*BUSTED* Obama, LIAR- Emails prove he KNEW about Libya attacks within 2 hours

The bigger problem is that 50% of the population if not more will not care about this. The life of some diplomat in some "imaginary land" that they have never met means nothing to them. As long as American Idol airs at its normal broadcast time, nothing will phase them. It won't be until people are kicking down their doors that they will start to care, not their neighbor's doors but their own. Even then it will be the white non-democratic man's fault that it is happening to them.
Let's start with this:

September 12 -- President Barack Obama:
"The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. ... No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

September 12 -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:
"We are working to determine the precise motivations and methods of those who carried out this assault. Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our embassy in Cairo yesterday, as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. America's commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is no justification for this; none."

September 12 -- White House spokesman Jay Carney, in response to questions about whether the attack was planned:
"It's too early for us to make that judgment. I think -- I know that this is being investigated, and we're working with the Libyan government to investigate the incident. So I would not want to speculate on that at this time."
What the Obama administration has said about the Libya attack - CNN.com

Now click on the link and read the timeline. Add in the Rueters report from September 12 stating the White House said a possibility of the terrorist faction of Ansar al-Sharia
[Reports: Militants Quickly Claimed Responsibility For Benghazi Attack : The Two-Way : NPR ]

Add in the protests erupting all over the freakin WORLD in and around our embassies regarding the video


And you know what? You get a LOT of conflicting reports, and it takes time to sort this shit out.

You wanted Obama to be like Romney: Shoot first and aim later. Sorry. That's not what thoughtful leaders do.

You will sit back and sellout your country for that check won't you.. scumbag

Oh so Obama never shot first and ask questions later blaming the video, despite having a live feed of the attack in real time (redundant, I know) that showed no protest whatsoever, but showed a bunch of terrorist all armed, going after the ambassador.
Not only did he sacrifice those men to create the illusion of a successful foreign policy, he caused riots against us all over the middle east by bringing an obscure film to the fore front, hoping to cover up his lack of concern for Americans. To him this was no more than his beloved Islam gaining it's footing.
i still don't know what the fuck the Right Wing (and their radio leader, Sean Hannity) is so worked up about. The more I learn about it, the more insignificant the "issue" becomes. Seriously, wingnuts, is this the best you can do?

Seriously poser, this is the first time in American history a terrorist attack successfully overtook a U.S. compound and killed the director....and the nearest US base just a few hours away was not called? The Commander in Chief went to Vegas to campaign the next day?
And this is "no big deal" ?
What do we tell the families of our fallen?

Your son was left for dead because our President and Secretary of State didn't give shit less or what did they know?

The cover up begins...
Then they blamed the deaths on a video, spent $70,000.00 to produce a TV ad to run on Muslim TV.
Apologizing to Muslims mind you. Then went on about there business.

I smell sulfur.
And what a coincidence, right after the Dear Leader blames his debacle on a completely unknown Filmmaker, the man is quickly arrested and locked away. Such Scapegoat Bullshit. I just don't get how so many have become such programmed Obamabots. Don't they see what's going on? How can they ignore such corruption? I'll never understand Bot-mentality.
And what a coincidence, right after the Dear Leader blames his debacle on a completely unknown Filmmaker, the man is quickly arrested and locked away. Such Scapegoat Bullshit. I just don't get how so many have become such programmed Obamabots. Don't they see what's going on? How can they ignore such corruption? I'll never understand Bot-mentality.

THIS! Like Freedom of Speech means nothing? Going after a man THEY KNOW is not to blame!
And what a coincidence, right after the Dear Leader blames his debacle on a completely unknown Filmmaker, the man is quickly arrested and locked away. Such Scapegoat Bullshit. I just don't get how so many have become such programmed Obamabots. Don't they see what's going on? How can they ignore such corruption? I'll never understand Bot-mentality.

THIS! Like Freedom of Speech means nothing? Going after a man THEY KNOW is not to blame!

Yeah, they sure did pounce on that guy. We may never hear from him again. Off to Scapegoat oblivion for him. I just don't understand how Obamabots can conveniently ignore such awful corruption.
And what a coincidence, right after the Dear Leader blames his debacle on a completely unknown Filmmaker, the man is quickly arrested and locked away. Such Scapegoat Bullshit. I just don't get how so many have become such programmed Obamabots. Don't they see what's going on? How can they ignore such corruption? I'll never understand Bot-mentality.

