

Big D

Bush is a president for the smart hardworking rich folks of America, we need a president like this to help us rid America from poor lazy saps who constantly try to leach off the fruits of the hardworking.

The people who complain about Bush are just crying because the government teat is being pulled from there mouth.

The smart rich and hardworking people deserve to be rewarded.

Pick a REAL candidate.

Bush Support for Extreme Liberal Specter Shows President Puts Party over Principle, Says Constitution Party Candidate Peroutka

4/19/2004 3:53:00 PM

To: National Desk

Contact: John Lofton, 301-873-4612 or 410-766-8591, Web: http://www.Peroutka2004.com

WASHINGTON, April 19 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following statement is from Michael Anthony Peroutka, Constitution Party Presidential candidate:

By actively campaigning in Pennsylvania to support extreme liberal Sen. Arlen Specter against a conservative opponent, President Bush has put party over principle. If re-elected, Specter is in line to be Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. This would be a serious setback for Constitutional, conservative government since Specter's record shows that he is an enemy of both.

If President Bush was truly a man of principle, he could never support Arlen Specter's re-election and, in fact, would be working hard against him, and for his conservative opponent.

President Bush has denounced "activist judges" and "activist courts." But, Specter supports what is arguably the most evil "activist court" decision in our history -- the Roe vs. Wade decision which "legalized" abortion and destroyed the lives of more than 40 million innocent, unborn children. Specter is also for partial-birth abortion which is really infanticide. He's for taxpayer-funding of abortion. And he's against parental notification before abortions.

In addition, Specter led the effort to stop Robert Bork from becoming a U.S. Supreme Court justice but he voted for the far- Left liberal Ruth Bader Ginzburg to become a high-court justice. He refused to vote for the impeachment of Bill Clinton. And he opposed giving the Boy Scouts access to schools and Federal buildings unless they agreed to allow homosexuals Scout leaders.

In another trip to Pennsylvania, in November of 2002, President Bush thanked Specter for working with him on many big issues such as "to make sure the federal judiciary is staffed and full of fine, fine people." But, Arlen Specter, because of his extreme liberal views, is not a person who should be staffing the Federal judiciary or any judiciary.

As President, I would never put my party over my principles.



/© 2004 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/
Originally posted by Big D
Bush is a president for the smart hardworking rich folks of America, we need a president like this to help us rid America from poor lazy saps who constantly try to leach off the fruits of the hardworking.

The people who complain about Bush are just crying because the government teat is being pulled from there mouth.

The smart rich and hardworking people deserve to be rewarded.


I agree with you on this point. But not on your other views. So ill get that straight first.

The great thing about America is the Freedom of choice. You can choose to be a successful millionaire or you can choose to be a complete failure. It all depends how much you wanna work at it. If you bust your ass off, put in 18 hour days, work 3 jobs to achieve your goals chances are that you'll get there. If all you want to do is have things handed to you, chances are you wont be getting a million dollar a year job. It doesnt matter what environment you grew up in.

Everyone has the opportunity to succeed. It just depends how bad they want it. To say that because a black child that grows up in the inner city has no shot is Defeatism. It gives the child an excuse to not try. Cause if he doesnt try he can just blame it on society and say "well they said i wouldnt make it." You hear almost every story of how a millionaire made his fortune, you'll hear a story of how they ignored people that said they couldnt do it. That they wouldnt get there. That they might as well give up because the odds were against them. They worked past the odds and past everything to get where they were. Nothing was handed to them. They made everything they had.

To say that the government should hand everything to you without any sense of achievement doesnt create a better society, it makes the society implode. The weight of the many lazy people is carried by the few hardworking individuals. When the hardworking people finally realize whats the point if im just going to give my money away and stop working hard, where then does the money come from? Thats why socialism and communism dont work. No incentive to work or better yourself.

True, Bush is doing this because Specter can help him grab PA. I DO NOT agree with Dubya on every issue. Bush is also entirely too nice sometimes. Specter is a liberal, Bush for some bizzare reason wants liberals to like him, this will never happen. Even if tommorrow he surrenders to the terrorists. I am campaigning for Congressman Toomey and know we won't win, but we must protest Specter. This is one of Dubya's tragic flaws, wanting everyone to like him.

God bless
Originally posted by Gop guy
True, Bush is doing this because Specter can help him grab PA. I DO NOT agree with Dubya on every issue. Bush is also entirely too nice sometimes. Specter is a liberal, Bush for some bizzare reason wants liberals to like him, this will never happen. Even if tommorrow he surrenders to the terrorists. I am campaigning for Congressman Toomey and know we won't win, but we must protest Specter. This is one of Dubya's tragic flaws, wanting everyone to like him.

