Bust Up the US No Go Zones

I posted when this thread started and it took off overnight. What I find amusing is the "if you don't believe in no go zones you're a liberal" line over and over, even from people I otherwise respect, such as S.J. I don't believe in them because they don't exist. But these are the same guys who make fun of Al Gore warning about Manbearpig, and he's super serial about it.

But it's more than that. People are eager to believe and proliferate conspiracy theories about those they hate. I've been accused often of hating Muslims because of my scathing criticism of them. But I actually prove I don't hate them (or anyone for that matter) by rejecting conspiracy theories and insisting that all criticism of American Muslims be based on the truth.

These guys are flying a banner saying "I hate Muslims", especially that Jeremiah guy who thinks himself more Christian than I.

There is a real and valid threat from Islamic terror throughout the world, but there are no no-go zones in the USA, and with the combined work of DSH / FBI / CIA and NSA, I am pretty sure that the good guys know where bad guys are in our Union.

What protectionist proposes is nothing less than fascism. If I allow someone to curtail the religious rights of Muslims (and believe me, I have no love of the Kuran, to be sure) just because of the "suspicion" of something, then when will I be next?

Plus, he never addressed the issue of private property vs. public property, but I think that is very important with this issue overall.

The land of America was dedicated to God. Not Baal Allah. I believe permitting their altars of Baal (Mosques) to be on American soil is bringing a curse upon the land. Just as I believe the murder of 50 million babies has brought a curse on the land. Gay Pride Parades, the glorying in evil - calling evil good and good evil, the acceleration of lawlessness, godless communism, siding with Israel's enemies and turning our back on Israel in her time of need - all of these things and more are bringing curses upon the land.

When George Washington dedicated America to God at the site where Ground Zero took place, he had no idea that one day we would permit altars of Baal to be erected on American soil. No idea. The founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves right now. Does that sound politically correct? Of course not. The Word of God is not politically correct. He would have been considered politically incorrect by much of the Israeli people today who have permitted Al Asqa Mosque to sit on the temple mount and idolaters to dwell among them. It is what it is and it is in God's hands to bring judgment on America for these decisions to turn their back on Him - when He decides. God is holy. God is not a God that takes Baal worship lightly. In America, we have now gone so far as to legitimize Satanism as a religion. It's an abomination to the LORD to do such things and one day America will reap the consequences of that via a Russian invasion, jihad in America, communist invasion - because He will have decided its time and lift His hedge of protection. The only reason it has not happened already is His mercy. He is giving people in this country time to repent. You should look up Jonathan Cahn's Inaugural address at prayer breakfast and realize that the warning to the Wicked has already been delivered - which God always requires before judgment - see Ezekiel 3: 18,19 - see the story of Jonah - Ninevah repented and 100 yrs later in Nahum you see them return to their sin and be destroyed - yes, Washington has been warned and Obama didn't even show up for the breakfast - what was Jonathans message? A warning for what is coming and to turn from sin now. Washington has been warned. America is under judgment.
Your "Manifest Destiny" killed thousands of my people. While you were pretending that you were the new Israel entering the Promise Land, in real life, those Canaanites were us, being slaughtered for your make believe fantasy. You have no room to criticize the Catholic Church. You have dangerous religious beliefs, the kind that kill people.

Manifest destiny? I have never heard of it before. Your talking to the wrong poster. Read the quotes and follow who says what. You're lost here.
Oh....then I never heard of the Inquisition. See what I did there?

I can give you links to the Inquisition and the holocaust all day long. Where is your link that connects Born again Christians to this manifest destiny you speak of? Put up your source and your link or be quiet. You've got nothing and you know it.
As I suspected. No link, no source, nothing but false accusations. Listen up. You were on the right track when you realized your pope is a Communist. Now keep following the history of the Roman Catholic church from an independent source - jack chick thread would be a great one - and educate yourself on why the Catholicism is not Christianity. You cannot find salvation in the Roman Catholic Church. You need to leave it - just as the Muslims need to leave Islam because there is no salvation in Islam either. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Not a demon god named Mary, not Mohammad, not Baal Allah, not Buddah........ Jesus died on a cross for your sins. Jesus shed his blood on the cross for your sins. You must be born again. Read John 3:16. You need Jesus.
Still waiting. How long does it take you to find a link? What? Are you going to write your own story? Any time now....
Now we hear about Muslim camps with members practicing how to kidnap victims, combat training, fabrication of explosives. Where is the FBI?

