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But, But China...! Bah!!!


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
With the escalating tensions between North Korea, and the US; a recurring theme has emerged. The left's fear of China. One has to wonder as to what that fear is actually based upon. Is it the fear of China's "overwhelming military superiority"? Or are they just afraid that their favorite places to swipe their EBT cards (Walmart) will have to jack up prices...?

Not that anyone should pine for such a conflict; it is becoming ever apparent that the North Korean situation can end in only one way... War!

For any of you limp wristed pussies who actually believe China will honor their word to sit this one out, should Fat Boy Kim strike first... I've got a bridge to sell you. War with North Korea is inevitable. The only question is when.

Now as for you fear of the big bad red dragon.. Do you really believe that China has what it takes to defeat the US in open warfare? Now before you hastily answer; bear in mind that I'm refferring to open warfare, under leadership one who is willing to loose the dogs of war; with only one rule of engagement; "Win. By any means necessary". We have that leader in Donald J Trump.

Try not to answer through the pussified lens of "what would Obama do?"... As we have already seen; and as such, we know the answer to that question. Nothing...

So... Being realistic, war is a foregone conclusion. It's just a matter of when. Do you feel that your people are obligated to suffer the first blow of death, and carnage before we engage the enemy? Are you willing to offer up your families, and yourselves in the initial salvo, as a show of your resolve? And what on earth makes you think we couldn't absolutely wipe the floor with China under a leader who is willing to destroy them without hesitation, or hinderance. Why are you so afraid of China? One way or another were going to be fighting them.
China has not only stated, but has no reason, to war with America. We make up a massive chunk of their economy. I do not think they will back NK against us even despite the fact that NK provides them with all the resources they need to build shit to sell to us; I suspect they'd rather buy AND sell to us than have neither - which would be the case if they went to war with us regardless. My 2 cents.
China has not only stated, but has no reason, to war with America. We make up a massive chunk of their economy. I do not think they will back NK against us even despite the fact that NK provides them with all the resources they need to build shit to sell to us; I suspect they'd rather buy AND sell to us than have neither - which would be the case if they went to war with us regardless. My 2 cents.
I've considered that as well. Even if we should attack first; NK will be gone. Then it's a matter of money. Who makes them more profit? NK, or the US? There is a fair chance China's bluffing. We want trade with China. China needs trade with the US. We are China's economy.
How many iPhones do N Koreans buy?

This is a fight they'll avoid
I can't imagine NK spends a whole lot of cash with China. And what they do spend comes from global hand outs, that we, and other counties give them to build their arsenal; but promise not to use it. We've allowed this monster to grow. Its beyond time we stopped feeding it. In fact it's time to kill it. Before it kills a bunch of us.
With the escalating tensions between North Korea, and the US; a recurring theme has emerged. The left's fear of China. One has to wonder as to what that fear is actually based upon. Is it the fear of China's "overwhelming military superiority"? Or are they just afraid that their favorite places to swipe their EBT cards (Walmart) will have to jack up prices...?

Not that anyone should pine for such a conflict; it is becoming ever apparent that the North Korean situation can end in only one way... War!

For any of you limp wristed pussies who actually believe China will honor their word to sit this one out, should Fat Boy Kim strike first... I've got a bridge to sell you. War with North Korea is inevitable. The only question is when.

Now as for you fear of the big bad red dragon.. Do you really believe that China has what it takes to defeat the US in open warfare? Now before you hastily answer; bear in mind that I'm refferring to open warfare, under leadership one who is willing to loose the dogs of war; with only one rule of engagement; "Win. By any means necessary". We have that leader in Donald J Trump.

Try not to answer through the pussified lens of "what would Obama do?"... As we have already seen; and as such, we know the answer to that question. Nothing...

So... Being realistic, war is a foregone conclusion. It's just a matter of when. Do you feel that your people are obligated to suffer the first blow of death, and carnage before we engage the enemy? Are you willing to offer up your families, and yourselves in the initial salvo, as a show of your resolve? And what on earth makes you think we couldn't absolutely wipe the floor with China under a leader who is willing to destroy them without hesitation, or hinderance. Why are you so afraid of China? One way or another were going to be fighting them.

