Bust Up the US No Go Zones

And who says they are being used for terrorist training camps? Backed by what evidence? Who says that US law doesn't go there?

Remember, slick....just because some asshole with a video camera and a youtube account demands to be let into someone's home doesn't mean that said 'someone' is violating any laws by telling the asshole to go fuck himself.

That's not a 'Muslim no go zone'.


Jeremiah deliberately misunderstands that precisely because I am a JEW, I fight even harder for the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven, also for Muslims. Because Halakha demands that of me.

I have yet to find one Muslim enclave on public land where non-muslims are not allowed to enter and where Shariah law is proclaimed. And if Muslims do it on private property, I cannot and should not care. If they break US legal code in the process and land in jail for it, I don't care about that, either.
I posted when this thread started and it took off overnight. What I find amusing is the "if you don't believe in no go zones you're a liberal" line over and over, even from people I otherwise respect, such as S.J. I don't believe in them because they don't exist. But these are the same guys who make fun of Al Gore warning about Manbearpig, and he's super serial about it.

But it's more than that. People are eager to believe and proliferate conspiracy theories about those they hate. I've been accused often of hating Muslims because of my scathing criticism of them. But I actually prove I don't hate them (or anyone for that matter) by rejecting conspiracy theories and insisting that all criticism of American Muslims be based on the truth.

These guys are flying a banner saying "I hate Muslims", especially that Jeremiah guy who thinks himself more Christian than I.

There is a real and valid threat from Islamic terror throughout the world, but there are no no-go zones in the USA, and with the combined work of DSH / FBI / CIA and NSA, I am pretty sure that the good guys know where bad guys are in our Union.

What protectionist proposes is nothing less than fascism. If I allow someone to curtail the religious rights of Muslims (and believe me, I have no love of the Kuran, to be sure) just because of the "suspicion" of something, then when will I be next?

Plus, he never addressed the issue of private property vs. public property, but I think that is very important with this issue overall.

According to those who have investigated there are, Stat. Now what is needed is a clearer definition of what is a no go zone. I believe people are getting hung up on the terminology rather than examining the danger that Americans are facing right now.

Right, exactly my point as well.

Absolutely. We agree on this. It's getting lost in translation. On the other comment. Of course I know you are a Jew and I also know what you believe and respect you for it.

You also know that I have never said once on this board that I hated Muslims. I do not despise Muslims. I despise Islam. It's a religious politico cancer that destroys anything it touches. As for Muslims? I believe God loves them and wants to save them through salvation in Christ. That is what all born again Christians believe.

Born again Christians never had a crusade against any human life. Ever. That was the Roman Catholic Church that did that (they have always used armies,inquisitions, burning people at the stake, torturing them, burying them alive, violence, backhanded - underhanded methods) and that is why I make the distinction - even though some Catholics probably wish that I would not. I have Jewish friends who lost family in the holocaust and later watched as the Jesuits and Vatican gave refuge, aided and abetted the nazis helping them financially to escape - to places like Argentina. It's despicable, Stat. The Jesuits helped Eichmann escape to Argentina and he admitted this openly to the Mossad team that captured him.

They have misrepresented Jesus Christ and the Gospel because they deny the Word of God and encourage others to follow their evil ways making them twice the sons of hell they already are.
Now we hear about Muslim camps with members practicing how to kidnap victims, combat training, fabrication of explosives. Where is the FBI?

The internment camps were used after Americans were attacked on their own soil. If there were a jihadist attack on a mass scale it is possible the government would opt to open them up and use them. Until then - I do not think it would ever happen. What the Senators, Congressmen, Governors need to push for is the Military to go in and find Sheik Gehlani and find out why he is writing poems encouraging the mass murder of American citizens which he refers to as Kafirs. Then all the Muslims who have been living on his compounds and have been training in jihad should be taken to Gitmo for investigation and if there is nothing there? Send them back to the country they came from. It is sheer insanity to permit over 2 dozen jihadist training camps on American soil to continue on until the day they use their skills against the American people. They need to find out who these people are and the Pakistani leader definitely needs to be investigated.

No: Kuffar, not Kafir.
Kafir is a delicious yoghurt-like dessert. Kuffar is someone "unclean".

Enjoy your yoghurt.

Ha! ha! Thanks! Hey... I heard someone here talking about the Jews wandering in the dessert for 40 years! (couple of days ago) I'd say you've got a leg up on this topic. Tell me, Stat. Was it Kafir?

Jeremiah deliberately misunderstands that precisely because I am a JEW, I fight even harder for the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven, also for Muslims. Because Halakha demands that of me.