The internment camps were used after Americans were attacked on their own soil. If there were a jihadist attack on a mass scale it is possible the government would opt to open them up and use them. Until then - I do not think it would ever happen. What the Senators, Congressmen, Governors need to push for is the Military to go in and find Sheik Gehlani and find out why he is writing poems encouraging the mass murder of American citizens which he refers to as Kafirs. Then all the Muslims who have been living on his compounds and have been training in jihad should be taken to Gitmo for investigation and if there is nothing there? Send them back to the country they came from. It is sheer insanity to permit over 2 dozen jihadist training camps on American soil to continue on until the day they use their skills against the American people. They need to find out who these people are and the Pakistani leader definitely needs to be investigated.
There is a real and valid threat from Islamic terror throughout the world, but there are no no-go zones in the USA, and with the combined work of DSH / FBI / CIA and NSA, I am pretty sure that the good guys know where bad guys are in our Union.

What protectionist proposes is nothing less than fascism. If I allow someone to curtail the religious rights of Muslims (and believe me, I have no love of the Kuran, to be sure) just because of the "suspicion" of something, then when will I be next?

Plus, he never addressed the issue of private property vs. public property, but I think that is very important with this issue overall.

The land of America was dedicated to God. Not Baal Allah. I believe permitting their altars of Baal (Mosques) to be on American soil is bringing a curse upon the land. Just as I believe the murder of 50 million babies has brought a curse on the land. Gay Pride Parades, the glorying in evil - calling evil good and good evil, the acceleration of lawlessness, godless communism, siding with Israel's enemies and turning our back on Israel in her time of need - all of these things and more are bringing curses upon the land.

When George Washington dedicated America to God at the site where Ground Zero took place, he had no idea that one day we would permit altars of Baal to be erected on American soil. No idea. The founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves right now. Does that sound politically correct? Of course not. The Word of God is not politically correct. He would have been considered politically incorrect by much of the Israeli people today who have permitted Al Asqa Mosque to sit on the temple mount and idolaters to dwell among them. It is what it is and it is in God's hands to bring judgment on America for these decisions to turn their back on Him - when He decides. God is holy. God is not a God that takes Baal worship lightly. In America, we have now gone so far as to legitimize Satanism as a religion. It's an abomination to the LORD to do such things and one day America will reap the consequences of that via a Russian invasion, jihad in America, communist invasion - because He will have decided its time and lift His hedge of protection. The only reason it has not happened already is His mercy. He is giving people in this country time to repent. You should look up Jonathan Cahn's Inaugural address at prayer breakfast and realize that the warning to the Wicked has already been delivered - which God always requires before judgment - see Ezekiel 3: 18,19 - see the story of Jonah - Ninevah repented and 100 yrs later in Nahum you see them return to their sin and be destroyed - yes, Washington has been warned and Obama didn't even show up for the breakfast - what was Jonathans message? A warning for what is coming and to turn from sin now. Washington has been warned. America is under judgment.
Your "Manifest Destiny" killed thousands of my people. While you were pretending that you were the new Israel entering the Promise Land, in real life, those Canaanites were us, being slaughtered for your make believe fantasy. You have no room to criticize the Catholic Church. You have dangerous religious beliefs, the kind that kill people.

Islam came out of the Roman church. Khadija - Mohammad's first wife was a devout Catholic. You'd better have a closer look at the relationship with your Pope and Islam and while you're at it look at the roots of Communism too. I do not have any dangerous religious beliefs. Your church is the one that mass murdered hundreds of thousands of people including my brothers and sisters during the inquistion. The history of the Roman Catholic Church is mass murder and forced conversions. Sound familiar? It should. That is why the Vatican is reading the Quran and having Islamic prayer meetings. You are quite naive. Wake up.
The more you talk, the more the kook is revealed. You can't take responsibility for your murderous Manifest Destiny but you sure can go Boettner all over the Catholic Church. Take the plank out of your own eye and you'll see clearly to remove the speck from mine.

I'm a born again Christian and we have nothing called the Manifest Destiny. We have the Holy Bible and while I understand your religion despises it and even kept the Holy Bible from their own people for most of its history - it is not a dangerous book. It is the way to salvation.

