*BUSTED* Obama, LIAR- Emails prove he KNEW about Libya attacks within 2 hours

You guys should read your own linked articles.

How can you try to protect this administration at a time like this. Are you not concerned about our country?

No, he's not. He's more concerned about Obama getting caught and desperately trying to weasel ANYTHING that covers for this sorry LYING President. Leftists only care about the end game.. Whatever it takes to retain power.. nothing else matters.
They do not care about this country as they're trying to over throw our system. They want Cuba like system.

They're Communist.
Hillary officially came out and took responsibility, perpetuating the lie. She needs to be brought before the Committee with official sworn testimony. How much did Elijah Cummings, who sat on that committee CRYING about his poor liberal friends in the WH and State Dept, know??? Was he a part of this massive cover up??

Hats off to Daryl Issa and the republicans!

Is Hillary in on that donor scandal too?
Move over Richard Nixon.. What you did looks like CHILDS PLAY compared to what this LIAR President has done.
She is disgusting. Her entire agenda is disgusting as is the pig she married.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll5Wg3D4UA4&feature=player_detailpage]Hillary Clinton calls anti-Muslim film, Innocence of Muslims 'disgusting and reprehensible' - YouTube[/ame]
There is no telling how dirty the lies go.. I wouldn't put anything past this President.

I know, I just can't wait until he's indicted for that donor scandal..

We'll see how many donors are illegal.. from the looks of it, most. But this one, allowing Americans to be slaughtered and a sitting US President rolls over, goes back to bed.. then LIES his sorry ass off about the whole thing.. He needs to be indicted and I think he will be.
:rofl: you are certifiably nutzoid!!!! but funny to watch!!! :lol:
Libruls run to the thread to toss out personal insults all the while, THEIR PRESIDENT is knee deep in the biggest scandal since WATERGATE and CAUGHT.
I know, I just can't wait until he's indicted for that donor scandal..

We'll see how many donors are illegal.. from the looks of it, most. But this one, allowing Americans to be slaughtered and a sitting US President rolls over, goes back to bed.. then LIES his sorry ass off about the whole thing.. He needs to be indicted and I think he will be.
:rofl: you are certifiably nutzoid!!!! but funny to watch!!! :lol:

So your saying the President allowing this to happen is still okay with you?
Are you that fucking deranged?
We'll see how many donors are illegal.. from the looks of it, most. But this one, allowing Americans to be slaughtered and a sitting US President rolls over, goes back to bed.. then LIES his sorry ass off about the whole thing.. He needs to be indicted and I think he will be.
:rofl: you are certifiably nutzoid!!!! but funny to watch!!! :lol:

So your saying the President allowing this to happen is still okay with you?
Are you that fucking deranged?

You know the drill.. LEFTISTS caught in lies do one thing: ATTACK THE MESSENGER.. We all know what they do.. It's laughable.. They're trolls.. ignore them.
This article is from Breibart:

Caught in a Lie--Again: White House Received Claims of Terrorist Role Two Hours After Benghazi Attack

This LIAR President with his, "Al -Qaeda is on the run" mantra is a freaking joke..

He's one of them. He proved that when he went on the apology tour.

He's also being used by the Clinton's who are all about the New World Government.
Only this time the Clinton's are in knee deep with no way out. They're finished. It's about time.
The main question I have is this, "Mr. President, YOU KNEW, YOU KNEW our people were under attack and you went to freaking bed!! WHY?????????????? Why did you leave them there to die?????"
White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails | Reuters

This DISGUSTING President who purposely perpetrated a LIE to cover his sorry ass, KNEW the truth all along.. Just like WE ALL said. All of his FAUX outrage of being accused is such UTTER propaganda and shows the depth of just how TRAITOROUS this dangerous man is when it comes to power. PROSECUTE the man, to the full extent of the law. He used his position as President of the United States to LIE to the American people, the world.. he persecuted a man who made a film and made him an international criminal all to cover his sorry ass!!

Worse than Watergate. Nixon never sacrificed anybody to Islam
The main question I have is this, "Mr. President, YOU KNEW, YOU KNEW our people were under attack and you went to freaking bed!! WHY?????????????? Why did you leave them there to die?????"

My belief is he was shipping Arms into Syria. Trying to sure up the MBH in Government there.
His intention was to build a massive Al Quad a Controlled ME and NA.
Take complete control of oil and wreak havoc on the USA.

Stevens was a threat. He was left for dead.
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White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails | Reuters

This DISGUSTING President who purposely perpetrated a LIE to cover his sorry ass, KNEW the truth all along.. Just like WE ALL said. All of his FAUX outrage of being accused is such UTTER propaganda and shows the depth of just how TRAITOROUS this dangerous man is when it comes to power. PROSECUTE the man, to the full extent of the law. He used his position as President of the United States to LIE to the American people, the world.. he persecuted a man who made a film and made him an international criminal all to cover his sorry ass!!

Worse than Watergate. Nixon never sacrificed anybody to Islam

This President has shown himself to be a LIAR.. Issa needs to demand, go to court to have those protected emails and information that Obama sealed to protect Holder and Company, unsealed and shown to all Americans. There's some rotten garbage in those and God knows what else. Any President who knowing Americans are under attack , IGNORES IT, goes back to sleep while they die and are tortured is sheer TRASH!
So your saying the President allowing this to happen is still okay with you?
Are you that fucking deranged?

You know the drill.. LEFTISTS caught in lies do one thing: ATTACK THE MESSENGER.. We all know what they do.. It's laughable.. They're trolls.. ignore them.

Messenger? Try troll.

.. It's all unraveling.. All the lies and propaganda and yet you slime the thread with NOTHING other than your own bile.

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