*BUSTED* Obama, LIAR- Emails prove he KNEW about Libya attacks within 2 hours

Little mention of this on the MSM. Not surprised..

That's because this is bullshit.

It's already been debunked OVER and OVER, Fox is just sucking you guys on for ratings.


Are REUTERS??? CBS?? ABC????????????

Go back and stop ignoring the contradictory posts that has been posted in this thread. You sit there are ignore all of the posts and then finally select this one after you already have debunked.. You are clueless.

You have been proven wrong, your rage is false. The fact that there was email proof MEANS NOTHING, the terrorist group CLAIMED to take responsibility, news agencies covered the terrorist groups claim for the attack on 9/12/12. This not some amazing NEW news.. If we went by what everyone says as direct proof.. You would be considered RESOUNDINGLY correct, but you ARE NOT. Investigations needed to be made, yeah, we could have said it was terrorism right off the bat (which we did), but there also needed to be further evidence as the video was also causing Muslim reaction all over the ME, they were PARALLEL events (or may have even acted as cover).

The same thing happened after 9/11/01, there was like 15 groups that tried to take blame for the attack on the towers.

Reactionary rage has never gotten us anywhere, evidence is needed to make the best decisions. In addition, just because Obama went to Las Vegas DOES NOT prove that he sat there and did nothing, the POTUS is mobile and has been since the late '90s, where he goes, he commands and delegates.

Give it a rest.
Too bad you look like an idiot.

No doubt, because uh, um, OBAMA AKBAR.

How is Obama liar about bayonets when he never said that they don't use them?

You know fuckwad, Romney stated that we need to increase our navy - which has nothing to do with "horses or bayonets."

{ “You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military’s changed.”} - Fucktard Obama.

Please, do go on.. :lol:

It is quite strange that after one month we still are dickering on when did we know that the attack and assassination of 4 Americans was committed by al-Qaeda. When at this time 11 years ago we were landing troops in Afghanistan to attack al-Qaeda.
Now despite the cover-up of this administration we are finding that this administration knew of the attack as it was happening and had information that al-Qaeda was behind it, while keeping the truth from the American People.

The question is, is the left gonna call all those on the video a liar? Or will they bother to watch and listen to the lies

The facts are that the WH refused to take the reports seriously leading up to the anniversary of 9/11. making this president a weak, ineffectual and therefore dangerous leader. Whether he ignored threats due to his indifference or his arrogance and pursuit of power or some combination of both is unimportant... He is a terrible President...absolutely terrible!

If Obama's presidency is not done after this, then it is an indictment of the American people! The most disgusting and disturbing reality imo is the OMG (Obama media Groupies) who have completely betrayed their calling in their attempts to not only NOT investigate, but to actually offer the president cover!

You should be drunk now from all that spinning. Cut and paste is one of the reps specialties.
Between sessions, cut/paste, multiple on one screen, dual monitors. LIES,
But hey! That’s what there’re good at doing. cut/paste LIES. :clap2:

That you wish to remain an Obamabot in light of the facts showing his administrations decision to cover-up a terrorist attack, because it was inconvenient to his re-election efforts, makes you a party to those lies and that cover-up...not me asshole-YOU.

At 0:30 in that video you can clearly see that is was edited (jump cut) to make it look like something that she did not say.


GREGORY: The images as you well know are jarring to Americans watching all of this play out this week, and we’ll share the map of all of this turmoil with our viewers to show the scale of it across not just the Arab world, but the entire Islamic world and flashpoints as well. In Egypt, of course, the protests outside the U.S. embassy there that Egyptian officials were slow to put down. This weekend in Pakistan, protests as well there. More anti-American rage. Also protests against the drone strikes. In Yemen, you also had arrests and some deaths outside of our U.S. embassy there. How much longer can Americans expect to see these troubling images and these protests go forward?

MS. RICE: Well, David, we can’t predict with any certainty. But let’s remember what has transpired over the last several days. This is a response to a hateful and offensive video that was widely disseminated throughout the Arab and Muslim world. Obviously, our view is that there is absolutely no excuse for violence and that-- what has happened is condemnable, but this is a-- a spontaneous reaction to a video, and it’s not dissimilar but, perhaps, on a slightly larger scale than what we have seen in the past with The Satanic Verses with the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Now, the United States has made very clear and the president has been very plain that our top priority is the protection of American personnel in our facilities and bringing to justice those who…"

As you can read, David Gregory was specifically speaking about the Arab riots as a whole.

Not to mention this is a video made by American Crossroads, which is Carl Roves' super PAC. No better than a Michael Moore film.
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obama took a gamble and lost. He gambled that his campaign narrative would be good enough to get him through the election, then it wouldn't matter that he let this massacre happen. He just lost, now it's up to his team to carry his bucket.
They can't.