We don't have any inquisitions or holocausts in our history. We don't own armies as the Roman Catholics have been known to do - Blackwater ops and all that - we have the Word of God in our mouth. For that your church nailed the tongues of Christians to the roofs of their mouths in fear they would preach the gospel. You people call it the Doctrine of Lea - clean up your own backyard - the Roman Church is the enemy of Christ and idolaters just as much as Muslims are.
You think Blackwater Ops is an army of the Catholic Church? This is just precious!

You should read up on Manifest Destiny. It was people just like you, who dreamed it up to justify the slaughter of Indians. I'm sure you'll glow with approval. When you talk about America being dedicated to Christ, you use the same language.
The land of America was dedicated to God. Not Baal Allah. I believe permitting their altars of Baal (Mosques) to be on American soil is bringing a curse upon the land. Just as I believe the murder of 50 million babies has brought a curse on the land. Gay Pride Parades, the glorying in evil - calling evil good and good evil, the acceleration of lawlessness, godless communism, siding with Israel's enemies and turning our back on Israel in her time of need - all of these things and more are bringing curses upon the land.

When George Washington dedicated America to God at the site where Ground Zero took place, he had no idea that one day we would permit altars of Baal to be erected on American soil. No idea. The founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves right now. Does that sound politically correct? Of course not. The Word of God is not politically correct. He would have been considered politically incorrect by much of the Israeli people today who have permitted Al Asqa Mosque to sit on the temple mount and idolaters to dwell among them. It is what it is and it is in God's hands to bring judgment on America for these decisions to turn their back on Him - when He decides. God is holy. God is not a God that takes Baal worship lightly. In America, we have now gone so far as to legitimize Satanism as a religion. It's an abomination to the LORD to do such things and one day America will reap the consequences of that via a Russian invasion, jihad in America, communist invasion - because He will have decided its time and lift His hedge of protection. The only reason it has not happened already is His mercy. He is giving people in this country time to repent. You should look up Jonathan Cahn's Inaugural address at prayer breakfast and realize that the warning to the Wicked has already been delivered - which God always requires before judgment - see Ezekiel 3: 18,19 - see the story of Jonah - Ninevah repented and 100 yrs later in Nahum you see them return to their sin and be destroyed - yes, Washington has been warned and Obama didn't even show up for the breakfast - what was Jonathans message? A warning for what is coming and to turn from sin now. Washington has been warned. America is under judgment.
Your "Manifest Destiny" killed thousands of my people. While you were pretending that you were the new Israel entering the Promise Land, in real life, those Canaanites were us, being slaughtered for your make believe fantasy. You have no room to criticize the Catholic Church. You have dangerous religious beliefs, the kind that kill people.

Islam came out of the Roman church. Khadija - Mohammad's first wife was a devout Catholic. You'd better have a closer look at the relationship with your Pope and Islam and while you're at it look at the roots of Communism too. I do not have any dangerous religious beliefs. Your church is the one that mass murdered hundreds of thousands of people including my brothers and sisters during the inquistion. The history of the Roman Catholic Church is mass murder and forced conversions. Sound familiar? It should. That is why the Vatican is reading the Quran and having Islamic prayer meetings. You are quite naive. Wake up.
The more you talk, the more the kook is revealed. You can't take responsibility for your murderous Manifest Destiny but you sure can go Boettner all over the Catholic Church. Take the plank out of your own eye and you'll see clearly to remove the speck from mine.

I'm a born again Christian and we have nothing called the Manifest Destiny. We have the Holy Bible and while I understand your religion despises it and even kept the Holy Bible from their own people for most of its history - it is not a dangerous book. It is the way to salvation.

We don't have any inquisitions or holocausts in our history. We don't own armies as the Roman Catholics have been known to do - Blackwater ops and all that - we have the Word of God in our mouth. For that your church nailed the tongues of Christians to the roofs of their mouths in fear they would preach the gospel. You people call it the Doctrine of Lea - clean up your own backyard - the Roman Church is the enemy of Christ and idolaters just as much as Muslims are.
You think Blackwater Ops is an army of the Catholic Church? This is just precious!

You should read up on Manifest Destiny. It was people just like you, who dreamed it up to justify the slaughter of Indians. I'm sure you'll glow with approval. When you talk about America being dedicated to Christ, you use the same language.

