Bush & Laura.. A Class Act..

Because Iraq wasn't a real threat to US, had not attacked US, had not threatened the US,

Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country warned the United States several times that Saddam Hussein's regime was planning terror attacks on the United States and its overseas interests.

Putin's comments in Kazakhstan came amid a new debate in the United States about the extent of ties between Saddam and the al Qaeda terrorist network triggered by a preliminary report from the commission investigating the September 11 attacks.

"I can confirm that after the events of September 11, 2001, and up to the military operation in Iraq, Russian special services and Russian intelligence several times received ... information that official organs of Saddam's regime were preparing terrorist acts on the territory of the United States and beyond its borders, at U.S. military and civilian locations," Putin said.

CNN.com - Putin: Russia warned U.S.*of*Iraq terror - Jun 18, 2004
Because Iraq wasn't a real threat to US, had not attacked US, had not threatened the US,

Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country warned the United States several times that Saddam Hussein's regime was planning terror attacks on the United States and its overseas interests.

Putin's comments in Kazakhstan came amid a new debate in the United States about the extent of ties between Saddam and the al Qaeda terrorist network triggered by a preliminary report from the commission investigating the September 11 attacks.

"I can confirm that after the events of September 11, 2001, and up to the military operation in Iraq, Russian special services and Russian intelligence several times received ... information that official organs of Saddam's regime were preparing terrorist acts on the territory of the United States and beyond its borders, at U.S. military and civilian locations," Putin said.

CNN.com - Putin: Russia warned U.S.*of*Iraq terror - Jun 18, 2004

So you're saying the war was legitimate because Vladimir Putin said so?

That is the strongest reasoning you can provide us?
So is every politician....

Completely untrue.

And here's a challenge for you; explain why (using my posts from this thread) why I am a democrat.
LOL You want me to prove your a liar using only the lies in this thread? LOL I dont need to prove anything because all your posts in every thread says it all. I know you think you are acting the moderate LOL but you are not. Maybe you were in the Cult Of Paul....So were many democrats LOL

You're the one making the accusations - not me. All I ask is that you provide me with something specific I said and then show how it makes me a democrat. It's simple, as I'm just asking you to backup the things you say.
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Because Iraq wasn't a real threat to US, had not attacked US, had not threatened the US,

Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country warned the United States several times that Saddam Hussein's regime was planning terror attacks on the United States and its overseas interests.

Putin's comments in Kazakhstan came amid a new debate in the United States about the extent of ties between Saddam and the al Qaeda terrorist network triggered by a preliminary report from the commission investigating the September 11 attacks.

"I can confirm that after the events of September 11, 2001, and up to the military operation in Iraq, Russian special services and Russian intelligence several times received ... information that official organs of Saddam's regime were preparing terrorist acts on the territory of the United States and beyond its borders, at U.S. military and civilian locations," Putin said.

CNN.com - Putin: Russia warned U.S.*of*Iraq terror - Jun 18, 2004

So you're saying the war was legitimate because Vladimir Putin said so?

That is the strongest reasoning you can provide us?

You said Iraq had not threatened us and it turns out that there is information that they had.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country warned the United States several times that Saddam Hussein's regime was planning terror attacks on the United States and its overseas interests.

Putin's comments in Kazakhstan came amid a new debate in the United States about the extent of ties between Saddam and the al Qaeda terrorist network triggered by a preliminary report from the commission investigating the September 11 attacks.

"I can confirm that after the events of September 11, 2001, and up to the military operation in Iraq, Russian special services and Russian intelligence several times received ... information that official organs of Saddam's regime were preparing terrorist acts on the territory of the United States and beyond its borders, at U.S. military and civilian locations," Putin said.

CNN.com - Putin: Russia warned U.S.*of*Iraq terror - Jun 18, 2004

So you're saying the war was legitimate because Vladimir Putin said so?

That is the strongest reasoning you can provide us?

You said Iraq had not threatened us and it turns out that there is information that they had.

Information from... Vladimir Putin? You mean the head of one of the most corrupt political systems on the planet, lol?