They have to blame someone for their manufactured outrage.

LGS can't even hold a steady job.. Her computer is the only thing that will put up with her crazy.

Poor thing.

{“This is a fairly volatile situation and it is in response not to United States policy, not to obviously the administration, not to the American people,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said Friday. “It is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting. That in no way justifies any violent reaction to it, but this is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy. This is in response to a video that is offensive to Muslims.”} - direct lie

So, HOW EXACTLY DID YOU "debunk" this, drone?

Are you claiming that Carney never said it? Or that Carney doesn't work for the Obama administration?

Or are you just lying through your fucking teeth because you're a hack with no integrity who holds party above country?

I'm thinking it's the latter.

{Tapper was skeptical. “The group around the Benghazi post was well armed,” he said. “It was a well-coordinated attack. Do you think it was a spontaneous protest against a movie?”

“Look, this is obviously under investigation,” Carney said.} - direct lie, we now find out that Obama and the administration knew full well it was a terrorist attack - nothing to investigate.

So, HOW EXACTLY DID YOU "debunk" this, drone?

Are you claiming that Carney never said it? Or that Carney doesn't work for the Obama administration?

Or are you just lying through your fucking teeth because you're a hack with no integrity who holds party above country?

I'm thinking it's the latter.

{"there are no words that excuse the killing of innocent" and "no video that justifies an attack on an embassy."} - Lying fuck Obama

So, HOW EXACTLY DID YOU "debunk" this, drone?

Are you claiming that Obama never said it?

Or are you just lying through your fucking teeth because you're a hack with no integrity who holds party above country?

I'm thinking it's the latter.

{“Let’s be clear: these protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region,” said Carney. “We have no information to suggest that it was a preplanned attack.”} - Direct lie

So, HOW EXACTLY DID YOU "debunk" this, drone?

Are you claiming that Carney never said it? Or that Carney doesn't work for the Obama administration?

Or are you just lying through your fucking teeth because you're a hack with no integrity who holds party above country?

I'm thinking it's the latter.

{“The unrest around the region has been in response to the video.”} - Direct lie

So, HOW EXACTLY DID YOU "debunk" this, drone?

Are you claiming that Carney never said it? Or that Carney doesn't work for the Obama administration?

Or are you just lying through your fucking teeth because you're a hack with no integrity who holds party above country?

I'm thinking it's the latter.
WMD.....you mean Horses and Bayonets, of course!

Shortbus, you claimed to be in the military - so you know they use bayonets and that Obama is an ignorant, lying fuck.

Of course Romney never said a word about "horses and bayonets," that lying, ignorant fuck Obama brought them up.

Are you saying that Romney didn't bring up the 1916 era US military? Are you fucking deaf too?

That was not the point Romney was making, the point Romney was making was that the navy said they needed a certain amount of ships, that Obama denied. Obama tried to make his point about horses and bayonets, and that our military advancements require less ships. Well no shit sherlock, pretty much everyone understands that. No one is asking for a ship force like we had in WWII, Romney just does not want to bank on a couple hundred ships responsible for patrolling a planet that is 70% oceans. What would happen if just 10 of those ships were sunk; we would have a very thin stretched navy even more vulnerable to attack, with very little attacking capability. Heres another thing Obama forgot to mention, were not the only country with that has a navy with aircraft carriers and submarines. China happens to be building up a very impressive, technologically advanced naval force, and it is not a stretch to say their navy could hold its own against our own. The rate that they are building their force, they would be able to whoop our thin stretched navy in about 10 years. I dont think anyone can deny another cold war situation, or even a WWIII is bound to happen. What prevented us from getting into another WWIII in the cold war was having a bigger stick than them. What caused us to join WWII was Japan attacking our decently strong navy. They thought that they could take it, and they weren't wrong by much. If it weren't for the battle of midway and Americas manufacturing power at the time, we all might be speaking japanese today. America is not a manufacturing superpower anymore, china is.
i still don't know what the fuck the Right Wing (and their radio leader, Sean Hannity) is so worked up about. The more I learn about it, the more insignificant the "issue" becomes. Seriously, wingnuts, is this the best you can do?

Yeah, I mean what's the big deal about a terrorist attack? Obama Akbar.
i still don't know what the fuck the Right Wing (and their radio leader, Sean Hannity) is so worked up about. The more I learn about it, the more insignificant the "issue" becomes. Seriously, wingnuts, is this the best you can do?

Yeah, I mean what's the big deal about a terrorist attack? Obama Akbar.

Just shows you that progressives dont care if Americans are killed over seas as long as Obama isn't splattered with it.
All that's left now for him, is to blame DAT BOOOOOOSH. But he can't blame this one away. This awful Libyan mess is all his. Candy Crowley may have thought she saved him, but she didn't. The fact is, Obama lied and people died.

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