Blackwater is on the Vatican payroll. I have first hand information that it is a fact they are on their payroll. They are paid very well too.
The land of America was dedicated to God. Not Baal Allah. I believe permitting their altars of Baal (Mosques) to be on American soil is bringing a curse upon the land. Just as I believe the murder of 50 million babies has brought a curse on the land. Gay Pride Parades, the glorying in evil - calling evil good and good evil, the acceleration of lawlessness, godless communism, siding with Israel's enemies and turning our back on Israel in her time of need - all of these things and more are bringing curses upon the land.

When George Washington dedicated America to God at the site where Ground Zero took place, he had no idea that one day we would permit altars of Baal to be erected on American soil. No idea. The founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves right now. Does that sound politically correct? Of course not. The Word of God is not politically correct. He would have been considered politically incorrect by much of the Israeli people today who have permitted Al Asqa Mosque to sit on the temple mount and idolaters to dwell among them. It is what it is and it is in God's hands to bring judgment on America for these decisions to turn their back on Him - when He decides. God is holy. God is not a God that takes Baal worship lightly. In America, we have now gone so far as to legitimize Satanism as a religion. It's an abomination to the LORD to do such things and one day America will reap the consequences of that via a Russian invasion, jihad in America, communist invasion - because He will have decided its time and lift His hedge of protection. The only reason it has not happened already is His mercy. He is giving people in this country time to repent. You should look up Jonathan Cahn's Inaugural address at prayer breakfast and realize that the warning to the Wicked has already been delivered - which God always requires before judgment - see Ezekiel 3: 18,19 - see the story of Jonah - Ninevah repented and 100 yrs later in Nahum you see them return to their sin and be destroyed - yes, Washington has been warned and Obama didn't even show up for the breakfast - what was Jonathans message? A warning for what is coming and to turn from sin now. Washington has been warned. America is under judgment.
Your "Manifest Destiny" killed thousands of my people. While you were pretending that you were the new Israel entering the Promise Land, in real life, those Canaanites were us, being slaughtered for your make believe fantasy. You have no room to criticize the Catholic Church. You have dangerous religious beliefs, the kind that kill people.

Islam came out of the Roman church. Khadija - Mohammad's first wife was a devout Catholic. You'd better have a closer look at the relationship with your Pope and Islam and while you're at it look at the roots of Communism too. I do not have any dangerous religious beliefs. Your church is the one that mass murdered hundreds of thousands of people including my brothers and sisters during the inquistion. The history of the Roman Catholic Church is mass murder and forced conversions. Sound familiar? It should. That is why the Vatican is reading the Quran and having Islamic prayer meetings. You are quite naive. Wake up.
The more you talk, the more the kook is revealed. You can't take responsibility for your murderous Manifest Destiny but you sure can go Boettner all over the Catholic Church. Take the plank out of your own eye and you'll see clearly to remove the speck from mine.

I'm a born again Christian and we have nothing called the Manifest Destiny. We have the Holy Bible and while I understand your religion despises it and even kept the Holy Bible from their own people for most of its history - it is not a dangerous book. It is the way to salvation.

We don't have any inquisitions or holocausts in our history. We don't own armies as the Roman Catholics have been known to do - Blackwater ops and all that - we have the Word of God in our mouth. For that your church nailed the tongues of Christians to the roofs of their mouths in fear they would preach the gospel. You people call it the Doctrine of Lea - clean up your own backyard - the Roman Church is the enemy of Christ and idolaters just as much as Muslims are.
You think Blackwater Ops is an army of the Catholic Church? This is just precious!

You should read up on Manifest Destiny. It was people just like you, who dreamed it up to justify the slaughter of Indians. I'm sure you'll glow with approval. When you talk about America being dedicated to Christ, you use the same language.

oh.. now I should "read up on Manifest Destiny".. that's rich. Where is that link and source that claims born again Christians in America have a Manifest Destiny? That I am a member of some group called Manifest Destiny. No where. Now you are telling me it is the history of cowboys and Indians. Unbelievable. You need to seek help.
I think this thread should live in infamy. Really, I do.
I may just come back every single day to *bump* it. :thup:
This thread, like those wonderful Ebola threads, has earned a special place in my heart.

Here we have a batshit crazy fruitloops loon who starts a thread, claiming that there are Islamic no-go zones for non-muslims in the USA, where Shariah law is being proclaimed.

The photos he, said loon, provided, in his second posting, however, were of Muslims in England, not America.

When asked for evidence, he could provide none. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

It's like the 2 year old child who closes his eyes and screams "you can't see me, you can't see me!"

The thread is loaded with evidence including videos. Stop LYING. It only makes you look like a jerk.