Heck, we didn't even enter WWI and WWII until YEARS after actual fighting began. But apparently now we should aggressively start them as soon as the Russian President suggests "we are in danger". Man, how far we have fallen. Why do you even defend this?

That's kind of bullshit, man.
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So you're saying the war was legitimate because Vladimir Putin said so?

That is the strongest reasoning you can provide us?

You said Iraq had not threatened us and it turns out that there is information that they had.

Information from... Vladimir Putin? Are you saying that because he suggested Iraq might "possibly be a threat" that (a) Iraq was now "officially" a threat and (b) we were justified in sending six thousand US kids to their death and squandering $3 trillion of our taxpayer dollars (which could have been spent on education, infrastructure, etc)?

A suggestion from an undoubtedly corrupt foreign politician with his own agendas and relationships is now justification to enter into wars? I don't think so.

If Putin was wrong, then it's up to you to prove it, not sneer and imply he was. Your beliefs are not evidence,
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You said Iraq had not threatened us and it turns out that there is information that they had.

Information from... Vladimir Putin? Are you saying that because he suggested Iraq might "possibly be a threat" that (a) Iraq was now "officially" a threat and (b) we were justified in sending six thousand US kids to their death and squandering $3 trillion of our taxpayer dollars (which could have been spent on education, infrastructure, etc)?

A suggestion from an undoubtedly corrupt foreign politician with his own agendas and relationships is now justification to enter into wars? I don't think so.

If Putin was wrong, then it's up to you to prove it, not sneer and imply he was. Your beliefs are not evidence,

My point is that a random, speculative intelligence report from the Russian Gov't is not a great reason to pre-emptively start a war following an event that had nothing to do with the country we started a war with.

We found no WMDs, and it's widely accepted that Saddam had no significant ties with Al-Qaeda; that should be proof enough, right?
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I thought I answered it pretty well, but if you want my opinion on SPECIFIC Policies.

ObamaCare- Didn't go far enough. Should have included a public option and Medicare buy in.

Iraq- Got us out on Bush's timetable, but the key is he got us out.

Syria- Almost got us into a mess... Thankfully, the American people revolted.

Iran - A pretty good deal, given that the world would have started ignoring the sanctions pretty soon anyway.

The Stimulus - An okay idea, didn't go far enough.

The Auto-Bailout- A brilliant policy. Saved millions of jobs, including mine.

Ending DADT- Good.

Not supporting DOMA- Good, because it was always unconstitutional.

More dubious- Sticking his nose into the Cambridge Police case. Seriously?

That settles it, you're no Republican..

No, it just shows that Republicans have gone too far into the weeds of Plutocracy and theocracy.

Let's put this in perspective. When Jimmy Carter started the Chrysler Bailout, Reagan continued it... He also put the screws to the Japanese Auto companies on dumping (selling product here for less than what they cost to sell in Japan in order to cripple our auto industry.)

To Paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.
Soon, you won't be a "real" American either
I thought I answered it pretty well, but if you want my opinion on SPECIFIC Policies.

ObamaCare- Didn't go far enough.
Translation: Didn't rape the American people enough

The Stimulus - An okay idea, didn't go far enough.
How is wasting $800B "an okay idea"?

The Auto-Bailout- A brilliant policy. Saved millions of jobs, including mine.
Don't you mean the Auto UNION bailout?

More dubious- Sticking his nose into the Cambridge Police case. Seriously?
And the Trayvon Martin case
The only one who has missed bush was that fella that threw his shoe at him.

His "bring it on" attitude costs thousands of our best and brightest their lives and fallout continues to this day.

Let's not forget that the American invasion of Iraq put Iraq squarely under Iran's sphere of influence because the Sunnis were overthrown and the Shias took over. Bush, despite all his verbal bellicosity toward Iran (otherwise known as tough talk), actually strengthened Iran in the region because Iraq was no longer a check on Iranian power.
Information from... Vladimir Putin? Are you saying that because he suggested Iraq might "possibly be a threat" that (a) Iraq was now "officially" a threat and (b) we were justified in sending six thousand US kids to their death and squandering $3 trillion of our taxpayer dollars (which could have been spent on education, infrastructure, etc)?

