*BUSTED* Obama, LIAR- Emails prove he KNEW about Libya attacks within 2 hours


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails | Reuters

This DISGUSTING President who purposely perpetrated a LIE to cover his sorry ass, KNEW the truth all along.. Just like WE ALL said. All of his FAUX outrage of being accused is such UTTER propaganda and shows the depth of just how TRAITOROUS this dangerous man is when it comes to power. PROSECUTE the man, to the full extent of the law. He used his position as President of the United States to LIE to the American people, the world.. he persecuted a man who made a film and made him an international criminal all to cover his sorry ass!!
From the emails:
The message reported: "Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli."

What a vile human being we have as President.. who used the deaths of Americans to cover up the truth. IT'S THE LOWEST FORM OF TRASH!
Time line of lies!

Obama's Benghazi Lies - Home

Destroys Obama's case. It wasn't about a fucking terrorist attack, BUT the protest over our freedom of speech.

On the 13th he was talking about the protest when he said terrorized.

Susan Rice said on the 16th that this wasn't a pre-planned attack. LIES

On the 18th Obama went on the letterman show and blamed our first amendment for the attack. LIES!!!

If the terrorized was supposed to mean a terrorist attack. Well, Obama sure inserted his foot in his ass.

Clinton on the 21st was the first to say it was a Terrorist attack. SPIN!

Obama on the view on the 25th said it was about the fucking video! Spin some more!!!
One would think this would be definitive enough, but methinks it will fall short since perhaps the president wasn't able to make a Blackberry connection at the time in question.
From the emails:
The message reported: "Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli."

What a vile human being we have as President.. who used the deaths of Americans to cover up the truth. IT'S THE LOWEST FORM OF TRASH!

He used it to attack our first amendment in front of the entire islamic world. Treason.
This also means HILLARY ROTTEN knew and Susan Rice. Every last one of them SHOULD RESIGN immediately! Thank GOD for a republican controlled House or we would have NEVER found this out!! This shows how desperate and what pathetic liars liberals are.
Three emails were sent by the State Department's Operations Center about the Benghazi consulate attack to multiple government offices, including the White House Situation Room, President Obama's secure command post on the afternoon of September 11. (This missive came 20-30 minutes after the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission allegedly began.)

The first email at 4:05 p.m. Washington time (10:05 p.m. Benghazi time), subject line: "U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack" read that the diplomatic mission in Benghazi was "under attack. Embassy in Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. . . . Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four ... personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia [local Libyan group] is providing security support."

A second email, subject line: "Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi" at 4:54 p.m. Washington time, said that the Embassy in Tripoli had reported that "the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi had stopped and the compound had been cleared." It said a "response team" was at the site attempting to locate missing personnel.

A third email, subject line: "Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack" at 6:07 p.m. Washington time reported: "Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli."

What was President Obama's reaction after reading these emails? He headed off to Las Vegas for his reelection campaign!
One would think this would be definitive enough, but methinks it will fall short since perhaps the president wasn't able to make a Blackberry connection at the time in question.

Haha.. But all joking aside --this is a very serious crime.
White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails | Reuters

This DISGUSTING President who purposely perpetrated a LIE to cover his sorry ass, KNEW the truth all along.. Just like WE ALL said. All of his FAUX outrage of being accused is such UTTER propaganda and shows the depth of just how TRAITOROUS this dangerous man is when it comes to power. PROSECUTE the man, to the full extent of the law. He used his position as President of the United States to LIE to the American people, the world.. he persecuted a man who made a film and made him an international criminal all to cover his sorry ass!!

I have a feeling this was covered up to eliminate the possibility of another scandal involving arms. Serious ordinance being shipped from Libya to Syria.
The ambassador was his point man, was left hung out to dry.

It would appear to me at least this administration is government building in the ME and NA. It also sheds light on the fact that he's Muslim and he hates the USA.
One of his obvious dreams is to install the MBH. Question is what do we face if he wins the election?
He's also all about a New World Government. Look at what he will allow, the UN to come into our country to monitor our election?

