR. Think about it.

José said:
This post brought drunken incoherence to new levels.

I can’t speak for insein, Psycho, but I’m willing to bet he was referring mainly to this statement in particular (although the whole post is hard to understand):

Convert them or kill them? Jesus never even approached that kind of ideology.

Do you really think the US is in Iraq to enforce religious proselytism, Psycho?!?!

Maybe I misunderstood what you said, if I did please, correct me...

I believe the US is involved in an honest effort to democratise that country but if you tell me the US is there mainly to exploit iraqi oil, I will, at least, respect your opinion because this is within the boundaries of sane political thinking.

But saying the US is there to convert Iraqis to Christianity is sheer psychopathic lunacy, Psycho (if you forgive me the pun).

Give me a break...

It’s absolutely hilarious, but the problem is you were not trying to be funny.

No, actually, you are hilarious. Ann Coulter, an unforgiven heathen of extreme but popular right wing thought, suggested that we "convert them or kill them." That's where that statement came from.

I never said that the US was religiously prostyletizing the WAR. I simply implied that American religious prostylitites were encouraging it despite the warnings of Jesus Christ. That is a paradox that someone with higher religious and intellectual abilities than my own might have to explain to you.

Got a guilty conscience huh?

Anyone can, and should be able to change their mind, on any given subject.

The Dem`s however, change theirs` with their underwear. Now, you can see them starting to maneuver for the upcoming election.

Kind of sad actually, I only hope, that the general population doesn`t buy into this latest song, and dance.

Pretty funny if you see it for what it is. Politics` at its worst, brought to you by one of their blind supporters.

Of course your mileage my vary.......
Yea but we never hear what Dems are willing to do on the war on terror besides the generic "work with our allies" statement. The only message the Dems give out is that we will not attack anyone without the UN, which means we will never attack anyone no matter what because we all know the UN can't even agree to stop outright genocide on their own. If I was a thrid world terrorist supporting leader I'd love it if the Dems got power in the US. Dems are more concerned with appeasing their liberal counterparts in Europe than real U.S. interests.
"To the Holy Land and don't spare the horses." :usa:


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theHawk said:
Yea but we never hear what Dems are willing to do on the war on terror besides the generic "work with our allies" statement. The only message the Dems give out is that we will not attack anyone without the UN, which means we will never attack anyone no matter what because we all know the UN can't even agree to stop outright genocide on their own. If I was a thrid world terrorist supporting leader I'd love it if the Dems got power in the US. Dems are more concerned with appeasing their liberal counterparts in Europe than real U.S. interests.

Yeah, there are only about 40 or 50 more tyrants in this world far more potent and at least equally as anti-American as Saddam Hussein or even OBL. The tyrants go on killing. Ronald Reagan even supported some of them in the 80's. Remember, the Republicans then opted out of all that during the arms for hostages fiasco. WJC fought against OBL in the '90's and the Republicans called him wagging the dog. WJC was correct. 9/11 proved him so. Most Republicans don't connect those dots. That's understandable as many Republicans don't connect their personal miseries with Republican led legislation either. Que Sera Sera.

On another note, every Dem I know certainly desires political and economic conversation with Europeans. Your implication that they are somehow attempting to simply appease them is disingenuious at best and an outright lie in my opinion. But, I guess you can back that part of your argument up with additional facts. Otherwise, you are either stupid or rich. Both rank right up there with Judas. May I offer you a few pieces of silver?

He took our country to a murderous WAR in IRAQ based on "mistaken information." He denies the intelligence of science and research. Now he threatens a veto of legislation that genuinely supports American security and our economic well-being. He has absolutely turned his back on American Veterans by cutting their benefits. He has absolutely turned his back on American workers in this Dubai deal, and he hasn't a clue as to how average Americans deal with his refusal to recognise the dilemma of our national healthcare system.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Maybe he's not just an idiot. Maybe he is only a misguided terrorist.

Psychoblues said:
Yeah, there are only about 40 or 50 more tyrants in this world far more potent and at least equally as anti-American as Saddam Hussein or even OBL. The tyrants go on killing. Ronald Reagan even supported some of them in the 80's. Remember, the Republicans then opted out of all that during the arms for hostages fiasco. WJC fought against OBL in the '90's and the Republicans called him wagging the dog. WJC was correct. 9/11 proved him so. Most Republicans don't connect those dots. That's understandable as many Republicans don't connect their personal miseries with Republican led legislation either. Que Sera Sera.

On another note, every Dem I know certainly desires political and economic conversation with Europeans. Your implication that they are somehow attempting to simply appease them is disingenuious at best and an outright lie in my opinion. But, I guess you can back that part of your argument up with additional facts. Otherwise, you are either stupid or rich. Both rank right up there with Judas. May I offer you a few pieces of silver?


I think the dems just suggested 60 billion in cuts for our military too.