No evidence within the videos themselves....

The videos seem to be a concern to experts that have advised the State Department that Americans are in grave danger because of the existence of these camps. I think HLS should investigate it and perhaps they will once Holder finally steps down from his resignation over 5 months ago.
Wrong, Stat. The land cannot be used for terrorist training camps. No one is on a soap box. You're a Jew. Of all people you should know what Ezekiel 3: 18, 19 says! Warn the wicked! Otherwise? It's answer to God for not warning them. I've warned her. She is now going to answer to God with the full knowledge of the truth. It's up to her what she does from here.

And who says they are being used for terrorist training camps? Backed by what evidence? Who says that US law doesn't go there?

Remember, slick....just because some asshole with a video camera and a youtube account demands to be let into someone's home doesn't mean that said 'someone' is violating any laws by telling the asshole to go fuck himself.

That's not a 'Muslim no go zone'.


Jeremiah deliberately misunderstands that precisely because I am a JEW, I fight even harder for the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven, also for Muslims. Because Halakha demands that of me.

I have yet to find one Muslim enclave on public land where non-muslims are not allowed to enter and where Shariah law is proclaimed. And if Muslims do it on private property, I cannot and should not care. If they break US legal code in the process and land in jail for it, I don't care about that, either.
What you "find" and what exists is 2 different things. You're just not too good at finding things. Even when (like in this thread) they're placed right in front of your nose. And you don't WANT to find them, you won't.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
I am not convinced that Muslims-Only (Infidel No-Go) Zones exist in the United States.

I could be wrong, but I am having a great deal of difficulty believing in such assertions.

As much as I perceive Islam at-large to be a substantial cultural and philosophical and spiritual adversary to The West in general and the US in particular...

I also want to be damned-sure that any specific allegations have some credible basis in fact or in reasonable extensions of logic and deductive reasoning...

The sources that were cited in the OP do not exactly inspire confidence, with respect to the conclusions they draw, nor their objectivity nor veracity...

Translation: I, like a great many others, are willing to consider such assertions, but you 've gotta do better than Billy-Jo-Bob's Patriot Yellow Journalism Rag et al.

A lot better.

Awwwwww. How sweet! You just can't tell these weirdos what you really think. Lay them down softly........give them some respect.....legitimize their premise. You sound so reasonable!
I am not Muslim-friendly, with respect to either Militant Islam, nor Islam at-large, but I also do not wish to indict or accuse without reasonable evidence.

I do not know how to assert that position any differently than I just did, here.

Rather than throw monkey-poo, I would think you would be surprised and glad that even an Islam-basher wanted better supporting evidence.

Guess I was wrong... oh, well... no skin off my nose.
This thread has TONS of supporting evidence. People are entering the tread late, and not reading what has already been posted, READ

For some Americans they won't believe it until it's in their front yard - dragging their family out into the street for an open slaughter. Reminds me of how the Communists indoctrinate people in the west into a false concept of Communism - lull them to sleep - until the day they roll in with tanks and take over.

Funny, that's exactly the tactic that Adolph Hitler used to demonize Jews and then exterminate them. Do you realize with whom you just got into bed?

Shame on you.

Jeri says she loves us Jews.. as long a we accept her man god or go back to Israel so we can be annihilate by her man god, when he "returns . really sick fucks and twisted people
Your "Manifest Destiny" killed thousands of my people. While you were pretending that you were the new Israel entering the Promise Land, in real life, those Canaanites were us, being slaughtered for your make believe fantasy. You have no room to criticize the Catholic Church. You have dangerous religious beliefs, the kind that kill people.

Islam came out of the Roman church. Khadija - Mohammad's first wife was a devout Catholic. You'd better have a closer look at the relationship with your Pope and Islam and while you're at it look at the roots of Communism too. I do not have any dangerous religious beliefs. Your church is the one that mass murdered hundreds of thousands of people including my brothers and sisters during the inquistion. The history of the Roman Catholic Church is mass murder and forced conversions. Sound familiar? It should. That is why the Vatican is reading the Quran and having Islamic prayer meetings. You are quite naive. Wake up.
The more you talk, the more the kook is revealed. You can't take responsibility for your murderous Manifest Destiny but you sure can go Boettner all over the Catholic Church. Take the plank out of your own eye and you'll see clearly to remove the speck from mine.

