BUSTED: Mother of Roy Moore Accuser Contradicts Key Detail of Daughter’s Sexual Advancement Claim


Aaaaaagggghhh! Get his hands off me, mommy!
Bripat hates women. Probably from all the rejections he's had his whole life. Anytime there are women or children who have been sexually molested or assaulted he always stands firm against the victims and makes excuses for the perps.
He belongs in that special place in hell along with the old men who take advantage of young girls.

Try fucking decaff asshole. INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
Innocent until proven guilty is in a court of law. Not for elections. I believe Leigh Corfman. He needs to step down. He's unfit to serve.

Mitt Romney.
You don’t get to make that call, oops. You lose

Mike Lee has withdrawn his endorsement. David Horowitz says you should still vote for him even though he did it.
just curious if Mike Lee votes in that election? If not, it is up to the people to whom they believe. there is no evidence and not enough time to find it out ahead of an election. so the people will make the choice. why are you against that?

And why do you feel you get to intervene or Mike Lee or anyone? I still would like to know if the woman received any money ahead of her story. that would be interesting.

We do have some say in it. If he wins then he should not be seated. It shows how the so-called religious right has been corrupted.
Again, THE Mother, said her daughter did not have a PHONE in her bedroom.

But the Left can continue to pray to "THE Satanic Saint of the Blessed 200 Foot Long Phone Cord" as much as they want. A LIE is a LIE, and there are no more UNGODLY LIARS than a Leftard Satan Worshipping Scum who finds himself or ITself behind in a losing political race.

My understanding is that he dated 16 and 18 year olds, and talked on the phone to a 14 year old (which is not illegal unless he had a smartphone 38 years ago and sent penis-selfies).
I think I dont give any fucks whatsoever if it was illegal. I have my own standards and dudes thirsty enough to yakk after 14 and 16yr olds when they're 32 are swaggerless creepy fucking pasta.
the question is did it happen. can you prove it did? can anyone? is it her word against his? does he have any other 14 year olds complaining? no pattern then if the answer is no.

It reeks of a political hit job. There is no evidence beyond a very suspicious claim that something happened 38 years ago. Given how prominent Moore has been in the public service area, it's very curious that this "information" is coming to light during this particular election.

Do you summarily reject the possibility that it could be politically motivated AND true?

No. I have said repeatedly that we should follow due process under the Rule of Law. Moore has denied the allegations. So, unless evidence is provided that proves he is lying, I'll continue to believe this is politically motivated. If real evidence is put forth showing that he was sexually inappropriate or abused anyone, I will call for him to resign from public office and the campaign.

That is so much bull. Even if he admitted it you would find a excuse to continue to support him.
Again, THE Mother, said her daughter did not have a PHONE in her bedroom.

But the Left can continue to pray to "THE Satanic Saint of the Blessed 200 Foot Long Phone Cord" as much as they want. A LIE is a LIE, and there are no more UNGODLY LIARS than a Leftard Satan Worshipping Scum who finds himself or ITself behind in a losing political race.

That is not a major point. Whether it was a phone in her bedroom or somewhere else is not a major point. It can be a honest mistake.,
I think I dont give any fucks whatsoever if it was illegal. I have my own standards and dudes thirsty enough to yakk after 14 and 16yr olds when they're 32 are swaggerless creepy fucking pasta.
the question is did it happen. can you prove it did? can anyone? is it her word against his? does he have any other 14 year olds complaining? no pattern then if the answer is no.

It reeks of a political hit job. There is no evidence beyond a very suspicious claim that something happened 38 years ago. Given how prominent Moore has been in the public service area, it's very curious that this "information" is coming to light during this particular election.

Do you summarily reject the possibility that it could be politically motivated AND true?

No. I have said repeatedly that we should follow due process under the Rule of Law. Moore has denied the allegations. So, unless evidence is provided that proves he is lying, I'll continue to believe this is politically motivated. If real evidence is put forth showing that he was sexually inappropriate or abused anyone, I will call for him to resign from public office and the campaign.

That is so much bull. Even if he admitted it you would find a excuse to continue to support him.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzz...

I stand by my statement and really don't care what an anonymous moron like you FEELz.
I think I dont give any fucks whatsoever if it was illegal. I have my own standards and dudes thirsty enough to yakk after 14 and 16yr olds when they're 32 are swaggerless creepy fucking pasta.
the question is did it happen. can you prove it did? can anyone? is it her word against his? does he have any other 14 year olds complaining? no pattern then if the answer is no.

It reeks of a political hit job. There is no evidence beyond a very suspicious claim that something happened 38 years ago. Given how prominent Moore has been in the public service area, it's very curious that this "information" is coming to light during this particular election.

