Bush & Laura.. A Class Act..

Laura killed her ex boyfriend and Bush moved the wealth of the nation to the top 1% and killed and maimed tens of thousands of American needlessly in Iraq. At least Laura was pissed. For Bush, it was just an exercise in "Chickenhawk War".

No wonder the party of "let him die" loves them.

I should put you on ignore but you make me laugh...:lol:
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I thought I answered it pretty well, but if you want my opinion on SPECIFIC Policies.

ObamaCare- Didn't go far enough. Should have included a public option and Medicare buy in.

Iraq- Got us out on Bush's timetable, but the key is he got us out.

Syria- Almost got us into a mess... Thankfully, the American people revolted.

Iran - A pretty good deal, given that the world would have started ignoring the sanctions pretty soon anyway.

The Stimulus - An okay idea, didn't go far enough.

The Auto-Bailout- A brilliant policy. Saved millions of jobs, including mine.

Ending DADT- Good.

Not supporting DOMA- Good, because it was always unconstitutional.

More dubious- Sticking his nose into the Cambridge Police case. Seriously?

That settles it, you're no Republican..

No, it just shows that Republicans have gone too far into the weeds of Plutocracy and theocracy.

Let's put this in perspective. When Jimmy Carter started the Chrysler Bailout, Reagan continued it... He also put the screws to the Japanese Auto companies on dumping (selling product here for less than what they cost to sell in Japan in order to cripple our auto industry.)

To Paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.
I thought I answered it pretty well, but if you want my opinion on SPECIFIC Policies.

ObamaCare- Didn't go far enough. Should have included a public option and Medicare buy in.

Iraq- Got us out on Bush's timetable, but the key is he got us out.

Syria- Almost got us into a mess... Thankfully, the American people revolted.

Iran - A pretty good deal, given that the world would have started ignoring the sanctions pretty soon anyway.

The Stimulus - An okay idea, didn't go far enough.

The Auto-Bailout- A brilliant policy. Saved millions of jobs, including mine.

Ending DADT- Good.

Not supporting DOMA- Good, because it was always unconstitutional.

More dubious- Sticking his nose into the Cambridge Police case. Seriously?

That settles it, you're no Republican..

No, it just shows that Republicans have gone too far into the weeds of Plutocracy and theocracy.

Let's put this in perspective. When Jimmy Carter started the Chrysler Bailout, Reagan continued it... He also put the screws to the Japanese Auto companies on dumping (selling product here for less than what they cost to sell in Japan in order to cripple our auto industry.)

To Paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

This country has gone down hill economically the past seven years, ever since Harry And Nancy took over Congress. Morally, Democrats put the nail in the coffin of morality within this country when they accepted Clinton's sexual harassment's, lying and likely rapes in their lust for political power. With Obama Democrats are forced to lie to themselves yet again.

( Well on that I'm saying goodnight )
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That settles it, you're no Republican..

No, it just shows that Republicans have gone too far into the weeds of Plutocracy and theocracy.

Let's put this in perspective. When Jimmy Carter started the Chrysler Bailout, Reagan continued it... He also put the screws to the Japanese Auto companies on dumping (selling product here for less than what they cost to sell in Japan in order to cripple our auto industry.)

To Paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

This country has gone down hill economically the past seven years, ever since Harry And Nancy took over Congress. Morally, Democrats put the nail in the coffin of morality within this country when they accepted Clinton's sexual harassment's, lying and likely rapes in their lust for political power.

( Well on that I'm saying goodnight )

I think the only difference between Clinton and his precedessors was that no one talked about Kennedy or Ike's mistresses.

But really, I think the problem is, the country has been going economically downhill since the 1970's.

Oh, sure, we've had a few spikes of "recovery", but the problems began when we stopped running trade surpluses as we had since the end of WWI and started running trade deficits....

Until we have a president willing to address that, we are going to have problems.
Alabama kicker gets hand-written letter from George W. Bush

Alabama isn't going to the BCS National Championship game this season, and many Crimson Tide fans blame Cade Foster for it.

You remember Foster, the senior kicker who went 0-for-3 in the Iron Bowl and was passed over on the final kick in favor of freshman Adam Griffith.

Well, it's been a tough few weeks for Foster. He received death threats and hate mail, so much so that he had to delete all of his social networking accounts. But many people have come to his aid. Linebacker C.J. Mosely blasted the fans for being insincere and for not being true Alabama fans.