I'm a born again Christian and we have nothing called the Manifest Destiny. We have the Holy Bible and while I understand your religion despises it and even kept the Holy Bible from their own people for most of its history - it is not a dangerous book. It is the way to salvation.

We don't have any inquisitions or holocausts in our history. We don't own armies as the Roman Catholics have been known to do - Blackwater ops and all that - we have the Word of God in our mouth. For that your church nailed the tongues of Christians to the roofs of their mouths in fear they would preach the gospel. You people call it the Doctrine of Lea - clean up your own backyard - the Roman Church is the enemy of Christ and idolaters just as much as Muslims are.
You think Blackwater Ops is an army of the Catholic Church? This is just precious!

You should read up on Manifest Destiny. It was people just like you, who dreamed it up to justify the slaughter of Indians. I'm sure you'll glow with approval. When you talk about America being dedicated to Christ, you use the same language.

Blackwater is on the Vatican payroll. I have first hand information that it is a fact they are on their payroll. They are paid very well too.
Keep talking, it saves me a lot of work to convince people you're BSC.
They have videotape footage of them training. You're a day late and a dollar short - as the saying goes.

Of who training? From when? Again, typing the words 'Terrorists' on a screen in a red font isn't evidence of jack shit. Typing the word 'Jihad camp' on the screen doesn't make it a 'Jihad Camp'.

Can you honestly not tell the difference between a mere accusation.....and actual evidence?

Hey! Are there really fish in the ocean ? You got any evidence ? Are there really lizards in Florida ? Prove it !!!!

Laughing....and where are those 'years and years of documents from the FBI and DOJ that say that Dearborn Michigan is a 'muslim no-go zone'?

None of your links included them. You certainly don't know where they are. You can't cite them, can't produce them, can't verify that any such document even exists.

But hey, you believe, right? Who needs evidence, facts, or an rational connection to reality when you have the kind of mindless belief you're sporting?

Indeed. I am also still waiting on those very important documents. Come on, Protectionist, let the cat out of the bag. Spit up those very important documents!

They were posted in the thread more than once, dummy. they are also in the links. And there doesn't NNED o be any documents. There just needs to be National Guaed tanks and lots of soldiers to clean the enclaves out of the dirtbags now residing there. :biggrin:

There was plenty of documentation which certain authorized agencies turned over to the State Department but unless they decide to do something it is dead in the water. The State Department denies that Hizbollah is training in Mexico too and that is even with evidence they have been provided with that proves otherwise.
Wrong, Stat. The land cannot be used for terrorist training camps. No one is on a soap box. You're a Jew. Of all people you should know what Ezekiel 3: 18, 19 says! Warn the wicked! Otherwise? It's answer to God for not warning them. I've warned her. She is now going to answer to God with the full knowledge of the truth. It's up to her what she does from here.

And who says they are being used for terrorist training camps? Backed by what evidence? Who says that US law doesn't go there?

Remember, slick....just because some asshole with a video camera and a youtube account demands to be let into someone's home doesn't mean that said 'someone' is violating any laws by telling the asshole to go fuck himself.

That's not a 'Muslim no go zone'.


Jeremiah deliberately misunderstands that precisely because I am a JEW, I fight even harder for the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven, also for Muslims. Because Halakha demands that of me.

I have yet to find one Muslim enclave on public land where non-muslims are not allowed to enter and where Shariah law is proclaimed. And if Muslims do it on private property, I cannot and should not care. If they break US legal code in the process and land in jail for it, I don't care about that, either.
I posted when this thread started and it took off overnight. What I find amusing is the "if you don't believe in no go zones you're a liberal" line over and over, even from people I otherwise respect, such as S.J. I don't believe in them because they don't exist. But these are the same guys who make fun of Al Gore warning about Manbearpig, and he's super serial about it.

But it's more than that. People are eager to believe and proliferate conspiracy theories about those they hate. I've been accused often of hating Muslims because of my scathing criticism of them. But I actually prove I don't hate them (or anyone for that matter) by rejecting conspiracy theories and insisting that all criticism of American Muslims be based on the truth.

These guys are flying a banner saying "I hate Muslims", especially that Jeremiah guy who thinks himself more Christian than I.

There is a real and valid threat from Islamic terror throughout the world, but there are no no-go zones in the USA, and with the combined work of DSH / FBI / CIA and NSA, I am pretty sure that the good guys know where bad guys are in our Union.