Do you summarily reject the possibility that it could be politically motivated AND true?

No. I have said repeatedly that we should follow due process under the Rule of Law. Moore has denied the allegations. So, unless evidence is provided that proves he is lying, I'll continue to believe this is politically motivated. If real evidence is put forth showing that he was sexually inappropriate or abused anyone, I will call for him to resign from public office and the campaign.

That is so much bull. Even if he admitted it you would find a excuse to continue to support him.
yeah like I believe Anita Hill. not. evidence is needed to turn against someone and their reputation.
the question is did it happen. can you prove it did? can anyone? is it her word against his? does he have any other 14 year olds complaining? no pattern then if the answer is no.

It reeks of a political hit job. There is no evidence beyond a very suspicious claim that something happened 38 years ago. Given how prominent Moore has been in the public service area, it's very curious that this "information" is coming to light during this particular election.

Do you summarily reject the possibility that it could be politically motivated AND true?

No. I have said repeatedly that we should follow due process under the Rule of Law. Moore has denied the allegations. So, unless evidence is provided that proves he is lying, I'll continue to believe this is politically motivated. If real evidence is put forth showing that he was sexually inappropriate or abused anyone, I will call for him to resign from public office and the campaign.

So we can quote you as believing that ALL accusations of this nature against Bill Clinton, except for the Monica affair,

were politically motivated? lol, is that a new position for you?

No, there was actual evidence regarding Clinton. He settled out of court with Paula Jones and lost his license. Juanita Broaddrick's account has been corroborated by a witness who found her in the room with a bitten lip and torn pantyhose shortly after the rape. So, I remain convinced that Bill Clinton is a serial abuse of women, aided and abetted in their ongoing abuse (via character assassination) by his awful wife.

Settling a case does not make someone guilty. The woman in question told others what happened shortly after it happened. She did not come forward either. The same circumstances you use to convict Clinton can be used to convict Roy Moore.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to decieve:

They say if you want to catch a liar, merely let them talk. In the case of Judge Roy Moore accuser Leigh Corfman, just let her mother talk.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Corfman’s mother Nancy Wells contradicted a key detail of her daughter’s sexual advancement claim against the Alabama GOP Senate candidate. As Breitbart News reporter Aaron Klein noted on Sunday, “Wells, 71, says that her daughter did not have a phone in her bedroom during the period that Moore is reported to have allegedly called Corfman – purportedly on Corfman’s bedroom phone – to arrange at least one encounter.” Breitbart News reports: Citing Corfman, the Postreported: After her mother went into the courtroom, Corfman says, Moore asked her where she went to school, what she liked to do and whether he could call her sometime. She remembers giving him her number and says he called not long after. She says she talked to Moore on her phone in her bedroom, and they made plans for him to pick her up at Alcott Road and Riley Street, around the corner from her house.
If Roy Moore dies today or if Roy Moore discovers the cure for Cancer today, we can't start a new thread on it because there are "too many threads" on Moore.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell today called for Moore to withdraw, but it has to be posted in the millionth comment in an old Moore thread.
It reeks of a political hit job. There is no evidence beyond a very suspicious claim that something happened 38 years ago. Given how prominent Moore has been in the public service area, it's very curious that this "information" is coming to light during this particular election.

Do you summarily reject the possibility that it could be politically motivated AND true?

No. I have said repeatedly that we should follow due process under the Rule of Law. Moore has denied the allegations. So, unless evidence is provided that proves he is lying, I'll continue to believe this is politically motivated. If real evidence is put forth showing that he was sexually inappropriate or abused anyone, I will call for him to resign from public office and the campaign.

So we can quote you as believing that ALL accusations of this nature against Bill Clinton, except for the Monica affair,

were politically motivated? lol, is that a new position for you?

No, there was actual evidence regarding Clinton. He settled out of court with Paula Jones and lost his license. Juanita Broaddrick's account has been corroborated by a witness who found her in the room with a bitten lip and torn pantyhose shortly after the rape. So, I remain convinced that Bill Clinton is a serial abuse of women, aided and abetted in their ongoing abuse (via character assassination) by his awful wife.

Settling a case does not make someone guilty. The woman in question told others what happened shortly after it happened. She did not come forward either. The same circumstances you use to convict Clinton can be used to convict Roy Moore.

that would be false... .Clinton was repeatedly investigated.... and they found nothing. do you think for a second that Kenny boy starr wouldn't have gotten him for it if he could have.

it isn't comparable.

it was also investigated contemporaneously and it was concluded that the person in question was lying.
the question is did it happen. can you prove it did? can anyone? is it her word against his? does he have any other 14 year olds complaining? no pattern then if the answer is no.

