Bush Tax Cuts, That Did No Prevent Recession, To Be Extended To Prevent. .Oh Dear!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
At last on the national scale it deserves, there is finally a job for. . . "The Looooone, White Man!"

Tune in, and see if he's dead yet!

Famously George Bush II, Term I, knew that a tax cut was needed in a recession, to prevent a downturn. So several times Bush II, Term I, tried tax cuts. Famously, they didn't work! Upwards of 40% of federal income tax filers already had no federal income tax liability, and so they got no tax cut. What did not work is that the rich got a tax cut.

Osama bin laden, in fact, even had to send over 19 dead no-accounts: To fly into New York City Buildings! A pittance of procurements money was spent in Afghanistan. The troops finally discovered that the place was dirt poor, and that Osama bin laden had escaped into Pakistan. That would would allow George Bush II, Term I, to invade Iraq instead! If his rich benefactor was headed thataway, then it made sense for the troops to go the other way!

The whole show was actually: Alive and Well!

And then infamously(?): That didn't work and the tax cuts that didn't work: Were unable to prevent a major new downturn: Even Again! That happened even after a new round of rebates, and then more intervention at Federal Reserve, and then through TARP: Which famously became more bonuses for the very richest of the bankers, who were still in business(?)! That clearly wasn't enough! A Stimulus would have to happen(?)!

The whole show was actually: Still alive and well!

Born of white and black alike(?): Millions needed to see the Birth Certificate! Things like that do simply not occur, especially in America, Now! Obama came into office, and sent billions to the doctors and nurses, and also to the state and local bureaucrats, teachers, and other employees. In fact, most of it was sent there, to preserve their jobs! About $120.0 bil. went into Schedule M, refundable tax credits, of about $400.00 per person. Retirees got $250.0 checks. The Cascade of Job Losses stopped. Even doctors, teachers, bureaucrats and people with guns--carried in oirder to shoot U. S. Nationals--got to keep their jobs. Still, it was the "Looooone: Half-White Man" at work!

No one brought that up(?), and so that program will now expire(?). The debate continues over the Bush Tax Cuts that didn't work twice, and then even again after having already failed, and actually, twice--after the other two failures.

This was a job for: "The Loooooooone, White Man(?)!" It is now in its tenth, and on-going season: If kind of hanging on, there: By about a half a. . . .wit, or something!

Mainly, Liberals are oblivious, to the message back sent, nationwide!

Actually, it is the arithmetic that doesn't work(?), as though it could, ever(?)! Millions can agree that in fact arithmetic has never worked a day in its life(?)! "Nothing Normal," is about to rule: Even again in the devasted land: Left over from the Party of Abraham Lincoln!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now send into Writers Guild for Snappy New Negro Dialect, and into Central Casting for Snappy New. . . .act to end the series! Soap this is not! Flakes, this is all about, and even soapy. . . and even blue!)
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It's time for a >>Fast-Forward>>.....​

November 30, 2010

"President Barack Obama said on Tuesday there was still disagreement with Republicans on whether to extend Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and that he asked two top advisers to help negotiate a deal.

Obama said he appointed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and budget director Jack Lew to work with congressional Republicans and Democrats to come up with a deal in the coming days to prevent broad tax increases from occurring next year.

"We should work to make sure that taxes will not go up by thousands of dollars on hard-working middle-class Americans come January 1, which would be disastrous for those families but also could be crippling for the economy," Obama told reporters after a meeting with congressional leaders at the White House.

If no agreement is reachedhttp://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6A44K020101130, all tax-paying Americans would see higher bills next year, which would increase pressure on Washington to act and give Republicans a chance to score a win by making tax cuts their first order of business when taking control of the House of Representatives in January."

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....WILL The Boner start yellin' "NO!!", any time soon??????

We need to cut taxes even deeper for everyone. I'm on the side of the people, not the government.
Come on, everybody knows people do better with less disposable income!

Get with the program. They'll just spend it... oh, but wait....
Come on, everybody knows people do better with less disposable income!

Get with the program. They'll just spend it... oh, but wait....

You've changed my mind!!!!!!!!!! I want to give up 90 percent of my check to the government because they go the extra mile for all of us. They are so wonderful.
One sure way to keep spending money in the disposable income pockets: Is to extend the Obama Make-Work-Pay, refundable income tax credit.