But on Wednesday Foster appeared back on Instagram, and posted a picture of a letter he received from former president George W. Bush.

Yes, that's right, a hand-written letter from a former president telling Foster to keep his chin up.

Alabama Kicker Gets Handwritten Note from George W. Bush after Blowing Iron*Bowl | Extra Mustard - SI.com

He's really a nice man. Seriously

Alabama kicker Cade Foster received a supportive note from former President George W. Bush.

Foster missed two field goal attempts and had a third blocked in the Crimson Tide's 34-28 loss to Auburn on Nov. 30.

He posted a photo of the letter on his Twitter and Instagram accounts Wednesday.

Bush wrote:

"Dear Cade (#43),

"Life has its setbacks. I know!

"However you will be a stronger human with time.

"I wish you all the best —

"Sincerely —

"another 43

"George Bush"

Bush was the 43rd President and Foster wears No. 43.

"Framing this," the kicker wrote on the Instagram caption
Bush '43 will be remembered as the leader of a team that exposed massive corruption in the UN. For that, history will thank him as it moved the UN slightly back from the cliff of irrelevance. Bush made cease-fires matter again. Before Bush, most of the world thought that the US was a paper tiger. They don't now.

We have the luxury of complaining about thousands of deaths and injuries during two wars spanning 10 years when every other war this nation has fought has cost us drastically more in losses of human life.
I thought I answered it pretty well, but if you want my opinion on SPECIFIC Policies.

ObamaCare- Didn't go far enough. Should have included a public option and Medicare buy in.

Iraq- Got us out on Bush's timetable, but the key is he got us out.

Syria- Almost got us into a mess... Thankfully, the American people revolted.

Iran - A pretty good deal, given that the world would have started ignoring the sanctions pretty soon anyway.

The Stimulus - An okay idea, didn't go far enough.

The Auto-Bailout- A brilliant policy. Saved millions of jobs, including mine.

Ending DADT- Good.

Not supporting DOMA- Good, because it was always unconstitutional.

More dubious- Sticking his nose into the Cambridge Police case. Seriously?

That settles it, you're no Republican..

No, it just shows that Republicans have gone too far into the weeds of Plutocracy and theocracy.

Let's put this in perspective. When Jimmy Carter started the Chrysler Bailout, Reagan continued it... He also put the screws to the Japanese Auto companies on dumping (selling product here for less than what they cost to sell in Japan in order to cripple our auto industry.)

To Paraphrase Ronald Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

a jake reincarnate, I see. haha!

Yes, agreed! They are civilized, honest, humble, polite decent people who love America, and served her with good intentions. I am proud of them in every way. George Bush has a sense of humor and would rather be at work than standing behind a podium. :thup:

The country of Africa has never had a better friend, from America. George and Laura Bush talk the talk and walk the walk, even though he is no longer president. They do it from their hearts. They know, and practice, the true meaning of giving.
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I'm seeing a lot of whining, I'm kinda fed up with whining.

I would have much preferred the military going into Iraq, kicking butt and doing what we honor them for. Then getting the hell out.

But no..Democrats decided to make it political issue out of it and far more Soldiers died and were maimed because of it..I figure Democrats are pure chickenshit and cowards when they refuse to accept the part that they played and with simpleminded thought blame Bush.

Define your version of illegitimate...

Why was it illegitimate? Because Iraq wasn't a real threat to US, had not attacked US, had not threatened the US, was complying with / welcoming inspectors, and was not protecting terrorists. I mean, I think those are pretty good points - right? You can't just preemptively invade sovereign nations on "hunches", can you?

We had no business to go there except for... Big Business. There's people willing to take lives robbing a bank for $20k, what makes you think there's not people willing to take lives for three trillion, lol?

Is that why so many Democrats voted to support Bush? I believe UN Resoluton 1441 disagrees with your points.
You posts are going to mean little ... Keven is a liberaltarian.... Thats a democrat to much a coward to admit he is one.
I especially liked the question ( and answer) Leno put to him ala criticizing the sitting president..Bush won't do it...

"I don't think it's good for the country to have the former president criticize his successor."


Me too...very classy and dignified of him.
Why was it illegitimate? Because Iraq wasn't a real threat to US, had not attacked US, had not threatened the US, was complying with / welcoming inspectors, and was not protecting terrorists. I mean, I think those are pretty good points - right? You can't just preemptively invade sovereign nations on "hunches", can you?