Only a fool would vote for him.
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White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails | Reuters

This DISGUSTING President who purposely perpetrated a LIE to cover his sorry ass, KNEW the truth all along.. Just like WE ALL said. All of his FAUX outrage of being accused is such UTTER propaganda and shows the depth of just how TRAITOROUS this dangerous man is when it comes to power. PROSECUTE the man, to the full extent of the law. He used his position as President of the United States to LIE to the American people, the world.. he persecuted a man who made a film and made him an international criminal all to cover his sorry ass!!

I have a feeling this was covered up to eliminate the possibility of another scandal involving arms. Serious ordinance being shipped from Libya to Syria.
The ambassador was his point man, was left hung out to dry.

There is no telling how dirty the lies go.. I wouldn't put anything past this President.
White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails | Reuters

This DISGUSTING President who purposely perpetrated a LIE to cover his sorry ass, KNEW the truth all along.. Just like WE ALL said. All of his FAUX outrage of being accused is such UTTER propaganda and shows the depth of just how TRAITOROUS this dangerous man is when it comes to power. PROSECUTE the man, to the full extent of the law. He used his position as President of the United States to LIE to the American people, the world.. he persecuted a man who made a film and made him an international criminal all to cover his sorry ass!!

I have a feeling this was covered up to eliminate the possibility of another scandal involving arms. Serious ordinance being shipped from Libya to Syria.
The ambassador was his point man, was left hung out to dry.

There is no telling how dirty the lies go.. I wouldn't put anything past this President.

I know, I just can't wait until he's indicted for that donor scandal..
Something else.. an email shows they knew about the attack within 20 minutes or so.. Why weren't teams sent in to rescue or help out our people???? What about a possible air strike? How fast could our Fighters get there?? THE 3 AM CALL CAME and this President closed his eyes and went back to bed. DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a feeling this was covered up to eliminate the possibility of another scandal involving arms. Serious ordinance being shipped from Libya to Syria.
The ambassador was his point man, was left hung out to dry.

There is no telling how dirty the lies go.. I wouldn't put anything past this President.

I know, I just can't wait until he's indicted for that donor scandal..

We'll see how many donors are illegal.. from the looks of it, most. But this one, allowing Americans to be slaughtered and a sitting US President rolls over, goes back to bed.. then LIES his sorry ass off about the whole thing.. He needs to be indicted and I think he will be.
Something else.. an email shows they knew about the attack within 20 minutes or so.. Why weren't teams sent in to rescue or help out our people???? What about a possible air strike? How fast could our Fighters get there?? THE 3 AM CALL CAME and this President closed his eyes and went back to bed. DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!

Hillary officially came out and took responsibility, perpetuating the lie. She needs to be brought before the Committee with official sworn testimony. How much did Elijah Cummings, who sat on that committee CRYING about his poor liberal friends in the WH and State Dept, know??? Was he a part of this massive cover up??

Hats off to Daryl Issa and the republicans!
Yet we learn today that Stevens was begging for months for security??? WTF is wrong with the Obama Admin. If you leftist had any honor you wouldn't vote for Obama.

Documents show Stevens worried about Libya security threats, Al Qaeda before consulate attack
Fox News ^ | 10-19-2012 | James Rosen
Documents show Stevens worried about Libya security threats, Al Qaeda before consulate attack | Fox News

Across 166 pages of internal State Department documents -- released Friday by a pair of Republican congressmen pressing the Obama administration for more answers on the Benghazi terrorist attack -- slain U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and the security officers assigned to protect him repeatedly sounded alarms to their superiors in Washington about the intensifying lawlessness and violence in Eastern Libya, where Stevens ultimately died.

On Sept. 11 -- the day Stevens and three other Americans were killed -- the ambassador signed a three-page cable, labeled "sensitive," in which he noted "growing problems with security" in Benghazi and "growing frustration" on the part of local residents with Libyan police and security forces. These forces the ambassador characterized as "too weak to keep the country secure."
Like I mentioned.. It could be that the ambassador was a threat to the agenda and left hung out to dry.
Why else would this have happened, especially knowing the compound had been bombed twice in three months or so before the attack and other countries embassy's had been vacated months earlier due to threats.

Its not that hard to figure out.
It is sad.. Very sad that this man would go to the lengths he has to covet power. He has denegrated the memory of our fallen and left a black mark on the White House.

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