"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

I didn't address antisemitism by Democrats because I don't see any sign of it. I'm sure you could find a couple Democrats, somewhere, that are hair on fire antisemitic, but those aren't representative of the group. Of course, disagreeing with some of Israel's actions isn't the same as being antisemitic.

Burning the Israeli flag outside of the DNC? Not one Democrat attended the opening of the embassy in Jerusalem. If that is not antisemitic behavior then what is? Open your eyes.

Oh, you mean the protesters who burned the Israeli flag outside the DNC and chanted GO HOME and FUCK HILLARY? I'm pretty sure the DNC didn't have much to do with that. Not showing up at the moving of our embassy had more to do with opposing an obviously confrontational move on our part than it did with antisemitism. You'll note, we moved our embassy on trump's orders. Israel didn't make that call. You keep stretching to find something to whine about, but neither of those qualify as antisemitism.

All prior Presidents promised to do so. Trump just had the balls to do it. We are off topic but the flag burners were pro HRC. You really need to open your eyes.

Prior presidents realized it would be an unnecessarily confrontational act.
Protesters torch Israeli flag outside Democratic National Convention

Left Wing Protestors was the first sentence. They were Sanders supporters. BUT HILLARY wasn’t left enough. Your party has gone insane. Elections of Tlaib and Omar proves my point.

If I say you are right and give you a cookie will you go away?
Burning the Israeli flag outside of the DNC? Not one Democrat attended the opening of the embassy in Jerusalem. If that is not antisemitic behavior then what is? Open your eyes.

Oh, you mean the protesters who burned the Israeli flag outside the DNC and chanted GO HOME and FUCK HILLARY? I'm pretty sure the DNC didn't have much to do with that. Not showing up at the moving of our embassy had more to do with opposing an obviously confrontational move on our part than it did with antisemitism. You'll note, we moved our embassy on trump's orders. Israel didn't make that call. You keep stretching to find something to whine about, but neither of those qualify as antisemitism.

All prior Presidents promised to do so. Trump just had the balls to do it. We are off topic but the flag burners were pro HRC. You really need to open your eyes.

Prior presidents realized it would be an unnecessarily confrontational act.
Protesters torch Israeli flag outside Democratic National Convention

Left Wing Protestors was the first sentence. They were Sanders supporters. BUT HILLARY wasn’t left enough. Your party has gone insane. Elections of Tlaib and Omar proves my point.

If I say you are right and give you a cookie will you go away?

It is not about right or wrong it is about understanding why, I an Independent cannot vote for Democrats any longer. You called it my right wing views but that is not the case at all. It is your party moving toward antisemitism. Aka hatred of Jews and Israel the only Jewish state in the world. And the only true Democracy in the Middle East. I accept your surrender, Leftist.
Now that Hillary is coming out and mocking her critics this thread should be used more often. She seems to be enjoying making fun of her haters now that most of the world is doing the same.
Not sure why anyone cares about HRC. She was the embodiment of the corporate establishment.
I'm sure that I'm not the only one to notice so many "BUT HILLARY" posts throughout this site A discussion will be ongoing, and suddenly a totally unrelated "BUT HILLARY" will appear. I'm not sure if it is an effort to change the subject, or if right wingers just have to say that so many times a day, so they just throw them out whenever they think about it. Either way, this is where you can put all those "BUT HILLARYs" without disrupting a conversation, or being laughed at for doing it. In an emergency, I'm sure this thread will also work for any "BUT OBAMA" or "BUT PELOSI" sentiments you might need to express as well.
We had 8 years of but Bush on these forums so you have 5 more years of but Hillary before you can say a dam thing
Now that Hillary is coming out and mocking her critics this thread should be used more often. She seems to be enjoying making fun of her haters now that most of the world is doing the same.

The crazies remind me of a poor old guy who worked for the same company all his life, but then the company went out of business. His only skills are related to that company so he is useless anywhere else. Now he spends every day reliving his disagreements with management of a company that doesn't even exist.
Now that Hillary is coming out and mocking her critics this thread should be used more often. She seems to be enjoying making fun of her haters now that most of the world is doing the same.

September 28, 2018
Hillary Clinton's Favorable Rating Still Low


Its lower then Trumps

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