Bush & Laura.. A Class Act..

Did he joke about WMD's?

Did she talk about killing her ex boyfriend?

Now those are the questions I have.

You're questions are always one sided, maybe because you're a member of the Liar & Hypocrite Party..you simply can't be relied on for honesty or reasonable balance..just sayin

Because I'm on the side of the tens of thousands of young Americans killed and maimed in Iraq for no reason at all. I'm on the side of Americans who didn't want to spent three trillion on Iraq. I'm on the side of Americans who took down Bin Laden and didn't let him go. It's a good side to be on.

Dumbass, Slick Willie was offered Osama multiple times in the nineties, but wouldn't take him! Due to that and other military ineptness, Clinton was primarily responsible for the Iraq War!

The Kenyan finally had Osama killed, I guess. Did he also have the Seals killed?
I especially liked the question ( and answer) Leno put to him ala criticizing the sitting president..Bush won't do it...

"I don't think it's good for the country to have the former president criticize his successor."


I wonder if Obama will hold himself to that standard?........
I especially liked the question ( and answer) Leno put to him ala criticizing the sitting president..Bush won't do it...

"I don't think it's good for the country to have the former president criticize his successor."


I wonder if Obama will hold himself to that standard?........

I'm going with a 'no' on this ... the only standards obama has are low to none.
Annnnnndd what's your point? Lol.

We invaded Iraq because of blatant cease fire violations as outlined in the UN Resolution. That made it our and the coalition of nations that joined us our and their business. It also made it legitimate.

The fact that Bush went to Congress for and got approval for the invasion made it legitimate.

Any other questions?

Legitimacy could only accrue if the UN sanctioned the invasion, and it did not.

The US Congress authorizes the US to go the war, not the UN.
As Pennywise said, I didn't care for his presidency, but him and and his wife seem like good people. Funny interview as well. :lol:

That WAS the best interview. I loved Bush. What a great sense of humor he has. He and his elegant and very polished wife, come from good and solid backgrounds. Their parents knew how important role-modeling was.
I disagreed with Bush on immigration and spending and a certain Supreme Court nominee. Even still I always respected Bush. I'll never understand how people that spent 8 years calling this man Hitler could turn around and cry racism or uncivil discourse when someone expresses legitimate opposition to Obama.
Is that why so many Democrats voted to support Bush? I believe UN Resoluton 1441 disagrees with your points.

Annnnnndd what's your point? Lol.

We invaded Iraq because of blatant cease fire violations as outlined in the UN Resolution. That made it our and the coalition of nations that joined us our and their business. It also made it legitimate.

The fact that Bush went to Congress for and got approval for the invasion made it legitimate.

Any other questions?

Fact. :thup:

Bammy on the other hand Ignores Congress and these same Douchey, Lying Stains on the Left are Conveniently Silent about it while they continue to Lie about History.


Annnnnndd what's your point? Lol.

We invaded Iraq because of blatant cease fire violations as outlined in the UN Resolution. That made it our and the coalition of nations that joined us our and their business. It also made it legitimate.

The fact that Bush went to Congress for and got approval for the invasion made it legitimate.

Any other questions?

Fact. :thup:

Bammy on the other hand Ignores Congress and these same Douchey, Lying Stains on the Left are Conveniently Silent about it while they continue to Lie about History.



I'm not defending the Democrats as they voted for war too.

My point is this, whatever "violation" the Iraqis may have been guilty of in the completely non-biased and benevolent eyes of the UN, was it of such weight that it required us to invade their country, sacrifice of about 4,489 young Americans and a couple hundred thousand Iraqis?


Proactively starting A WAR that costs trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives generally requires a pretty significant reason to be justified (ie Hitler is killing millions of Jews and conquering France, or Napoleon is conquering the world and we’re next if we don’t act, etc). What significant thing did the Iraqis do to justify the loss of life perpetuated by the United States’s decision to invade their country?

Saying this war is legitimate because "the UN said it was legitimate" is no different than saying Germany's decision to invade most of Europe was legitimate because the German gov't "decided legally" that war was the best course of action.

I'm asking you folks what YOU think; do YOU think the war was justified?

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The only one who has missed bush was that fella that threw his shoe at him.

His "bring it on" attitude costs thousands of our best and brightest their lives and fallout continues to this day.
The only one who has missed bush was that fella that threw his shoe at him.

His "bring it on" attitude costs thousands of our best and brightest their lives and fallout continues to this day.

I recall when Democrats voted for those wars, then turned into cowards and screwed over our soldiers then used them as fodder for the 2008 election..( I get that you're too pathologically stupid to recall that of coarse..)

Bush has more class and knowledge in his baby toe than Obama will ever have..
I thought Bush was a decent enough guy, and that was enough to vote for him after 8 years of "It depends on what is is" Clinton.

the people he surrounded himself with, however, pushed for very bad policies and made very bad calls, which will long outlive him.
I thought Bush was a decent enough guy, and that was enough to vote for him after 8 years of "It depends on what is is" Clinton.

the people he surrounded himself with, however, pushed for very bad policies and made very bad calls, which will long outlive him.

I'd be interested in your opinion of Obama's policies and such...
I thought Bush was a decent enough guy, and that was enough to vote for him after 8 years of "It depends on what is is" Clinton.

the people he surrounded himself with, however, pushed for very bad policies and made very bad calls, which will long outlive him.