A suggestion from an undoubtedly corrupt foreign politician with his own agendas and relationships is now justification to enter into wars? I don't think so.

If Putin was wrong, then it's up to you to prove it, not sneer and imply he was. Your beliefs are not evidence,

My point is that a random, speculative intelligence report from the Russian Gov't is not a great reason to pre-emptively start a war following an event that had nothing to do with the country we started a war with.

We found no WMDs, and it's widely accepted that Saddam had no significant ties with Al-Qaeda; that should be proof enough, right?

I've never claimed it was a great reason. I merely pointed out that you were wrong in your claim that Iraq had not threatened us and pointed out that there is information that they had.
I've never claimed it was a great reason. I merely pointed out that you were wrong in your claim that Iraq had not threatened us and pointed out that there is information that they had.

But in all fairness I still haven't seen an official threat (not saying it doesn't exist, though). Putin alleging there was a threat is not proof. That's just a third party claiming that Iraq threatened the US.

Do you have links to the first-hand documents, a quote by Saddam, etc?
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I've never claimed it was a great reason. I merely pointed out that you were wrong in your claim that Iraq had not threatened us and pointed out that there is information that they had.

But in all fairness I still haven't seen an official threat (not saying it doesn't exist, though). Putin alleging there was a threat is not proof. That's just a third party claiming that Iraq threatened the US.

Do you have links to the first-hand documents, a quote by Saddam, etc?

Why would that matter? Your claim was there was no threat. I showed that was not the case.
I've never claimed it was a great reason. I merely pointed out that you were wrong in your claim that Iraq had not threatened us and pointed out that there is information that they had.

But in all fairness I still haven't seen an official threat (not saying it doesn't exist, though). Putin alleging there was a threat is not proof. That's just a third party claiming that Iraq threatened the US.

Do you have links to the first-hand documents, a quote by Saddam, etc?

Why would that matter? Your claim was there was no threat. I showed that was not the case.

You haven't shown that there were actual real-life threats; you've only shown that Putin alleged there were threats.

In other words, if Charlie (the kid down the street says who dislikes you) says there's free ice cream somewhere, I'm not going to take that as a truth until I see it myself.
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But in all fairness I still haven't seen an official threat (not saying it doesn't exist, though). Putin alleging there was a threat is not proof. That's just a third party claiming that Iraq threatened the US.

Do you have links to the first-hand documents, a quote by Saddam, etc?

Why would that matter? Your claim was there was no threat. I showed that was not the case.

You haven't shown that there were actual real-life threats; you've only shown that Putin alleged there were threats.

In other words, if Charlie (the kid down the street says who dislikes you) says there's free ice cream somewhere, I'm not going to take that as a truth until I see it myself.

*yawn* You were wrong and are now twisting and crying instead of just admitting that according to one of the people involved (a first person source) there was a threat transmitted and you were mistaken.

That's a shame.
Why would that matter? Your claim was there was no threat. I showed that was not the case.

You haven't shown that there were actual real-life threats; you've only shown that Putin alleged there were threats.

In other words, if Charlie (the kid down the street says who dislikes you) says there's free ice cream somewhere, I'm not going to take that as a truth until I see it myself.

*yawn* You were wrong and are now twisting and crying instead of just admitting that according to one of the people involved (a first person source) there was a threat transmitted and you were mistaken.

That's a shame.

No, please don't take this down to that sort of level with the "that's a shame" and "you're crying" bullshit (and I call it "bullshit" because that's what it is).

Am I claiming I'm absolutely correct in my stance? No. I'm just saying (after spending some time scouring the internet following your post) that I cannot find any primary source evidence of Saddam or any of his top commanders actively threatening the United States, or instances of US intelligence networks hearing/seeing/reading a threat.

And this doesn't shock me because it would make no sense for Saddam to threaten the US and provoke an overthrow/occupation.

That is my point. I'm trying to work with you here.
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His treatment of the Pat Tillman family...shameful and incredibly un-Christian of him.

Wow, in a world where Obama is responsible for nothing, you loons think Bush was personally involved in every decsions!

Yup! Because you loons think Obama was personally involved in every decision!

And even if he wasn't? "The buck stops with him."

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