I have yet to find one Muslim enclave on public land where non-muslims are not allowed to enter and where Shariah law is proclaimed. And if Muslims do it on private property, I cannot and should not care. If they break US legal code in the process and land in jail for it, I don't care about that, either.
I posted when this thread started and it took off overnight. What I find amusing is the "if you don't believe in no go zones you're a liberal" line over and over, even from people I otherwise respect, such as S.J. I don't believe in them because they don't exist. But these are the same guys who make fun of Al Gore warning about Manbearpig, and he's super serial about it.

But it's more than that. People are eager to believe and proliferate conspiracy theories about those they hate. I've been accused often of hating Muslims because of my scathing criticism of them. But I actually prove I don't hate them (or anyone for that matter) by rejecting conspiracy theories and insisting that all criticism of American Muslims be based on the truth.

These guys are flying a banner saying "I hate Muslims", especially that Jeremiah guy who thinks himself more Christian than I.

There is a real and valid threat from Islamic terror throughout the world, but there are no no-go zones in the USA, and with the combined work of DSH / FBI / CIA and NSA, I am pretty sure that the good guys know where bad guys are in our Union.

What protectionist proposes is nothing less than fascism. If I allow someone to curtail the religious rights of Muslims (and believe me, I have no love of the Kuran, to be sure) just because of the "suspicion" of something, then when will I be next?

Plus, he never addressed the issue of private property vs. public property, but I think that is very important with this issue overall.

According to those who have investigated there are, Stat. Now what is needed is a clearer definition of what is a no go zone. I believe people are getting hung up on the terminology rather than examining the danger that Americans are facing right now.

Right, exactly my point as well.

Absolutely. We agree on this. It's getting lost in translation. On the other comment. Of course I know you are a Jew and I also know what you believe and respect you for it.

You also know that I have never said once on this board that I hated Muslims. I do not despise Muslims. I despise Islam. It's a religious politico cancer that destroys anything it touches. As for Muslims? I believe God loves them and wants to save them through salvation in Christ. That is what all born again Christians believe.

Born again Christians never had a crusade against any human life. Ever. That was the Roman Catholic Church that did that (they have always used armies,inquisitions, burning people at the stake, torturing them, burying them alive, violence, backhanded - underhanded methods) and that is why I make the distinction - even though some Catholics probably wish that I would not. I have Jewish friends who lost family in the holocaust and later watched as the Jesuits and Vatican gave refuge, aided and abetted the nazis helping them financially to escape - to places like Argentina. It's despicable, Stat. The Jesuits helped Eichmann escape to Argentina and he admitted this openly to the Mossad team that captured him.

They have misrepresented Jesus Christ and the Gospel because they deny the Word of God and encourage others to follow their evil ways making them twice the sons of hell they already are.

Are you saying that Catholics, who are by far the majority of Christians across the world, are somehow not Christians?

Now we hear about Muslim camps with members practicing how to kidnap victims, combat training, fabrication of explosives. Where is the FBI?

The internment camps were used after Americans were attacked on their own soil. If there were a jihadist attack on a mass scale it is possible the government would opt to open them up and use them. Until then - I do not think it would ever happen. What the Senators, Congressmen, Governors need to push for is the Military to go in and find Sheik Gehlani and find out why he is writing poems encouraging the mass murder of American citizens which he refers to as Kafirs. Then all the Muslims who have been living on his compounds and have been training in jihad should be taken to Gitmo for investigation and if there is nothing there? Send them back to the country they came from. It is sheer insanity to permit over 2 dozen jihadist training camps on American soil to continue on until the day they use their skills against the American people. They need to find out who these people are and the Pakistani leader definitely needs to be investigated.

No: Kuffar, not Kafir.
Kafir is a delicious yoghurt-like dessert. Kuffar is someone "unclean".

Enjoy your yoghurt.

Ha! ha! Thanks! Hey... I heard someone here talking about the Jews wandering in the dessert for 40 years! (couple of days ago) I'd say you've got a leg up on this topic. Tell me, Stat. Was it Kafir?

Kafir (also called Kefir) is a thick Yoghurt and Quark dessert with fruit mixed in. I eat one before every workout.
I posted when this thread started and it took off overnight. What I find amusing is the "if you don't believe in no go zones you're a liberal" line over and over, even from people I otherwise respect, such as S.J. I don't believe in them because they don't exist. But these are the same guys who make fun of Al Gore warning about Manbearpig, and he's super serial about it.