What protectionist proposes is nothing less than fascism. If I allow someone to curtail the religious rights of Muslims (and believe me, I have no love of the Kuran, to be sure) just because of the "suspicion" of something, then when will I be next?

Plus, he never addressed the issue of private property vs. public property, but I think that is very important with this issue overall.

According to those who have investigated there are, Stat. Now what is needed is a clearer definition of what is a no go zone. I believe people are getting hung up on the terminology rather than examining the danger that Americans are facing right now.
Now we hear about Muslim camps with members practicing how to kidnap victims, combat training, fabrication of explosives. Where is the FBI?

The internment camps were used after Americans were attacked on their own soil. If there were a jihadist attack on a mass scale it is possible the government would opt to open them up and use them. Until then - I do not think it would ever happen. What the Senators, Congressmen, Governors need to push for is the Military to go in and find Sheik Gehlani and find out why he is writing poems encouraging the mass murder of American citizens which he refers to as Kafirs. Then all the Muslims who have been living on his compounds and have been training in jihad should be taken to Gitmo for investigation and if there is nothing there? Send them back to the country they came from. It is sheer insanity to permit over 2 dozen jihadist training camps on American soil to continue on until the day they use their skills against the American people. They need to find out who these people are and the Pakistani leader definitely needs to be investigated.

No: Kuffar, not Kafir.
Kafir is a delicious yoghurt-like dessert. Kuffar is someone "unclean".

Enjoy your yoghurt.
Wrong, Stat. The land cannot be used for terrorist training camps. No one is on a soap box. You're a Jew. Of all people you should know what Ezekiel 3: 18, 19 says! Warn the wicked! Otherwise? It's answer to God for not warning them. I've warned her. She is now going to answer to God with the full knowledge of the truth. It's up to her what she does from here.

And who says they are being used for terrorist training camps? Backed by what evidence? Who says that US law doesn't go there?

Remember, slick....just because some asshole with a video camera and a youtube account demands to be let into someone's home doesn't mean that said 'someone' is violating any laws by telling the asshole to go fuck himself.

That's not a 'Muslim no go zone'.


Jeremiah deliberately misunderstands that precisely because I am a JEW, I fight even harder for the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven, also for Muslims. Because Halakha demands that of me.

I have yet to find one Muslim enclave on public land where non-muslims are not allowed to enter and where Shariah law is proclaimed. And if Muslims do it on private property, I cannot and should not care. If they break US legal code in the process and land in jail for it, I don't care about that, either.
I posted when this thread started and it took off overnight. What I find amusing is the "if you don't believe in no go zones you're a liberal" line over and over, even from people I otherwise respect, such as S.J. I don't believe in them because they don't exist. But these are the same guys who make fun of Al Gore warning about Manbearpig, and he's super serial about it.

But it's more than that. People are eager to believe and proliferate conspiracy theories about those they hate. I've been accused often of hating Muslims because of my scathing criticism of them. But I actually prove I don't hate them (or anyone for that matter) by rejecting conspiracy theories and insisting that all criticism of American Muslims be based on the truth.

These guys are flying a banner saying "I hate Muslims", especially that Jeremiah guy who thinks himself more Christian than I.

There is a real and valid threat from Islamic terror throughout the world, but there are no no-go zones in the USA, and with the combined work of DSH / FBI / CIA and NSA, I am pretty sure that the good guys know where bad guys are in our Union.

What protectionist proposes is nothing less than fascism. If I allow someone to curtail the religious rights of Muslims (and believe me, I have no love of the Kuran, to be sure) just because of the "suspicion" of something, then when will I be next?

Plus, he never addressed the issue of private property vs. public property, but I think that is very important with this issue overall.

According to those who have investigated there are, Stat. Now what is needed is a clearer definition of what is a no go zone. I believe people are getting hung up on the terminology rather than examining the danger that Americans are facing right now.

Right, exactly my point as well.
Your "Manifest Destiny" killed thousands of my people. While you were pretending that you were the new Israel entering the Promise Land, in real life, those Canaanites were us, being slaughtered for your make believe fantasy. You have no room to criticize the Catholic Church. You have dangerous religious beliefs, the kind that kill people.

