BUSTED: Mother of Roy Moore Accuser Contradicts Key Detail of Daughter’s Sexual Advancement Claim

Talking on the phone is not a sex crime.
It is if you are talking sexy or romantic and arranging a date.

Evidence that this actually happened?
You people are in such denial.

Au contraire. You people who are willing to violate the rule of law and due process are the ones who are in denial.

First, what would a 32 year old man be thinking of when wanting a date with a 14 year old girl? Take her out for an ice cream soda and pat her on the head? Second, no one is prosecuting him at this point. No one is saying "Lock him up!! Lock him up!!" when no charges have been filed and no due process has taken place. What people are thinking is that he is not fit to be a US senator. That's all. Think about it and realize your hypocrisy.
well since you have no one that actually did anything you wrote, no one can know.
Ay yi yi.

  • Nelson: "He forced my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought he was going to rape me."

    Nelson says Moore looked at her and said, "You're just a child and I am the district attorney...if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you." Then let her leave. He "burned rubber," she says, leaving her lying on concrete in the dark.

    Nelson says she covered her black and blue bruising with makeup, deciding not to tell anyone, but quit her job the next day. "I never went back there again," she says.

Wonder why women / girls often remain quiet after being molested?

There's part of your answer.
too funny!!! nice fiction. now prove it.
Looks like a new 14 year old accuser coming out

A new woman is expected to come forward Monday to accuse Senate candidate Roy Moore of assaulting her as a minor in Alabama.

The announcement came from attorney Gloria Allred, who has represented woman who have accused President Trump and comedian Bill Cosby of sexual misconduct or assault. The individual would be the fifth person to accuse the Republican Senate nominee of inappropriate conduct with them, including one who said Moore, then a 32-year-old prosecutor, had sexual contact with her when she was 14.
Gloria Allred? Yeah, she's known for all the credible charges she was instigated against Republicans
Her client is a trump supporter.
Bullshit. One thing we know is that she's mentally unstable.
Which you idiotically claim without knowing her. :cuckoo:
Ay yi yi.

  • Nelson: "He forced my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought he was going to rape me."

    Nelson says Moore looked at her and said, "You're just a child and I am the district attorney...if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you." Then let her leave. He "burned rubber," she says, leaving her lying on concrete in the dark.

    Nelson says she covered her black and blue bruising with makeup, deciding not to tell anyone, but quit her job the next day. "I never went back there again," she says.

Wonder why women / girls often remain quiet after being molested?

There's part of your answer.
too funny!!! nice fiction. now prove it.
Her testimony under oath -- which she has said she will do still probably wouldn't matter to you perv defenders.
Ay yi yi.

  • Nelson: "He forced my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought he was going to rape me."

    Nelson says Moore looked at her and said, "You're just a child and I am the district attorney...if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you." Then let her leave. He "burned rubber," she says, leaving her lying on concrete in the dark.

    Nelson says she covered her black and blue bruising with makeup, deciding not to tell anyone, but quit her job the next day. "I never went back there again," she says.

Wonder why women / girls often remain quiet after being molested?

There's part of your answer.
too funny!!! nice fiction. now prove it.
Her testimony under oath -- which she has said she will do still probably wouldn't matter to you perv defenders.
fk dude go for it. it will still mean nothing. go to a lie detector.
Ms. Nelson's printed statement includes a picture of Moore's note in her yearbook..

"Love, Roy Moore D.A."


She was 15.
Ay yi yi.

  • Nelson: "He forced my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought he was going to rape me."

    Nelson says Moore looked at her and said, "You're just a child and I am the district attorney...if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you." Then let her leave. He "burned rubber," she says, leaving her lying on concrete in the dark.

    Nelson says she covered her black and blue bruising with makeup, deciding not to tell anyone, but quit her job the next day. "I never went back there again," she says.

Wonder why women / girls often remain quiet after being molested?