We had no business to go there except for... Big Business. There's people willing to take lives robbing a bank for $20k, what makes you think there's not people willing to take lives for three trillion, lol?

Is that why so many Democrats voted to support Bush? I believe UN Resoluton 1441 disagrees with your points.
You posts are going to mean little ... Keven is a liberaltarian.... Thats a democrat to much a coward to admit he is one.

(a) my name is "Kevin"
(b) "liberaltarian" is not a word
(c) it's possible to dislike the Authoritarian, Globalist policies of George W. Bush and not be a democrat (wow, what a concept eh?)
(d) research how to properly use "apostrophes" and how to properly construct English sentences. It will make it easier for people to understand you.
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Is that why so many Democrats voted to support Bush? I believe UN Resoluton 1441 disagrees with your points.
You posts are going to mean little ... Keven is a liberaltarian.... Thats a democrat to much a coward to admit he is one.

(a) my name is "Kevin"
(b) "liberaltarian" is not a word
(c) it's possible to dislike the Authoritarian, Globalist policies of George W. Bush and not be a democrat (wow, what a concept eh?)
(d) research how to properly use "apostrophes" and how to properly construct English sentences. It will make it easier for people to understand you.
Awww did I upset the coward democrat? Yes just like every Occupy socialist asshole you blame Bush. Difference between them and you is they at least have the backbone to admit to being what they are.
You posts are going to mean little ... Keven is a liberaltarian.... Thats a democrat to much a coward to admit he is one.

(a) my name is "Kevin"
(b) "liberaltarian" is not a word
(c) it's possible to dislike the Authoritarian, Globalist policies of George W. Bush and not be a democrat (wow, what a concept eh?)
(d) research how to properly use "apostrophes" and how to properly construct English sentences. It will make it easier for people to understand you.
Awww did I upset the coward democrat? Yes just like every Occupy socialist asshole you blame Bush. Difference between them and you is they at least have the backbone to admit to being what they are.

Lol, ok Thanatos. I can see you're not ready for a big boy conversation yet. Continue to hide behind your namecalling like a 5th grader. It's sort of pathetic (are you an adult?), and I legitimately feel sorry for you. I really mean that too, lol.

I disliked Bush, and I dislike our current President Obama. They both are sellouts to special interests and did/do not act in the best interests of our country.
(a) my name is "Kevin"
(b) "liberaltarian" is not a word
(c) it's possible to dislike the Authoritarian, Globalist policies of George W. Bush and not be a democrat (wow, what a concept eh?)
(d) research how to properly use "apostrophes" and how to properly construct English sentences. It will make it easier for people to understand you.
Awww did I upset the coward democrat? Yes just like every Occupy socialist asshole you blame Bush. Difference between them and you is they at least have the backbone to admit to being what they are.

Lol, ok Thanatos. I can see you're not ready for a big boy conversation yet. Continue to hide behind your namecalling like a 5th grader. It's sort of pathetic (are you an adult?), and I legitimately feel sorry for you. I really mean that too, lol.

I disliked Bush, and I dislike our current President Obama. They both are sellouts to special interests and did/do not act in the best interests of our country.
So is every politician....
Awww did I upset the coward democrat? Yes just like every Occupy socialist asshole you blame Bush. Difference between them and you is they at least have the backbone to admit to being what they are.

Lol, ok Thanatos. I can see you're not ready for a big boy conversation yet. Continue to hide behind your namecalling like a 5th grader. It's sort of pathetic (are you an adult?), and I legitimately feel sorry for you. I really mean that too, lol.

I disliked Bush, and I dislike our current President Obama. They both are sellouts to special interests and did/do not act in the best interests of our country.
So is every politician....

Completely untrue.

And here's a challenge for you; explain why (using my posts from this thread) why I am a democrat.
Lol, ok Thanatos. I can see you're not ready for a big boy conversation yet. Continue to hide behind your namecalling like a 5th grader. It's sort of pathetic (are you an adult?), and I legitimately feel sorry for you. I really mean that too, lol.

I disliked Bush, and I dislike our current President Obama. They both are sellouts to special interests and did/do not act in the best interests of our country.
So is every politician....

Completely untrue.

And here's a challenge for you; explain why (using my posts from this thread) why I am a democrat.
LOL You want me to prove your a liar using only the lies in this thread? LOL I dont need to prove anything because all your posts in every thread says it all. I know you think you are acting the moderate LOL but you are not. Maybe you were in the Cult Of Paul....So were many democrats LOL

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