So you don't fear China huh? Well, one day you will. Problem is that the US won't go to war with China because the US knows it can't bully China like it does with Iraq, Libya, Syria etc etc. The Powell Doctrine is in full flow.
China has not only stated, but has no reason, to war with America. We make up a massive chunk of their economy. I do not think they will back NK against us even despite the fact that NK provides them with all the resources they need to build shit to sell to us; I suspect they'd rather buy AND sell to us than have neither - which would be the case if they went to war with us regardless. My 2 cents.
I've considered that as well. Even if we should attack first; NK will be gone. Then it's a matter of money. Who makes them more profit? NK, or the US? There is a fair chance China's bluffing. We want trade with China. China needs trade with the US. We are China's economy.

And a total lack of understanding of the whole affair on your part too.

North Korea wouldn't just be gone with one attack. And whatever happens will be more complex than you think.
The problem isn't China and it's military today, it is China and it's military tomorrow.

If the West just continues to prop up this back stabbing, dirty, expanding Communist state, you can be sure America and the West will be looking at a Chinese military which will be superior one day, it's inevitable. So why are some so eager to help out this Communist, anti-democratic, liberty oppressing powerhouse government in China?

If any of these businesses went there and spoke of human rights, freedom and virtue, they would be met with a boot in the behind or worse. Where is the support for the many millions in China who have the courage to stand up to their oppressive regime in the face of imminent death in many cases, while so many in the West in the comfort of our air conditioned homes (some in their mansions) are more than happy to appease and arm this government?

I say it's about time America plays hardball with China, really at what better time and what better administration will it occur? China has to stop North Korea and/or replace the government in N Korea. Hit China with sanctions, hit them hard, don't apologize for it to either to the Commies or Western businesses who can't see past their short term quarterly profits. This has now gone well beyond the unchallenged expansion in the South Southern Sea by China, which threatens many U.S allies, and is now at the point of all out nuclear war of the West. Play time is over, nice talk is over. Carry a big stick and swing it with gusto, it's the only language abusive, totalitarian governments understand.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
China has not only stated, but has no reason, to war with America. We make up a massive chunk of their economy. I do not think they will back NK against us even despite the fact that NK provides them with all the resources they need to build shit to sell to us; I suspect they'd rather buy AND sell to us than have neither - which would be the case if they went to war with us regardless. My 2 cents.
I've considered that as well. Even if we should attack first; NK will be gone. Then it's a matter of money. Who makes them more profit? NK, or the US? There is a fair chance China's bluffing. We want trade with China. China needs trade with the US. We are China's economy.

And a total lack of understanding of the whole affair on your part too.

North Korea wouldn't just be gone with one attack. And whatever happens will be more complex than you think.
Cool straw man. Build it yourself? No one said they'd be "gone in one attack", but you.
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The Chinese people are not nearly as isolated as the NK people are. The people of China would certainly not want to go to war with us, I'm quite sure. I think the only reason why China props up NK is because they are the only other communist regime, but I feel that China is slowly moving away from a strict communist ideology and are becoming more and more capitalists.
China props NK because NK provides a healthy portion of their resources - it's not about political ideology...
One thing this conflict points out is the difference in media reports of the same situation. The right wing is reporting that China tells NK it will not help if NK starts anything. The left wing media is reporting that China told the US it will intervene if the US starts anything. Both are true, it's just what each side wants it's minions to believe.
China has not only stated, but has no reason, to war with America. We make up a massive chunk of their economy. I do not think they will back NK against us even despite the fact that NK provides them with all the resources they need to build shit to sell to us; I suspect they'd rather buy AND sell to us than have neither - which would be the case if they went to war with us regardless. My 2 cents.
I've considered that as well. Even if we should attack first; NK will be gone. Then it's a matter of money. Who makes them more profit? NK, or the US? There is a fair chance China's bluffing. We want trade with China. China needs trade with the US. We are China's economy.

And a total lack of understanding of the whole affair on your part too.

North Korea wouldn't just be gone with one attack. And whatever happens will be more complex than you think.
Cool straw man. Build it yourself? No one said they'd be "gone in one attack", but you.

Think about what happens if North Korea isn't gone in one attack, it means they fight back. Think about the Powell Doctrine.
China has not only stated, but has no reason, to war with America. We make up a massive chunk of their economy. I do not think they will back NK against us even despite the fact that NK provides them with all the resources they need to build shit to sell to us; I suspect they'd rather buy AND sell to us than have neither - which would be the case if they went to war with us regardless. My 2 cents.
I've considered that as well. Even if we should attack first; NK will be gone. Then it's a matter of money. Who makes them more profit? NK, or the US? There is a fair chance China's bluffing. We want trade with China. China needs trade with the US. We are China's economy.