THIS! Like Freedom of Speech means nothing? Going after a man THEY KNOW is not to blame!

Yeah, they sure did pounce on that guy. We may never hear from him again. Off to Scapegoat oblivion for him. I just don't understand how Obamabots can conveniently ignore such awful corruption.

You remember Richard Jewel ?
{“This is a fairly volatile situation and it is in response not to United States policy, not to obviously the administration, not to the American people,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said Friday. “It is in response to a video, a film that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting. That in no way justifies any violent reaction to it, but this is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S. policy. This is in response to a video that is offensive to Muslims.”} - direct lie

So, HOW EXACTLY DID YOU "debunk" this, drone?

Are you claiming that Carney never said it? Or that Carney doesn't work for the Obama administration?

Or are you just lying through your fucking teeth because you're a hack with no integrity who holds party above country?

I'm thinking it's the latter.

Lol, you ready? It is hilarious when you get mad.

Carney made it clear that the protests across the Muslim world targeting U.S. embassies and consulates were due to the video.

Which they were, he was NOT talking directly in relation to the Libya attacks, it was a general statement regarding all of the riots.

Next time READ the whole transcripts.

{Tapper was skeptical. “The group around the Benghazi post was well armed,” he said. “It was a well-coordinated attack. Do you think it was a spontaneous protest against a movie?”

“Look, this is obviously under investigation,” Carney said.} - direct lie, we now find out that Obama and the administration knew full well it was a terrorist attack - nothing to investigate.

So, HOW EXACTLY DID YOU "debunk" this, drone?

Are you claiming that Carney never said it? Or that Carney doesn't work for the Obama administration?

Or are you just lying through your fucking teeth because you're a hack with no integrity who holds party above country?

I'm thinking it's the latter.

The fact that the emails said there was a group claiming they did it is NOT direct proof they did, in fact, do it. Like I have said a million times now, during 9/11/01 about 15 terrorist groups around the world took responsibility for the attacks.. An investigation needed to happen, to be sure it was terrorism.

The best way to look at this is like a court case, even if a man confesses to the killing there still has to be sufficient evidence to punish him for the crime. Same applies here, before executing blame and labeling it something they took the time to investigate.. And rightfully so told us they were doing that: “Look, this is obviously under investigation,”.

{"there are no words that excuse the killing of innocent" and "no video that justifies an attack on an embassy."} - Lying fuck Obama

So, HOW EXACTLY DID YOU "debunk" this, drone?

Are you claiming that Obama never said it?

Or are you just lying through your fucking teeth because you're a hack with no integrity who holds party above country?

I'm thinking it's the latter.

He was not just speaking specifically about Libya. Remember? There were other riots, where they were attacking our embassies.

Besides you ONCE AGAIN, cherry picked your quotes:

"There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents. There is no video that justifies an attack on an embassy. There is no slander that provides an excuse for people to burn a restaurant in Lebanon, or destroy a school in Tunis, or cause death and destruction in Pakistan. "

As you can see, he was speaking in generalities, the ideas are not spoken to be the same.. The period (.), symbolizes the END of statement..

Wrong by default. :lol:

{“Let’s be clear: these protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region,” said Carney. “We have no information to suggest that it was a preplanned attack.”} - Direct lie

So, HOW EXACTLY DID YOU "debunk" this, drone?

Are you claiming that Carney never said it? Or that Carney doesn't work for the Obama administration?

Or are you just lying through your fucking teeth because you're a hack with no integrity who holds party above country?

I'm thinking it's the latter.

Carney said this on 9/14/12

As already stated, the claim to the attacks does NOT mean that they have been found to be the ones who committed it. It was just a claim, NO PROOF.

You are thick. You think the government is going to tell us anything about an active investigation even though they are unsure..

You would probably complain about that too. You partisan hack.

{“The unrest around the region has been in response to the video.”} - Direct lie

So, HOW EXACTLY DID YOU "debunk" this, drone?

Are you claiming that Carney never said it? Or that Carney doesn't work for the Obama administration?