Islam came out of the Roman church. Khadija - Mohammad's first wife was a devout Catholic. You'd better have a closer look at the relationship with your Pope and Islam and while you're at it look at the roots of Communism too. I do not have any dangerous religious beliefs. Your church is the one that mass murdered hundreds of thousands of people including my brothers and sisters during the inquistion. The history of the Roman Catholic Church is mass murder and forced conversions. Sound familiar? It should. That is why the Vatican is reading the Quran and having Islamic prayer meetings. You are quite naive. Wake up.
The more you talk, the more the kook is revealed. You can't take responsibility for your murderous Manifest Destiny but you sure can go Boettner all over the Catholic Church. Take the plank out of your own eye and you'll see clearly to remove the speck from mine.

I'm a born again Christian and we have nothing called the Manifest Destiny. We have the Holy Bible and while I understand your religion despises it and even kept the Holy Bible from their own people for most of its history - it is not a dangerous book. It is the way to salvation.

We don't have any inquisitions or holocausts in our history. We don't own armies as the Roman Catholics have been known to do - Blackwater ops and all that - we have the Word of God in our mouth. For that your church nailed the tongues of Christians to the roofs of their mouths in fear they would preach the gospel. You people call it the Doctrine of Lea - clean up your own backyard - the Roman Church is the enemy of Christ and idolaters just as much as Muslims are.
You think Blackwater Ops is an army of the Catholic Church? This is just precious!

You should read up on Manifest Destiny. It was people just like you, who dreamed it up to justify the slaughter of Indians. I'm sure you'll glow with approval. When you talk about America being dedicated to Christ, you use the same language.

oh.. now I should "read up on Manifest Destiny".. that's rich. Where is that link and source that claims born again Christians in America have a Manifest Destiny? That I am a member of some group called Manifest Destiny. No where. Now you are telling me it is the history of cowboys and Indians. Unbelievable. You need to seek help.
Since you embody the spirit of Manifest Destiny, I'll start calling you that. Not knowing about this major body of White Protestant doctrine that prevailed in the 19th century gives you away for having an incomplete education. I'm surprised you outed yourself like that. Funny thing is, someone like you once you study it, you'll probably give it glowing approval and gladly identity with it.

I love how one of your s sources is snopes.com which clearly states that it is NOT true that Dearborn has instituted Sharia.


Your'e referring to what was a published SATIRE story. This is serious thread. No time here for nonsense.


And for areas I know well...Falls Church VA is a no-go zone? With as many Jewish temples as there are mosques? He'll, I didn't even know there were any Muslims in Falls Church (80% White) until I looked.

You clearly don't check your sources

Looks like you don't know it as well as you thought.

Fairfax County Police led a massive bust near the popular and growing radical Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, VA. The strip mall down the street that is hangout of choice for the Islamist enclave surrounding Dar al-Hijrah is called Build America, thus the title Operation Build America. Time again we’ve seen the nexus between petty crime, organized crime, and jihadis. Hopefully this made a bigger impact than can be released to the public. You must click on the link to read the names and see pictures of those arrested. 16 of 27 middle eastern males between ages 18 and 48. Just goes to show that even though FXPD had a Jihadi mole, the boys in blue can still kick a little ass.

Fairfax County, home to Falls Church, is one of the major frontlines of Islamist aggression. We have:
The Dar al-Hijrah Wahabbi corridor which is a massive Islamist enclave built up around the mosque
Tax payer subsidized K-B.A. in Jihad via the Islamic Saudi Academy and George Mason (ISA is not taxed and Mason is public)that has already produced one convicted terrorist
This bust is only the tip of the iceberg. Its a good start, but just that, a start.

Fairfax County Police Department Public Information Office 4100 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Va. 22030 703-246-2253. TTY 703-204-2264. Fax 703-246-4253 [email protected] www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police News Release: 09/cid/eja/ May 7, 2009 Undercover Operation Nets 143 Criminal Charges

UAC Virginia No greater force for good exists than the impassioned American roused to action

FBI watching Somali Muslims in D.C.

This is why liberals are so pathetically ignorant about Islamization and Islamic terrorism. Your liberal media tells you nothing about it (taboo in liberal media), and you're forbidden from reading the only sources that will tell you about it, by liberal propagandists who all claim it isn't true. Just like all the dummies claiming that in this very thread. Now read the links. READ

The Somali Muslims are definitely on the watch list I would think. Somalia was a hot zone for the most radical Muslims - consider the Hutu Muslims of Rwanda from 94' and the ISIS butchers in Iraq moving into your cities and you don't know who is who. It's a recipe for disaster. D.C. had better keep their eye on them. They know who is who. The FBI is not stupid.

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