Europeans are appeasers, that is not really a matter of opinon, you're just wrong.
Psycho, your delusional, and those that you champion are as well.

Europeans are appeasers, and are doomed, because of their policy`s, to repeat the mistakes of the past. Which, in case you missed it, cost MILLIONS` of lives.

Once the bad guys` are camped out in your bedroom, it`s too late. You have to meet them at the gate to your property. :2guns: Its` only common sense, which seems to be in short supply in both the platform of the Democratic party, and the policies of the Europeans`. :(
Psychoblues said:
He took our country to a murderous WAR in IRAQ based on "mistaken information." He denies the intelligence of science and research. Now he threatens a veto of legislation that genuinely supports American security and our economic well-being. He has absolutely turned his back on American Veterans by cutting their benefits. He has absolutely turned his back on American workers in this Dubai deal, and he hasn't a clue as to how average Americans deal with his refusal to recognise the dilemma of our national healthcare system.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Maybe he's not just an idiot. Maybe he is only a misguided terrorist.


YOUR the poster boy for the misguided, Psycho!

Deflection, and spin, the two favorite tools of the misguided, and the Democratic party, hmmmm.
Psychoblues said:
He took our country to a murderous WAR in IRAQ based on "mistaken information." He denies the intelligence of science and research. Now he threatens a veto of legislation that genuinely supports American security and our economic well-being. He has absolutely turned his back on American Veterans by cutting their benefits. He has absolutely turned his back on American workers in this Dubai deal, and he hasn't a clue as to how average Americans deal with his refusal to recognise the dilemma of our national healthcare system.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Maybe he's not just an idiot. Maybe he is only a misguided terrorist.


And if we all only impeached Bush, kicked all the Republicans out of government, turned the reins of government over to Hillary and Bill Clinton, withdrew our forces from Iraq, started riding bikes, gave gays the right to marry, defended a woman's right to an abortion, started eating tofu... why... why the world would be a better place!!!!! Why? Because Psycho says so!!!!! OK everyone, all together, let's sing "Kumbaya" and "We shall overcome!", peace beads will be on sale after the love in!!!!!
Psychoblues said:
He took our country to a murderous WAR in IRAQ based on "mistaken information." He denies the intelligence of science and research. Now he threatens a veto of legislation that genuinely supports American security and our economic well-being. He has absolutely turned his back on American Veterans by cutting their benefits. He has absolutely turned his back on American workers in this Dubai deal, and he hasn't a clue as to how average Americans deal with his refusal to recognise the dilemma of our national healthcare system.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Maybe he's not just an idiot. Maybe he is only a misguided terrorist.


an idiot that..... the inteligent left can't seem to catch, stop, overcome, defeat, outwit...... how dumb must you lot be not to be able to defeat an idiot .....
Psychoblues said:
He took our country to a murderous WAR in IRAQ based on "mistaken information." He denies the intelligence of science and research. Now he threatens a veto of legislation that genuinely supports American security and our economic well-being. He has absolutely turned his back on American Veterans by cutting their benefits. He has absolutely turned his back on American workers in this Dubai deal, and he hasn't a clue as to how average Americans deal with his refusal to recognise the dilemma of our national healthcare system.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Maybe he's not just an idiot. Maybe he is only a misguided terrorist.


here's your sign:
manu1959 said:
an idiot that..... the inteligent left can't seem to catch, stop, overcome, defeat, outwit...... how dumb must you lot be not to be able to defeat an idiot .....
Seriously. If Bush is a moron, what does that make John Kerry?
manu1959 said:
an idiot that..... the inteligent left can't seem to catch, stop, overcome, defeat, outwit...... how dumb must you lot be not to be able to defeat an idiot .....

He can't be defeated because of his appeal to the fundamentalist christians and his stuttering speech, which seems to make him seem more passionate and more genuine. He has that "common man" appeal that middle America just eats up. It's that charm that John Kerry tried to imitate when he went hunting and killed that ostrich or whatever it was.
liberalogic said:
He can't be defeated because of his appeal to the fundamentalist christians and his stuttering speech, which seems to make him seem more passionate and more genuine. He has that "common man" appeal that middle America just eats up. It's that charm that John Kerry tried to imitate when he went hunting and killed that ostrich or whatever it was.
So, smart people aren't smart enough to defeat dumb people? :wtf: Or are you agreeing that the Dem party really is that stupid?
liberalogic said:
It's that charm that John Kerry tried to imitate when he went hunting and killed that ostrich or whatever it was.

Ostrich?? It was a terradactyl.
liberalogic said:
He can't be defeated because of his appeal to the fundamentalist christians and his stuttering speech, which seems to make him seem more passionate and more genuine. He has that "common man" appeal that middle America just eats up. It's that charm that John Kerry tried to imitate when he went hunting and killed that ostrich or whatever it was.

Thats right. My question is, whats wrong with that? Middle america wants a "common man", wants someone passionate and genuine. Is the left truely so baffled by this?

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