But Britain has gun control, right? How did we miss this story about gun crime in Britain?

Nope......you ignore my argument....my point has always been they confiscated guns in Britain, they also have extreme gun control in Britain....and their criminals get guns easily.....and they prefer fully automatic rifles...

I ignore your argument because it is STUPID.

UK has 48 gun murders a year.

We have 11,101.

WE h ave a problem. They have a handle on it.

This isn't fucking complicated.

'But they didn't get rid of every possible gun!"

That wasn't the point. The point was to get rid of the guns used to settle that argument over who drank the last can of beer, not to get rid of that gun that is used to determine who controls the drug trade on the east end.

Because when the police aren't wasting their time cleaning up thoe murders, they can put their attention to the important stuff.

In this co untry, we arm police like soldiers because the NRA has dumped so many guns on the street, some of our big cities are more dangerous than Iraq.

wrong....normal people are not shooting each other over beer, especialy in Britain but even here......normal people do not commit murder or gun murder.......again..here is the actual research twit.........

The Kate and Mauser study.......


One reason the extent of gun ownership in a society does not spur the murder rate is that murderers are not spread evenly throughout the population. Analysis of perpetrator studies shows that violent criminals—especially murderers—“almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behav‐ ior.”37 So it would not appreciably raise violence if all law‐ abiding, responsible people had firearms because they are not the ones who rape, rob, or murder.38 By the same token, violent crime would not fall if guns were totally banned to civilians. As the respective examples of Luxembourg and Russia suggest,39 individuals who commit violent crimes will either find guns despite severe controls or will find other weapons to use. 40


The “more guns equal more death” mantra seems plausible only when viewed through the rubric that murders mostly in‐ volve ordinary people who kill because they have access to a firearm when they get angry. If this were true, murder might well increase where people have ready access to firearms, but the available data provides no such correlation. Nations and

areas with more guns per capita do not have higher murder rates than those with fewer guns per capita.53

Nevertheless, critics of gun ownership often argue that a “gun in the closet to protect against burglars will most likely be used to shoot a spouse in a moment of rage . . . . The problem is you and me—law‐abiding folks;”54 that banning handgun posses‐ sion only for those with criminal records will “fail to protect us from the most likely source of handgun murder: ordinary citi‐ zens;”55 that “most gun‐related homicides . . . are the result of impulsive actions taken by individuals who have little or no criminal background or who are known to the victims;”56 that “the majority of firearm homicide[s occur] . . . not as the result of criminal activity, but because of arguments between people who know each other;”57 that each year there are thousands of gun murders “by law‐abiding citizens who might have stayed law‐abiding if they had not possessed firearms.”58

These comments appear to rest on no evidence and actually con‐ tradict facts that have so uniformly been established by homicide studies dating back to the 1890s that they have become “crimino‐ logical axioms.”59 Insofar as studies focus on perpetrators, they show that neither a majority, nor many, nor virtually any murder‐ ers are ordinary “law‐abiding citizens.”60

Rather, almost all mur‐ derers are extremely aberrant individuals with life histories of violence, psychopathology, substance abuse, and other dangerous behaviors. “The vast majority of persons involved in life‐ threatening violence have a long criminal record with many prior contacts with the justice system.”61 “Thus homicide—[whether] of a

stranger or [of] someone known to the offender—‘is usually part of a pattern of violence, engaged in by people who are known . . . as violence prone.’”62

Though only 15% of Americans over the age of 15 have arrest records,63 approximately 90 percent of “adult mur‐ derers have adult records, with an average adult criminal career [involving crimes committed as an adult rather than a child] of six or more years, including four major adult felony arrests.”64

These national statistics dovetail with data from local nineteenth and twentieth century studies. For example: victims as well as offenders [in 1950s and 1960s Philadelphia murders] . . . tended to be people with prior police records, usually for violent crimes such as as‐ sault.”65

“The great majority of both perpetrators and victims of [1970s Harlem] assaults and murders had previous [adult] arrests, probably over 80% or more.”66 Boston police and probation officers in the 1990s agreed that of those juvenile‐perpetrated murders where all the facts were known, virtually all were committed by gang members, though the killing was not necessarily gang‐ directed. 67 One example would be a gang member who stabs his girlfriend to death in a fit of anger.68 Regardless of their arrests for other crimes, 80% of 1997 Atlanta murder arrestees had at least one earlier drug offense with 70% having 3 or more prior drug of‐ fenses.69

A New York Times study of the 1,662 murders committed in that city in the years 2003–2005 found that “[m]ore than 90 percent of the killers had criminal records.”70 Baltimore police figures show that “92 percent of murder suspects had [prior] criminal records in 2006.”71 Several of the more recent homicide studies just reviewed
No moron...their criminals get guns....when they want or need them.....I have posted the street shootings the drive buys the murders by criminals.......they confiscated guns from the very people who would not use them to commit crime or murder....

Yawn... Criminals being able to get guns is not a good reason to let YOU have one.
And here we have from December a story about sweeps for guns in gang territory.....in Britain? No....say it aint so...this is just not possible...they confiscated guns...they banned guns....right?

but....British cops don't carry guns...right? Is that why they are arming more and more of them...because their criminals use pillows and not guns for crime....?

Police to start armed patrols in London's gang crime hotspots

Scotland Yard is deploying armed patrols in gang crime neighbourhoods this week in a tough crackdown on youth violence.

Marksmen in armed response vehicles are being targeted to wards with high gang tensions and the highest number of gun discharges in the capital.

The move is part of a week long initiative to tackle a surge in gun discharges and gang crime offences in London.

Wow...even British teenage thugs like fully automatic weapons.....

The move comes amid concern about the number of teenage homicides in London this year and a resurgence in gang activity.

In another drive against firearms in the week after the Paris atrocity, police seized 17 guns - including a fully loaded Mac-10 machine gun found hidden in a house in north London, it was revealed today.

Ironically, I think we would have more freedom today if the US had stayed under the royal crown.
And we're going to get three more pages of postings from Gunnut.com that Dick Tiny spends his days wanking off to.

Wow...you are dumb and you can't read either....

The Study is actual research into killers and who they are........twit....

See.....joe keeps bringing up penises into the discussion because...well...he doesn't have one...and since he doesn't have one he doesn't understand that normal people...men...who have penises.....don't feel the need to talk about them all the time when talking about all the other issues......

He is fascinated by that which he does not have.............so he is obsessed with them....
Hardly made a diff.. Did it? But the rates of ASSAULTS, RAPES, AND OTHER violent crime went up..

again, the problem is, those crimes are all subjective. The British count any touching of naughty bits as a sexual assault, while the US has to have full penetration.

You are regular suppository of misinformation ain'tcha? Sexual assault is PENETRATION in the US?? Not even close... Don't date.. In fact, don't breed.

No wonder you resort to ridiculous dick insults and pulling scary looking graphs off of google. That's about all you understand apparently. Murder rates are not SINGULARLY determined by access to guns. It's a simple truth.

Those Chicago gangs would just learn how to make explosives and booby traps. Maybe shoot arrows sideways. Or go to poison darts.

BTW -- what are women who own guns compensating for? Dick-less boyfriends and husbands?

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