But it's more than that. People are eager to believe and proliferate conspiracy theories about those they hate. I've been accused often of hating Muslims because of my scathing criticism of them. But I actually prove I don't hate them (or anyone for that matter) by rejecting conspiracy theories and insisting that all criticism of American Muslims be based on the truth.

These guys are flying a banner saying "I hate Muslims", especially that Jeremiah guy who thinks himself more Christian than I.

There is a real and valid threat from Islamic terror throughout the world, but there are no no-go zones in the USA, and with the combined work of DSH / FBI / CIA and NSA, I am pretty sure that the good guys know where bad guys are in our Union.

What protectionist proposes is nothing less than fascism. If I allow someone to curtail the religious rights of Muslims (and believe me, I have no love of the Kuran, to be sure) just because of the "suspicion" of something, then when will I be next?

Plus, he never addressed the issue of private property vs. public property, but I think that is very important with this issue overall.

According to those who have investigated there are, Stat. Now what is needed is a clearer definition of what is a no go zone. I believe people are getting hung up on the terminology rather than examining the danger that Americans are facing right now.

Right, exactly my point as well.

Absolutely. We agree on this. It's getting lost in translation. On the other comment. Of course I know you are a Jew and I also know what you believe and respect you for it.

You also know that I have never said once on this board that I hated Muslims. I do not despise Muslims. I despise Islam. It's a religious politico cancer that destroys anything it touches. As for Muslims? I believe God loves them and wants to save them through salvation in Christ. That is what all born again Christians believe.

Born again Christians never had a crusade against any human life. Ever. That was the Roman Catholic Church that did that (they have always used armies,inquisitions, burning people at the stake, torturing them, burying them alive, violence, backhanded - underhanded methods) and that is why I make the distinction - even though some Catholics probably wish that I would not. I have Jewish friends who lost family in the holocaust and later watched as the Jesuits and Vatican gave refuge, aided and abetted the nazis helping them financially to escape - to places like Argentina. It's despicable, Stat. The Jesuits helped Eichmann escape to Argentina and he admitted this openly to the Mossad team that captured him.

They have misrepresented Jesus Christ and the Gospel because they deny the Word of God and encourage others to follow their evil ways making them twice the sons of hell they already are.

Are you saying that Catholics, who are by far the majority of Christians across the world, are somehow not Christians?

Crazy, Scene Two. Take one, go!

There is a real and valid threat from Islamic terror throughout the world, but there are no no-go zones in the USA, and with the combined work of DSH / FBI / CIA and NSA, I am pretty sure that the good guys know where bad guys are in our Union.

What protectionist proposes is nothing less than fascism. If I allow someone to curtail the religious rights of Muslims (and believe me, I have no love of the Kuran, to be sure) just because of the "suspicion" of something, then when will I be next?

Plus, he never addressed the issue of private property vs. public property, but I think that is very important with this issue overall.

According to those who have investigated there are, Stat. Now what is needed is a clearer definition of what is a no go zone. I believe people are getting hung up on the terminology rather than examining the danger that Americans are facing right now.

Right, exactly my point as well.

Absolutely. We agree on this. It's getting lost in translation. On the other comment. Of course I know you are a Jew and I also know what you believe and respect you for it.

You also know that I have never said once on this board that I hated Muslims. I do not despise Muslims. I despise Islam. It's a religious politico cancer that destroys anything it touches. As for Muslims? I believe God loves them and wants to save them through salvation in Christ. That is what all born again Christians believe.

Born again Christians never had a crusade against any human life. Ever. That was the Roman Catholic Church that did that (they have always used armies,inquisitions, burning people at the stake, torturing them, burying them alive, violence, backhanded - underhanded methods) and that is why I make the distinction - even though some Catholics probably wish that I would not. I have Jewish friends who lost family in the holocaust and later watched as the Jesuits and Vatican gave refuge, aided and abetted the nazis helping them financially to escape - to places like Argentina. It's despicable, Stat. The Jesuits helped Eichmann escape to Argentina and he admitted this openly to the Mossad team that captured him.

They have misrepresented Jesus Christ and the Gospel because they deny the Word of God and encourage others to follow their evil ways making them twice the sons of hell they already are.

Are you saying that Catholics, who are by far the majority of Christians across the world, are somehow not Christians?

Crazy, Scene Two. Take one, go!


Madre de Dio!!!
There is a real and valid threat from Islamic terror throughout the world, but there are no no-go zones in the USA, and with the combined work of DSH / FBI / CIA and NSA, I am pretty sure that the good guys know where bad guys are in our Union.

What protectionist proposes is nothing less than fascism. If I allow someone to curtail the religious rights of Muslims (and believe me, I have no love of the Kuran, to be sure) just because of the "suspicion" of something, then when will I be next?