I'd be interested in your opinion of Obama's policies and such...

I think Obama is basically a decent guy who never really learned how to play politics in Washington.

It's why I voted for McCain in 2008 even though I was becoming increasingly disgusted with the GOP at that point. McCain had the experience and knew how Washington worked. Obama didn't, and that becomes apparent in his first term, when Pelosi and Reid called the tune. (And still do.)

Despite what he said in teh campaign, he's continued most of Bush's policies on the GWOT.

I think overall, he's a weak president when we needed a strong one.

But still far better off that we would be if Romney was in there.
I thought Bush was a decent enough guy, and that was enough to vote for him after 8 years of "It depends on what is is" Clinton.

the people he surrounded himself with, however, pushed for very bad policies and made very bad calls, which will long outlive him.

I'd be interested in your opinion of Obama's policies and such...

I think Obama is basically a decent guy who never really learned how to play politics in Washington.

It's why I voted for McCain in 2008 even though I was becoming increasingly disgusted with the GOP at that point. McCain had the experience and knew how Washington worked. Obama didn't, and that becomes apparent in his first term, when Pelosi and Reid called the tune. (And still do.)

Despite what he said in teh campaign, he's continued most of Bush's policies on the GWOT.

I think overall, he's a weak president when we needed a strong one.

But still far better off that we would be if Romney was in there.

I recall at as as a nervous high school-er answering a question during one of those damn social studies speeches. After 5 minutes of answering the question the teacher asked me , "What was my Question?" I'd forgotten, much like you have...:lol:
I thought I answered it pretty well, but if you want my opinion on SPECIFIC Policies.

ObamaCare- Didn't go far enough. Should have included a public option and Medicare buy in.

Iraq- Got us out on Bush's timetable, but the key is he got us out.

Syria- Almost got us into a mess... Thankfully, the American people revolted.

Iran - A pretty good deal, given that the world would have started ignoring the sanctions pretty soon anyway.

The Stimulus - An okay idea, didn't go far enough.

The Auto-Bailout- A brilliant policy. Saved millions of jobs, including mine.

Ending DADT- Good.

Not supporting DOMA- Good, because it was always unconstitutional.

More dubious- Sticking his nose into the Cambridge Police case. Seriously?
Laura killed her ex boyfriend and Bush moved the wealth of the nation to the top 1% and killed and maimed tens of thousands of American needlessly in Iraq. At least Laura was pissed. For Bush, it was just an exercise in "Chickenhawk War".

No wonder the party of "let him die" loves them.
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It almost makes me forget the fact that his grandfather was a Nazi sympathizer who significantly helped finance the rise of the Third Reich, lol.

I'm sorry (lol, really), just can't like the guy ever since he helped to mislead our country into a $3 trillion dollar war with a country that neither attacked us or had WMDs. Sort of irresponsible if you ask me as the leader of the free world.

I guess the UN helped Bush 'mislead' our country as well as most of the Democrats in the House and Senate. And, to answer your erroneous statement in a later post about the UN not authorizing an invasion, What do you think "authorized Member States to use all necessary means" and "to restore international peace and security in the area" implies?

Resolution 1441 (2002)

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4644th meeting, on
8 November 2002

The Security Council,

Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions, in particular its resolutions 661
(1990) of 6 August 1990, 678 (1990) of 29 November 1990, 686 (1991) of 2 March
1991, 687 (1991) of 3 April 1991, 688 (1991) of 5 April 1991, 707 (1991) of 15
August 1991, 715 (1991) of 11 October 1991, 986 (1995) of 14 April 1995, and
1284 (1999) of 17 December 1999, and all the relevant statements of its President,
Recalling also its resolution 1382 (2001) of 29 November 2001 and its
intention to implement it fully,

Recognizing the threat Iraq’s non-compliance with Council resolutions and
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles poses to
international peace and security,

Recalling that its resolution 678 (1990) authorized Member States to use all
necessary means to uphold and implement its resolution 660 (1990) of 2 August
1990 and all relevant resolutions subsequent to resolution 660 (1990) and to restore
international peace and security in the area,

Further recalling that its resolution 687 (1991) imposed obligations on Iraq as
a necessary step for achievement of its stated objective of restoring international
peace and security in the area,

Deploring the fact that Iraq has not provided an accurate, full, final, and
complete disclosure, as required by resolution 687 (1991), of all aspects of its
programmes to develop weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles with a
range greater than one hundred and fifty kilometres,
and of all holdings of such
weapons, their components and production facilities and locations, as well as all
other nuclear programmes, including any which it claims are for purposes not
related to nuclear-weapons-usable material,
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I thought I answered it pretty well, but if you want my opinion on SPECIFIC Policies.

ObamaCare- Didn't go far enough. Should have included a public option and Medicare buy in.

Iraq- Got us out on Bush's timetable, but the key is he got us out.

Syria- Almost got us into a mess... Thankfully, the American people revolted.

Iran - A pretty good deal, given that the world would have started ignoring the sanctions pretty soon anyway.

The Stimulus - An okay idea, didn't go far enough.

The Auto-Bailout- A brilliant policy. Saved millions of jobs, including mine.

Ending DADT- Good.

Not supporting DOMA- Good, because it was always unconstitutional.

More dubious- Sticking his nose into the Cambridge Police case. Seriously?

That settles it, you're no Republican..

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