Busting the Myth of Separation of Church and State

Nowhere can this be found in the constitution. Nowhere. It does say, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Period. Nothing more.

What's so hard to understand about that?

The article @ Myth Busted: ‘Separation of Church and State’ clearly relates how anti-religious organizations have conducted a campaign to frighten pastors from speaking on political ideals from their pulpits, often using outright lies as part of their threats.

It's about time pastors speak up.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

"But that's not in the Constitution" is a failed and ignorant "argument."

Nope. If it can be shown that the "case law" is not founded on anything in the Constitution, that that case law is bad and should be overturned.

THUS, it is not a "failed and ignorant argument".
At least you're consistent at being wrong.

Separation of church and state can be found here in the Constitution:

“[T]he First Amendment's language, properly interpreted, had erected a wall of separation between Church and State.” McCollum v. Board of Education (1948)

Again, the Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court, authorized by the doctrine of judicial review, Articles III and VI, and in accordance with the original intent and understanding of the Founding Generation.

“But that's not in the Constitution” is a failed and ignorant 'argument.'

You may disagree if you wish, ignore it to your heart's content, but that won't change the settled and accepted fact that the Supreme Court determines the meaning of the Constitution, a fundamental fact of law beyond dispute.

What if it was "IMproperly interpreted"?

YOu cite a ruling, but without the justification or reasoning for that ruling.

That is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority.
Liberals quickly to the defense of muslims and mosques.

They have nothing but cliches.

Stupid ass hypocritical clowns. All of them.
And this illustrates the stupidity and bigotry common to many on the right – as if there's something 'wrong' with being Muslim, or 'wrong' to defend Muslim Americans from the bigotry and hate that manifests among many conservatives.

Tell it to the women of Cologne, or the children of Rotherham.
Nowhere can this be found in the constitution. Nowhere. It does say, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Period. Nothing more.

What's so hard to understand about that?

The article @ Myth Busted: ‘Separation of Church and State’ clearly relates how anti-religious organizations have conducted a campaign to frighten pastors from speaking on political ideals from their pulpits, often using outright lies as part of their threats.

It's about time pastors speak up.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

"But that's not in the Constitution" is a failed and ignorant "argument."

Nope. If it can be shown that the "case law" is not founded on anything in the Constitution, that that case law is bad and should be overturned.

THUS, it is not a "failed and ignorant argument".


The Constitution explicitly forbids the WORDS "establishment of religion", so ... if we want the government to establish religion ... then we'll just have to give that old pernicious thing a new name ... let's call it "intermingling of church and state". The constitution doesn't forbid those words! That's so smart ... ROFL

And this old "case law" should be ignored ...

Is the proposition to be maintained, that the constitution meant to prohibit names and not things? That a very important act, big with great and ruinous mischief, which is expressly forbidden by words most appropriate for its description; may be performed by the substitution of a name? That the constitution, in one of its most important provisions, may be openly evaded by giving a new name to an old thing? We cannot think so. - See more at: FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

Your belief system that I was playing some word game is incorrect. YOu are welcome to try again.

I can see what you're doing. Your denial is disingenuous. If you aren't playing a word game, then explain the comment you made within the context of this discussion (i.e., the alleged "myth" pertaining to separation of church and state). Identify the relevant cases that are "not founded on anything in the Constitution" and explain why they should be overturned.

I don't think you do see what I am doing. My denial is not disingenuous.

My comment is clear. If the "case law" is not founded on anything in the Constitution, that that case law is bad and should be overturned.
In Australia the churches contract all the homeless shelters, charity orgs and employment agencies. It's disgusting. They use tax payers money to push their crazy rubbish.

We do a lot of that here. Google faith based initiatives.
Well they dont survive from the collection plate.

You're right. The people who say the churches should take care of the poor so the government doesn't have to just don't understand that the churches aren't doing it.
They are taking the governments money though. Bastards.

I think that money is probably going to what it is designated for, but without government funding, the churches wouldn't even be scratching the surface as far as helping the poor.
No one goes to church. Its dead. Just as Jesus would have wanted.
It's only Judeo Christianity the leftists go after. Because they know it's the one true God.
Public schools teach Islam and force children to convert to Islam and not a peep from the about any separation.

Fed-Up Marine Dad Confronts School Officials Over Daughter’s Mandatory Islam Assignment — Here’s How They Responded

Wow what a douche . God forbid the schools talk about Islam , it's only in the news every day .

Next he'll complain about the kids learning about dinosaurs .
It's only Judeo Christianity the leftists go after. Because they know it's the one true God.
Public schools teach Islam and force children to convert to Islam and not a peep from the about any separation.