There's part of your answer.
too funny!!! nice fiction. now prove it.
Her testimony under oath -- which she has said she will do still probably wouldn't matter to you perv defenders.
fk dude go for it. it will still mean nothing. go to a lie detector.

See? Exactly what I said.

He could probably fuck a 13 year old right in front of you and you wouldn't care.
Ay yi yi.

  • Nelson: "He forced my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought he was going to rape me."

    Nelson says Moore looked at her and said, "You're just a child and I am the district attorney...if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you." Then let her leave. He "burned rubber," she says, leaving her lying on concrete in the dark.

    Nelson says she covered her black and blue bruising with makeup, deciding not to tell anyone, but quit her job the next day. "I never went back there again," she says.

Wonder why women / girls often remain quiet after being molested?

There's part of your answer.
too funny!!! nice fiction. now prove it.
Her testimony under oath -- which she has said she will do still probably wouldn't matter to you perv defenders.
fk dude go for it. it will still mean nothing. go to a lie detector.

See? Exactly what I said.

He could probably fuck a 13 year old right in front of you and you wouldn't care.
so no lie detector for you eh? afraid of it eh? too funny loser.
Talking on the phone is not a sex crime.
It is if you are talking sexy or romantic and arranging a date.

Evidence that this actually happened?
You people are in such denial.

Au contraire. You people who are willing to violate the rule of law and due process are the ones who are in denial.

First, what would a 32 year old man be thinking of when wanting a date with a 14 year old girl? Take her out for an ice cream soda and pat her on the head? Second, no one is prosecuting him at this point. No one is saying "Lock him up!! Lock him up!!" when no charges have been filed and no due process has taken place. What people are thinking is that he is not fit to be a US senator. That's all. Think about it and realize your hypocrisy.

Well, he denies it. So, unless there is some actual evidence, I'll refrain from passing judgement on him.
Ay yi yi.

  • Nelson: "He forced my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought he was going to rape me."

    Nelson says Moore looked at her and said, "You're just a child and I am the district attorney...if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you." Then let her leave. He "burned rubber," she says, leaving her lying on concrete in the dark.

    Nelson says she covered her black and blue bruising with makeup, deciding not to tell anyone, but quit her job the next day. "I never went back there again," she says.

Wonder why women / girls often remain quiet after being molested?

There's part of your answer.
too funny!!! nice fiction. now prove it.
Her testimony under oath -- which she has said she will do still probably wouldn't matter to you perv defenders.
fk dude go for it. it will still mean nothing. go to a lie detector.

See? Exactly what I said.

He could probably fuck a 13 year old right in front of you and you wouldn't care.
so no lie detector for you eh? afraid of it eh? too funny loser.
Why should THEY have to take a lie detector test? What about the accused? Isn't that more customary?
too funny!!! nice fiction. now prove it.
Her testimony under oath -- which she has said she will do still probably wouldn't matter to you perv defenders.
fk dude go for it. it will still mean nothing. go to a lie detector.

See? Exactly what I said.

He could probably fuck a 13 year old right in front of you and you wouldn't care.
so no lie detector for you eh? afraid of it eh? too funny loser.
Why should THEY have to take a lie detector test? What about the accused? Isn't that more customary?
because innocent people are innocent. the burden is to prove their guilt. I don't believe them. that's why.
Her testimony under oath -- which she has said she will do still probably wouldn't matter to you perv defenders.
fk dude go for it. it will still mean nothing. go to a lie detector.

See? Exactly what I said.

He could probably fuck a 13 year old right in front of you and you wouldn't care.
so no lie detector for you eh? afraid of it eh? too funny loser.
Why should THEY have to take a lie detector test? What about the accused? Isn't that more customary?
because innocent people are innocent. the burden is to prove their guilt. I don't believe them. that's why.
When we did investigations, it was the ACCUSED who got the lie detector test. If they would, which usually they wouldn't because they were guilty as hell.

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