Bush Numbers Until Democrats took Control of Congress.

a couple of proffs in Canada are better than our WHOLE intelligence system?

you guys are unbelievable
Well I'm glad to see you dropped the last bit of bullshit you were trying to pass.

Dude do you understand anything about economics?

The economy was already on the brink and the job loss and market fall had already begun and that is why they won election?

Look you really need to go back to your boss and tell him/her that this shit they have asked you to try and make fly is falling flat on its face in the light of facts.

You are failing to make a cogent point my friend!

Are you argueing how the rate of unemployment began to spike when the Dems took over Congress?

Please focus!

You can do it...


I am Truthmatters - strong within me the Force it is!
How many were on US soil?
Several, 93 world trade center, and the embassey attacks (which are US soil).

You wanna talk about the foriegn attacks while Bush was in office?
You make the stupid attempt all blind partisans make, because you know you can't defend a Democrat you assume I defend Bush and you try to attack.

Get it through your head leftwit, I'm not a blind partsian and Bush is a douchebag.

That doesn't change one iota of the fact that Clinton DID NOT 'keep us safe.'

You are failing to make a cogent point my friend!

Are you argueing how the rate of unemployment began to spike when the Dems took over Congress?

Please focus!

You can do it...


I am Truthmatters - strong within me the Force it is!


Now why dont you address the information I gave you?
How many were on US soil?
Several, 93 world trade center, and the embassey attacks (which are US soil).the 93 attack happened 20 days into Clintons watch how many embassy attacks happened on bush's watch?

You wanna talk about the foriegn attacks while Bush was in office?
You make the stupid attempt all blind partisans make, because you know you can't defend a Democrat you assume I defend Bush and you try to attack.You are not the only person I was talking to, get over yourself.

Get it through your head leftwit, I'm not a blind partsian and Bush is a douchebag.

That doesn't change one iota of the fact that Clinton DID NOT 'keep us safe.'

I did not say there were no attacks under Clinton, if you had pain attention you would realise I said that Bush had more attacks. The NIE agrees with me.
You are a nut. GOP policies did not create this mess. Dem policies did, spearheaded by a Dem congress, and exacerbated by the panic induced by Dems.

Then don't go saying in 4 years that Obama's success is due to anything the GOP did in 2000-2006.

But you will, because Rush will tell you and you will repeat like the good little parrot you are.

Panic? What spin. So Bush/McCain lied to us for our own good when they said the economy was strong?

And Bush thought if he played dumb when he acted like he didn't know gas was $4, then maybe that would fool us?

You are what is wrong with America. I don't even blame the GOP. They have their agenda. SERVE RICH PEOPLE. It's people like you that have allowed the rich to ruin the country. Now your kids and grandkids will be slaves to the Corporations. You are truly dumb as a bag of fucking rocks.
I did not say there were no attacks under Clinton, if you had pain attention you would realise I said that Bush had more attacks. The NIE agrees with me.
Who cares?

That doesn't mean 'Clinton kept us safe' because he did not.
Then don't go saying in 4 years that Obama's success is due to anything the GOP did in . Now your kids and grandkids will be slaves to the Corporations. You are truly dumb as a bag of fucking rocks.[/QUOTE]

Pedantic cursing aside, perhaps a bit of truth to light your darkness...


Microsoft and Google execs donate $450,000 to the Obama inauguration - Computerworld Blogs

The Volokh Conspiracy - Corporations Give More Money to Democrats:

Well imagine that!

It's ok - just don't let them fool you twice!

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