Likely more than 45% of income tax filers could care less if the Bush Tax Cuts, which didn't work so many times, are extended or not. They get nothing from the GOP/Tea Party/Bush tax cuts: Including from their start.

Those people got the dust from falling buildings, on 9/11, and the first great diversion, from infrastructue spending, that the Ivy League could come up with. There were two basis-free. foreign invasions, not just one.

And the Ivy League, basically: Lived Long and Prospered. Some Hollywood Liberals: Lived Long and Prospered. Colored. . . .Musicians: Lived Long And Prospered! It was a whole lot like the "Reagan Trajectory," that the Ivy League Liberals. . . .Had Promised!

It was simply now, "High Noon!" in America!

The money put into the paychecks from the Refundable Tax Credit, comes out again as the very first Act of GOP/Tea Party/Bush new year, 2011, in the U. S. House of Representatives. All those state and local Republcians, will have even less of a tax base to work with: Than before.

See above, and before even that. The Tax Cuts for the Rich don't work!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Send Squaw Into Garden. . .Near Great White Mansion. . .To show all America, how things work!)
I like the Bush tax cuts. I too think they should cut taxes even deeper. For those of you that want to increase taxes, why not just mail the government a check for whatever you think you should be paying in taxes and leave the rest of us sane people alone?
The GOP/Tea Party famously said "No!' to the Tax Cuts in the Democratic, Liberal Stimulus Bill, which has results posted at the ARRA website. The Total of the Tax Benefits was $288.0 bil., which the Tea Party / GOP leaders all demanded that their people vote to Take Away from the people.

Anyone with the concept that extending the Bush Tax cuts will benefit all of the people is not computing. Barely 50% of the income tax filers, will be affected. The GOP / Tea Party has already said "No!" to the Tax Relief for the nearly other 50% that was in the Obama, Liberal Democratic Party Stimulus Bills.

The GOP / Tea Party demands that now "Nothing Normal" is to be in charge! There will be no increase of disposable income for most Americans, since GOP / Tea Party has already said a resounding, "Yes!" to get rid of all of the Stimlulus Tax Benefits, and without exceptions!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Don't Tax You! Don't Tax Me! Tax Working Squaw, Behind Nearest Tree!)
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Bush's justification in 2001 for the tax cuts was SPECIFICALLY to get rid of the surplus. His cockeyed rationale was that if there existed a surplus, the politicians wouldn't use it to pay down the debt, they would just spend it on something else.

Ironically, Bush and the GOP congress passed tax cuts and then went ahead and spent the money they then DIDN"T have, on other stuff. Two wars and a huge expansion of Medicare, all unpaid for, and all now being blamed on Obama.

BTW, those wars were the first in our history that the people were not taxed to pay for. And now they will in all likelihood never be paid for, but will simply be carried as a perpetual credit card balance that the taxpayers will pay interest on,

long after you're dead.
I like the Bush tax cuts. I too think they should cut taxes even deeper. For those of you that want to increase taxes, why not just mail the government a check for whatever you think you should be paying in taxes and leave the rest of us sane people alone?

Who owes the 12 trilliion in national debt that has accumulated?
At last on the national scale it deserves, there is finally a job for. . . "The Looooone, White Man!"

Tune in, and see if he's dead yet!

Famously George Bush II, Term I, knew that a tax cut was needed in a recession, to prevent a downturn. So several times Bush II, Term I, tried tax cuts. Famously, they didn't work! Upwards of 40% of federal income tax filers already had no federal income tax liability, and so they got no tax cut. What did not work is that the rich got a tax cut.

Osama bin laden, in fact, even had to send over 19 dead no-accounts: To fly into New York City Buildings! A pittance of procurements money was spent in Afghanistan. The troops finally discovered that the place was dirt poor, and that Osama bin laden had escaped into Pakistan. That would would allow George Bush II, Term I, to invade Iraq instead! If his rich benefactor was headed thataway, then it made sense for the troops to go the other way!

The whole show was actually: Alive and Well!

And then infamously(?): That didn't work and the tax cuts that didn't work: Were unable to prevent a major new downturn: Even Again! That happened even after a new round of rebates, and then more intervention at Federal Reserve, and then through TARP: Which famously became more bonuses for the very richest of the bankers, who were still in business(?)! That clearly wasn't enough! A Stimulus would have to happen(?)!