Plus, he never addressed the issue of private property vs. public property, but I think that is very important with this issue overall.

According to those who have investigated there are, Stat. Now what is needed is a clearer definition of what is a no go zone. I believe people are getting hung up on the terminology rather than examining the danger that Americans are facing right now.

Right, exactly my point as well.

Absolutely. We agree on this. It's getting lost in translation. On the other comment. Of course I know you are a Jew and I also know what you believe and respect you for it.

You also know that I have never said once on this board that I hated Muslims. I do not despise Muslims. I despise Islam. It's a religious politico cancer that destroys anything it touches. As for Muslims? I believe God loves them and wants to save them through salvation in Christ. That is what all born again Christians believe.

Born again Christians never had a crusade against any human life. Ever. That was the Roman Catholic Church that did that (they have always used armies,inquisitions, burning people at the stake, torturing them, burying them alive, violence, backhanded - underhanded methods) and that is why I make the distinction - even though some Catholics probably wish that I would not. I have Jewish friends who lost family in the holocaust and later watched as the Jesuits and Vatican gave refuge, aided and abetted the nazis helping them financially to escape - to places like Argentina. It's despicable, Stat. The Jesuits helped Eichmann escape to Argentina and he admitted this openly to the Mossad team that captured him.

They have misrepresented Jesus Christ and the Gospel because they deny the Word of God and encourage others to follow their evil ways making them twice the sons of hell they already are.

Are you saying that Catholics, who are by far the majority of Christians across the world, are somehow not Christians?

Crazy, Scene Two. Take one, go!


It only took you one scene. See your own thread - Pope is a Communist. Thanks.
According to those who have investigated there are, Stat. Now what is needed is a clearer definition of what is a no go zone. I believe people are getting hung up on the terminology rather than examining the danger that Americans are facing right now.

Right, exactly my point as well.

Absolutely. We agree on this. It's getting lost in translation. On the other comment. Of course I know you are a Jew and I also know what you believe and respect you for it.

You also know that I have never said once on this board that I hated Muslims. I do not despise Muslims. I despise Islam. It's a religious politico cancer that destroys anything it touches. As for Muslims? I believe God loves them and wants to save them through salvation in Christ. That is what all born again Christians believe.

Born again Christians never had a crusade against any human life. Ever. That was the Roman Catholic Church that did that (they have always used armies,inquisitions, burning people at the stake, torturing them, burying them alive, violence, backhanded - underhanded methods) and that is why I make the distinction - even though some Catholics probably wish that I would not. I have Jewish friends who lost family in the holocaust and later watched as the Jesuits and Vatican gave refuge, aided and abetted the nazis helping them financially to escape - to places like Argentina. It's despicable, Stat. The Jesuits helped Eichmann escape to Argentina and he admitted this openly to the Mossad team that captured him.

They have misrepresented Jesus Christ and the Gospel because they deny the Word of God and encourage others to follow their evil ways making them twice the sons of hell they already are.

Are you saying that Catholics, who are by far the majority of Christians across the world, are somehow not Christians?

Crazy, Scene Two. Take one, go!


It only took you one scene. See your own thread - Pope is a Communist. Thanks.
Yes, he is.....somewhat.

This proves what?
According to those who have investigated there are, Stat. Now what is needed is a clearer definition of what is a no go zone. I believe people are getting hung up on the terminology rather than examining the danger that Americans are facing right now.

Right, exactly my point as well.

Absolutely. We agree on this. It's getting lost in translation. On the other comment. Of course I know you are a Jew and I also know what you believe and respect you for it.

You also know that I have never said once on this board that I hated Muslims. I do not despise Muslims. I despise Islam. It's a religious politico cancer that destroys anything it touches. As for Muslims? I believe God loves them and wants to save them through salvation in Christ. That is what all born again Christians believe.

Born again Christians never had a crusade against any human life. Ever. That was the Roman Catholic Church that did that (they have always used armies,inquisitions, burning people at the stake, torturing them, burying them alive, violence, backhanded - underhanded methods) and that is why I make the distinction - even though some Catholics probably wish that I would not. I have Jewish friends who lost family in the holocaust and later watched as the Jesuits and Vatican gave refuge, aided and abetted the nazis helping them financially to escape - to places like Argentina. It's despicable, Stat. The Jesuits helped Eichmann escape to Argentina and he admitted this openly to the Mossad team that captured him.

They have misrepresented Jesus Christ and the Gospel because they deny the Word of God and encourage others to follow their evil ways making them twice the sons of hell they already are.

