Bust Up the US No Go Zones

At what point in your video....its half an hour long. Give me a time stamp.

Who says its a 'Jihadist camp'? And refuses entry to WHO? Law enforcement? Or just some random asshole who demands to be let in?

You seem to be confusing plain old private property with a 'Muslim No Go zone'? A muslim no go zone is one where US law doesn't apply. Not anywhere where private property laws do.

You mean private property? So lets say, hypothetically...that I show up at your home and demand to be let in, to look around, and I have a video camera.

If you say no, is that now a ' Christian no-go zone'? Or is that just plain old private property?

Says who? There's nothing in that video that's independently verifiable. For example, was the man with the camera *trespassing*? Who says it was a 'terrorist camp'? Did he turn over the video to the police and demand anyone be charged with assault? What was response from the police, verified by what?

You're giving us this elaborate story backed by nothing but the word of a guy on a youtube video. And nothing else.

And when I ask for the promised 'years of government documents' that show that #1 on the OP's list Dearborn Michigan is a muslim 'no go zone', it comes up goose eggs.

A handful of guys that you arbitrarily label 'terrorists' (but of course, can't back with jack shit) have a handful of guns....and you're worried about Muslim uprising against the US from Muslims?


You are in some serious denial. Perhaps you have a Muslim boyfriend. Or you converted to Islam. Hard to tell after only a few times reading you but one thing is for certain. You are clueless and do not appear to be interested in the truth.

Oh wait a second. Skylar is a female ? Well maybe SHE is a Muslim herself. If so, that would make her a biased poster, and should recuse herself from the thread, no ?

That or she has a boyfriend that is Muslim. I'm guessing early twenties and brainwashed.

She wouldn't be here fighting this hard if she wasn't biased somehow. So what is it, Skylar ? What's your connection to Islam ? And when are you going to accept my challenges about 1) the Islamization Quiz and 2) Steve Emerson ?

So lets see if I have all your batshit correctly listed. There's a conspiracy with Muslims, who are establishing 'no go zones' in the US.

There's a conspiracy with the government that refuses to do anything about it.

There's a conspiracy with the media that won't report it.

There's a conspiracy with your computer, where its being 'attacked' as you post the other three conspiracies.

And now there's a conspiracy that I must be a Muslim because I'm just not buying your bullshit.

Did I miss any?

Yeah, my computer is working OK again. The rest is all the stuff your liberal media has withheld from you, making you oblivious to everything we're talking about here. Here's a little more education for you. >>>

Fox News is a BUSINESS which operates 24/7. They are under constant pressure to produce shows on very little time. This rush, rush MO is mainly what caused Fox to issue apologies where none were really needed. This is actually a quite common phenomena (par of Islamization) gone on for years, with a long list of media people who have apologized, been fired from jobs (ex. Michael Graham WMAL-AM radio, Major Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon), fired from universities (Thomas Klocek, DePaul Univ., changed plots of movies (ex. Sum of All Fears-Paramount Pictures), etc. Others vilified/smeared are Cal Thomas (columnist), Paul Harvey (radio personality), Brigitte Gabriel (author), Virgil Goode (US Congressman), FOX's TV show 24, etc

The companies are on tight time budgets, are constantly racing to produce shows, and don't have time to fart around with Islamists pushing their agenda and threatening lawsuits, boycotts, smear campaigns, etc Litigation can strangle media shows, and they'll do most anything just to make it go away. Ho hum. Some old thing.

But the people who pick up on these "apologies" and think they have a grain of validity, are the real laughingstocks. Some of them are pretenders pushing hatred of media they don't like (and often fear). Others really are ignorant of Islamization and its methodology, and are oblivious to what's actually happening, the result of lack of education about Islamization, and a complete blackout of it in the liberal media they only view.
Belongs in Conspiracy forum.
FALSE! US no go zones are long-established fact. If you have only been viewing liberal media, which intentionally screens this info out, that's YOUR problem, not the readers of this forum.
US no go zones are long-established fact. If you have only been viewing liberal media, which intentionally screens this info out, that's YOUR problem, not the readers of this forum.

RIGHT!! I got that same message from the Mothership through my Flouride just this morning!! DAMNED STRAIGHT!! FUCKIN' EH!! "Let's roll!!!"

Boy that post sure got everything squared away didn't it ? Pheeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle) LOL.

Yes, brother, thanks to you, I have seen the light. Hallelujah, amen.

