*BUSTED* Obama, LIAR- Emails prove he KNEW about Libya attacks within 2 hours

This President has shown himself to be a LIAR.. Issa needs to demand, go to court to have those protected emails and information that Obama sealed to protect Holder and Company, unsealed and shown to all Americans. There's some rotten garbage in those and God knows what else. Any President who knowing Americans are under attack , IGNORES IT, goes back to sleep while they die and are tortured is sheer TRASH!

Then went to Vegas to tell more lies about how great he is.
This President has shown himself to be a LIAR.. Issa needs to demand, go to court to have those protected emails and information that Obama sealed to protect Holder and Company, unsealed and shown to all Americans. There's some rotten garbage in those and God knows what else. Any President who knowing Americans are under attack , IGNORES IT, goes back to sleep while they die and are tortured is sheer TRASH!

Then blames our freedom of speech(a video) for it in front of the islamic world that lead to 2 more embassies to be attacked. Yes, Obama is worse than trash. :mad:
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You should of seen how fucking far the fucking "liebals" want to trash our freedoms of speech when this lie was being put out there. So much for being for the first amendment or any other rights. fucking hypocrites.
I swear to god they're starting to defend their dear leader in the same way as the media in North korea protects Kim jong UN. It's fucking scary.
This means PANETTA knew.. all of these LIARS in this corrupt Administration. Let the chips fall..
I swear to god they're starting to defend their dear leader in the same way as the media in North korea protects Kim jong UN. It's fucking scary.

I've said and labeled them as ZOMBIES.. It's true.. We can see how a Hitler rose to power when you have a people willing to close their eyes to evil.
This means PANETTA knew.. all of these LIARS in this corrupt Administration. Let the chips fall..

They all lied. :mad:

Time line of lies!

Obama's Benghazi Lies - Home

Destroys Obama's case.

On the 12th he was talking about the protest when he said terrorized.

Susan Rice said on the 16th that this wasn't a pre-planned attack. LIES

On the 18th Obama went on the letterman show and blamed our first amendment for the attack. LIES!!!

If the terrorized was supposed to mean a terrorist attack. Well, Obama sure inserted his foot in his ass.

Clinton on the 21st was the first to say it was a Terrorist attack. SPIN!

Obama on the view on the 25th said it was about the fucking video! Spin some more!!!
Anyone else wonder what the weather is like on LGS's planet?

I'm not the one who allowed Americans to die and suffer, then cover it up. HE KNEW.. He knew they were being attacked by Al-Qaeda and they paid with their lives.. Then he lied and covered it up and all you can do is come in to a thread and play STOOPID.. You're a sad American, a worthless American who doesn't give the first DAMN about others, JUST POWER and protecting your messiah. You're a disgrace along with your President.
This is the lead story on DrudgeReport right now, with the headline:


Hell to pay.
Anyone else wonder what the weather is like on LGS's planet?

You simply don't give a flying fuck about what this president did. Pretty soon you will be saluting him as dear leader. :mad:

We just don't give a fuck about what you haters say he did.

Too bad there's proof ZOMBIE. No, you don't give a damn about anything or anyone, including Americans who died because of this man's incompetence, lies, cover up.. you're worthless.
As long as you nut jobs spend as much time as possible here...and not out in public where you can harm someone, I am very happy to listen to your crazed rantings. We all must do our part to keep our communities safe.
How does a President of the United States KNOW that his people are under attack - AL-QAEDA, go back to bed and sleep and not send in help??? HOW?????????????????????????????? Then flies to Vegas the next day as embassies burn worldwide, LYING HIS ASS OFF, all over the place??? HOW???

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