And a total lack of understanding of the whole affair on your part too.

North Korea wouldn't just be gone with one attack. And whatever happens will be more complex than you think.
Cool straw man. Build it yourself? No one said they'd be "gone in one attack", but you.

Think about what happens if North Korea isn't gone in one attack, it means they fight back. Think about the Powell Doctrine.
A fight, fought by us unencumbered by leftist pussy ideology; we'd win.
China may not want a War with us but they would want a unified Korea and the loss of N. Korea which would be very possible should we go to War with them.

Whether we like it our not, China has long considered them allies even though they are getting fed up with the little Fat Man as well.

The best we can hope for is to get China to take him out and restore order there, secure the NUKES..............I simply don't see that unless we pressure them on the economic front to try and force this option.

Beyond that.............the little Fat Man cannot keep threatening everyone without a response, and given we really don't know if he is really a lunatic a response would have to be OVERWELMING on the Nuke sites from the onset..............Just 1 getting out would kill a lot of dang people.

Then the artillery barrage across the DMZ would kill a lot of people in Seoul............

It's a dang ugly situation that has been left alone for too long.................hopefully the Chinese can put his ass back on a leash. WIll they........doubtful
One thing this conflict points out is the difference in media reports of the same situation. The right wing is reporting that China tells NK it will not help if NK starts anything. The left wing media is reporting that China told the US it will intervene if the US starts anything. Both are true, it's just what each side wants it's minions to believe.

Yeah, it's hard to know what to believe anymore. Pretty sad.
China has not only stated, but has no reason, to war with America. We make up a massive chunk of their economy. I do not think they will back NK against us even despite the fact that NK provides them with all the resources they need to build shit to sell to us; I suspect they'd rather buy AND sell to us than have neither - which would be the case if they went to war with us regardless. My 2 cents.
I've considered that as well. Even if we should attack first; NK will be gone. Then it's a matter of money. Who makes them more profit? NK, or the US? There is a fair chance China's bluffing. We want trade with China. China needs trade with the US. We are China's economy.

And a total lack of understanding of the whole affair on your part too.

North Korea wouldn't just be gone with one attack. And whatever happens will be more complex than you think.
Cool straw man. Build it yourself? No one said they'd be "gone in one attack", but you.

Think about what happens if North Korea isn't gone in one attack, it means they fight back. Think about the Powell Doctrine.

I say follow the Gadaffi Doctrine.

In my opinion, if war is unavoidable the first wave of attack in the dozens, hundreds if need be, would be the place where Little Kim sleeps at night. Take him out and the path to peace becomes much easier.

I remember before Desert Storm, "the Mother of all battles", remember that? It was supposed to be a multi-year campaign, the campaign was complete in the blink of an eye.

North Korea might have a strong army and air defense, but it's like any target. The nation doesn't move, it's a stationary piece of land. America and it's allies need to engage hard now and rile up the North Korean citizens with propaganda/facts, pamphlets dropped from the skies as were done in the past. Expose the lies of North Korea and how they are being isolated and used, sponsor some regime change internally with the promise of great economic benefits. Let the little sob who dares threaten you with a nuke attack that not only will there be war, but he will not be a ruler much longer.

I was fully supportive of a peaceful solution in the past, I still am, but the marker has moved significantly, this guy has nukes and has threatened America, it's territory and allies.. Hell, notice even Obama has been quiet of late, probably realising there are serious issues facing America and it's best he stay out of things and let those in power (let's face it, the generals in the case of war time) find the solution they see fit.

Just as I have always supported free trade, but won't simply drink from the kool-aid indefinitely when I see China stealing American wealth and expanding militarily, I cannot just say "hey, war is bad people will die" when the alternative is the death of millions of innocent citizens in the West.

Cannot and will not happen if any responsible government and WORLD leaders are concerned. This is a global problem.
China props NK because NK provides a healthy portion of their resources - it's not about political ideology...

I would think it would be the other way around, that China provides for the NK. What resources does the NK have?
I can only imagine real estate that is hidden from the prying eyes of outsiders. A place where they can conduct their top secret research, in exchange for propping up Fat Boy.

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