It reeks of a political hit job. There is no evidence beyond a very suspicious claim that something happened 38 years ago. Given how prominent Moore has been in the public service area, it's very curious that this "information" is coming to light during this particular election.

Do you summarily reject the possibility that it could be politically motivated AND true?

No. I have said repeatedly that we should follow due process under the Rule of Law. Moore has denied the allegations. So, unless evidence is provided that proves he is lying, I'll continue to believe this is politically motivated. If real evidence is put forth showing that he was sexually inappropriate or abused anyone, I will call for him to resign from public office and the campaign.

That is so much bull. Even if he admitted it you would find a excuse to continue to support him.
yeah like I believe Anita Hill. not. evidence is needed to turn against someone and their reputation.

There are a number of differences between Hill and this woman. Anita Hill had continued contact with Thomas even after he supposedly did what she said. This woman had no contact with Moore after this happened that we know of. Breitbart strengthens the case against Moore.
McConnell takes a page from the Democrats - vilifies Moore before investigation / evidence, calls for Moore to immediately step down...

McConnell Believes Moore Accusers, Says He Should ‘Step Aside’

McConnell is in an extremely UN-Comfortable position for him right now - as the MAJORITY LEADER. He would much rather lose the Senate and be the minority leader where he can oppose the Democrats, not have to lead, and not be held accountable for anything he did...if he ever did anything. He's trying to hand the reins over to the Democrats just as fast as he can.

F*wad needs to be removed from the role he is in and voted out of office (and not because of anything regarding the Moore situation).

Michael Horowitz also says Moore did it but he says you should still support Moore. I do not believe that Moore should be seated if he wins. This is a rare case where I think McConnell is right according to the broken watch theory.
the question is did it happen. can you prove it did? can anyone? is it her word against his? does he have any other 14 year olds complaining? no pattern then if the answer is no.

It reeks of a political hit job. There is no evidence beyond a very suspicious claim that something happened 38 years ago. Given how prominent Moore has been in the public service area, it's very curious that this "information" is coming to light during this particular election.

Do you summarily reject the possibility that it could be politically motivated AND true?

No. I have said repeatedly that we should follow due process under the Rule of Law. Moore has denied the allegations. So, unless evidence is provided that proves he is lying, I'll continue to believe this is politically motivated. If real evidence is put forth showing that he was sexually inappropriate or abused anyone, I will call for him to resign from public office and the campaign.

That is so much bull. Even if he admitted it you would find a excuse to continue to support him.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzz...

I stand by my statement and really don't care what an anonymous moron like you FEELz.

You are the immoral moron. You are the one spewing hot air and lying to boot.
When someone says they can't remember if they diddled little girls, then you know they did.

It's that simple, folks.
This is a rare case where I think McConnell is right according to the broken watch theory.
Why is it that Republicans should step down, quit, or go to jail based on claims without any evidence, but Democrats aren't held accountable in any way even when there is a vast amount of evidence against them?

It's just like with Kevin Spacey. He couldn't remember if he had molested that particular kid.

When someone can't remember if they molested a particular kid, that means they have molested so many, they can't remember if this one kid was one of them.

Spacey's apology is what told me he had molested more than one.

And Moore's interview with Hannity told me he had molested more than one kid, too.

Don't be caught defending Moore.
Michael Horowitz also says Moore did it ...
Does Horowitz have evidence or a link?

There is evidence. She apparently told several people after it happened. Maybe she had a Ouija board that told her that Moore would run for the Senate 40 years later. Also Moore's denial was somewhat tepid on Hannity. She did not come forward until the Washington Post talked to her. Horowitz is a supporter of Moore and if he believes it happened, that is not good.
It reeks of a political hit job. There is no evidence beyond a very suspicious claim that something happened 38 years ago. Given how prominent Moore has been in the public service area, it's very curious that this "information" is coming to light during this particular election.

Do you summarily reject the possibility that it could be politically motivated AND true?

No. I have said repeatedly that we should follow due process under the Rule of Law. Moore has denied the allegations. So, unless evidence is provided that proves he is lying, I'll continue to believe this is politically motivated. If real evidence is put forth showing that he was sexually inappropriate or abused anyone, I will call for him to resign from public office and the campaign.

That is so much bull. Even if he admitted it you would find a excuse to continue to support him.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzz...

I stand by my statement and really don't care what an anonymous moron like you FEELz.

You are the immoral moron. You are the one spewing hot air and lying to boot.

Yeah yeah yeah. And you're a chickenhawk.

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