Or are you just lying through your fucking teeth because you're a hack with no integrity who holds party above country?

I'm thinking it's the latter.

Forgot the rest of the quote?

"We do not, at this moment, have information to suggest or to tell you that would indicate that any of this unrest was preplanned.”

Which was the truth, we had someone who CLAIMED they did it, but no hardcore evidence. In addition, notice the use of "any of this unrest was preplanned", he used the word "this", as in the macro sense ... That is because his response was to a question regarding ALL of the unrest in the middle east as a whole


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Something else.. an email shows they knew about the attack within 20 minutes or so.. Why weren't teams sent in to rescue or help out our people???? What about a possible air strike? How fast could our Fighters get there?? THE 3 AM CALL CAME and this President closed his eyes and went back to bed. DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!

A "team" sent from where? How? An air strike sent from where?

Even the President of the United States can't pull military resources out of thin air.

Then i guess Obama and Hillary should of gotten extra security to them WHEN THEY ASKED FOR IT. We most likely wouldn't have 4 dead people now.
THIS! Like Freedom of Speech means nothing? Going after a man THEY KNOW is not to blame!

Yeah, they sure did pounce on that guy. We may never hear from him again. Off to Scapegoat oblivion for him. I just don't understand how Obamabots can conveniently ignore such awful corruption.

You remember Richard Jewel ?

Oh yeah. This President blamed and then ordered this Filmmaker's arrest and imprisonment. That should be incredibly disturbing to all Americans. And spare me the whole 'Probation Violation' scam. He was picked up and imprisoned right after the President of the United States publicly declared this awful incident all his fault. It's time for the Obama-Worship to end. He needs to be held accountable. Period, end of story.
Here y'all are again, playing Monday Morning Quarterback about Benghazi, but your own candidate didn't even mention it on Monday night when he had Obama right across the table from him.

If it's such a great coverup and conspiracy, why didn't Romney confront the President about it?

The very first question Monday night was about the attacks in Libya....Obama skirted right around it and started talking about terrorists. Not one word as to why they ignored the requests for more security. A lot of people noticed that. And the moderator didn't push it. Romney's just letting him hang himself.....and he's doing a good job at it!
Fox News and Republicans are banking on the word of Terrorists using social media. You all are being played big time.

Its not hard to see this fact folks.
Yeah, they sure did pounce on that guy. We may never hear from him again. Off to Scapegoat oblivion for him. I just don't understand how Obamabots can conveniently ignore such awful corruption.

You remember Richard Jewel ?

Oh yeah. This President blamed and then ordered this Filmmaker's arrest and imprisonment. That should be incredibly disturbing to all Americans. And spare me the whole 'Probation Violation' scam. He was picked up and imprisoned right after the President of the United States publicly declared this awful incident all his fault. It's time for the Obama-Worship to end. He needs to be held accountable. Period, end of story.
Jewel was the guy the FBI leaked to as the Olympic bomber then it was proven he was innocent.
Everyone take note of the EXTREME LEFTIST NUTS on this site.. None of them will ever have an ounce of credibility, if they ever did?

Emails Show White House Knew of Benghazi on 9/11 | BrokenControllers.com

Obama CAUGHT in all of his lies along with his Zombie herd.


I'm sorry.. I didn't hear your defense of this President and his lies?? Do you actually have something to say or just sit there swigging your own spittle?

Lol, Obama and Rmoney are both turds.

But I'm laughing at how one sided you are being.
Anyone else wonder what the weather is like on LGS's planet?

If anyone ever wonders how men like Pol Pot, Stalin, and Kim Jung Il retained power, they need only look at you.

Precisely what I said.. I had wondered up until today , how Germans sat silently as an entire people were nearly SLAUGHTERED.. The leftists we see here are frigtheningly no different. That will turn a blind eye, lie to cover it up even with evidence and proof.. ANYTHING, even the deaths of fellow Americans, to further their vile thirst for power.

I wonder how many would actually think Obama was right if he ordered people that don't agree with him into concentration camps, and started to murder them. There's a few on this board that i'm sure would be right there working at the camps! They don't care about anything except keeping their dear leader in office so they can keep getting their handouts. They will NEVER believe the truth even if it slaps them up against the head. This is really getting scary!!

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