God bless

Bush and other Republican senators are seeing the political edge nationally. They are carefully endorsing Spector with quotes like "Hes been with us on the IMPORTANT issues". They dont want to lose the Senate seat to a democrat.

With that said, this is a Republic for a reason. We vote to be represented by the person that fits our ideals the best. I think Toomey is a true conservative and its time for a change. If toomey loses the election to the Democratic nominee then so be it. Thats why we vote. We want to change things. Theres really no difference with having a Democratic Liberal or a Republican Liberal. So i'm voting for Toomey.
Originally posted by insein
Bush and other Republican senators are seeing the political edge nationally. They are carefully endorsing Spector with quotes like "Hes been with us on the IMPORTANT issues". They dont want to lose the Senate seat to a democrat.

With that said, this is a Republic for a reason. We vote to be represented by the person that fits our ideals the best. I think Toomey is a true conservative and its time for a change. If toomey loses the election to the Democratic nominee then so be it. Thats why we vote. We want to change things. Theres really no difference with having a Democratic Liberal or a Republican Liberal. So i'm voting for Toomey.

So am I!
Originally posted by insein
I agree with you on this point. But not on your other views. So ill get that straight first.

The great thing about America is the Freedom of choice. You can choose to be a successful millionaire or you can choose to be a complete failure. It all depends how much you wanna work at it. If you bust your ass off, put in 18 hour days, work 3 jobs to achieve your goals chances are that you'll get there. If all you want to do is have things handed to you, chances are you wont be getting a million dollar a year job. It doesnt matter what environment you grew up in.

Everyone has the opportunity to succeed. It just depends how bad they want it. To say that because a black child that grows up in the inner city has no shot is Defeatism. It gives the child an excuse to not try. Cause if he doesnt try he can just blame it on society and say "well they said i wouldnt make it." You hear almost every story of how a millionaire made his fortune, you'll hear a story of how they ignored people that said they couldnt do it. That they wouldnt get there. That they might as well give up because the odds were against them. They worked past the odds and past everything to get where they were. Nothing was handed to them. They made everything they had.

To say that the government should hand everything to you without any sense of achievement doesnt create a better society, it makes the society implode. The weight of the many lazy people is carried by the few hardworking individuals. When the hardworking people finally realize whats the point if im just going to give my money away and stop working hard, where then does the money come from? Thats why socialism and communism dont work. No incentive to work or better yourself.
I totaly agree!
Originally posted by Big D
Bush is a president for the smart hardworking rich folks of America, we need a president like this to help us rid America from poor lazy saps who constantly try to leach off the fruits of the hardworking.

I see... so dumb and poor people don't deserve representation?
Unlike laziness these are not neccesarily things that can be helped...
Big D - glad to see you posting in other topics. I knew there was more to you! :)
Take one guess as to what poor and lazy translates to in his world.
Originally posted by nycflasher
I see... so dumb and poor people don't deserve representation?
Unlike laziness these are not neccesarily things that can be helped...
You are doing a fine job of that representation.
Originally posted by Big D
You are doing a fine job of that representation.

Go ahead, avoid the issue.
Sticks and stones...
memories of second grade :p:
Originally posted by nycflasher
Go ahead, avoid the issue.
Sticks and stones...
memories of second grade :p:
Thats because I never said anything about dumb people, just lazy and poor.

OCA, In the last couple of days all the posts and arguments you have had with others, is overwelming proof of your stupidity.
LMAO OMG coming from you? Are you serious? Hey I must be doing something right because you are candidate for most bitter, insignificant man in USA.
Originally posted by Big D
Bush is a president for the smart hardworking rich folks of America, we need a president like this to help us rid America from poor lazy saps who constantly try to leach off the fruits of the hardworking.

The people who complain about Bush are just crying because the government teat is being pulled from there mouth.

The smart rich and hardworking people deserve to be rewarded.


Fucknuts, you said that this is what the smart, rich and hardworking people deserved.

The opposite of smart is dumb.

You think YOU deserve something.

My people ask what we can do for our country...who is looking for handouts now, biatch :p:

Awe...poor Big D "deserves" to be rewarded.
You deserve nothing.
Your kids deserve adoption.
Over and out.
Originally posted by OCA
LMAO OMG coming from you? Are you serious? Hey I must be doing something right because you are candidate for most bitter, insignificant man in USA.
I maybe a candidate, but you are clearly the winner.

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