Are you saying that Catholics, who are by far the majority of Christians across the world, are somehow not Christians?

Crazy, Scene Two. Take one, go!


Madre de Dio!!!
Dios, though I prefer the Latin Mater Dei.
Right, exactly my point as well.

Absolutely. We agree on this. It's getting lost in translation. On the other comment. Of course I know you are a Jew and I also know what you believe and respect you for it.

You also know that I have never said once on this board that I hated Muslims. I do not despise Muslims. I despise Islam. It's a religious politico cancer that destroys anything it touches. As for Muslims? I believe God loves them and wants to save them through salvation in Christ. That is what all born again Christians believe.

Born again Christians never had a crusade against any human life. Ever. That was the Roman Catholic Church that did that (they have always used armies,inquisitions, burning people at the stake, torturing them, burying them alive, violence, backhanded - underhanded methods) and that is why I make the distinction - even though some Catholics probably wish that I would not. I have Jewish friends who lost family in the holocaust and later watched as the Jesuits and Vatican gave refuge, aided and abetted the nazis helping them financially to escape - to places like Argentina. It's despicable, Stat. The Jesuits helped Eichmann escape to Argentina and he admitted this openly to the Mossad team that captured him.

They have misrepresented Jesus Christ and the Gospel because they deny the Word of God and encourage others to follow their evil ways making them twice the sons of hell they already are.

Are you saying that Catholics, who are by far the majority of Christians across the world, are somehow not Christians?

Crazy, Scene Two. Take one, go!


It only took you one scene. See your own thread - Pope is a Communist. Thanks.
Yes, he is.....somewhat.

This proves what?

That you are a double minded man and unstable in all your ways. Therein my comment it only took you one scene. Not two, three, whatever....

The reality is that you are right. Your pope is a Communist. Not "somewhat"... You cannot be "somewhat" an atheist, an enemy of Jesus Christ (Communism is enemy #1 of the Cross) and then claim to be a Christian at the same time. You cannot drink from the cup of the LORD and the cup of demons too. You must "make up your mind".

There is no salvation in the Roman Church. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. You need to be born again. That is what you need. Leave the Roman Church, buy a bible and start reading it.
Like Hasidic Jews saying Orthodox Jews aren't really Jews or vice versa. Just hilarious.

Wrong. That would be like born again non denominational claiming Pentacostals are not really Christians. Catholic comparison would be like Catholics saying Muslims are idolaters and are not followers of Jesus Christ. ( neither are they - they just haven't realized it yet)
Like Hasidic Jews saying Orthodox Jews aren't really Jews or vice versa. Just hilarious.

Wrong. That would be like born again non denominational claiming Pentacostals are not really Christians. Catholic comparison would be like Catholics saying Muslims are idolaters and are not followers of Jesus Christ. ( neither are they - they just haven't realized it yet)
So Matt Maher isn't really a Christian? Are you on the phone with KLove radio yet? They must know!
If he hasn't been born again and received Christ - if he is still in the Roman Catholic Church? No. He isn't. Call whoever you like. What is that to me? I follow Christ.

This thread has run its course - but as Stat pointed out - it will be remembered! Adios.
Right, exactly my point as well.

Absolutely. We agree on this. It's getting lost in translation. On the other comment. Of course I know you are a Jew and I also know what you believe and respect you for it.

You also know that I have never said once on this board that I hated Muslims. I do not despise Muslims. I despise Islam. It's a religious politico cancer that destroys anything it touches. As for Muslims? I believe God loves them and wants to save them through salvation in Christ. That is what all born again Christians believe.

Born again Christians never had a crusade against any human life. Ever. That was the Roman Catholic Church that did that (they have always used armies,inquisitions, burning people at the stake, torturing them, burying them alive, violence, backhanded - underhanded methods) and that is why I make the distinction - even though some Catholics probably wish that I would not. I have Jewish friends who lost family in the holocaust and later watched as the Jesuits and Vatican gave refuge, aided and abetted the nazis helping them financially to escape - to places like Argentina. It's despicable, Stat. The Jesuits helped Eichmann escape to Argentina and he admitted this openly to the Mossad team that captured him.

They have misrepresented Jesus Christ and the Gospel because they deny the Word of God and encourage others to follow their evil ways making them twice the sons of hell they already are.

Are you saying that Catholics, who are by far the majority of Christians across the world, are somehow not Christians?

Crazy, Scene Two. Take one, go!


Madre de Dio!!!
Dios, though I prefer the Latin Mater Dei.

Heilige Mutter Gottes!!!

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