Fed-Up Marine Dad Confronts School Officials Over Daughter’s Mandatory Islam Assignment — Here’s How They Responded

If Islam is taught in schools academically as in a world religions class - that is not unconstitutional. Same with Christianity. When kids are made to pray, singled out for not praying, or in anyway descriminated against or made to feel as though the religious, whether Christian or Muslim (or any other religion or nonreligion), are favored in the school - that is unconstitutional.

Because Christianity is the dominant religion in the United States, and I assume you are a sheep of that flock, it just seems to you that those who fight for civil rights (you know, as you put it: leftists) have a problem only with Judeo Christianity.

I don't like Islam more than I don't like Christianity. And as much as I don't like religion of any kind, I like the US Constitution far more. Freedom of religion is extremely important to me, for Christians, Muslims, and atheists.
It's only Judeo Christianity the leftists go after. Because they know it's the one true God.
Public schools teach Islam and force children to convert to Islam and not a peep from the about any separation.

Fed-Up Marine Dad Confronts School Officials Over Daughter’s Mandatory Islam Assignment — Here’s How They Responded

If Islam is taught in schools academically as in a world religions class - that is not unconstitutional. Same with Christianity. When kids are made to pray, singled out for not praying, or in anyway descriminated against or made to feel as though the religious, whether Christian or Muslim (or any other religion or nonreligion), are favored in the school - that is unconstitutional.

Because Christianity is the dominant religion in the United States, and I assume you are a sheep of that flock, it just seems to you that those who fight for civil rights (you know, as you put it: leftists) have a problem only with Judeo Christianity.

I don't like Islam more than I don't like Christianity. And as much as I don't like religion of any kind, I like the US Constitution far more. Freedom of religion is extremely important to me, for Christians, Muslims, and atheists.

An interesting theory. One that is not supported by anything.
It's only Judeo Christianity the leftists go after. Because they know it's the one true God.
Public schools teach Islam and force children to convert to Islam and not a peep from the about any separation.

Fed-Up Marine Dad Confronts School Officials Over Daughter’s Mandatory Islam Assignment — Here’s How They Responded
The course in question was a history class and had lessons about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions. The father was banned for being an asshat and making threats of disruption.
Someone please show me the words 'Separation of church and state' in the Constitution. someone please show me the words 'Freedom FROM Religion'.

Neither exist.
Has anyone seen any stupid fucking left wing piece of appeasing shit criticize islam? Me neither. No, when they INCLUDE Christianity (you know how they do it. when they claim "all religions" that is them not attacking islam. That is them being the PC gutless cowards they are) it is not them criticizing islam.

Lets see. They hate Israel. They hate Christianity. They incessantly support islam who still systematically executes gays for being gay. Stone women for being raped. Posts the methods in which infidel women should be brutally raped, hence what we are seeing all across Europe all to the silence of the fucking left.

What does the left do? They attack Israel about the mythical plight of the palestinian people. They, like everything else, are completely ignorant about history. They are spoon fed the propaganda (all lies) from the typical left wing web sites and "news sources." Even if I took the time to reveal the facts to these losers now (like I have about the transatlantic slave trade that proves blacks started that) it will not matter one bit to the left wing losers.

Not one thread started by any of these fucking left wing losers about islam? No, not even when there were islam foot baths placed in the San Fran international airport on tax payer dimes.

On taxpayers’ tab: Muslim prayer room, foot baths at San Francisco International Airport

Watch folks. All of a sudden it is really not that big of a deal. They are only being "inclusive" don't you know? Not one protest. Nothing. Now watch them do the old.....nothing should be done for "any religion."

Ever notice too how the left never attack Natives for their beliefs in a deity? Oh no no no no. You will never see that. In fact they somewhat participate with them and honor that.

The left are so fucking annoying. No reason at all to engage in some vein attempt to convince them of their blatant hypocrisy and double talk. They will never acknowledge it. I am pretty sure that fellow conservatives see how pathetic they are about everything. Especially this subject.

Again, when they criticize islam they always make sure to include ALL religions (well Jewish and especially Christianity) when they do. They never ever ever attack Natives for their beliefs. They will never say anything derogatory about Buddhists or Hindus. If they do, they will do their old inclusive thing. Interestingly enough though, they will never do their "inclusive thing" when they blatantly attack Israel or Christianity. They are always exclusively prejudice with those. Watch how they post.

They are all losers. No exceptions.
It's only Judeo Christianity the leftists go after. Because they know it's the one true God.
Public schools teach Islam and force children to convert to Islam and not a peep from the about any separation.

Fed-Up Marine Dad Confronts School Officials Over Daughter’s Mandatory Islam Assignment — Here’s How They Responded
The course in question was a history class and had lessons about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions. The father was banned for being an asshat and making threats of disruption.
The course on Islam was for 2 weeks, Christianity 2 days. Forcing children to take a pledge of Islamic faith is not teaching - it's forced indoctrination of a religion.