The whole show was actually: Still alive and well!

Born of white and black alike(?): Millions needed to see the Birth Certificate! Things like that do simply not occur, especially in America, Now! Obama came into office, and sent billions to the doctors and nurses, and also to the state and local bureaucrats, teachers, and other employees. In fact, most of it was sent there, to preserve their jobs! About $120.0 bil. went into Schedule M, refundable tax credits, of about $400.00 per person. Retirees got $250.0 checks. The Cascade of Job Losses stopped. Even doctors, teachers, bureaucrats and people with guns--carried in oirder to shoot U. S. Nationals--got to keep their jobs. Still, it was the "Looooone: Half-White Man" at work!

No one brought that up(?), and so that program will now expire(?). The debate continues over the Bush Tax Cuts that didn't work twice, and then even again after having already failed, and actually, twice--after the other two failures.

This was a job for: "The Loooooooone, White Man(?)!" It is now in its tenth, and on-going season: If kind of hanging on, there: By about a half a. . . .wit, or something!

Mainly, Liberals are oblivious, to the message back sent, nationwide!

Actually, it is the arithmetic that doesn't work(?), as though it could, ever(?)! Millions can agree that in fact arithmetic has never worked a day in its life(?)! "Nothing Normal," is about to rule: Even again in the devasted land: Left over from the Party of Abraham Lincoln!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now send into Writers Guild for Snappy New Negro Dialect, and into Central Casting for Snappy New. . . .act to end the series! Soap this is not! Flakes, this is all about, and even soapy. . . and even blue!)
The Bush tax cuts passed in 01 and refined in 03 were not passed to prevent a recession they were passed to get us out of a recession, and the recession that had begun was about to be amplified by the 9/11 attacks. Recall that Wall Street was closed down for 4 days, flying by the public was off, and business had slowed. The president asked us to go ahead and fly, buy, and otherwise do the business that keeps the country going; the tax reductions had already been passed in June, I believe.

His tax cuts removed many low earners from personal income tax liabilities, other than payroll taxes which finance their own social security accounts and their medicare premiums.
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American Horse poster needs to notice that measures are taken in a recession to prevent a downturn, and from getting worse!

The problem with the two Bush Tax Cuts is that no such outcome was expected, even by supporters.

The Bush Tax Cuts and Economic Growth - CBS MoneyWatch.com

The reduction of the Capital Gains tax was seen as at least intended to create an upturn, and by supply side standards. That was 2003. That didnt' work. Only 19 dead no-accounts, blowing up only two tall buildings, are alleged to have been the equal to a nuclear level devastation(?)! There was a temporary delay.

The supply side contention about government spending as being limited to paper clips is far too narrow a framework in which to suggest yea or nay about anything. Cash for Clunkers was all about creating spending for something other than paper clips. The Make-Work-Pay refundable income tax credit was not about paper clips. That was government spending, directly for personal consumption.

The recent failure to increase infrastructure projects is largely what the new Republican Statehouses have to contend with. There in fact was no tax base created.

Extending the Capital Gains rate, fior the already enriched: Mainly keeps the status quo in place, and creates nothing new. That will help keep matters aat where they stand right now. The rich have so much that they are banding together: To even give billions away! They don't need the money! They will not be investing! It is on all the newscasts, even at FOX!

The elimination of the Stimulus Tax Benefits then takes matters as they stand all away. The Stimulus Tax Benefits are in addition to the failed Bush GOP Tea Party Lunatic agenda. That bunch intends that the benefits be taken away! That takes customers, out of the stores. The Rich are not investing, but doing things for charity. It is on the newscasts. Even that is not what is was when Bush was asking for the tax cuts. The rich have enough already, and especially: Now!

Raise The Taxes, However! That is about the "Nothing Normal," that The GOP/Tea Party Agenda, now clearly intends! It is even intended as their Act One! With the rich taking their part away, then the GOP/Tea party, "Northing Normal:" Will also take the disposable income away from the shopkeepers in the stores.

No more customers: Is GOP/Tea Party, "Nothing Normal," Act One!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Squaws Now Find Higher Sales Taxes! Go Into Gardens, Even At Great White Mansion, instead! Screw GOP, now in the statehouses: Who don't want people spending any money, anyway!)

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