If you want to comment with substance, do so. If all you're going to do is troll with very large emoticoms, and show us how worthless you are, then get lost!

Those emoticons were provided by the ZOG, I tell you, the ZOG!!

Oh, Jesus, I see black helicopters heading for me house..... I hope they dont take me away!! Oh, the horror, the horror of it all!

They've been reduced to spamming Fox News clips.
You are in some serious denial. Perhaps you have a Muslim boyfriend. Or you converted to Islam. Hard to tell after only a few times reading you but one thing is for certain. You are clueless and do not appear to be interested in the truth.

Oh wait a second. Skylar is a female ? Well maybe SHE is a Muslim herself. If so, that would make her a biased poster, and should recuse herself from the thread, no ?

That or she has a boyfriend that is Muslim. I'm guessing early twenties and brainwashed.

She wouldn't be here fighting this hard if she wasn't biased somehow. So what is it, Skylar ? What's your connection to Islam ? And when are you going to accept my challenges about 1) the Islamization Quiz and 2) Steve Emerson ?

So lets see if I have all your batshit correctly listed. There's a conspiracy with Muslims, who are establishing 'no go zones' in the US.

There's a conspiracy with the government that refuses to do anything about it.

There's a conspiracy with the media that won't report it.

There's a conspiracy with your computer, where its being 'attacked' as you post the other three conspiracies.

And now there's a conspiracy that I must be a Muslim because I'm just not buying your bullshit.

Did I miss any?

Yeah, my computer is working OK again. The rest is all the stuff your liberal media has withheld from you, making you oblivious to everything we're talking about here. Here's a little more education for you. >>>

Luckily we have Fox News to play that same fist fight from 2012 over and over and over again. Just like they protected us from that ONE black panther in Phili. Devoting almost 2 full hours of election night coverage to this ONE guy in front of ONE polling station. Who did nothing.

Yeah, you're definitely a fox viewer.

Fox News is a BUSINESS which operates 24/7. They are under constant pressure to produce shows on very little time.

Which might ex]plain why they tapped an idiot like Steve Emerson as one of their 'experts'.

But its not like your ilk really give a shit if its accurate. Or fact checks. Or asks many questions. Or even thinks too hard about it.
It seems to me that the muslim commandos are always on the monkey bars training in black pajamas. There should be google maps images of such training taking place if you want anyone to believe this crazy story.
I think we can now say, with 100% surety, this about this thread:

Oh, the humanity!!!

Oh, waiting for video and audio and pics of those huge no-go zones, btw....

Call the mothership and see if it can send you some, mkay???

How incredibly
You've been reported.
Belongs in Conspiracy forum.
FALSE! US no go zones are long-established fact. If you have only been viewing liberal media, which intentionally screens this info out, that's YOUR problem, not the readers of this forum.
RIGHT!! I got that same message from the Mothership through my Flouride just this morning!! DAMNED STRAIGHT!! FUCKIN' EH!! "Let's roll!!!"

Boy that post sure got everything squared away didn't it ? Pheeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle) LOL.

Yes, brother, thanks to you, I have seen the light. Hallelujah, amen.

If you want to comment with substance, do so. If all you're going to do is troll with very large emoticoms, and show us how worthless you are, then get lost!

Those emoticons were provided by the ZOG, I tell you, the ZOG!!

Oh, Jesus, I see black helicopters heading for me house..... I hope they dont take me away!! Oh, the horror, the horror of it all!

They've been reduced to spamming Fox News clips.
Oh wait a second. Skylar is a female ? Well maybe SHE is a Muslim herself. If so, that would make her a biased poster, and should recuse herself from the thread, no ?

That or she has a boyfriend that is Muslim. I'm guessing early twenties and brainwashed.

She wouldn't be here fighting this hard if she wasn't biased somehow. So what is it, Skylar ? What's your connection to Islam ? And when are you going to accept my challenges about 1) the Islamization Quiz and 2) Steve Emerson ?

So lets see if I have all your batshit correctly listed. There's a conspiracy with Muslims, who are establishing 'no go zones' in the US.

There's a conspiracy with the government that refuses to do anything about it.

There's a conspiracy with the media that won't report it.

There's a conspiracy with your computer, where its being 'attacked' as you post the other three conspiracies.

And now there's a conspiracy that I must be a Muslim because I'm just not buying your bullshit.

Did I miss any?