But thanks for validating the left have no problem with separation of church and state as long as Judeo Christianity is not involved.
It's only Judeo Christianity the leftists go after. Because they know it's the one true God.
Public schools teach Islam and force children to convert to Islam and not a peep from the about any separation.

Fed-Up Marine Dad Confronts School Officials Over Daughter’s Mandatory Islam Assignment — Here’s How They Responded

Wow what a douche . God forbid the schools talk about Islam , it's only in the news every day .

Next he'll complain about the kids learning about dinosaurs .
Thanks for validating the left have no problem having public schools force children to take the pledge of Islamic faith.
It's only Judeo Christianity the leftists go after. Because they know it's the one true God.
Public schools teach Islam and force children to convert to Islam and not a peep from the about any separation.

Fed-Up Marine Dad Confronts School Officials Over Daughter’s Mandatory Islam Assignment — Here’s How They Responded
The course in question was a history class and had lessons about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions. The father was banned for being an asshat and making threats of disruption.
The course on Islam was for 2 weeks, Christianity 2 days. Forcing children to take a pledge of Islamic faith is not teaching - it's forced indoctrination of a religion.
But no one was force to take a pledge of Islamic faith. And why does the length of time make a difference? I would assume most American students are more familiar with Christianity than Islam.

But thanks for validating the left have no problem with separation of church and state as long as Judeo Christianity is not involved.
What are you talking about?
When a teacher asks a child to write about the 3 most influential people in their life, one of them turns out to be Jesus, and the teacher gives the child an 'F' and writes on the paper 'Remove Jesus from your essay', THAT is a problem. This happened recently, and the parents - and community - got appropriately pissed.

Liberals are adding more and more 'Islam' in school while attempting to silence Christianity. If you don't think so then you aren't a parent / don't know what's going on.

When an Attorney General comes out after an Islamic Extremist terrorist kills 12 Americans and threatens Americans and their free speech, we have a problem.

When we walk on egg shells and do whatever it needs to be done not to 'offend' Islam. Of course many Muslims will tell you the Bible offends them...anyone BREATHING who refuses to convert 'offends' some. I honestly believe that many Liberals are appeasing cowards. They are about willing to do anything to appease Islam / Muslims...partly because they know those crazy mothers will cut your head off, burn you alive, or bomb your city if you 'offend' them. They know Christians, on the other hand, will 'turn the other cheek' and remain passive.

As someone who has fought for this nation's freedom for 30 years, I have / see a problem with that. I am also well versed and smart enough to know, however, that the Bible tells us it will get much worse.
When a teacher asks a child to write about the 3 most influential people in their life, one of them turns out to be Jesus, and the teacher gives the child an 'F' and writes on the paper 'Remove Jesus from your essay', THAT is a problem. This happened recently, and the parents - and community - got appropriately pissed.

Liberals are adding more and more 'Islam' in school while attempting to silence Christianity. If you don't think so then you aren't a parent / don't know what's going on.

When an Attorney General comes out after an Islamic Extremist terrorist kills 12 Americans and threatens Americans and their free speech, we have a problem.

When we walk on egg shells and do whatever it needs to be done not to 'offend' Islam. Of course many Muslims will tell you the Bible offends them...anyone BREATHING who refuses to convert 'offends' some. I honestly believe that many Liberals are appeasing cowards. They are about willing to do anything to appease Islam / Muslims...partly because they know those crazy mothers will cut your head off, burn you alive, or bomb your city if you 'offend' them. They know Christians, on the other hand, will 'turn the other cheek' and remain passive.

As someone who has fought for this nation's freedom for 30 years, I have / see a problem with that. I am also well versed and smart enough to know, however, that the Bible tells us it will get much worse.
It's only Judeo Christianity the leftists go after. Because they know it's the one true God.
Public schools teach Islam and force children to convert to Islam and not a peep from the about any separation.

Fed-Up Marine Dad Confronts School Officials Over Daughter’s Mandatory Islam Assignment — Here’s How They Responded
The course in question was a history class and had lessons about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions. The father was banned for being an asshat and making threats of disruption.
The course on Islam was for 2 weeks, Christianity 2 days. Forcing children to take a pledge of Islamic faith is not teaching - it's forced indoctrination of a religion.
But no one was force to take a pledge of Islamic faith. And why does the length of time make a difference? I would assume most American students are more familiar with Christianity than Islam.

But thanks for validating the left have no problem with separation of church and state as long as Judeo Christianity is not involved.
What are you talking about?
There you go again, doing gymnastics of lies to defend government indoctrination of religion - as long as it's not Judaism or Christianity. Your an ass for assuming Americans know all about Christianity. You're living proof of your delusion.

Schoolwork about Islam triggers backlash in Virginia county

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