Yeah, my computer is working OK again. The rest is all the stuff your liberal media has withheld from you, making you oblivious to everything we're talking about here. Here's a little more education for you. >>>

Luckily we have Fox News to play that same fist fight from 2012 over and over and over again. Just like they protected us from that ONE black panther in Phili. Devoting almost 2 full hours of election night coverage to this ONE guy in front of ONE polling station. Who did nothing.

Yeah, you're definitely a fox viewer.

Fox News is a BUSINESS which operates 24/7. They are under constant pressure to produce shows on very little time.

Which might ex]plain why they tapped an idiot like Steve Emerson as one of their 'experts'.

But its not like your ilk really give a shit if its accurate. Or fact checks. Or asks many questions. Or even thinks too hard about it.
You couldn't shine Steve Emerson's shoes. He has a long record of defeating Islamists, which you know nothing about. He knows a ton about Islamization. You know NOTHING about it, Ms QUIZ ZERO. That's your grade. Zero, by default.
I think we can now say, with 100% surety, this about this thread:

Oh, the humanity!!!

Oh, waiting for video and audio and pics of those huge no-go zones, btw....

Call the mothership and see if it can send you some, mkay???

How incredibly
You've been reported.

Well, you can do that, but flaming in Zone 2 is indeed allowed as along as part of the posting is cogent to the OP, and that is the case with the posting that now has your anus all puckered and so... here, let me help:

"Oh, waiting for video and audio and pics of those huge no-go zones, btw...."

That statement IS cogent to the OP.

It seems to me that the muslim commandos are always on the monkey bars training in black pajamas. There should be google maps images of such training taking place if you want anyone to believe this crazy story.
Of course there are. Stay tuned . I'll post some up for you.
I think we can now say, with 100% surety, this about this thread:

Oh, the humanity!!!

Oh, waiting for video and audio and pics of those huge no-go zones, btw....

Call the mothership and see if it can send you some, mkay???

How incredibly
You've been reported.

Well, you can do that, but flaming in Zone 2 is indeed allowed as along as part of the posting is cogent to the OP, and that is the case with the posting that now has your anus all puckered and so... here, let me help:

"Oh, waiting for video and audio and pics of those huge no-go zones, btw...."

That statement IS cogent to the OP.


Try reading the thread . They're already there, dumbass.
It seems to me that the muslim commandos are always on the monkey bars training in black pajamas. There should be google maps images of such training taking place if you want anyone to believe this crazy story.
Of course there are. Stay tuned . I'll post some up for you.

Oh, yes, please do that.

Why don't the shut the fuck up, and go read the ones that are already in the thread, instead of coming in late like a jerk, and asking for them. Moron!
You couldn't shine Steve Emerson's shoes. He has a long record of defeating Islamists, which you know nothing about. He knows a ton about Islamization.
And he thought Birmingham, the second largest city in the UK, was totally Muslim. That's how much he knows about it. He just repeated what someone told him, that was his excuse. The man's a complete and utter fraud.
The propaganda film - The World without America - shown on above video - from Iran is approved by the Russians because the Russians are the ally of Iran - for now - the Russians are plotting a nuclear attack against the USA in the future with an invasion to follow and these jihadists in these camps are training - to fight one day - in tandem with the Communists. Here is what they do not realize. Once the Communists have achieved the agenda they are working towards using the Muslims - they will turn against them and wipe them out. I can see what they are doing very clearly in that the KGB and the FSB trained Al Qaeda and trained the terrorists who did the false flag attack on their own school in Beslan. The Russians have no intention of sharing anything with the Muslims and neither do the Chinese. They are convenient pawns that will soon be taken off the board as it were.

We know that Putin is already making speeches privately about his future plans against the Muslims. They have fallen for the ultimate deception. They do not realize the Arab spring set them up for the Arab winter and they are the losers in this game the Russians have set up.
The propaganda film - The World without America - shown on above video - from Iran is approved by the Russians because the Russians are the ally of Iran - for now - the Russians are plotting a nuclear attack against the USA in the future with an invasion to follow and these jihadists in these camps are training - to fight one day - in tandem with the Communists. Here is what they do not realize. Once the Communists have achieved the agenda they are working towards using the Muslims - they will turn against them and wipe them out. I can see what they are doing very clearly in that the KGB and the FSB trained Al Qaeda and trained the terrorists who did the false flag attack on their own school in Beslan. The Russians have no intention of sharing anything with the Muslims and neither do the Chinese. They are convenient pawns that will soon be taken off the board as it were.

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